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1、人教版九年级英语第6单元测试题九年级第三次月考试题 听力部分(共20分)第一节 对话理解,听下面得对话,从题目中得ABC三个选项中选择最佳答案、听每段话之前,您将有时间阅读各个小题。(10分)听下面得对话,回答第1小题。( )1、How does Cindy like her day off?A、It was awful B、It was nice C、It was interesting 听下面得对话,回答第2小题。( )2、What does Peter want to be?A、An artist、 B、An engineer、 C、An actor听下面得对话,回答第3小题。( )3、

2、What does the girl mean?A、She doesnt want the boy use it、B、She doesnt have one 、C、She wants the boy to be careful with it听下面得对话,回答第4小题。( )4、Whats the time now?A、7:30 B、8:30 C:8:00听下面得对话,回答第5小题。( )5、Where are they talking?A、In a museum B、In a park C、In a restaustrant听下面得对话,回答第6小题。( )6、Where are the t

3、wo speakers?A、In a hospital B、In a hotel C、In a factory听下面得对话,回答第7小题。( )7Whats the womens advice?A、To go on working B、To have a good rest C、To take some medicine 听下面得对话,回答第810小题。( )8、What are Barry and Sandra doing now?A、Talking on the phone B、Watching a movie C 、Having lunch( )9、Why didnt Sndra get

4、 the tickets?A、Because she didnt have money 、 B、Because they were sold out 、 C、Because she forgot to buy it、( )10、What are they going to do tomorrow?A、Ask their firends for help 、 B、Go to another concert、 C、Watch the video on the internet第二节 反应 根据您听到得内容,从所给得ABC三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(5分)( )11、A、At 5:30 B、Sur

5、e C、You are so lucky、( )12、A、It was great B、For three hours C、sounds great、( )13、A、Well done B、Lets go 、 C、You are welcome、( )14、A、Jay Chou B、Noddles、 C、Dogs ( )15、A、Thank you ,too B、Do my homework、 C、Im sorry、第三节 笔录要点 根据您所听到得内容,填写下面得表格,每空不超过3个单词。(5分)。 Friendship Market Where it is On _16_How many F

6、loors it hasIthas_17_floors、Where the desserts are sold On the_18_floor、Where the clothes are soldOn the_19_Floor、When it was builtA t the end of_20_、笔试部分(100分)一、单项选择(15分)( )1、 I prefer watching TV to _ music every day、A、 listen to B、 listen C、 listening to D、 listening( )2、 Look at that girl _ name

7、 is Lucy、A、 who B、 whose C、 which D、 whom( )3、 I hate people _ talk much but do little、A、 who B、 that C、 which D、 whose( )4、 Do you know what _?A、 his favourite song is B、 is his favourite songC、 his favourite song D、 his most favourite song is( )5、 I like the music that I can sing _、A、 along and B、

8、 along with C、 with D、 along( )6、 I like this kind of music that I can dance _、A、 to B、 in C、 with D、 along( )7、 The story reminded me _ an experience I once had、A、 of B、 to C、 at D、 on( )8、 Mary sings English songs well and _、A、 Jane does too B、 either does Joes C、 so Janes does D、 so does Jane( )9

9、、 I didnt know _、A、where does he live B、 where do he liveC、 where he lives D、 where he lived( ) 10、He loves the countries _are clean and quiet、A、 what B、 where C、 that D、 Those( ) 11、 Singapore is a great place _ shoppingA、 to B、 to going C、 for go D、 for( ) 12、 He studied for the math test _ he cou

10、ld pass it、A、 in order to B、 so to C、 in order so D、 so that( ) 13、 The square(广场)can hold _ people、A、 two thousand of B、 thousands of C、 two thousands D、 two thousands of( ) 14、 Tony went to _ last night、A、 somewhere exciting B、 an exciting placeC、 somewhere excited D、 an excited place( ) 15、He dre

11、amed of _a movie star when he was young、 A、 become B、 became C、 becoming D、 to become二、 完型填空(10分) A)The Taj Mahal is Indias most famous building、 It is known _ _16 _ the eighth wonder of the world、 It also _17_ a great love story、In the year 1607, Emperor Shan Jahan of India _18 a girl in a market、

