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1、Appendix 2 (附件2)Maintenance Inspection Report(维保检验报告)Name of building(建筑物名称)Time commenced(开始时间)Customers Signature(客户签名)Model / EL No.(电梯编号)Time completed(完成时间)Checked by(检查人员)Date(日期)Working Remarks(运行评注): Normal (正常): No work was carried out, checked items in good condition (无需工作,检验项目良好): To be a

2、djusted, replaced, lubricated & cleaned(需要调整、更换、润滑、清洁): Items checked, works to be followed-up(被检验项目,工作需跟进) : To be repaired or overhauled(需要维修或者大修): Equipment & component to be repaired or overhauled (设备或者部件需进行维修或者大修) : Serviced, replaced, lubricated & cleaned (维护、更换、润滑、清洁) : Works were carried out

3、 (执行相关工作)/ : Not applicable(不适用): Equipment does not include such items(设备没有此检测项目)1.Machine Room (机房)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Machine roomEnvironment(机房环境)Cleanliness(清洁)Vacuum cleaner/Eye check(吸尘器/目测)Lock (锁)Key (钥匙)Light switch & illuminatio

4、n(照明及灯开关)Illuminometer(照明光度计)Over 100 Lux(大于100勒克斯)Temperature(温度)Thermometer(温度计)-10 +40Ventilation(通风)Eye check(目测)Brake lever Manual handle(抱闸杆手动手柄)Eye check(目测)Main supplySwitch(主供电闸)Indication voltage(电压指示)Tester(检测器)-15 10%(include start drop)(包括衰减)Looseness, damage(松动/损坏)Spanner, screw driver

5、(扳手/螺丝刀)Vibration, heat(振动/发热)Hands, eye(手感/目测)Fuse(保险丝)Eye, tester(目测/检测器)Inter-phone(内置电话)Transmit, reception(呼叫/接通)Ear, voice(听/说)Indication voltage(电压指示)Tester(检测器)Over DC 12V(直流大于12伏)TM Motor(主电动机)Wire connections(电源线)Screw driver(螺丝刀)Resistance to earth(接地电阻)Ohmmeter(欧姆表)Over 1(大于1兆欧)Noise, vi

6、bration, heat(噪音/振动/发热)Eye, ear, hands(观/听/触摸)Rotary encoder(旋转编码器)Noise, vibration, heat(噪音/振动/发热)Eye, ear, hands(观/听/触摸)-10 70(-1070摄氏度)Wire connections, pipe(接线插头/走线管)Screw driver, eye(螺丝刀/目测)TR M/C(驱动主机)Looseness, alignment(松动/对齐)Spanner, eye(扳手/目测)Rubber compression(减震压缩量)Ruler(直尺)15% compressi

7、on(压缩15%)Grease on bearings(轴承油)Grease gun(注油枪)Oil level, replace(油位/更换)Gauge, eye(标准尺/目测)Level mark(油位标记)Rope wear (曳引绳磨损)Calipers(测径器)Wear sheave grooves and rope replacement reference(曳引轮绳槽磨损及更换)Ruler, eyes(尺/目测) See 7.6 (注意: 见7.6)Noise, vibration, heat(噪音/振动/发热)Eye, ear, hands(观/听/触摸)Brake(抱闸)Co

8、mpression spring(弹簧弹性)Ruler(直尺) See 8.2 (见8.2)Wear linings(闸瓦磨损)Ruler(直尺) See 8.2 (见8.2)Stroke(行程)Ruler(直尺) See 8.2 (见8.2)Proper operation(运行状态)Eye, ear(观/听/触摸) See 8.2 (见8.2)Governor(限速器)Looseness, rotation alignment(松动/同轴旋转)Spanner, eye(扳手/目测)Cleanliness (清洁度)Cotton waste,“-“ driver(抹布)Tripping(动作

9、灵敏)No slip(无滑动)Lubrication on link(连接线润滑)Oil can, cotton waste(油壶/抹布)2. Control Panel (控制面板)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Installation condition(安装环境)Cleanliness (清洁度)Vacuum cleaner brush (吸尘器/毛刷)Looseness (松动)Spanner, screw driver(扳手/螺丝刀) MCCB(断路器)

10、Indication power voltage (电源电压指示)Tester (检测器) 10% Looseness (松动)Spanner, screw driver (扳手/螺丝刀)Control signal(控制信号)Control, signal voltage (信号电压)Tester (检测器)Resistance control, signal (阻抗)Ohmmeter (欧姆表)Over 0.5 (大于0.5兆欧)PCBCondition (状态)Eye, hands (目测/手感)Relays(继电器)Condition of relays (继电器状态)Eye (目测)

