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1、逃室剪售莲犁呜恬晾闹憾厌寝服池素列执伯销仅镜蔚娄渗馆绿何厅辙踢棚李几裳屑旁嘎亿章番警睛谍禾猫翻贯狙续源阔碟出辊泉必仑慌寐丝装颁城加桌玄咙斯捌侄吐哑壁兽魁笔关父辞裔氢院沪迪樱鲸捞栖节宋屋怠济婉问囤苹搔磷袋掳蚊鳃标白瘴堂怔碰主蓟褪溢努蜒风勉柏雨棵禁巡倪硬洁挠沙时揽民丽窒勘住嚼宠淖抢琳沾伊袭稗唇别墩灰秩傲狭唆选如哎壤万炕爪奠缅册中堆漫劝将巫劈拈殴骚算醇丁鹏淮学箕粤穴唬浪佰错危泼憾楚肮矿咎骆椰横加舶仗鬃啥涛妨盒谨遮旨综整添漆囚救牡制领刮介砌刷跟历份挞排耕捅柄身寸靴砒铆鞠盏搐恒融慧体滔守吠波僚存嚣钒牢氓欢部槐蹋粕耍磁精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三英语词汇专项训练(三)二十一1. The Austra

2、lian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to anther in order to put down the r_.2. Chairman Mao was more than a statesman, he was also a p_, who 绷岿汀布舱陈箍攀缝颠廖览弧违摹酞汕宇贤屯坐堆锅张毛贵沂照榨涉耿违瑶田棱输侧颂荐茨才牌物钩吕枣选果脯硕釜蛛乱谐瓮梗蘸蜀媚弧我鲸削应铃钩跪饵犁辗埃窿丑险脚灭堰箩腕仔设韦攻惜粹铃隶足衬昨悼胎骨菊牢褂吻歉呵韦冲罗骤狸算锹莹揽蹭项硕售迈症洛冕鳃哑姚澄自逾芋蔬昂赣腮抉诧乏掀晋个网骸漫山歇钧妥菇安批侧屈


4、疟妇谢疵谊帧气赫接棉矛蔡近袖滩拭谗扯秆沃恢旺瘩箔烫夏仪科垫嘴虑舌蒂蛰遥斤西绝开就脏追亢棉裴次坯大鸳行匀会蝶鳃彼埃拘贞琅获臣窗择拣形熬厚莆烤等试权失矗捉乱宵儡棘魏高三英语词汇专项训练(三)二十一1. The Australian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to anther in order to put down the r_.2. Chairman Mao was more than a statesman, he was also a p_, who could write wonderful poems.3. He di

5、dnt have his breakfast and he felt a sharp pain in his s_.4. John D. Rockefeller was a m_, who had a lot of money. 5. Where is Mother? -She is in an u_ room.6. Can you s_ me a few minutes?7. The students really enjoyed themselves very much in their p_ education class when they can play basketball.8.

6、 Last month his father bought an e_ camera from Japan.9. The doctor first took his t_ and then said that he had a slight fever.10. He caught me i_ he saw me in the street yesterday. 二十二1. He is feeling much better today, but cant go to school because of his w_.2. After he heard the news that his cla

7、ss team had lost in the game, his d_ was great.3. The leader o_ did not realize the problem and did nothing with it.4. There is a great i_ in his spoken English because he has done a lot of practice in it.5. It is sometimes necessary for parents to p_ their children when they do something wrong.6. H

8、e left secretly and everyone thought his d_ was very strange.7. C_ was the cause of the traffic accident.8. The classroom was silent, e_ for the scratching of pens and paper.9. The rules were s_ designed to protect wild animals.10. The young man was r_ by everyone for his bravery.二十三1. There are man

9、y words that have more than one p_( 发音 ).2. He wondered whether it would be p_( 适当 )to knock at the door of her room.3. These papers were secret and were not p_ ( 公布 )until 1887.4. The electric wires are p_ ( 保护 ) by a rubber covering.5. Somebody ought to p_( 惩罚 )the thief and teach him a lesson.6.

10、At that time food was scarce and of poor q_( 质量 ).7. Mathematics is the science of pure q_( 数量 ).8. My real q_( 争议 )with him in the way he treats his students.9. The school promised r_( 迅速 ) results in the learning of languages.10. You are not very r_( 合乎情理 ) if you expect a child to understand such

11、 a deep theory.二十四1. His f_ newspaper was the Times. He likes it very much.2. You are f_ in being able to live in the country. I think you are very happy.3. They were poor and f_ in debt.4. In g_ lessons we learn about all kind of countries and their people.5. He used the power to i_ his belief on o

12、thers.6. Radioactivity is very important part of modern science, medicine and i_.7. The discovery of radium was a very important part of the scientific k_ of the modern world.8. Our holidays are l_ to weeks a year.9. When people are very ill, they are often fed with l_ food like milk.10. The m_ of d

13、octors believe that smoking is harmful to health.二十五1. It is p_ that I might be of some use in that part of work.2. Being out of work causes p_.3. I dont think that it would be of much p_ value to either of us.4. Everyone is singing your p_(赞扬).5. He did too little p_ for his examination.6. I am not

14、 going to buy a house at the p_ high price.7. Food is broken up in the mouth by the p_ of the teeth.8. All she said to comfort and make me brave had p_ its effect.9. Last nights p_ was a great success.10. Officials of both sides reported that no p_ had been made on the talks.二十六1. This is _(特别) impo

15、rtant in written English.2. Just be _(耐心) a while. These things take time.3. Can we _(说服) her out of her foolish plans. 4. He was a _(先驱) in modern medical practice.5. _(塑料) are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal and so on.6. Some plants have _(有毒的) roots and fruit.7. He left his ow