12、She was so beautiful _19_ he fell in love with her at once、 The _20_ name was Mumtaz Mahal、Five years later, Mumtaz and Shah Jehan got married、 They had 14 children、 _21Mumtaz died in 1630、 Shah Jahan missed his wife so much, then in 1638, he ordered the building of _22_ beautiful mausoleum(陵墓) on e

13、arth for her, the Taj Mahal、It _23_ 22,000 workmen 22 years to finish、 The beautiful white marble (大理石) building stands beside the Yamuna River、 It has expensive stones _24_ its walls、 By the way, to visit the Taj Mahal, youll have to take off your shoes and leave _25_ at the front door、( ) 16、 A、 a

14、s B、 for C、 to D、 at( ) 17、 A、 speaks B、 tells C、 says D、talks( ) 18、 A、 sees B、 seeing C、 saw D、 seen( ) 19、 A、 if B、 that C、 as D、while( ) 20、 A、 childs B、 babys C、 boys D、 girls( ) 21、 A、 And B、 But C、 Or D、 So( ) 22、 A、 the more B、 much C、 the most D、 quite( ) 23、 A、 took B、 takes C、 taking D、 t

15、ake( ) 24、 A、 in B、 on C、 with D、 at( ) 25、 A、 that B、 it C、 them D、 those三阅读理解(20分) A When you travel in HongKong,you must be careful of the traffic rules,because the traffic keeps to the left and its different from that of the interior(内地)of ChinaBefore crossing the street,you must look to the rig

16、ht and then to the left、 If the traffic lights are red,the traffic must stop, people can cross the zebra lineIf the traffic lights turn green,the traffic can go,people must not cross the road In the morning and in the evening,when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busyThe traffic i

17、s the most dangerous When you go somewhere by bus in Hong Kong,you have to be careful,too、 Do remember the traffic keeps to the leftHave a look first,or you may go the wrong wayIn Hong Kong, there are a lot of big buses with two floors、 Youd better sit on the second floorFrom there you can enjoy the

18、 city、 How wonderful it is! 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案:( ) 26、 The traffic must keep_ in the interior of China A、 right B、left C、 A and B D、 A or B( ) 27、If you cross the street in Hong Kong, you must look_、 A、 first right then left B、first left then right C、both sides D、only right( ) 28、In Hong Kong, cars and

19、buses can go at the crossing when the traffic lights are_、 A、 red B、 green C、yellow D、brown( ) 29、The traffic is busy_ in Hong Kong、 A、 in the morning B、in the afternoon C、in the evening D、 A and C( ) 30、When you travel in Hong Kong, why do you choose the second floor of a big bus with two floors? B

20、ecause_、 A、 it is clean here B、it is safe for travellers C、it is a good place to go sightseeing D、it is cheaper hereBNasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and sawsomethingwhite in his garden、 It seemed to be moving towards the house、 That is a thief! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开

21、枪) at him、 Then he went back to bed, because he was toofrightenedtogooutofthe house in the dark、 The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw oneofhiswhiteshirts hanging on the clothes-line in the garden, his wifehadwasheditthe day before and hung it、 Nowithadabullet- holeright through middle of it、

22、My God,” said Nasreddin, Iwaslucky lastnight、 If I had been wearing that shirt, the bullet would have killed me! And hecalledhis neighbors together and asked them to thank God for saving him、( ) 31、At midnight Nasreddin saw_in his garden、 A、 something strange B、 a thief C、something white D、a ghost (

23、 )32、Nasreddin was so frightened that he _、 A、 cried out for help B、dared not go out of the house C、dared not stay in his house D、couldnt say a word ( ) 33、 ThenextmorningNasreddin found_ 、 A、his wife in the garden B、the clothes-line C、 the thief dead D、a bullet-hole through the white shirt( )34、Nas

24、reddinsaidthat if he had been wearing that shirt_、 A、 he would be killed B、 hewould die C、he would have killed D、he would safe( ) 35、Hecalledhis neighbors together in order to_、 A、 make a speech B、tell thestory C、thank God D、thank them四任务型阅读(10分)Americans love sportsthey love to play them, to watch

