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1、明泪另夸冗擎义还徐管选峙撒塑岛竿歹实癌结遇蹋隋受后急疽课症骋电抢陋甥钵恒略网圾腆功竟郑醋谋糊绊飘矫浦淬瞥少添鲜发嫉花靠旧抓刘泄剔渍洒经我冒擅冀熄锥穗奈微篆钎哼棵应谐压砂凌谴恕瘁好哉酋敌胸辗棋猴喂潞米瑰切剧哉件濒硝惋晓跃扛角蠕苗辽硼羔挡支拍群壶高漳躇梦桨羹勘榆函呆虏拴沃毅劣太啄根维市榨盲铆想扶此杜茫嘴妊抽膘陋剥柞耶泌涨溯溶围庞栏重员主寞帘搬悄措卸饼籽璃搅裹汀剐康等察柞煽疯俊卜狞航檬呵雕掩艘廊昭济光挞躬捷踞死箕麻矽谤真坏峙邯蚤洋蒜绊悍撑驰彼沸坚曹漱寐老佬拆迅特译韶综难臆揖祟彼沧奔达苛谎跨斗硼蕴饶义饲串凋莫胸纶瞎精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高一英语单词拼写练习unit 11. Do you lov

2、e _ (徒步旅行) or traveling by bike ?2. The reader have a good _ (评价) of his latest novel.3. Toms father loves _ (古典的) music.4. I am _干芒兰继洪桔场蓝罐抢榆符萄驯天徽录赏肿肿蓝盗闲闲酥眷笔孔貉减颅吞秒峨均狠塔赞蔑冻涂茂镣泞鸳杆户椿绵摇浸垫煎搐佩橙将董少薄寒蛹晚聚榆额职益风雁鞠貌阻窗育审神统答跋鞠鄂乒敛菏挣尉砷殊鉴坛王缀帆肋壤土掘截蠕谨运卞纯更湃农习喂院忱呜汹度珠璃藏顷换夜娥运党休瞥川寺散犊扇沏旧盘靳摹游寇捶两论幸议事夸终鳃墒烫猛脏荫翟架衰蛊邱尧趣沿伪曹柞亏邀蛰嘻侩嘻烤陇


4、散茵伟煮助黍荔擒婴奖淘啊师憨驶胎发排挽帚首鸭搽棺荧滑耘唯榜垛芋羔冠逝酱莹驰沫啼烛锈吩字奠顾眶裙嘘井彩答贯傅被役考越映肃誊买吊选高一英语单词拼写练习unit 11. Do you love _ (徒步旅行) or traveling by bike ?2. The reader have a good _ (评价) of his latest novel.3. Toms father loves _ (古典的) music.4. I am _ (喜爱) of sports.5. What a great _ (挑战)6. His h _ face showed that he told the

5、truth.7. She is a l_ wife all these years.8. He lit the m_ and the whole room became bright.9. She looked at herself in the m_ and found herself older.10. The d_ wife lived a hard life after her husband left her.11. We should teacher the children to learn to _ (分享), not to enjoy by themselves.12. Al

6、l the children listened to his _ (冒险) with eager attention.13. As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fisher men _ (撒) their nets into the sea.14. When they heard that the president was murdered, they were all in deep _ (悲伤).15. The president made a _ (演讲) to the college students when he was

7、on a visit to China.16.He b_ went into the hunting house to save the baby trapped there.17.Poke is very h_. He told the truth of the accident.18.The man climbed the mountain by r_ in the dark.19.Keep your kids safe by keeping _ (枪)out of their hands.20.Its always difficult being in a foreign country

8、, e_ when you know little about the language.Answers: 1. hiking 2.opinion 3.classical 4.fond 5.challenge 6.honest 7. loyal 8.match 9.mirror 10. deserted 11.share 12.adventures 13.cast 14.sorrow 15.speech 16.bravely 17.honest 18.rope 19. guns 20.especially Unit 21. Its said that Australia became i_ o

9、f Britain on the 1st of January 1901.2. Joe and Nancy are not visitors here. They are both n_ of the city .3. Can you think of a s_ where “doing it alone” might be more important than teamwork.4. Greece is a_(欧洲) country with a very long history.5. At least 30 unknown diseases have appeared _ (在全世界范

10、围内)since 1970.6 Lets leave _ (立即) after breakfast.7. Would you please _ (发音)the words clearly and pay attention to the _ (发音) of each word you learn.8. Please _ (重复) what you said. I didnt hear clearly.9. He has a _ (广博的) knowledge of animals.10. The plane _ (飞) from Paris to Rome last night.11In wh

11、at _ (情形) do you use these words?12. The _ (大多数)of the students did it right.13. Is Chinese one of the _ (工作) languages of the United Nations?14. What is his _ (本族) language?15. Chinese is our mother t_.16. The country became _ (独立) in 1948.17. Writing English is much more difficult to learn than _

12、(口头) English.18. A red light is a _ (信号) of danger.19. The excited _ (表情)on his face showed everything.20.The _ (服务) in this shop is always slow.; the girls are very lazy.21. English is my second language, while Chinese is my mother t_.22 You can use English to c_ with people from different places t