11、Transformer & Reactor(变压器)Looseness, noise, heat(松动/噪音/发热)3. Car In (轿厢)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Environment(环境)Cleanliness, damage(清洁度/损坏) Eye, cleaner Cotton waste (目测/抹布)Fan(换气扇)Operation(运转状态) Eye, hands(看/触摸) Noise (噪音)Ear (听)55dB in car(5

12、5分贝)Handrail(扶手)Looseness, cleanliness (松动/清洁)Eye (目测)Car door(轿门)Alignment of door(门对齐) Plumb, ruler(铅锤/尺) 2mm Opening (开门)Eye, ruler (目测/尺)Closing (关门)Eye, ruler (目测/尺)Clearance (地坎间隙)Ruler (尺)302mm OPB(操纵盘)Installation condition & Lock (安装情况/上锁)Eye (目测)Functioning of button(按钮功能) Eye, hands (目测/触

13、摸)Looseness (松动)+ Screw driver(十字螺丝刀)Functioning of switch(开关功能) Eye, hands(目测/触摸) Interphone(对讲机)Functioning of emergency button (应急按钮功能)Ear, hands (目测/触摸)Condition of reception(接收状态)Ear (听)Over 55dB Emergency bell sound (应急铃)Ear (听)Over 85dB Illumination(轿厢照明)Operation of light (轿内照明) Eye (目测)Loos

14、eness (噪音)Hands (触摸)Operation of emergency Lamp(应急照明运行) Eye (目测)Over 1Lux (30min)(大于1勒克斯)CPI(轿内显示)Looseness (松动)+ Screw driver (十字螺丝刀)Condition of display(显示状况)Eye (目测)Riding comfort(乘坐舒适感)Vibration (right left) (左右颤)PMT (身体感应)15gal Vibration (up down) (上下颤)10gal Vibration (front rear) (前后颤)10gal Ri

15、ding quality(乘坐质量)Noise (噪音)55dB RunningLeveling(平层运行)Declination of level (平层精度)Ruler (尺)10mm 4. Car top (轿顶)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Environment(环境)Condition of lights(环境照明)Eye (目测)House keeping (保持卫生)Eye, cleaner (目测)Cotton waste(清洁器) Safety

16、 guard (安全围栏)Spanner (扳手)Emergency Exit(紧急出口)Condition of MHS(信息报警系统状态)Eye, ruler (目测/尺)41mm Looseness (松动)Eye, hands (看/摸)Main Rope(主钢丝绳)Tension of ropes (张紧度)Hands, eye触摸目测)Rope Maintenance(钢丝绳维护)Governor Rope(限速器绳)Kinks, rust (扭结/生锈)Eye (目测)Condition of clip(压板/锚爪卡子)Eye (目测)Hitches rope(绳头器)Condi

17、tion of thimble rod(绳头杆情况)Eye (目测)Condition of lead (铅块情况)Eye (目测)Condition of springs(弹簧情况)Hammer, ear(铅锤/听)Equality (平等)Double nuts (备母)Spanner (扳手)Cotter pins (开口销)Eye (目测)60bend round (折弯60度) Car top pulley(轿顶导向轮)Looseness, alignment(松动/对齐)Spanner, eye (扳手/目测)Grease on bearings(轴承油)Grease gun (注

18、油枪)Guide shoes(on Car)(滑动导靴)(轿厢)Installation condition(安装状况)Spanner (扳手)Guide shoe clearance(导靴间隙)Spanner (扳手)Running condition (运行情况)Ear (听)Clearance (rail shoe) (间隙 轨道导靴)Taper gauge (塞尺)Guide roller(滚动导靴)Installation condition(安装情况)Spanner (扳手)Running condition (运行状态)Ear (听)Guide roller spring(滚动导

19、靴弹簧)Measure, spanner (测量/扳手)Oiler(油盒)Running noise (运行噪音)Ear (听)Oil level, leakage (油位/漏油)Eye (目测)Cleanliness (清洁)Cotton waste (抹布)POSI(平层感应器)Installation condition(安装情况)Eye (目测)Measure (精确度)Ruler (直尺)Fan(换气扇)Installation condition(安装情况)Eye, ear, spanner(看/听/扳手)Lubrication of oil (润滑)Oil can (油壶)App

20、aratusBox(轿顶设备盒)Installation condition(安装情况)Spanner (扳手)Condition of wire & MIC connection(对讲机接线)Driver, hands (螺丝刀/手动)Condition of EM power and fuse (应急电源及保险)Tester (测试)DC 12V (直流 12 伏)SafetySwitches(安全开关)Operation of on cage mode ()Hands (手测)Functional test of emergency Stop switch (急停功能)Hands (手测

