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1、语 篇 提 能.完形填空My name is Benjamin Belinski and I dont have a talent (才华) to show at talent night. But every day my teacher asks me to think of _1_.“Ill just have to be _2_, the day of the show,” I tell my _3_ one afternoon. “If you get a cold, be sure to cough on me.”“You must have a talent,” says Kat

2、e. “What are you _4_?”“Eating,” I answer. “Watching TV.”“Benjamin, be _5_,” Kate says and turns to our friends, “_6_, guys. What are Benjamins talents?”“Benjamin is _7_,” says Tommy. “He could make a comedy show.”“Yeah. Every _8_ could be about how I have no talents,” I say.“Benjamin,” says Olivia,

3、“maybe you dont know how to make a comedy show, _9_ you always get us together to do something fun.”What my friends say gets me _10_ and I come up with a plan. My teacher says thats a good _11_.In the next few weeks, I am busy making sure everything is prepared and _12_ for the show. On the night of

4、 the big event, when people _13_ the gym, they all agree it looks amazing, when the _14_ begins, each person with an act _15_ whose turn it is to perform.After the last act, _16_ stand on the stage and my teacher says, “Everybody worked hard to put together this impressive night. However, we should

5、give special _17_ to one person for making it go on so smoothly (顺当地). He _18_ behind the scenes, but please give a big hand to a special talent Benjamin Belinski, Producer!” People _19_ their hands as I step onto the stage.Benjamin Belinski, Producer. I _20_ being a producer and I bet that is my ta

6、lent.1A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing2A. sick B. popular C. sad D. famous3A. teacher B. parents C. audience D. friends4A. sure about B. worried about C. angry at D. good at5A. excited B. quiet C. serious D. quick6A. Come on B. Go ahead C. By the way D. To be honest7A. strange B. fu

7、nny C. crazy D. smart8A. mistake B. warning C. jokeD. puzzle9A. or B. and C. but D. so10A. relaxing B. thinking C. dreaming D. escaping11A. idea B. explanation C. feeling D. message12A. different B. ready C. special D. useful13A. passB. close C. enterD. find14A. classB. training C. meeting D. show15

8、A. knows B. notices C. understands D. realizes16A. producers B. workers C. students D. performers17A. help B. care C. praise D. description18A. rested B. practiced C. stayed D. waited19A. raiseB. clap C. washD. cover20A. loveB. imagine C. avoid D. miss答案与解析语篇解读 本文是记叙文。作者认为自己没有什么才华可以表演,在伴侣的启发下,他打算在幕后

9、统筹支配整场演出,使之井然有序,得到了大家的认可。1B 作者认为自己没有什么才华可以表演,老师却每天让他想出一些可以表演的东西,故something符合此处语境。2A 依据本段中的“If you get a cold, be sure to cough on me”可推想,作者跟伴侣埋怨说,期望表演那天自己“生病(sick)”。3D 下文中的“turns to our friends”提示了本题答案。4D 依据语境可知,Kate在帮作者想才华,所以问作者“擅长(be good at)”什么。5C 作者回答的Eating跟Watching TV并不是什么才华,所以Kate让作者“认真(serio

10、us)”点儿。6A Kate让伴侣们跟她一起想作者的才华,故Come on符合此处语境。7B见下一题解析。8C 依据Tommy的建议“He could make a comedy show”可推想,他认为作者很“好玩(funny)”,而作者却不以为然,认为假如表演喜剧的话,那么每个“笑话(joke)”都是关于自己没有特长的。9C “作者不会表演喜剧”和“他总是能把大家聚在一起做好玩的事情”分别是作者的不足和优势,故此处应用转折连词but。10B 依据本空后的“I come up with a plan”可知,伴侣们的话启发了作者,于是作者开头“思考(thinking)”,最终想出了一个方案。1

11、1A 依据上句中的plan可知,老师认为这个方案是个好“办法(idea)”。12B 本空跟prepared并列,表示作者在接下来的几个星期里,始终为演出劳碌,确保一切预备妥当。故ready符合此处语境。13C 表演当晚,当人们“进入(enter)”体育馆时,大家都全都认为体育馆看起来棒极了。14D见下一题解析。15A依据下段内容可知,整场演出都是由作者支配调动的,所以这里是指当“表演(show)”开头后,一切都井然有序,每个表演者都“知道(knows)”轮到谁上场表演。16D 当最终一个表演结束后,应当是全部的“表演者(performers)”都上台谢幕。17C 老师首先确定了全部人的功劳,然

