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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-1反映项目经理和费用控制、进度控制、质量控制、合同管理、信息管理和组织与协调等主管工作部门或主管人员之间的组织关系的是( A)。A项目组织结构图 B项目结构图 CWBS D工作流程组织2建设工程项目管理规划属于( D )方的项目管理的范畴。A设计 B。施工 C供货 D业主3工程总承包企业按照合同约定,承担工程项目的设计、采购、施工、试运行服务等工作,并对承包工程的质量、安全、工期、造价全面负责的模式是( B )。A设计施工总承包 B、EPC总承包 CCM总承包 D三角承包4项目目标动态控制的第三步是( B

2、 )。A收集项目目标的实际值 B.如有必要,目标调整 C将项目的目标分解 D目标的动态控制5建设工程项目总承包的基本出发点是(D )。A总价包干 B交钥匙 C控制投资 D实现建设生产过程的组织集成化6建设工程项目决策阶段的主要任务是( C)。A定义项目范围 B确定项目目标 C定义开发或建设的任务和意义 D确定WBS7施工成本管理的任务主要有六项,首先是成本预测,其次是成本计划,成本计划后的紧后工作应为( B )。A成本分析 B成本控制 C成本核算 D成本考核8在施工项目完成后,按照施工成本目标责任制的有关规定,评定施工项目计划的完成情况和各责任者的业绩,并以此给以相应的奖励和处罚,这项工作是(

3、D )。A成本预测 B成本计划 C成本核算 D成本考核9合同中综合单价因工程量变更需调整时,合同另有约定除外,工程量清单漏项或设计变更引起的新的工程量增减,其相应综合单价由( A )提出。A承包商 B工程师 C发包人 D采用原合同价10在计算工程索赔时,以承包商为某项索赔工作所支付的实际开支为依据,向业主要求费用补偿的方法是( A )。A实际费用法 B修正实际费用法 C总费用法 D修正总费用法11工程项目总承包方编制项目设计建议书的依据是( AB )。A项目建设纲要 B设计纲要 C项目结构图 DWBS E。OBS12按照国际惯例,常用的索赔费用的计算方法包括(ADE)。A实际费用法 B直接费用

4、法 C间接费用法 D总费用法 E修正总费用法13成本分析的方法包括( ABCD)。A比较法 B因素分析法 C差额计算法 D比率法 E层次分析法14下列关于分部分项工程成本分析的表述正确的是( BCDE )。A分部分项工程成本分析的对象是拟完成的分部分项工程B分析的方法是进行预算成本、目标成本和实际成本的“三算”对比 C预算成本来自投标报价成本D目标成本来自施工预算 E实际成本来自施工任务单的实际工程量15由不同功能的计划构成的进度计划系统包括( ABE )。A控制性进度计划 B。指导性进度计划 C总进度计划 D年度进度计划 E实施性进度计划16单代号搭接网络计划中时间参数包括(ABC )等。A

5、STS BFTF CSTF DCPM EMPM17在下列所述线路中,(BC)必为关键线路。A双代号网络计划中没有虚箭线的线路 B时标网络计划中没有波形线的线路 C单代号网络计划中相邻两项工作之间时间间隔均为零的线路D双代号网络计划中由关键节点组成的线路 E单代号网络计划中由关键工作组成的线路18建设工程项目的总体规划关系到土地的合理利用、(BCE)等。A建设项目的质量目标;B功能组织和平面布局C竖向设计;D横向设计;E交通组织的合理性19建设工程项目进度控制的管理措施涉及(BCD )。A项目工艺管理 B管理方法和手段 C合同管理D风险管 E项目设计管理20建设项目总进度目标论证的工作步骤有(A

6、CE)。A调研收集资料B构造信息平台C项目工作编码分析资金偏差E编制层次进度计划一、单项选择题1持续改进是组织永恒的(A )。(A)追求、目标、活动(B)动力、目标、方向(C)追求、目标、结实 (D)动力、目标、结果2采购管理的原则有( C )。(A)全局性 (B)协调性 (C)成本效益 (D)目标性3选择项目采购方式的依据是( C )。(A)项目计划 (B)进度计划(C)采购计划和采购工作计划 (D)费用计划4( B )不是采购计划的依据。(A)范围说明书 (B)WBS (C)市场情况 (D)制约条件5编制综合计划的直接目的是( D )。(A)协调平衡 (B)资源合理使用 (C)便于沟通 (

