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1、Day 1Specification: A document defining what is wanted and what shall be done to achieve this.标书:一个关于我们想做什么和将要完毕什么的定义文献Procedure: A detailed description of how to perform the tasks called for in the specification.工艺:一个具体记录了如何执行配套规定的条款Specification - “what” to do.标书-做些什么Procedure - “how” to do.工艺-怎么去

2、做Coatiog system specification油漆配套标书l Area部位l Substrate基层l Surface preparation表面解决l Coating system涂装系统Coating work specification油漆工作标书l Coating system specification油漆配套标书l Procedure工艺Standard: Definitions and procedures made by third party authority used as a common reference.标准:政府或有关权威部门统一制作的定义和程序Wh

3、y do we use standards为什么我们要使用标准l Uniform understanding统一理解l Normative procedures and equipment标准化的程序和设备l Rationalization of production合理的产品l Avoidance of discussions避免不同的意见Five levels of standards标准的5个等级l Company standards 公司标准l Industry standards 行业标准l National standards 国家标准(BS英国标准 ,DIN德国标准,ASTM美国

4、标准) l Regional standards 地区标准(CEN)l International standards (ISO)国际标准Quality assurance (QA): Implementation of all the systematic and planned actions necessary to ensure that a product or service is delivered is the required quality.质量保证: 根据计划的施工规定执行所有体系来保证产品和服务在协议规定范围内的质量.Quality control (QC): Chec

5、king of individual operations to ensure conformity with the specifications.质量控制:保证得到标书规定品质的独立检查One of the actions in QA是质量保证的一部分Surface treatment inspector inspection phases表面解决检查人员的检查范围l Before surface preparation表面解决前l Surface preparation表面解决中l Before paint applications表面解决后l Paint application申请涂装

6、l After paint application在涂装后Inspector duty检查员的职责l Observe , monitor观测,监控l Advice建议l Check检查l Report报告l Stop of work requires (given authority)有必要的停止工作(需要授权)How to perform怎么样执行l Technically authoritative技术上的权威l Flexible 灵活掌握(within the limits of specifications在标书范围内的)l Well behaving /diplomatic良好的行为

7、/老到Why use coating为什么使用涂层l Protection保护l Signal ownership标注所有人, company colour给予颜色, image图象l Warning警告, attention注意l Ease of cleaning容易的清洁Substrates基层l Steel钢材l Non-ferrous metals非铁金属l Concrete混凝土l Wood木材l Plastics塑料Coatings涂层l Paint油漆l Metallizing金属l Glass玻璃l Powder coating粉末涂料l Wax coating (soft c

8、oating)蜡涂层(软涂层)Considerations注意事项l Substrate基材l Environment环境l Surface preparation表面解决l Coating quality涂层质量l Coating type涂层类型l Paint application油漆施工l Paint film thickness油漆厚度Day 2Surface preparation: The process making a surface suitable for application of a coating.表面解决:解决需要涂装的基材表面Increase adhesion

9、 long term增长附着力-长时间的保护l Removal of contaminants (cleanliness)去除污染物(清洁)l Increase of contact area (anchor pattern)增长接触面积峰状表面Contaminants -General污染物-常规l Dust灰l Oil/grease油/油脂l Moisture水痕迹l Salt -Osmosis盐-可溶解的l Non-intact, old coating不完整的旧涂层Contaminants -Substrate污染物-基材l Millscale -steel (battary), St

10、2,St3 have millscale.氧化皮钢材l Red rust -steel红锈-钢材l White rust -galvanizing, zinc coating白锈-镀锌或锌层l Laitance -concrete浮浆皮-混凝土Methods for removal (ISO8504)去处方法l Chemical化学解决l Thermal热解决l Mechanical机械解决Chemical methods化学解决l Water ( Rzl Ry5Rz however, 5 and 1 sampling length respectivelyl Rz Ra Rz6 * Ral

11、Roughness -increased area粗糙度-增长的面积l Area increase ( %)0.9 *Rz (micron)Density : Number of peaks above the arithmetical mean line per unitLength密度:单位面积内波峰数量的算术平均值! Peaks exceeding a chosen minimumAssessment for surface characteristics表面特性的评估l Profile -visual轮廓-肉眼查看l Roughness -comparator (Testex)粗糙度-

12、对比测试l Density -stylus密度-触针检测Comparator对比设备l ISO Comparator (Grit and shor) -means for Ry5l Rugotest NO.3 (Grit and shot) -Ral Testex -Ryl Needle gauge针式测量仪-Ry5 Day3Paint : A liquid material which can be applied on the substrate.油漆:一种外加在基层表面的液体材料Why use paint?为什么要使用油漆l Protection (the main funtion)保护

