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1、教育资源 学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:六年级 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题状语从句2学习目标1掌握连词if, unless, when, as soon as的用法;2灵活迁移阅读信息到写作表达中去。教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索教学建议:让学生分享各自对于“昨日重现”这首歌曲的感受,并请学生补全歌曲中空缺的单词,单词是when,进而引出本节课的时间状语从句连词。Yesterday Once MoreCarpenters i was young id listen to the radiowaiting for my favorite songs they pla

2、yed id sing along,it make me smile.those were such happy times and not so long agohow i wondered where theyd gone.but theyre back again just like a long lost friendall the songs i love so well.every shalala every wowostill shines.every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre startingto sing so fine they get

3、 to the partwhere hes breaking her heartit can really make me cryjust like before.its yesterday once more.(shoobie do lang lang)looking back on how it was in years gone byand the good times that hadmakes today seem rather sad,so much has changed.it was songs of love that i would sing to themand id m

4、emorise each word.those old melodies still sound so good to meas they melt the years awayevery shalala every wowo still shinesevery shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre startingto singso fineall my best memorise come back clearly to mesome can even make me cryjust like before.its yesterday once more.(sho

5、obie do lang lang)every shalala every wowo still shines.every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting to singso fineevery shalala every wowo still shines.【教学建议】此环节教案预期时间60分钟。1. 回顾上节课并列连词与从属连词的区别;2. 复习原因状语从句与让步状语从句,并造句;3. 在讲解if条件状语从句中,注意if与unless 的用法,学生容易混淆,用实例区分两者的用法;【知识梳理1】 if 假如; 如果; 倘若; 要是 I. 从属

6、连词: unless如果不就;除非否则 =if not II. if的用法 if(如果) 引导条件状语从句:时态多遵循主将从现的原则 e.g. If it doesnt rain, we will go to the park next Sunday. If you ask him, he will help you if(是否) 引导宾语从句:时态需根据具体情况而定 e.g. He asked whether/if we wanted a drink. He didnt know whether/if we should write or phone. III. unless 的用法unle

7、ss和if.not的用法常常是相同的: e.g. Youll fail in French unless you work harder. Unless England improve their game, theyre going to lose the match. 【巩固练习】I. Multiple Choices 选择最佳答案1. If it _ fine tomorrow, I will go hiking with you.A. is B. was C. will be D. being2. I like summer best among the four seasons, _

8、 I can enjoy the long summer vacation. A. but B. becauseC. so D. Though3. You cant learn English well _ you practice more. A. if B. because C. unless D. after4. Dont let such a thing happen again, _ you will lose your job! A. and B. but C. or D. so5. Do you know if he_ to play football with us? I th

9、ink he will come if he _ free tomorrow. A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be6. _ you improve your writing, youll lose marks in the exam. A. Before B. BecauseC. Unless D. if7. Online games are very interesting, _we cant spend too much time on it. A. and B. or C. so D.

10、 but8. You will stay healthy _ you do more exercise, such as running and walking.A. before B. if C. though D. until9. Try your best, _ you will make great progress in your English study. A. but B. if C. or D. and10. I dont know if his uncle _. I think he _if it doesnt rain.A. will come; comes B. wil

11、l come; will come C. comes; comes D. comes; will comeKeys: ABCCC CDBDBII. Sentence Rewriting 改写句子1. Work harder, or youll not succeed in your new job. (保持句意基本不变) _ _ work harder, youll not succeed in your new job. 2. I shall leave the restaurant if the waiter doesnt come soon. (保持句意基本不变)I shall leav

12、e the restaurant _ the waiter _ soon. 3. Unless you clean your teeth regularly, you will get toothache. (保持句意不变)_ you clean your teeth regularly, you will get toothache. 4.If you dont clean your teeth regularly, you will get toothache. (保持句意基本不变) You_ get toothache_ you clean your teeth regularly. 5