12、后又提出有个人应当赐予特殊的“赞扬(praise)”。18C 依据下文的Producer及上文内容可知,作者并没有表演任何才艺,而是“待在(stayed)”幕后统筹支配整个演出。19B 依据老师的提议give a big hand to a special talent可知,当作者上台时,大家都为作者“鼓掌(clap)”。20A 依据文末的“I bet that is my talent”可知,作者最终找到了自己的才华,由此可推想,他“宠爱(love)”当制作人。.阅读理解What you communicate through your body language and nonverbal

13、 signals affects how others see you, how well they like and respect you, and whether or not they trust you. Unfortunately, many people send confusing nonverbal signals without even knowing it.Jack, Ted and Arlene are all speakers who have got disastrous results while communicating with others.Jack b

14、elieves he gets along great with others, but if you were to ask any of them, they would say that Jack makes them feel afraid. Rather than just look at you, he seems to eat you with his eyes. And he often shakes your hand so hard that it hurts. Jack is a caring guy who secretly wishes he had more fri

15、ends, but his nonverbal awkwardness (笨拙) keeps people at a distance.Ted is goodlooking, hardworking, and a smooth talker, but he seems to care more about his thoughts than others. When someone has something to say, TeD s wild eyes make him look like he wants to speak before they have finished. His i

16、nability to listen to others makes him unpopular with many people.Arlene is funny and attractive, but even though she keeps laughing and smiling, she looks nervous. Her shoulders and eyebrows (眉毛) are noticeably raised, her voice is high, and her body is stiff. Being around Arlene makes many people

17、feel uncomfortable.These smart, wellintentioned people try their best to connect with others. The sad thing is that they have no idea of the nonverbal messages they communicate. If you want to communicate effectively, avoid misunderstandings, and enjoy trusting relationships, its important to unders

18、tand how to use body language.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要叙述了非语言交际在人际关系中的使用。1Whats the problem with Jack?A. He cant keep a secret.B. He behaves improperly.C. He hates making friends.D. He means to frighten others.答案与解析B推理推断题。依据第三段的描述“Jack直勾勾地看着别人以及握手太用力”可知,他的行为举止不得体。2What do people think about Ted?A. He is carin

19、g.B. He is interesting.C. He is not a good listener.D. He is not a smooth talker.答案与解析C细节理解题。依据第四段的“he seems to care more about his thoughts than others”和“His inability to listen to others”可知,Ted不擅长倾听。3How is the text mainly developed?A. By using examples.B. By giving instructions.C. By presenting f

20、indings.D. By providing explanations.答案与解析A写作手法题。文章主要是通过列举Jack, Ted和Arlene三个人的例子来写作的。4Whats the main idea of the text?A. How to read body language.B. How to improve body language.C. Types of nonverbal communication.D. Nonverbal communication in relationships.答案与解析D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要叙述了非语言交际在人际关系中的使用。

21、.阅读理解七选五You will benefit in many ways from having a high level of emotional intelligence. _1_ Here are some ways to strengthen your EQ. Be openminded and agreeable. Openness and being agreeable go handinhand when it comes to EQ. _2_ A narrow mind is generally an indication of a lower EQ. To develop

22、a more open mind, seek to understand and reflect upon the emotions and ideas of others._3_When youre optimistic, its easier to see the beauty in life and everyday objects. In a way, being optimistic results in an open mind, making it an important element of improving your emotional intelligence. _4_

23、Practice communication skills.A high level of communication skills makes it easier to send and receive messages in a proper way. _5_ You can learn a lot about a person and their emotions by studying their body language.A. Allow space for personal growth.B. It is important to not only build on your v

24、erbal communication, but also to take note of your body language.C. Be optimistic.D. Indeed some people consider high EQ to be more important than having IQ.E. Be open to new ideas.F. Getting your ideas across is a key to your success.G. If you have a negative outlook on everything, how can you expect to be emotionally intelligent?答案1.D2.E3.C4.G5.B

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