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1、定时训练(10).专题特训(介词与介词短语)1Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems _ themselves, and solve their problems _ themselves.Ato;by Bby;to Cfor;to Din;on解析句意:大多数美国人宁愿有问题自己扛和靠自己解决问题。考查介词。keep sth to oneselfnot tell other people about sth不把某事告知别人。如:Id be grateful if you kept this information to yours

2、elf.这事你若能保密则不胜感谢。by oneself “单独地,独自地”。答案A2Shes got the job because she has the advantage _ others of knowing many languages.Aover Babove Cagainst Dbeyond解析句意:她得到了那份工作,由于她有超越其他人的优势,那就是她懂很多种语言。考查介词。have the advantage over sb “赛过某人”为固定搭配。答案A3We do not think the twelfth fiveyear plan for our city is pra

3、ctical _ recent developments.Ain view of Bin favor ofCin case of Din memory of解析句意:就最近的进展状况来看,我们认为我们的第12个5年城市规划是不实际的。考查介词短语。in view of “鉴于,考虑到”。易错选C。混淆了in view of和in case of的含义。答案A4My daughter is really _ Weibo these days; she spent hours on it daily.Aup Binto Conto Dwith解析考查介词搭配。句意:我女儿最近对微博很着迷,她每天都

4、在上面花费几个小时的时间。be into.意为“对着迷,热衷于”。符合语境。故答案选B。答案B5The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _ the floors. People in it had no way out and were in panic.Aamong Bon Cbetween Din解析考查介词辨析。句意:那栋高楼的电梯出了故障,被卡在了两层楼之间。困在里面的人没方法出去,他们都很慌张。依据常识可知,电梯应是被卡在任意两层楼之间,表示两者之间应用“between”一词。故答案选C。答案C6Who is

5、 it up _ decide whether to go or not?Ato to Bor for Cto for Dwith to解析考查介词。句意:由谁打算去还是不去呢?up to sb to do sth “由某人打算做某事”。答案A7There is no need for you to go on a diet; you are only slightly overweight _ your height.Ain case of Bin relation toCin return for Din response to解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:你没有必要节食,你和你的身高相比,

6、你只是略微超重。In case of万一;in relation to和相关;in return for作为回报;in response to回应。依据题意可知选B项。答案B8What do you mean _ saying “The boy is overgrowing”?I mean that he is tall _ his age.Aabout;with Bas to;forCby;for Dby;to解析考查介词的用法。句意:“The boy is overgrowing”是什么意思?我的意思是:他比他这个年龄的孩子高。你的意思是什么常用句型“What do you mean by

7、.?”,故第一空填by;其次空表示对于他这个年龄的孩子来说,故用for,所以本题选C项。答案C9Repair work is _ progress on the southbound lane of the highway and will continue until June.Aon Bin Cof Dat解析考查介词的用法。进展中常用表达in progress,故本题选B项。答案B10Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give _ oxygen to us.Ain case Bin turnCin retu

8、rn Din addition解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:一些植物能吸取我们呼出的二氧化碳并放出氧气。In case万一;in turn相反;in return作为回报;in addition另外。依据题意可知选C项。答案C11After the earthquake,the villagers decided to build a monument _ the rescue workers who lost their lives.Ain search of Bin place ofCin need of Din memory of 解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:震后,村民们打算建筑一座纪念碑

9、以纪念那些失去生命的救援工作人员。in search of查找;in place of代替; in need of需要;in memory of纪念,依据句意可知选D项。答案D12You must have spoken to him today._ I havent.AAs a matter of fact BFrankly speakingCUnluckily DYoure right解析考查介词短语辨析。句意: 你今日肯定和他说过话了。实际上,我并没有和他说话。must have done表示对过去的猜想,意为:肯定。As a matter of fact实际上,故选A。Frankly

10、speaking坦白的说;Unluckily不幸的是;Youre right.正是这样。答案A13Mike is kind,determined and full of energy._,I cant speak too highly of him.AAs a result BIn a wordCBy the way DOn the contrary解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:麦克是一位和善,有决心并布满活力的人。总之,我怎么表扬他都不过分。In a word总之;as a result结果;by the way顺便说一下;on the contrary相反。依据句意可知选B项。答案B14I

11、went along thinking nothing _,just looking at things around me.Ain brief Bin doubtCin particular Din harmony解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:我始终走着,没特殊想些什么,只是看看四周的东西。in brief简洁扼要地;in doubt 怀疑地;in harmony 和谐地;in particular特殊,尤其。依据句意故选C项。答案C15After walking a whole day, I was almost _,not feeling bad, though.Aout of shape