13、. You will be unhealthy if you dont do exercise regularly. (保持句意基本不变)You will be unhealthy_ you_ exercise regularly. Keys: 1. Unless you 2. unlesscomes 3. If dont4. willunless 5. unlessdo【知识梳理2】 when 当的时候 I. 从属连词: 连接两个或两个以上的分句。 as soon as 一就 II. When的用法1) 作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,意为“什么时候; 何时”。 e. g. When will

14、 they come back?2) 作为连词,引导时间状语从句。主将从现 When Summer comes, We will go to the beach. When I was in Japan, I bought some beautiful pearls. When I reached the station, the train had left. He was still smiling when his wife came in.u 【知识拓展】: While表时间的用法 They were singing while we were dancing. 【注意】1)when表

15、示“当的时候”,从句中既可以用延续性动词,表示状态或时间段,也可以用非延续性动词,表示动作或时间点; 2)while表示“当 的时候”、“在期间”,从句中只能用延续性动词,表示状态或时间段。III. as soon as的用法: Ill write you as soon as I get there. (主将从现) As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with pleasure. (一般过去时)【巩固练习】I. Choose the right answer.1. Did you give Dick a call? I didnt need t

16、o _ Ill see him soon.A. when B. though C. until D. because2. He will come here right away _ he hears the news.A. so B. as soon as C. because D. though3. Your French is so good. How long have you been in France? _ I was five. A. Until B. Since C. When D. Before 4. We didnt go home _ the old man was s

17、ent to the hospital. A. until B. though C. while D. as soon as5. _ the 632-meter Shanghai Tower is finished, it will be the second tallest building in the world.A. When B. SinceC. Before D. Unless6. I told him the news _ he came back yesterday.A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. though7. Frank _ to

18、see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow.A. will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be8. _ I got back, I found my mother cooking for me.A. When B. Before C. Since D. Although9. Tom rushed into the house_ his mother was cooking.A. as B. before C. while D. after10. _ Amy likes to

19、go to the cinema, but she doesnt like to see horror films.A. Since B. As C. Though D. / 11. What was your brother doing at this time yesterday?He was reading a magazine _ I was writing an e-mail at home.A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while12. A good friend always gives you a helping hand _ youre

20、 in trouble. A. when B. before C. until D. though13. Will you please give the dictionary to Jane?Sure, Ill give it to her _ she arrives here.A. before B. until C. because D. as soon as14. The students will plant trees if it _tomorrow.A. didnt rain B. hasnt rained C. wont rain D. doesnt rain15. Will

21、you help him _ you see an old man lying in the middle of the street?A. though B. when C. because D. unlessKeys: DBBAA BCACD DADDB1 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;2 相互交换批改,或通过优先选择等互动方式讲解练习,表扬正确率最高的学生;让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上;基础题I. Choose the best answer. (备注:日校期中真题)1. You can see a lot of people on the Nanji

22、ng Road Walkway. A. walks B. to walk C. walking D. to walking2. Passengers dont buy tickets now. They put money in a box . A. also B. too C. instead D. either3. What Shanghai in 10 years time? A. will, like B. is, like C. is, be like D. will, be like4. My brother has Shanghai for two years. A. gone

23、from B. left C. been away from D. been away5. He can the windows and doors. But he cannot do any well. A. cleaning, cooking B. cleaning, cook C. clean, cooking D. clean, cook6. I spend three hours to the museum. A. take bus B. by bus C. walking D. on foot7. Tomorrow Im going to see my aunt. It is .

24、A. five minute walk B. five minutes walk C. five minutes walk D. five minutes walk8. People like to travel by ferry. Then time will be wasted. A. Fewer, fewer B. Less, less C. Fewer, less D. Less, fewer9. Jane wants to know _ she will be like when she is 24.A. When B. where C. what D. why10. I like

25、salty rice dumplings _ meat. The meat is very delicious.A. with B. in C. without D. within 11. -Thank you so much for helping me with the suitcase! -_ A. My pleasure B. you are right! C. with pleasure! D. Its a pleasure! 12. His uncle left _ Shanghai last night. At 4:00 p.m., he arrive _ Pudong Inte