7、D)提供项目基准6综合计划的作用有( B )。(A)保证项目成功 (B)指导项目实施 (C)提高项目管理水平 (D)提高项目效益7( C )不是项目的特点。(A)独特性 (B)临时性 (C)重复性 (D)有始有终8衡量项目成功的主要标准是( D )。(A)成本 (B)进度 (C)质量 (D)客户满意度9项目协调者最有可能出现在( C )组织环境中。(A)项目型 (B)矩阵型 (C)职能型 (D)事业部型10团队建设的必要先决条件是( A )。(A)高层管理的支持(B)团队成员的配置(C)个人表现的公开讨论(D)员工发展活动的资金支持11资源分解结构的代号是( C )。(A)WBS (B)OBS

8、 (C)RBS (D)BCWS12减少项目风险最佳方法是( A )。(A)实施较好计划(B)选高学历项目经理(C)引进项目管理成本控制系统(D)请技术专家任项目经理13在( C )组织形式中项目经理拥有最多的正式权力。(A)强矩阵型 (B)职能型 (C)纯项目型 (D)弱矩阵型14通常一个项目的四个阶段是启动、( C )。(A)完成,报告,收尾(B)初步计划,详细计划,收尾(C)规划,实施,结束(D)实施,报告,收尾15WBS是目标控制和评价的有力工具。(B )不会通过WBS生效。(A)时间、进度计划和成本 (B)工作质量(C)工作职责 (D)管理协调和组织结构16网络计划是在( B )阶段准

9、备的,而且是在( )阶段更新的。(A)概念,执行 (B)规划,实施 (C)计划,结束 (D)实施,中止17编制质量计划的一般要求有( C )。(A)坚持三全管理(B)坚持PDCA循环 (C)满足顾客期望 (D)注重过程管理18A工作结束8天后B工作才能结束,其正确表示是( C )。(A)FTS8 (B)STS8 (C)FTF8 (D)STF819大部分的项目费用通常发生在项目生命期的( C )。(A)概念阶段 (B)开发或设计阶段 (C)实施阶段 (D)收尾阶段20对于一个大型的复杂项目( A )组织是最佳的一种选择。(A)项目型 (B)矩阵型 (C)职能型 (D)事业部型21项目沟通的促进者

10、应该是( B )。(A)项目客户 (B)项目管理者 (C)数据库管理者 (D)项目秘书22项目的不确定性,是由项目( B )造成的。(A)风险 (B)独特性 (C)重复性 (D)组织临时性23已识别的项目要求,包括( B )。(A)潜在环保要求(B)合同中规定要求(C)残疾人特殊需要(D)项目各种文件中未明确规定的要求24平均值表示数据( A )。(A)集中的位置 (B)精确性(C)增殖率 (D)重合性25( C )是典型的项目。(A)企业的全部活动 (B)周而复始的活动(C)创新活动 (D)无任何限制的活动26计划、执行、控制三个过程在项目中( B )。(A)是一次性的 (B)是反复循环的

11、(C)不需要 (D)根据具体情况确定27指明最终产品在操作特性方面必须实现的可度量的性能,并且将产品性能风险置于承包人一方的文件称为( C )。(A)项目说明书 (B)设计说明书 (C)性能说明书 (D)范围说明书28项目正式启动的标志之一是( C )。(A)建立项目团队 (B)设立项目办公室 (C)颁发项目许可证 (D)项目发起29随项目任务逐一完成,其不确定性( D )。(A)高 (B)逐渐增高 (C)少 (D)逐渐减少30( D )不是合同管理行为的内容。(A)章程说明 (B)违约的规定 (C)合同变更协议 (D)项目经理的选择二、多项选择题1项目生命期可用于( ABCD )。(A)目标

12、设定 (B)规范化管理 (C)控制 (D)项目范围管理 (E)可行性研究2项目是一个特殊的将被完成的有限任务,它是在一定时间内,满足一系列特定目标的多项相关工作的总称。此定义可能包含的含义有(BCDE )。(A)项目是一项有待完成的任务,没有特定的环境与要求;(B)在一定的组织机构内,利用有限资源(人力、物力、财力等)在规定的时间内完成任务;(C)任务要满足一定性能、质量、数量、技术指标等要求;(D)项目的实施具有一定的风险;(E)项目目标有可能实现不了;3项目进展报告包括( BCDE )。(A)质量标准 (B)范围变化 (C)对偏差的预测 (D)未来的措施 (E)费用和进度4项目时间管理的技

13、术与方法有( ABE )。(A)项目管理软件 (B)PERT (C)德尔菲法 (D)WBS (E)资源平衡5关于利用横道图、CPM、PERT等进行项目计划时选择哪一种方法取决于( ABC )。(A)项目的复杂程度,项目的规模大小(B)对项目细节掌握的程度(C)项目的紧急性(D)成本估计时是否利用了以前的经验(E)项目经理的偏好6当项目所有成员无异议地对某一决策达成一致时,表示( ABD )。(A)所有成员都满意 (B)决策过程缓慢 (C)未来决策的能力提高(D)延误事机 (E)一定能使项目成功7项目费用管理包括( BCDE )。(A)奖金筹措 (B)资源规划 (C)费用估算(D)费用预算 (E