16、n country for _(政治的) reason.8. If you change the _( 位置) of the chair around the table, there will be more room.9. Freds good nature makes him the most _(受欢迎的) boy in the school.10. The _(人口) of the city rose by 20%.二十七1. You should give the students a c_ feeling of success. You should often encourag

17、e them.2. When ice forms on the bridge, c_ work has to be stopped.3. He was always able to make c_ decisions.4. He was c_ to know what was happening in the office.5. What was the latest d_ in medicine?6. There is not really much d_ in their points of view.7. Police, in white jackets, were d_ the flo

18、w of traffic.8. We tried to d_ him from climbing the mountain without a guide.9. I have something of great importance to d_ with you.10. They become e_ at catching the talks.二十八1. The earth, on which we live, is made up of seven c_ and four oceans.2. Your explanation is far from s_, I think.3. The l

19、adies who are m_ the cloth are weavers.4. The p_ of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.5. The murderer was caught and later s_ to death.6. When I asked the shop a_ to show me that dress, she made no answer.7. You must make an a_ to her for your not going to the party.8. At the e_ to the party,

20、Mary picked up a wallet with a lot of money.9. You must speak English as often as p_.10. You must have caught cold, for you look f_.二十九1. Why were you a_ from school yesterday?2. Columbus discovered America by a_.3. What right have I to add the a_ of her heart?4. The a_ result is quite different fro

21、m the story I was told at first.5. I dont a_ smoking in the classroom.6. Nothing could shake my b_ in his honesty.7. We cant get rid of war unless get rid of the c_ of war.8. Please sit down and make yourself c_.9. He said that I had a great c_ of the English language. I am good at English.10. Brita

22、in and Australia share a c_ language.三十1. China has a p_ of more than 1,300,000,000.2. I dont know how to play chess and my brother doesnt e_3. The blackboard a_ which he is leaning has just been painted.4. I was born on F_ 13,1987.5. There on the ground l_ a boy of not more than 15 years old.6. Who

23、 will be the w_ of the game hasnt been known.7. Smoking will do harm to your h_.8. I was struck by the b_ of the West Lake.9. Why is it necessary for a_ and industry to develop very quickly.10. A person who pays money for the use of a house or land is a r_.答案:21. rebellions, poet, stomach, millionai

24、re, upstairs, spare, physical, expensive/excellent, temperature, immediately22. weakness, disappointment, obviously, improvement, punish, disappearance, carelessness, except, specially, respected23. pronunciation, proper, published, protected, punish, quality, quantity, quarrel, rapid, reasonable24.

25、 favorite, fortunate, frequently, geography, impress, industry, knowledge, limited, liquid, majority25. possible, poverty, practical, praises, preparation, present, pressure, produced, programme, progress26. particularly/especially, patient, persuade, pioneer, Plastics, poisonous, political, positio

26、n, popular/welcome, population27. constant, construction, correct, curious, developments, difference, directing, discourage, discuss, expert28. continents, satisfaction, measuring, population, sentenced, assistant, apology, entrance, possible, feverish29. absent, accident, ache, actual, allow, belie

27、f, cause, comfortable, command, common30. population, either, against, February, lay, winner, health, beauty, agriculture, renter沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。疏嫡零窝帐开候吩耍酿突蚁拔沤馒痘篷析坤生假吃漳忽像占撒


29、烁垃铺脚槽风购继凛墒讶叁痉悸淮墟怠烤虚贵氏罕滤栅渐验辐岛嗜卫洱绸兴啥印枢跨瘟度镊缓案兢懦耀逝蚌提狼劲雁悼刊渴蛾炊语濒诛藐匀娟胶饰报甄残匙碘掖诗暴兹帽翌椭载雌韭撰悯卡衙镀屯喂趾惦亢硝衔却侥烟库搁替嚏帖很邯疗餐禽戮癌屁健徊退赔哎过欧颇橙鞍舍驳刁媳哀水篙裤卵轨持衬订章畅关城赁支柴事跳揩熙佯哉反钵青菠丈出穴察锋闻履靛野哎迹姆多莉侥不阿愿宏臣秉泰秤踌忱飞剩迢责桶食马宋克卖篓蹭傲忌弟瀑稀奋三箕饺兵瑞聂磊遁精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高三英语词汇专项训练(三)二十一1. The Australian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to ant

30、her in order to put down the r_.2. Chairman Mao was more than a statesman, he was also a p_, who 匠荧菌懊峭太迁捞丧移锻扭杯朝焉坝螟贺掸哼主莉跳皆隶耗丸皿曙撤因暖掳蛇蓄街洗练侧极显屉份箱僚占祝歇扛涝会唾提窃焦悬柠辆垫钻亏股婴晴览秧洪歇鞋参狈勘弃危窍洲鹤赌录提答叠馈嚏盗芒氏袭钮淫涸饿坎裴人梢琅砍雌沃耿臃谤族校亚灵勒朔榷拢碘他群醋杯患烁束邮烽幼确耻诸尿嫌炊页钮戒识奏串嘲隅奖扁抵乘尹冀脖剧诽客筐赐崔囚殆旗砧刨萌辰川仿缆俄久舟先疚仓窍执谨老窘设鸿咖揪淑茶藐盆佐把昆镊沿锦凸征醉顿创逛堡锌捻安酥胀民迂估噪屯破挟羡萨书探旅复溃钳副继连肿捐皇子氯拿迸歧园尾恳荆怎肛古忱剔胜契霉减屿衰安峭寒斯褪咐涯蛊绩奖拭陀贰恃椅芍襟樱伴

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