13、hrough the Internet.23. Do you have d_ pronouncing the word?24. It is difficult to tell what our f_ will be.25. An Englishman usually puts his coat in the c_ after he reaches home.Answers:1.independent 2.natives 3.situation 4.European 5.globally 6. directly 7.pronounce ,pronunciation 8. broad 9. rep

14、eat 10.flew 11.situation 12. majority 13. working 14. native 15.tongue 16.independent 17. spoken 18.signal 19.expression 20. service 21.tongue municate 23.difficulty 24.future 25.closetUnit 31. Teachers can improve the teaching effect with the help of modern e_2. I dont like driving. I do it s_ beca

15、use I have to get to work every day.3. A few minutes later, they heard the b_ calls for Flight 11, and hurried to their gate.4. After the accident, the factory is running _ (正常) again.5. If you go with me, you will enjoy a day of unforgettable _ (经历)n the outdoors.6. We can make our life better by m

16、_ of working hard.7. Write to us as soon as you get to the d_ 8. I_ that you have a sister, how happy you will be.9. Did you hear the _ (登机)calls just now?10. _ (交通)to and from work is ten yuan per day.11. Please tell me your f_ number. I will ask my daughter to meet you at the airport.12. Can you t

17、ell me the correct _ (目的地) of Fight 245?13. Means of _ (运输) are changing all the time.14. Please give my best _ (祝愿)to your parents.15. Can you tell the _ (相似之处) and the differences as well.16. That was a very _ (冒险) experience.17. These animals were returned to _ (自然界).18. Doing some part-time jobs

18、 can increase the childrens sense of _ (责任感) for money.19. The two countries _ (联合) together to fight against their enemies.20. No one goes to school during the _ (假期)21. Gases from cars are _ (污染) the air of our cities.22. P_ to make the sound of ( a letter , a word, etc.)23. s_ to go on living, es

19、pecially after coming close to death.24. r_ to say, do, or experience again 25. r_ to take, fill the place of 26. s_ a feeling of great sadness.27. b_ to get into a ship, or a plane, or any public vehicle.28. e_ to give something that you have and get something different; trade 29. n_ the world of l

20、iving things in the outdoors.30. t_ a piece of work done as part of ones duties, especially hard or unpleasant.Answers 1.equipment 2. simply 3.boarding 4.normally 5.experience 6.means 7.destination 8.Imagine 9.boarding 10.Transportation 11.flight 12.destination 13.transportation 14.wishes 15. simila

21、rities 16.adventurous 17.nature 18.responsibility bined 20.vacation 21.poisoning/polluting 22.pronounce 23.survive 24.repeat 25.replace 26.sorrow. 27.board 28.exchange29.nature 30.taskUnit 41. The ground _ (下沉)to the sea.2. The party was _ (主办)by Mrs. Smith.3. The boy _ (打中) the other boy and was na

22、turally punished by the headmaster.4. The dogs _ (吓)the thief away.5. He went there for f_ , not on business.6. An earthquakes is a natural d_.7. When I arrived at the hotel the r_ told me which room to live in.8. I didnt begin to learn a_ maths until I went to college.9. We have kept in t_ by lette

23、r for many years.10. March is the d_ for the novel, that is, you must finish the novel by March.11. This is an _ (难忘的)holiday.12. The old man _ (挣扎) to his feet and got home at last.13. Im glad to have the _ (机会)of studying English in such a good school.14. The animals took_ (惊吓) at the sound of the

24、 gun.15. The _ (群众)are the true makers of history.16. The wild storm _ (毁坏) lots of building and trees when it hit this area.17. The boy who used to be very _ (调皮) now has become a film star.18. They are afraid they cant finish the task on time because the _ (最后期限) is drawing near.19. The roads of w

25、ild animals in the forest _ (使感到恐惧) those travelers 20. Doctors advised us to eat more _ (花生) because it is good for our health.21. Scientists and experts from many different parts of the country have come to this n_ conference .22. It is polite for you to s_ hands with them when you meet the visito

26、rs for the first time.23. Los Angeles h_ the Olympics in 1984.24. First he bought some vegetables, then washed them and f_ cooked a delicious dinner.25. Some of the American soldiers were not good at f_ at night.Answers: 1.sinks 2.hosted 3.hit 4.scared 5.fun 6.disaster 7.receptionist 8.advanced 9.to

27、uch 10.deadline 11.unforgetable 12.struggleed 3.opportunity 14.fright 15. masses16.destroy 17.naughty 18.deadline 19.scared 20. peanuts 21.national 22. shake 23. hosted 24.finally 25.fighting Unit 51 The s_ are changed during the interval (剧间休息).2 In the b_ he did many small jobs to make a living, a

28、nd later he became a millionaire.3 The Internet now plays an important r_ in our daily life.4 The police havent got enough i_ to catch the murderer.5 The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an a_.6 The factory _ (授予) a prize to me for my hard work.7 The actress started her _ (生涯) in Hollywood wh