21、)Installation condition of EES, SCS(急停/安全钳开关)(EES/SCS安装情况)Spanner (扳手)Function tests of EES, SCS (EES/SCS 功能测试)Hands (手测)5. Car door (轿门)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Car door(轿门)Alignment of door (门扇对齐)Plumb , ruler (铅锤/钢板尺)2mmOpening , Closing (开门

22、/关门)Eye (目测)Clearance (间距)(Car-Sill Hatch-Sill) (轿门地坎厅门地坎)Ruler(钢板尺)302mmGate switch(轿门开关)“ON” time (有效距离)Ruler (钢板尺)182mm Loading (关门凸块行程)Ruler (钢板尺)20.5mm Over stroke (到位行程)Ruler (钢板尺)34 mm Hanger(轿门挂板)Cleanliness (清洁度)Cotton cloth (抹布)Clearance Up thrust (上推轮间隙)Taper gauge (圆锥计)0.2 0.3mm Noise (噪

23、音)Ear (听)Door motor(门电动机)Noise, heating (噪音/发热)Ear, thermometer (听/测温计)Less than 50 (小于50摄氏度)Wear of belt (皮带)Eye (目测)Tension of belt (皮带张紧度)Hands, ruler (触摸/尺子)Less than 151 mm(小于151 mm)Clutch cam(离合器)Alignment (垂直对齐)Plumb (铅锤)01mm Clearance both edge (门刀尺寸)Ruler (直尺) See 6.3 & 6.4(注意 6.3/6.4) Clea

24、rance (H-Sill Clutch) (距离 厅门地坎离合器 )Ruler (直尺)81mm Door sill & shoe(地坎/导靴)Clearance (Door Sill) (间隙 门地坎)Taper gauge (塞尺)51mm Looseness of door shoe (门导靴松动)Driver (螺丝刀)Wear of door shoe (门导靴磨损)Ruler (直尺)1mm Safety shoe(安全触板)Looseness of cable (电缆线松紧度)Driver (螺丝刀)Stroke (close) (关门行程)Ruler (直尺) See 8.3

25、 (见8.3)Stroke (open) (开门行程)Ruler (直尺) See 8.4 (见8.3)Switch stroke (行程开关)Ruler (直尺)81mm Photo sensor(光幕传感器)Looseness of cable (电缆线松紧度)Driver (螺丝刀)Testing (检测)6. Hoist way (井道)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Environment(环境)Condition of hoist way wall (井

26、道壁结构)Eye (目测)Condition of junction boxes (接线盒情况)Screw driver, eye (螺丝刀,目测)Tighten of branch cables (井道束线张紧度)Eye (目测)Landing door(厅门)Alignment of door (门扇垂直对齐)Plumb, ruler (铅锤/直尺)1mm Gap (door jamb) (缝隙 门扇立柱)Taping gauge (扁尺)4(-1,+2)mm Gap (between door and door) (缝隙 门扇门扇) Taping gauge(扁尺)22.5mm Door

27、 hanger(厅门挂板)Cleanliness (清洁度)Cotton cloth (抹布)Clearance Up thrust (偏心轮间隙)Taper gauge (偏心轮)0.2 0.3mm Noise (噪音)Ear (听)Door rope(门钢丝绳)Tension (张紧度)Ruler, eye (直尺/目测)Condition of rope (钢丝绳状况)Eye (目测)Close spring(关门弹簧)Condition of close spring (关门弹簧状态) Cotton cloth, ear, eye (抹布/听/目测) Sill(地坎)Condition

28、 of doors and sills(厅门及上坎滑道状况) Vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器)Condition of sill base (厅门地坎状况)Eye (目测)Door guide shoe (厅门滑动导靴)Hand (手测)Inter lock & doorSwitch(门锁及门开关)Over stroke (switch on) and etc (门行程限位器(开关)等等)Eye (目测)SAV: 3.51.5mm(门锁行程)DAV: 30.5mm ()MAV: 30.5mm() HAV: 4.51.5mm() Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)To

29、ol & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Fascia plate(护脚板)Installation (安装情况)Eye (目测)Limit switch(限位开关)Distance FLS (U/DLS 􀃙 FLS)(极限距离(上限位开关/极限开关)Ruler (直尺)2005mm Distance ULS/DLS (Level) (限位距离上限位开关/下限位开关(平层位置)Ruler (直尺)505mm Distance SDS1 (From ULS/DLS)(1级缓速距离(从上限位开关/下限位开关)Rul

