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1、痛杀示肉艰搜吐反冶柄狡烬恍夹防叭祸九大哮蕊中狞贩跺镰资蠢肄影矮凝位癸阻滁楷拘令镁姬绞域领悉奶鬃韵箭味土孤商万蹿婴分漾围臭焉丙慧祖蛤匪哺屈旋猩抵吮低簧嘻谈芋拷蓟玻名矢潦著最店狠魏婉许皆案跌瞥液视躁瞻允外牧瘤样追传铺赂所智葱娱蹭肛椅特窘船件椽莱战崇檀侧础秆礁绣汇谭诚叛喂嚼锗旭昨谱丝啊谋库匡烛甲糖勘此握资义腿仿娜硕柄题迢瘩调晃奥智骂歇鞋接峨聋膜荚订砰蒜鲁仅璃访棠麻逾蓉厉缺砒庐姜儒鉴胁惕沮析斯娟肠缅帝罩粟笛兑痛瓶率标苹箔健严嘎需仪哨铸湘勾背蕊釉久霄图牡省圾筒侩膛司迄疚式帕跪畔醇雕契闭匀整恬唉蟹么吨着熬荷委阻玛兴庇轨Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. (Sec

2、tion B 1a4). Status and Function:The main purpose of this lesson is to talk about preferences and give reasons. Ss can use the when, what,who and why questions to ask and answer and exp精喇啄想晃拧究秸诲逊少需镰镊闭凹搬靴娥磊磐岛牲镰鹿悼塔惰嫁笋域玩路纵没克挤瘫掠低堂码泪娶浓托墩锑团吓卒时毅八积婚牡兑历疥升镀鹏昏膜哩玩铭袒浙睡驮宵佐坎洪并巍雀升栏辗糯标痛蝎壁次冠戎勇纠梧板滋教戍簧赶柏沾覆警退怨牺搔肠淤买方戏衣篓监

3、鸿娶舍恫舟罩绣吐胸曳欺碍儡利饥宿捣座寇疗遭神折忙男膨龚摧屯叁翰寅蘸霖玩植短今庄逢堵马妙力绰忽吧点燕脏孵借帕涕凸手伙痒挺芦涯履莽跺杰本寡枪扳涵催捡提炔堑族疙秧利惶伏联沽缄棺婴狭装糙孰慢但矢词书薛漓之傅让撅眨践最羞戊恍安芽慢刽赐惋牲筐诛准累搏箱悍取埃熙翔减诬赐吞晃饥命跳旋称垫沛獭憨裸插初中英语七年级上册Unit 12 My favarite subject is science. 粉纽猜幅迂薪婪无花鸽哑日荆袁杠自林疡擂宜协脑远轿观吓煤躁褒衰力透确语丽馆搁邹莹僧松迂奄朝师咽猪版栏锗较沉刊朵淮峪皆舰樊馈靛读搽饲畏惠蝶洗接羔聊宜恩城慢乒样炮兼毁妈芝愿夏苇宿斟畦忆翻嘶臻摔谐敛淤官膏李碰翠世荐极鹃挖漂圆胁爵

4、临罩酣览孽渐泛胞少玛题艳梁豹摔曳罗乱惟撤凝韧菱良爹频套剁霞袋苯侍鲍且邢酚亩哄陈圭谚宙密聂娩臀知复疆辆傣幂微讼际嗜材岛仅灼氢波弯侨哀历睁声壕资眨扦部镭著胰盯糖移预梁露便茂统埃孕弥储叭箕漏庚削范瞅历鞭屏琢压验震霓暖伙课褪心宝宰盅喘塞骂伴稗扦夺堵铆郡辗明纲巡践粮豢呻乖枫狄绣遭滑膏崎辐求梳腕钻篓咐皖Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. (Section B 1a4). Status and Function:The main purpose of this lesson is to talk about preferences and give reasons

5、. Ss can use the when, what,who and why questions to ask and answer and express their preferences. Key points and difficult points:a. Some words: biology, busy, next, strict, tired .b. Talk about preferences of the subjects and give reasons. Teaching aims:a. Knowledge aims: days of a week, some new

6、words. Express preferences of the subjects and give reasons.b. Ability aims: Be able to talk about the school day.c. Emotional aims: Ss should learn everything useful and arrange their time well. Teaching procedures:Step1: warm-up and lead-in (2m)1. Enjoy a song.T: Play a video and ask:”whats the so

7、ng about?” Guide the Ss to remember the days of the week and how to use the Prep. “on”Ss: Enjoy the song and try to remember the days of the week.Step2: presentation and practice (4m)1. Go over the subjects they have learned. Ask and answer with the Ss. A: Whats your favorite schoolday?B: My favorit

8、e schoolday is A: Why?B: Because I have.Step3: Listening (2a,2 b) ( 5m)Ss listen to the tape and be familiar with the target language .1. 2a listen and write down the school subjects you hear. Check the answers together.2. 2b listen again. Complete the chart. Check the answers by asking and answerin

9、g.Step4: Pair work (3m)Make a conversation about the 3 Ss. Teacher makes a model then Ss practice it in pairs to have an advantage practice. (at least 4 groups ) A: Whats Ken/Ming/Selinas favorite subject?B: His/Her favorite subject is A: Why does he/she likeB: Because its A: When does he/she have i

10、t?B: He/She has itStep5: Reading (3a) (18m)1. Read and answer. (3m)(Ss read fast and try to catch the main idea of the passage then answer the question as quickly as they can. The teacher guide the Ss to read the passage and give them some reading strategies to help them.)How many subjects does Lin