12、 Bout of breathCout of control Dout of order解析考查介词短语辨析。句意:走了一成天之后,我几乎喘不起来,但是也不怎么糟糕。Out of shape变形的,走样的,(人)身体不好;out of breath上气不接下气的;out of control失去把握的;out of order次序颠倒的,不整齐的,状态不好的。答案B16I looked _ the direction of the voice, only to find it was a lovely dog.Ato Btoward Cin Dfor解析考查介词词义辨析。句意:我顺着声音的方向

13、看去,结果发觉是一只可爱的小狗。in the direction of朝某个方向看,这里是固定短语,应选C项。答案C17It is said that about 60% of housewives have a brand _ before entering the store.Ain mind Bon saleCin possession Don purpose解析考查介词词义辨析。句意:据说60%的家庭主妇在购物之前心里都有一个品牌。in mind心中;on sale减价;in possession 拥有;on purpose有意的。依据题意选A项。答案A18_ sales of car

14、s up by 30% last year, the traffic in Beijing has become increasingly terrible.AAs BSince CFor DWith解析考查介词词义辨析。句意:伴随着汽车的销售去年增长了 30%,北京的交通变得越来越糟糕。as 作介词时,意为“作为;犹如”。since 作介词时,意为“自从”。for 作介词时,意为“为了;由于”。with 作介词时,意为“用;随着;和在一起”。本题在空格之后消灭了 last year,句中也消灭了现在完成时,很简洁让同学错选 since。 since 后使用表示过去的时间点,比如 1992,t

15、wo years ago,不是一般的名词词组。答案D19The sentence,which puzzled John,was also _ me and we had to turn to our English teacher for help.Abeyond Bover Cafter Doff解析考查介词词义辨析。 句意:这个句子难住了约翰,我也不会了,所以我们只好找英语老师帮忙。beyond超越,在那一边,beyond sb.超越了某人的力量或某人理解不了。答案A20Growing up in a tough environment, the brothers went _ thick

16、 and thin together.Aover Bacross Cwith Dthrough解析考查介词词义辨析。句意:兄弟俩在困难的环境中成长起来,一起经受了风风雨雨。go over 意为复习;go across穿过;go with和一起,后接人;go through经受,患病。依据题意可知选D项。答案D.阅读理解A 体裁:说明文话题:现代科技时间:5分钟Anyone who has ever lost keys or money wishes for a simple but effective way to make sure it never happens again.A US c

17、ompany is trying to help.Using a tiny microchip which is implanted into the arm,they have come up with a replacement for cash or credit cards that cannot be left at home or dropped on the bus.The Verichip is about the size of a grain of rice and works using radio frequency identification technology.

18、At a shop,a radio frequency “reader” would send a signal and the chip in your arm would respond with your unique identity number.That would give the “reader” your financial information,and money could be taken directly from your accounts and you wouldnt even have to reach for your wallet.The company

19、 also hopes to include other information on the chip,such as medical records,building security codes(密码)and passwords,making life even easier.But not everyone is happy with the developments.Critics say that a lot can go wrong with the chip.A clever thief could build a fake(假的) reader that would stea

20、l your information without you knowing.So your money could still be stolen.Privacy is a big issue too.Stores,or even the government,only need to track the chip to find out what you buy,how much you spend and where you go.And if you want to get rid of your chip,you would need an operation to remove i

21、t.【语篇导读】本文主要介绍了一种新产品the Verichip。1The Verichip is_Athe identity number Bthe security codeCa tiny microchip Da radio reader解析细节理解题。由其次段提到的“a tiny microchip which is implanted into the arm”和第三段的第一句可知,the Verichip 大约像米粒那么大,再依据第三段其次句提到的“the chip in your arm”可知C项正确。答案C2Which is true of the Verichip?AYour

22、 information on it will always be safe.BMedical records have already been included.CYou can easily reach for your wallet using it.DAn operation has to be performed to remove it.解析细节理解题。依据最终一段中的“you would need an operation to remove it”可知D项正确。答案D3What can be inferred from the text?AAll people are sat

23、isfied with the chip.BThe Verichip company has financial problems.CThe chip needs improving to be widely accepted.DMany people have the experience of losing keys or money.解析推理推断题。依据第五段的内容可推知,芯片仍需改进。故选C项。答案C4The authors purpose of writing the text is most likely to _Awarn Badvertise Ccompare Dintrodu