14、)费用控制8质量明示的要求,通过( ABDE )方式做出明确规定。(A)合同 (B)标准 (C)计划 (D)规范 (E)技术文件9项目采购需掌握必要市场信息有( BDE )。(A)货物产地(B)重要货物来源记录(C)货物运输方式(D)同类货物价格(E)对市场的分析、预测10一个高效团队的特征包括( ABCD )。(A)个人需要的满足 (B)强烈的归属感 (C)致力于团队目标(D)共享的利益 (E)团队领导权力的大小11让客户满意,主要体现在(AE )。(A)满足顾客合理要求(B)延长项目生命期(C)给予项目经理更多权力(D)让项目组织成员满意(E)听取顾客的意见12项目利益相关者一般是通过(

15、CD )联系在一起。(A)沟通 (B)规划 (C)合同 (D)协议 (E)职责13进度计划的表示方法有( ACDE )。(A)网络图 (B)控制图 (C)横道图 (D)里程碑图 (E)时标网络图14费用管理的技术和方法有( ACDE )。(A)香蕉曲线 (B)风险评审技术 (C)S曲线 (D)费用分解结构 (E)挣值法15质量管理的技术和方法有( ABCD )。(A)ISO 9000标准 (B)流程图 (C)抽样检查 (D)排列图 (E)类比法16项目综合管理的主要内容有( ABCD )。(A)范围与费用 (B)工期与费用 (C)工期与质量 (D)费用与质量 (E)采购与合同17项目质量管理过

16、程包括( ABC )。(A)质量计划 (B)质量保证 (C)质量控制 (D)质量改进 (E)质量审核18质量计划的内容包括( BCDE )。(A)质量保证 (B)合同评审 (C)过程控制 (D)不合格品控制 (E)质量审核19.管理的系统方法包括( ACE )。(A)系统分析 (B)系统决策 (C)系统工程 (D)系统评价 (E)系统管理20绩效测量技术有( BCE )。(A)绩效报告 (B)绩效审核 (C)趋势分析 (D)系统抽样 (E)挣值法Quick Quiz1. What three knowledge areas comprise the triple constraint of p

17、roject management?ANSWER: scope, time, and cost2. Name two tools and techniques that are unique to project management.ANSWER: Any of the following: project charter, WBS, Gantt chart, network diagram, critical path analysis, project cost estimates, earned value chart3. Modern project management began

18、 with what project?ANSWER: The Manhattan Project4. What is the designation for people certified as project managers by Project Management Institute?ANSWER:PMP for Project Management Professional5. What are the phases of the project life cycle?ANSWER: concept, development, implementation, and close-o

19、ut6. What are the project management process groups?ANSWER: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing7. What type of organizational structure gives the least amount of authority to project managers?ANSWER: functional8.Name two significant characteristics of effective project managers

20、?ANSWER: Any of the following: lead by example, are visionaries, are technically competent, are decisive, are good communicators, are good motivators, stand up to upper management when necessary, support team members, and encourage new ideas9.What are the three main processes of integration manageme

21、nt?ANSWER:project plan development, project plan execution, and integrated change control10.What is the main purpose of a project plan? ANSWER: to facilitate action or guide project execution11.What project management tool can you use to help manage relationships with different people involved in yo

22、ur project?ANSWER:a stakeholder analysis12.What is the main reason why firms invest in information technology projects? ANSWER: to support explicit business objectives13. If you have three independent projects with NPVs of $100, $400, and -$100, which project(s) would you recommend based solely on t

23、he NPV?ANSWER: Recommend the project with an NPV of $100 and the one with an NPV of $400. Both are profitable. If you must choose one project, recommend the project with the highest NPV$400 in this example.14. What document formally recognizes the existence of a project?ANSWER: a project charter15.