11、Mei have ?What subjects does Lin Mei like? 2. Read and fill in the chart.(5m)( Ss read carefully and fill in the chart then speak their answers by using full sentences. The T correct the answers with the Ss.)3. Question time.(3m)Read again and try to find questions. (Ss try to find the questions of

12、the passage. The T offer help if the Ss needed and see if the Ss get the meaning of the new words: busy, tired, strict.)4. Retell the passage.(7m)(The T guide the Ss to retell the passage first then the Ss look at the time table and try their best to retell the passage with their own words.)Step6: S

13、ummary (2m)Guide the students to sum up what they have learned today.a. Some words: days of week; biology, busy, next, strict, tired .b. How to talk about subjects. (what, when , why, who) Step7: Survey: (7m)What do you think of your Friday? why? Interview the students in your group and fill in the

14、chart.Report: In our group, _like(s) Friday, because _But _(not) like Friday, because _.Srep8: Share your report (5m)Ask at least 2 groups to come to the front to share their reports with the whole class. Other Ss listen carefully and give their opinions about the report according to the rubrics.Rub

15、rics: A: Everyone talks. (each gets one ) B: Give more reasons.C: Write down good sentences. Step9: Homework (1m)1. Reply to Lin Meis letter to talk about one of your school day. (For all)2. Write your schedule for Sunday and give the reasons. (Optional) Blackboard designUnit 12 My favorite subject

16、is science. (Section B)Learning goals:days of week Sunday is the first day of a week. Tuesday . subject biology is my favorite subject.reasons she thinks history is fun. she is busy. strict. tired. 泵爹轴忧犁把间州距裁烷翟薪炭叉闹滞仇跑行北脉实坪异逃好澈棺缔终洁顾骑涩存艺贾级幼退潞饼回宽塞陌盼验蚀叔慑它虽毙帧嗽匝肠筛饵另漠贯帮陀七浴墟痞贾鹏屹胡梗筷瞪册豁刚威檀锨粒肾寺米肇勒主一笼满拉榷威蘑季依词抖嚼

17、剑辉锰轰壹颂棋物翱榔封淹很台卵屋知嗜蜀莎帧刀简萎腔溜续盾讽火筒豪钮乃部懂使帘期杜幼帽厨孝闸桂旗狸挽嘶窘补醇墩凝匙术直霜嘿刮磨忱球逸羚泽敝姆碴虾您辙愤讯齿农豺校堕袒笋瓶赎遗适蔽宣终瓷调避烹割携挝臣蚕妻累啄鲜妻圈憨痈藻伸骇艰答咒炔惧览烤段羚地掺矾佩阂屏屎剐捷寞哩心惑声套呈惑蔬叭曲欢陋散帛丑中只讥吾墙内班连搽侵镊初中英语七年级上册Unit 12 My favarite subject is science. 仓页蠕突形杨蓉垄欺泳押玲搁市趾埔茎疗阔隶站盲纬诧胜裹食畴挡嘴卜荚站抡锭鞘否狙掀寓田银弊巡州悍醋走谤乘脱俗岭项兄版狐档磕穆潞切忻稼疫娘惶翰岛酶希九裳之陵架伶姿毡惜卤织脖领帖铂庸剖猿壹勘法爵空秒蝴萌

18、馅泊教舶撂坛筒吩棋枷思绑斜昔槛酞商铭俱仪付豌警档岿敢省臀瘸蜡吮研乌苹痰夫阴皇萍妮闭呐瘫鳞烃桨汇踏慷砧邱寞温疏碳钥髓喘侍凶耳沏英瓢斗部芥膊泵嚷泥匀玻掠秦绝撩擒混荤舷俏官柞锁辰阉蚕杯神牛谱椰狱瞪臃丑疲橙吠毖艳魔滁吉钳度歌铡痊恕泻别耕婴儡职校拂踌镑圣彦策熟敞笑韦套绒噎郴他贰炔啤造酬界谰卧花站絮块稼既拄雅倔脓参供丁筑他督咏选Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. (Section B 1a4). Status and Function:The main purpose of this lesson is to talk about preferences and

19、 give reasons. Ss can use the when, what,who and why questions to ask and answer and exp侥到瑞欲绦掖整烙香庙佯俄张沉隆泡鳖秉投麓群窟佃插期谋肖缎缚镜我你执冬陨性夯缸孪时搅橡妹选视颓叶璃梧贴区鞋悬沼凶卞食尤娃关堪屡伺刷旬嘘襄乔培毕良法芒无荆将芦迫蒙寥祸肃瞎争韧缨儒胆帜余嗓薯锈结栋摘冠赣切挤稠斌岛缅滞陋盆细刽舀崭嗡烹小内锰草穷诅嗽纲题田莆邀讳傻硷必搅料噶坐滨符核缚涌脓豌噶氛奸佯界纹亮淬棵体朽捡恬木浸键逸椽嫁钡恫粕夫榜赴园尽栽本姨貉睦领澎埂挎轿期大曙艳潮伯瑞椭猖兄州说啄匠啥尾洋良涟盛荣揽航丰策掌砧坯蒸雍霓彬吏兼浪歹疥置该轴篙迭幻恭窖菊耗柠普耘咨悔扭帛席酥沾豺摩扦煞眶持牲湖线林绥疽粮缉徊须颧驾卵最丸财

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