25、them on television, and to talk about them、 But this hobby sometimes has serious resultsat least to the players、 For example, when people play tennis, sometimes they hurt their elbow(肘部)and in this way they develop “tennis elbow” Also it is easy to hurt a knee in a football game、 These injuries(损伤)h

26、appen while the player is having fun, but they still hurt、A few months ago, Kathleen Simmons, who loves playing volleyball, hurt her knee in a volleyball game、 Her doctor told her that she needed a very difficult operation(手术)or she might not be able to play again、 She felt very sad and didnknow wha

27、t to do、Then Simmons learned about “video operation”、 With the help of this new science in medicine, doctors can now repair many injuries and get people back on the playing field and back to their jobs much faster、 Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor t

28、here、 The doctors told her the operation could help、 For this operation, her doctor didnt have to open her knee、 Instead he put a very small camera lens(镜头)inside her knee、 The lens sent back pictures, which appeared on a television screen、 As he worked, he could see the inside of her knee on the TV

29、、 With the help of the large pictures on the screen, the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs、Simmons started walking five days after her operation、 “My knee hurt a lot the first few days,” she said、 “But I felt better very quickly、” Now, six months after her operation, Simm

30、ons can do everything she did before her injury、 “It feels like a new knee,” she said、 “I can even play volleyball again、”36、 Do Americans love sports?_ 37、 What sport is Simmons interested in?_ 38、 What did the doctor put inside Simmons knee?_ 39、 What problem may people have when they play sports?

31、_40、Whats the advantage(优点)of the new science?_五词汇用所给单词得适当形式完成句子。(10分)41、 Kevin is _ in stamp collection、 (interest)42、 As is _ to all, the earth is round、 (know)43、 Gu Changwei is one of the top _ in China、 (photograph)44、 I love places where the people are really _ (friend)、 45、 I want to go there

32、, because I like _ (excite)vacations、 46、 Would you like _ (drink)some orange juice? 47、 You look tired, why not _ (have)a short rest? 48、 His brother is considering _ (study)abroad、 49、 Its time for rest; lets stop _ (have) our lesson、50、 What color do you decide _ (buy)?六补全对话(10分) A) 选择适当得句子补全对话A:

33、 Hello、 Is that Whites Restaurant ?B: Yes、 _51_A: I want to know if you send take-away food、B: Sure、A: Id like to order something for my lunch、B: _52_A: Id like to have beef with potatoes and a hot dog、B: OK、 _53_A: No, thanks、 How can I pay you ?B: _54_ By the way, what time do you expect your lunc

34、h ?A: Around 11:30 a、m、B: _55_A: Oh, yeah、 Room 502 in Spring Building、B: Thank you、 See you then、A、 Anything else ?B、 What can I do for you ,Sir?C、 How much would you like?D、 Could you leave us your address ?E、 What would you like to have ?F、 Thats enough、G、 You can pay us when we send you the food

35、、七、 按要求进行句型转换(10分)56、 Do sports every morning、 (变为否定句)_ _ sports every morning、 57、 What other things can you tell me? (改写同义句)_ _ can you tell me? 58、 Albert found the key、 I lost the key yesterday、(合成一句)59、 She was ill, but she still went on working、(改为同义句)_ she was ill, she still went on working、6

36、0、 I didnt know how I could repair the bike、(改为简单句)I didnt know _ _ repair the bike、八、 根据汉语,补全英语句子。(5分)5、 别计划放学后踢球了。我们有许多作业要做。 Dont _ _ play soccer after school、 We have _ homework to do 、7、 我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真。I hope _ _、8、 在那个岛上没什么可做。 _ on the island、八、书面表达。(计10分)安徽黄山被联合国教科文组织定为世界自然文化遗产。假设外国友人到您校参观后,准备去旅游。请根据要点向外国友人简单介绍黄山(the Yellow Mountain )。(1)位于安徽南部,就是中国著名得旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客前去旅游观光。 (2)乘汽车去大约要花 3 个小时;也可以乘火车或飞机去。 (3)登山便可领略其云海(the sea of clouds)、奇松(wondrous pines )、怪石(unique rocks)等秀丽得风景及清晨美丽得日出。注意 1、 词数:60 词左右。2、 请不要逐字翻译

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