24、What is the main output of the scope definition process and is also an outcome-oriented analysis of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project? ANSWER: a WBS16.What is the most common type of task dependency? ANSWER: Finish-to-start17. What is the critical path on a p

25、roject?ANSWER: The critical path is the series of activities in a project network diagram that determines the earliest completion date of the project18. What is PERT? ANSWER: PERT is a network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the i

26、ndividual activity duration estimates. The PERT weighted averages formula is on pg. 141.19. What is the first step in project time management? ANSWER: Activity definition20.According to the 1995 CHAOS study, what was the average cost overrun on IT projects? What was it in the 2001 study? ANSWER: 189

27、 percent in the 1995 study; 45 percent in the 2001 study21. Suppose you sell 10 widgets per day on average, and the average cost per widget is $10. If you sold 11 widgets one day, what would the affect on profits be? ANSWER: There is not enough information to answer this question. You are given cost

28、s and asked to estimate profits. You do not know what the average profit is per widget. You might lose money by selling more widgets.22. What is another name for earned value? ANSWER: BCWP or budgeted cost of work performed23.Define quality and what is meant by stated and implied needs. ANSWER: Qual

29、ity is the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Stated needs are formally communicated either verbally or in writing. Implied needs mean the product is fit for use or can be used as it was intended.24. Who created fishbone diagrams, an

30、d what are they used for? ANSWER: Ishikawa developed fishbone diagrams, and they are used to trace complaints about quality problems back to the responsible production operations to find the root cause.25. Which is better, 3 sigma, 4 sigma, 5 sigma, or 6 sigma? ANSWER: 6 sigma. There are less defect

31、ive units as sigma increases. See Table 7-2 on pg. 209 for the relationship between sigma and the number of defective units.26. Give an example of a hygiene factor, according to Herzberg.ANSWER: Answers could include a more attractive work environment, training, or fringe benefits such as a good par

32、king space or casual dress, and so on. Herzberg also says that money is a hygiene factor.27. What type of chart is used to show resource loading? ANSWER: A histogram28.What do the letters RAM stand for as they relate to project human resource management? ANSWER: Responsibility Assignment Matrix29. W

33、hat ways to have influence are correlated with successful projects? ANSWER: Expertise and work challenge30.What is the formula for determining the number of communications channels? ANSWER: number of communications channels = (n(n-1)/231. Which mode for handling conflicts is favored by project manag

34、ers? ANSWER: Confrontation mode, which is also known as problem-solving mode.32. What is the difference between a status report and a performance report? Give an example of each. ANSWER: A status report describes where the project stands at a specific point in time. An earned value analysis is an ex

35、ample of a status report. A progress report describes what the project team has accomplished during a certain period of time. A weekly activity report is an example of a progress report.33.What are the most important success criteria for information technology projects, according to the Standish Gro

36、up? ANSWER: User involvement, executive management support, and a clear statement of requirements.34. If a project has a 50 percent probability or making $100 and a 50 percent probability of making no money at all, what is its expected monetary value?ANSWER: $5035. What does risk mitigation mean? Pr

37、ovide an example of how to mitigate risk on a project.ANSWER: Risk mitigation means reducing the impact of a risk event by reducing its probability of occurrence. An example of mitigating risk on a project would be to assign a very experienced project manager to a project to mitigate the risk of poo

38、r management.36.Approximately how big (in dollars) is the information technology outsourcing market expected to be in the year 2003? ANSWER: $110 billion37.What type of contract has the least amount of risk for the buyer? ANSWER: Firm fixed price38.What do the letters RFP stand for? ANSWER: Request

39、for ProposalSoftware Project Management Knowledge Test S1. In crashing a task, you would focus on:A. As many tasks as possible B. Non-critical tasks C. Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path D. Accelerate performance by minimizing cost2. I cannot test the software until I code the softwa

40、re. This expression describes which of the following dependencies?A. Discretionary B. Soft C. Preferential D. Mandatory or hard3. Which of the following formulas provides the most accurate result for computing activity duration? A. AD=Work quantity / Production rate B.AD=Work quantity / Number of re

41、sources C.AD=Production rate / Work quantity D. AD = (Production rate)(Work quantity) / Number of resources4. Resource leveling: A. deals with the effective use of resources through the scheduling of project to minimize the resource time. B. typically tends to have no effect on duration of the activ

42、ities C. tends to increase the original project completion date D. is parallel working for decreasing project completion date5.Which one of the following is NOT a trade-off decision that must be made in the development of the project plan?A.Whether to use skilled or unskilled laborers B.The amount o

43、f profit vendors (n.买主) should make versus the profit other vendors have received in the past. C.Manufacturing in-house or sub-contracting out the work D.The importance of cost versus quality.6.The most important role of PM in a Matrix organization is A.CommunicationB. Integration C. Negotiating(n.谈

44、判) D. Leadership7.When a process is in control, what do you want to do to the process?A.The process should not be adjusted. B.The process may be adjusted for continuous improvement. C.The process should be always adjusted for continuous quality. D.The process should be regularly adjusted.8.Your comp

45、any has started a development project for a public sector. There are extenuating circumstances revolving around the project site, where it may destroy thousands of acres inhibited by hundreds of wildlife species. You company has long supported the environment and has offered its name to non-profit groups to support the environmental movement. You are the project manager and are confronted by one of the non-profit e

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