24、ce解析写作意图题。本文为说明文,主要介绍了一种新产品the Verichip。故选D项。答案DB 体裁:说明文话题:人生经受时间:6分钟Bob Fox arrived in a wellused truck.He brought something to light a fire with,a smoker,a longhandled brush,a metal hive(蜂箱)tool,and a hive.As Bob moved about,he said in a low,calm voice,“Youd be amazed how many people call me with

25、a swarm(一大群)like this;and by the time I come,theyve destroyed the whole thing,down to the last bee.” We all shook our heads.Bob said this swarm was impressive,about 15,000 bees.He placed the hive in a proper place.Holding the smoker close to the swarm,Bob pumped the bellows(风箱)Smoke has a calming ef

26、fect on bees.Bob said this group was easy to deal with.They were heavy with honey,and their main purpose was to hold the group together until they could find a new hive.He continued to smoke the swarm and make the bees fall into the hive.Most bees would only follow the queen to a new living place (y

27、es,she has ladiesinwaiting that tend her every need)By dusk,most of the bees had disappeared into the hive.“Well,it looks like weve got them all,” I looked hopefully in Bobs direction.He paused.“If you dont mind,well wait a bit longer,” he said. “They have sent out scouts,and I want to be sure we do

28、nt leave any behind.” So we waited.And,look! Scouts returned.If the hive is healthy,the bees will increase in population.When the queen senses that its time for the hive to split,she will lose weight so she can fly,and then leave the hive with a large part of the bees.The bees left behind will hurry

29、 to hatch another queen and rebuild.If one day you find a swarm of bees in your backyard,call a local beekeeper.Then sit back and enjoy the show.Get your camera,because youll want to share this amazing phenomenon with everyone you know,especially children.And if youve gone this far,you might as well

30、 buy a hive of your own.We did.【语篇导读】假如你家后院有一窝蜜蜂,你就可以叫来当地的养蜂人,然后你就可以安静地坐着观赏养蜂人是如何娴熟地把大群的蜜蜂魔术般地收入蜂箱。本文叙述的就是养蜂人Bob Fox 逮蜜蜂的过程。5Bob thought the bees werent difficult to handle mainly because _Athey were too heavy with honey to move about Bhis smoke had a better effect on themCall of them were heavy in

31、weightDthey didnt find a new hive解析考查细节理解。依据第三段最终一句“They were heavy with honey,and their main purpose was to hold the group together until they could find a new hive.”可知,这群蜜蜂在找到新的蜂窝之前会聚集在一起,所以Bob认为这群蜜蜂不难收集。答案D6Bob wanted to wait a little longer because _Athere might be some bees that hadnt come back

32、Bthose bees he had sent away didnt returnCthe longer he stayed,the more honey hed collectDthe queen hadnt turned up解析考查细节理解。依据第五段可知,Bob认为蜜蜂会派出侦察员,这些侦察员现在可能还没有从外面返回,Bob不想把它们落下。所以A项正确。答案A7We can infer from the last but one paragraph_Athere is only one queen in a hiveBthe queen will leave if she finds

33、no one supports herCthe queen must keep fit to control othersDfatty queens are not welcome in a hive解析考查推理推断。文章的倒数其次段讲到,蜂王感觉到了该分家的时候便会携大批蜜蜂飞走,而剩下的蜜蜂便赶忙孵化另一只蜂王,文中的another queen是解题的关键,据此可推断出,一个蜂窝里应当只有一只蜂王。答案A8What do we know of Bob Fox?AHe is a local beekeeper.BHe is fond of smoking the bees for fun.C

34、He usually makes the bees fall into the hive and kills them.DWhen people are attacked by a swarm of bees,hell be called to drive them away.解析考查细节理解。文章最终一段第一句话“假如你在你家后院发觉了一窝蜜蜂,就给当地的养蜂人打电话”示意Bob是当地的一位养蜂人,全文对他捕蜂过程的描述也证明白这一点。答案A【长难句解读】原文Get your camera,because youll want to share this amazing phenomenon with everyone you know, especially children.译文带上你的相机,由于你会想与你生疏的每一个人尤其是孩子们共享这惊人的现象。分析该句是一个祈使句,其中包含一个由because引导的缘由状语从句,在该从句中还有一个省略that的定语从句you know修饰先行词everyone。

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