30、er (直尺)Speed :distance(mm) 180240: 40010mm (速度:距离mm)(180240:40010mm)Distance SDS2 (From ULS/DLS)(2级缓速距离(从上限位开关/下限位开关)Ruler (直尺)Speed :distance(mm)180240: 140010mm(速度:距离)(180240:140010mm) Distance SDS3 (From ULS/DLS) (3级缓速距离(从上限位开关/下限位开关)Ruler (直尺)Speed :distance(mm)180240: 270010mm (速度:距离)(180240:27

31、0010mm)Distance SDS4 (From ULS/DLS) (4级缓速距离(从上限位开关/下限位开关)Ruler (直尺)Speed :distance(mm)180: 505010mm 210240: 685010mm (速度:距离)(180240:685010mm)Distance FLS (D/DLS 􀃙 FLS) (极限距离(下限位开关/极限开关)Ruler (直尺)2005mm Distance ULS/DLS (Level) (限位距离上限位开关/下限位开关(平层位置)Ruler (直尺)505mm Distance SDS1 (From ULS/DL

32、S) (1级缓速距离(从上限位开关/下限位开关)Ruler (直尺)Speed :distance(mm) 180240: 40010mm (速度:距离)(180240:40010mm)Hoist way cable(井道束线)Installation condition(安装情况)Eye, hands (目测/触摸)Condition of cables(束线情况)Eye (目测)Running condition (运行状况)Eye (目测)Guide rail(主导轨)Cleaning (清洁度)Cotton cloth(抹布) Condition of rail brackets(支架

33、状况)Cotton cloth, spanner(抹布/扳手)Rail joints (导轨接头)Hand, ruler (摸/尺)CounterWeight(对重架)Condition of frame (框架状况)Spanner, hammer (扳手/锤子)Condition of guide shoes(导靴状况)Hand (手测)12mm Wear of gibs on guide shoe (导靴凹槽磨损)Hand (手测)1mm Rope hitches (拉筋)Eye, hammer (目测/锤子)Installation of weights(配重情况)Hand, ear(手

34、/听)Counter weightPulley(对重导向轮)Looseness, alignment (松动/对齐)Spanner, eye (扳手/目测) Grease on bearings(轴承油)Grease gun(油枪) Guide roller(滚动导靴)Installation condition(安装状况)Spanner (扳手)Running condition (运行状态)Ear (听)Guide roller spring (滚动导靴弹簧)Measure, spanner (测量/扳手)CWT wedge(对重块)Wedge gap (对重块间隙)Spanner (扳手

35、)Cleaning (清洁度)Cotton cloth (抹布) 7. Hall (候梯厅)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Hall button(候梯厅按钮)Condition of installation (安装状况)Hands(触摸) Proper Operation of buttons(按钮运行正常) Hands (触摸)Testing the hall buttons (外呼按钮测试)Hands, eye(触摸/目测) Cleaning the hal

36、l button box(清洁呼梯盒) Air blower (吹风机)Indicator(指示器)Condition of installation (安装情况)Screw driver, hands(螺丝刀/触摸) Condition of illumination(照明情况) Eye (目测)Functioning (all floors)(功能 (所有层站) ) Eye (目测)8. Pit (底坑)Part(部件)Check Point(检验详情)Tool & Method(工具/方法)Standards(标准)Condition(环境)Result(结果)Environment(环

37、境)Condition of pit (底坑状况)Eye, vacuum cleaner(目测/真空吸尘器) Condition of pit switch (底坑开关)Eye (目测)Oil pan (接油盒)Eye (目测)Spring Buffer(60m/min)(弹簧缓冲器)(60m/min)Condition of installation(安装情况) Eye (目测)Run by (缓冲距离)Eye, ruler(目测/尺子) Car: 300600(轿厢) CWT: 300900(对重) Oil Buffer(90,240m/min)(油压缓冲器)(90240m/min)Con

38、dition of installation (安装情况)Eye(目测) Run by (缓冲距离)Eye, ruler(目测/尺子) Car: 0600(轿厢) CWT: 0900(对重) Governor tension sheave(限速器涨紧轮)Installation condition (安装情况)Spanner (扳手)Lubrication sheave shaft(轮轴润滑) Grease gun(注油枪) Condition of rotation (旋转情况)Ear (听)Compensation Chain(补偿链)Installation condition (安装情况)Spanner, eye(扳手/目测) Distance (floor chain) (距离(底坑底面补偿链)Ruler(尺子)300100mm Round of chain (补偿链回弯弧形)Ruler(尺子) 230280mm(8) Compensation rope, guide rail and pulley(补偿绳/主导轨/导向轮)Installation condition (安装情况)Spa

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