26、rnational AirportA. for, at B. to, in C. /, on D. from, to13. Beijing is _ Shanghai.A. in the north of B. north ofC. to the north ofD. on the north of14. How _ is it from XinZhuang to Nanjing Road Walkway?A. longB. manyC. farD. often15. It takes me about _ to finish my homework.A. two half hoursB. t

27、wo and half hoursC. two hours and halfD. two and a half hours16. There are about _ people in Bangkok.A. 8 millionsB. millions ofC. millionD. 8 millions of17. Theres _ space in my suitcase. You can put your clothes in it.A. manyB. littleC. fewD. plenty of18. My parents _ a magic camera for me as a bi

28、rthday present last Friday.A. bought B. broughtC. buyD. bring19. All passengers must _ the airport two hours before the departure time.A. arrive inB. arrive atC. reachedD. get20. Most of the students take _ advice.A. usB. weC .oursD. our21. I _ like this red skirt. A. very B. much C. really D. real2

29、2. Kittys job is _ sick people better. A. making B. to make C. makes D. makes23. We will do _ exercise every day. Its good for us. A. many B. too much C. fewer D. more24. Our hometown will be _ in the future. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. much beautiful D. beautifully25. -I think Shanghai will h

30、old the 2019 World Expo successfully. -_. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I agree C. No, I dont think D. No, I not agreeKeys: CCDCC CDCCA AABCD BDABD CBDBBII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 1. Fresh fruit and vegetables can keep us _. (health) 2. The Lantern Festival is on t

31、he _ day of the first lunar month.(fifteen) 3. Tom will be a reporter. (possible) 4. I watch too much television so I always have a _ (head) 5. Alice practices _ once a week. (swim) 6. There are many _ in Shanghai. (tour) 7. He visits his grandpa _ a week. (one) 8. The plane will leave at 11:30, so

32、the _ time is 11:30. (depart)9. My sister loves dressing up. She will _ be an actress. (possible) 10. I love _ hamburgers, theyre delicious. (eat) 11. Tom has toothache now so he eats _ sweets than before. (few) 12. I have _ to bring my handbag to classroom. (forget) 13. There is _ pollution in the

33、countryside than in the cities.(little) 14. Some students like all kinds of _. (act) 15. Kelly will be more _ in 15 years. (beauty) Keys: healthy fifteenth possibly headache swimming tourists once departurepossibly eating fewer forgotten less actors beautifulIII. Rewrite the following sentences as r

34、equired. 1. My mother did some cleaning yesterday. (一般疑问句) _ your mother _ any cleaning yesterday? 2. I have already been to Hainan Island. (否定句) I _ been to Hainan Island _. 3. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. (对划线部分提问)_ _is the capital of Japan? 4. Lets go on a picnic on weekends. (改为反意疑问句) Lets go

35、on a picnic on weekends, _ _? 5. Joe does housework for his mother at the weekend. (改为否定句) Joe _ _ housework for his mother at the weekend. 6. Id rather play games at home.(同义句转换) I _ _ play games at home. 7. Mrs Li bought some tomatoes and sausages.(改为否定句) Mrs Li _ buy any tomatoes _ sausages. 8. W

36、e should arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ at the airport two hours before the departure time? 9. Peter will be 165 centimetres tall. (对划线部分提问) _ will Peter be _? 10. His favorite subject is English. (保持拘役不变) He _ English _. 11. Alice needs to buy some flow

37、ers for her mother. (否定句) Alice _ _ to buy any flowers for her mother. 12. scarves, Grandma, bought, for, some, has, herself (连词成句) _. 13. the, wing, taste, delicious, chicken, salty, and, fried(连词成句) _. Keys: 1. Diddo 2. haventyet 3. Which city 4. shall we 5. doesnt do 6. Prefer , to7. didnt buy 8.

38、 Should arrive 9. What like 10. likes best 11. doesnt need12. Grandma has bought some scarves for herself. 13. The fried chicken wings taste salty and delicious.提高题Passage AA forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important. They provide both shelters and food _ birds, animals and insects. Birds make their nests in trees. Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of the trees.People in poor countries burn wood as fuel. We _ trees to make furniture and paper. Oil and coa

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