13、(重要作用)Steel and other metals -against corrosion钢铁和其它金属-防止腐蚀Wood -against rot / decay木材-防止腐烂/腐朽Concrete -against carbo混凝土-防止风化Other valuable structures -against 其它有价值的表面-防止-fouling (ships underwater areas)-污垢(船底部位)-contamination of commodities (cargotanks)日用品污染(船货仓)-abrasion (ships decks)磨损(船甲板)l Dec

14、oration装饰l Warning / safety警告/安全标志l Comouflage伪装l Image图象Composition for paint油漆的组成l Binders树脂l Pigments颜料l Extenders填料l Solvents溶剂l Additives助剂Binders -characteristics树脂-特性l Non-volatile part不可挥发部份l Adhesion附着力l Cohesion -strength of the paint内聚力-油漆内部强度l Paints prominent properties体现油漆重要性能Examples

15、for binders树脂实例l Bitumen, tar沥青,焦油l Chorinated rubber, Acrylic, Vinyl氯化橡胶,丙烯酸,乙烯基l Silicone, Silicate硅有机树脂,硅酸盐酯l Alkyd, Modified alkyd醇酸树脂,改良醇酸树脂l Epoxy, Polyurethane环氧,聚氨酯Pigments -characteristics颜料-特性l Non-volatile part不可挥发部分l Colour颜色l Opocity (hiding power)功能(隐藏能力)l Other functional properties其它

16、性能Examples实例l Prime or hiding (white)l Black碳黑l Other coloured, Organic and inorganic其它的颜色,有机和无机l Metallic金属Extenders -characteristics填料-特性l Non-volatile part不可挥发部分l Mechanical strength机械性能l Application properties施工性能l Cost reduction减少成本Examplel Carbonates, Silica, Silicates碳酸盐,硅土,硅酸盐Solvents -chara

17、cteristics溶剂-特性l Volatile part可挥发部分l Dissolution (liquification) of binder分散(液化)数值l Application properties施工性能l Drying time干燥时间l Flash point闪点Examplel Hydrocarbon-Aliphatic (white spirits)-Aromatic (naphtha, toluene, xylene)l Oxygenated-Alcohols (n-bulanol)-Ester (n-butyl acetate)-Ethers (monoethyl,

18、 ethylene, glycol)-Ketones (MEK, MIBK)Type Example ResinAliphatic White spirit AlkydsAramatid Toluene, Xylene CR, VinylAlcohols Ethanol, Butanol Zinc ethyl silicateEpoxiesKetones MEK EpoxiesAcitates Ethyl acetateButyl acetateEpoxies, PolyurethaneExamples for additivesl Anti-settling, anti-skinning a

19、gentl Driersl Plasticizersl Wetting agent, coalescing agentsl Preservative, fungicidesProduction for paint油漆的生产1. Raw (materials)准备2. Premix (millbase)预混合3. Dispersion (grinding)分散4. Final mix (binder, solvents, additives let down)最终混合5. Filling and packaging包装Dispersion stage -Grinding (wetting of

20、agglomerates)l High speed disperser: up to 3600 liters/batchl Dynomill: up to 1500 liters/hourGeneric type : A member of a family with properties distinct from othermembers of the family. -binder decide paint property一般类型:树脂决定油漆类型l Physically drying物理干燥l Chemically curring化学固化l Oxidatively curing氧化固

21、化Physically drying (solvent borne)Common properties Generic typel Thermoplasticl Reversiblel Solvent sensitivel Excellent recoatabilityl Temperature independent forfilm formationBitumens, Tars,CR,Acrylic,Vinyl,Physically drying (water borne)Common properties Generic typel Thermoplasticl Reversible (

22、to a certain degree)l Solvent sensitivel Excellent recoatabilityl Temperature independent forfilm formationAcrylic copolymer,Styrene-butadiene copolymer,Vinyl acetate copolymer,Vinyl chlorinated copolymer,Chemically curingCommon properties Generic type(solvent borne)Generic type(water borne)l Non-th

23、ermoplasticl Irreversiblel Resistant to solvent(own)l Critical recoatingintervall Temperaturedependent for filmformationEpoxies,Polyurethane, (one ortwo-pack)Zinc-silicate,Silicones,Polyesters (hempel3592),Epoxies,Zinc silicates,Oxidative curing (Solvent-borne and water-borne)Common properties Gener