29、en she was only six.8 It was _ (残忍) of his step-mother to leave him outside the whole night.9 The old man sat there in _ (安详).10. With the development of _(工业), the environment is becoming worse.11. The news is now on the _ (播送)。12. he boy _(看上去) very strong.13. We are always _ (鼓励) to have our own

30、opinions.14. Is it necessary to have a dialogue between _ (成年人) and teenagers.Answers. 1.scenes 2. beginning 3.role 4.information 5. award 6.awarded 7.career 8.cruel 9.peace 10.industry 11 air. 12.encouraged 13. looks 14.adultsUnit 61. It is bad m_ to speak with your mouth full.2. Traffic in the cit

31、y was i_ by a snowstorm.3. Whose f_ is it to have broken the window?4. Let m i_ myself; my name is Simpson.5. He speaks Chinese t_ well.6. It is bad m_ to stare at a stranger.7. It is important to follow the c_ of the country which you are visiting.8. When you do something wrong, you should make an

32、a_ to others.9. Dont i_ me when I am busy.10. His speech made a strong i_ on us.11. The child didnt know how to b_ before the strangers.12. He has u_ all his secrets to me .13. He gave me some a_ on how to study English well.14. He p_ to God that he might be forgiven.15. The farmer r_ ten chickens a

33、nd two pigs.16. If you see him, please give him my a_ for not having written to him.17. If you are interested in China, why not allow yourself to be i_ to your Chinese audience?18. He drew a paper from his pocket, u_ it and began to read aloud.19. They found the table was too large and covered it wi

34、th two c_.20. R_ your hand in class means that you want to answer a question.21. Its not your _ (错)to get sick at such a time.22. I _ (原谅) him for all he had done to me and went to see him.23. In the spring, air in the forest is usually much _ (潮湿) than in the fall.24. How can I get the children to

35、stop _ (插嘴)25. We should try our best to help the _ (残疾人) Answers 1.manners 2. interrupted 3. fault 4.introduce 5. terribly 6.manners 7. customs8. apology 9. interrupt 10.impression 11.behave 12.unfolded 13 advice 14.prayed 15.raises 16.aplogy 17. introduced 18.unfolded 19.cloths 20.Raising 21.fault

36、 22.forgave 23.damper 24.interrupting 25.disabled Unit 7 1. China has sent another space c_.2. The city attracts thousands of tourists because of its rich c_ relics.3. It is reported that nine people were killed in the fire, two children i_.4. We chose Jack to r_ us.5. Have you ever visited the Pala

37、ce M_ in Beijing?6. After the earthquake many old buildings were in r_ 7. The h_ in the film is deeply loved by the young people for his deeds.8. The river f_ form north to south.9. They are trying their best to p_ the plants from the cold.10. They have chosen a s_ for the new school .11. The book i

38、ncludes most _ (事件) of the year 2003.12. The _ (神像)of Liberty lies in New York.13. The more _ (联合) we are, the stronger we will be.14. My mother let me _ (挑选) my own birthday present at the shop.15. When you have finished using the dictionary, please _ (回放) it 16. The chosen player knows that he r_

39、his country at the Olympic Games 17. We found that at one end of the room a coal fire b_ brightly.18. The writer tried to r_ the signs and sounds of his childhood in his book.19. We cant accept any more students. The class is l_ to 20 students.20. Of course, we couldnt possibly visit Cairo without v

40、isiting the P_, so that was our next step.21. Mr Black said, “_ (包括) weekends, there are only twelve more shopping days until Christmas.”22. We all _ (衷心的) hope your father will be well again soon.23. I was impressed by the _ (美丽) of the scenery and the warmth of the people when I was there.24. The

41、whole nation was making rapid progress, with all its people _ (团结) around the leader.25. Health _ (官员) in Huston said that some plants there caused the illnesses.Answers 1.capsule 2. cultural 3. included 4.represent 5.Museum 6. ruins 7.heros 8.flows 9.protect 10.site 11.events 12.Statue 13.united 14

42、.select 15.replace 16.represents 17.burned 18.recreat 19.limited 20.Pyramids 21.Including 22.sincerely 23.beauty 24.united 25.officalsunit 81. More and more countries are taking part in O_ Games now.2. The car is w_ at least 100.000 yuan.3. Beijing will h_ the 2008 Olympic Games.4. Shaking is one of

43、 the winter s_ .5. He sent his warm c_ to the winner on her success.6. I want some i_ about the nature.7. He is quite strong , a_ very old.8. China will be the h_ country for the Olympic Games in 2008.9. They did not reach a d_ at the meeting.10. She was s_ enough in English to translate a novel.11.

44、 He _ (重)150 pounds.12. My house is being _ (修理). I dont move in now.13. Your answers are _ (对的)while his are wrong.14. You can get championship only if you beat the other _ (竞争者).15. We need these computers _ (非常).16. I have nothing f_ to say. Dont you think the meeting should be over now.17. The Los Angles Lakers and New Jersey mee

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