24、ic typesl Generally similar to chemicallycuring paintl Poor alkali resistantOil based, Oleoresinous,Alkyds,Multified -epoxyesterPhysically dryingl Solvent-borne -binder l Water-borne -binder globules Pot life : Maximum time, at a given paint temperature, the mixture ofbase and curing agent should be

25、 used after mixing.Induction time : Minimum time, at given paint temperature , necessaryto allow pre-reaction of the components for optimum film formation.Minimum temperature for film formationPhysically drying (solvent borne) -10Alkyds 5Epoxy (in general) 10Polyurethane -10Water borne 5Zinc silicat

26、e (solvent borne) -10Application must give the paint film the following properties:l Durability in service environmentl Protection of substrate for suitable periedl Formation of coherent film with low permeability to substratel Impact and mechanical resistantBrushl Good penetrationl Cheapl Slowl Une

27、ven films (brush marks)Rollerl Poor penetrationl Cheapl Slowl Very thin and uneven filmsChecklist for application of paintsl Stirring /mixing /thinningl Correct wet film thicknessl Adequate ventilationl Temperature limitationsl Avoidance of too high RHl Good workmanshipl Safety, health and environme

28、ntChicklist application of 2-pack paintsl Correct mixing of componentsl Mechanical mixingl Induction timel Minimum and maximum overcoating timesl Pot lifel Curing timel Temperature limitations during application and curingLoss factors during applicationl Wind 2m/sec (7.2km/h) inadvisable to apply by

29、 sprayl Application method (e.g. spray, brush, roller)l Surface profile (dead volume)l Access (e.g. narrow spaces, long distances)l Designl Equipment (e.g. nozzle size, gun)l Left in can or equipmentDay4Corrosion : A degradation of a metal through interaction with theenvironment.腐蚀:由于外界因素产生对金属材料从外到内

30、的降解。Galvanic series电位差(Noble惰性)1.25 C (graphite)石墨0.95 SS (passive)被动的0.7 Cu铜0.68 Millscale氧化皮0.5 SS (active)积极的0.4 Fe铁0.0 Zn锌-0.6 Mg镁(Ignoble活泼)Type for steel钢材类型l Mild steel低碳钢, carbon steel碳钢l Cast iron铸铁l Corten steel低合金高强度钢l Stainless steel不锈钢All can corrode都能被腐蚀Corrosion for steel (in air) 钢铁腐

31、蚀(空气中)l Relative Humdity湿度(湿度大于60%时,湿度越高腐蚀越快)l Dirt, dust泥土,灰l Salt, sulfur dioxide 盐,二氧化硫Steel + Air (Oxygen) + Water Rust 钢铁+空气(氧)+水 铁锈Corrosion for steel (in water) 钢铁腐蚀(水中)l Air, oxygen 空气,氧气l Salinity of water 水中含盐量,重量比(4%为最高腐蚀点,由于含氧量减少)l Non-alkaline water 非碱性水Steel + Air (Oxygen) + Water Rust

32、 钢铁+空气(氧)+水 铁锈Steel + Oxygen + Water -mechanism 钢铁+氧气+水 - 原理Steel + Acid Iron salt + Hydrogen钢铁+酸 铁盐+氢Steel + “Other metal” -Zinc, Copper钢铁+“其他金属”-锌,铜l Corrosion product +groovel Water + salt -ElectrolyteDesign Avoid计划-避免l Dirt / dust trapsl Water trapsl Combination of metals, without insulationCorr

33、osion types腐蚀类型l General / Uniform corrosion典型/均匀腐蚀l Galvanic / Bimetallic corrosion电化学/双金属腐蚀l Pitting corrosion深度腐蚀l Crevice / Deposit corrosion裂缝/沉淀腐蚀l Erosion / Turbulence corrosion冲击/空气或液体流动腐蚀l Selective / De-alloying corrosion选择性/脱合金成分腐蚀l Stress corrosion cracking应力腐蚀开裂l Microbiologically induc

34、ed corrosion微生物感染腐蚀G / U : Even corrosion spread all over the substrate of the corroding metal. Reduction of metal thickness at a slow and constant rate evenly over the surface.G / U:遍及表面传布使腐蚀金属平均的腐蚀。 金属的厚度慢的并且平均地减少数值速率。G / B : Direct contact between two metals having different electrical potentials

35、 in an electrolyte.Intensity of attacks depends on:l Difference in electrical potentiall Relative area sizes of anode and cathode1. A small cathode will not offect a large anode very much (Generalcorrosion)2. A large cathode will affect a small anode very much (Pittingcorrosion)May be reduced through:1. I

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