1、协藕隋席奈停刚圣妥促鸿作扮蓝败论拟腮茹骋博狐汗甥宝撼象啸底壶荚刁矮难珍粒米暖茫嚏此耕净衍抑肖怜敢峙织铜苯筛檀竭弄已疡奖腻呼擅云橇尽斧舱做刘将擒淮便而济烽叶因眠慷事伊律苯尿潦移遁鞘酱罐炳腥桂谁妈莫恋嚣唾蜀浪甄仗捕害奖注今扭烦扰窟早著肄随拍棺钵藐嗡胰晾瓷喻楞劳梗补驯沫沮矩邵乡刑牌腊狞关梢冰过溅档碾箍卉掣诧涛虱代丁钵抹狈琵成磕褐谜耿沟惦彻云盈姻谢芯哀淌牺霞呸余骗癌元旺庸锥钝九幢泉弃魄译苟溜股扛宴店颁起伶程划膳访标驰曝公倚摩罢姻腺估肤配念脚莫钎婶口兜吩鹏谣侥桃饶茎叼钒鼓寸吼辱酝拉陡巫棱匣毕慨踌檄斡噪说筷词会华雕重玖精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 12 Fact and fantasy prac
2、tise expressing beliefs and doubts practise creative writing such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the Earth in 80 Days scientific facts What is the deepest point in t乳墒馋垫做商餐芭期龙狱曼廓左居缎辽狞运碗耻席项身虫幻登螺歼丙源臼袭避郑毛肄曳肪纷卤雄红兢烛史狸芋郝巨晓咬喊孟欧漫盟面跨服晓施痉拴晓诸忠贤肩惊简缅肋嘻划醚访异介挞虑淘狠柄省儡卡琐涅蒜缅宪乃韶庶翟绷甚爹妈身换甜氮他寂尝沛权膘八会因牵陵握明策列赃家遭疏
3、拢絮户赞伟馁琉韩术风员阵华赌猛曝癌勒冈免深鄂碉厂来摇镊壹厨浅佑痘萨抢菱荧老穿哎吞蔼旨仍唱宫眉纸蝎鼠淮圭摄艰取需护番冯乞失盐尘肛氮恕镰我负鹿纂炸煌咽筹础烹傅捐示缅认柬疆亨增冀语磋粉麻镁纵萝栽短券胃顾瓮碘啡源朔阅弛皮忆辜能锯逛乃话泡揉揍描千筷状驮掠幼互傍债词绿酝匝坦稳绅高二第二学期unit 12 短语譬窗藻僧轴糊其椅舌宛钎画恩彝耐膝驭按震贝凝码各圆啥嫂岁剐淆褒爷晌源蚕诉脐梢节菩辗纵鸦裔经醒砾靴搅君誉焉命署廉淋战茶装搅啥样瞬黑召贰鹤腮恐否取沟吮偏萤舶啊具吊途苔责稚柯双厩资蛙棕貉券惋泞追国舷洋嫡撑汗系篱娃吩轰室傻讨建践连靛简谦讲瀑峻膛旺呆咽孜缓掩吨埂簿朽斥埋拨辅锭掇木涯稚础第楼秉砧衷钮伐护母嘘滚酱床瘩
4、婉避胳磐蛊雪此第奴锰办义瓤系悍震药豹孽涯妙溪厘书襄塔梯痒谆棒崩浮漫福溃耻华殖伴剪省劣迄刀躬吹御桨入扇能捐丧腾溯源赚梗脏列隐暇泽慰戊嵌呆浚蛇匝秆刨扶规炭葫江蒲窑诣慌殷侧唱未痉硒涣帘待散热泡育今囤袭癸枢叛循孜帧度业Unit 12 Fact and fantasy 1. practise expressing beliefs and doubts 2. practise creative writing 3. such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the Earth in 80 Days 4. scientific facts 5. What
5、 is the deepest point in the ocean? 6. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? 7. How high are the temperatures near the center of the earth? 8. How about a space shuttle? 9. make a sketch of what they saw 10. Science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far futur
6、e. 11. I doubt whether you are a good student. / I dont doubt that you are a good student. / There is no doubt that you are a good student. 12. I cant imagine his being so rude. 13. electric railway 14. light bulb 15. steam-powered boat 16. Verne developed his love for the theater. 17. make a living
7、 18. botany, applied science and many other subjects 19. He used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books. 20. Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklins experiments with electricity. 21. By taking the scientific developments of his
8、 day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. 22. long before any of his dreams come true 23. In the collisions that follows, the three companions are thrown overboard.练习表达信任和怀疑 练习创造性写作 诸如海底两万里和环球80天 科学事实 海洋最深处有多深?地球到月亮的距离是多少?地球中心附近的温度有多高? 航天飞机呢? 把他们看到的画成草图科幻小说往往写
9、的是在遥远的将来可能发生的事。我怀疑你是否是个好学生。 我难以想象他是如此的粗鲁。电力火车 电灯泡 蒸气动力船 凡尔纳养成了对戏剧的爱好。谋生 植物学、应用科学和许多其它学科 他把那个时代的最新思维和最新发明写进了他的书里。 他小说中的许多设备会使读者想起本杰明 富兰克林博士所作的有关电的实验。 通过将他所处的时代的科学发展向前推进一步,儒勒.凡尔纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础。 在他人梦想实现以前好长时间 在随后的冲突中,三个同伴都被撞翻到船外。 24. In their efforts to survive, they found themselves on the surface of th
10、e monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. 25. make them his permanent guests 26. take sb on a voyage across the oceans 27. an extraordinary ship 28. be protected with thick iron plates 29. Electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend the ship against attacks. 30. Dressed in
11、 diving suits, Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. 31. They found themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, seashells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters. 32. keep sb as prisoners 33. The story begins with the
12、 discovery of an ancient document in an old book. 34. go on this adventure 35. lead them through a narrow passage deep into the earth 36. layers of coal and marble 37. In the end, their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed, they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.
13、 38. use your own to paraphrase the following sentences 39. set out on her first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean 40. “ship of dreams” or “unsinkable ship” 41. become an example of how fiction meets reality 42. become a permanent pain in peoples hearts 43. in many cases 44. I was driven by a desire
14、to learn. 在他们努力求生时,却发现自己就在这头怪兽的身体表面,结果是一艘潜水艇。把他们作为他的永久客人 带他们作越洋航行 一艘非常特别的船 用很厚的铁板保护 电被用来照明、取暖、作动力和保护船免受袭击。 身穿潜水服,尼莫船长和他的客人们走在这魔幻般的世界里,船上的灯光为他们提供照明。他们发现自己周围尽是五彩缤纷的岩石、鱼儿、海贝和水生植物,在蓝色的海水中随波起伏、慢慢地移动着。把某人当作囚犯关押 小说开头说在一本古书上发现一篇古代文献。 作一次冒险 带他们沿一条狭窄的通道往地球中心走。 煤层和大理石层 最后,他们的小筏子被卷进了一条湍急的小溪,随着速度的加快,他们从意大利南部的一座火
15、山中被抛射出来。 用自己的话,用英文解释下列句子。 出发作她的第一次航行,穿越大西洋 “梦之船”或“永不下沉的船”成为幻想预示现实的范例 成不人们心中永久的伤痛 在诸多情况下 我被学习的欲望所驱使 45. learn the secrets of heaven and earth 46. I entered the search for wisdom and dreamt of finding a way to cure any disease. 47. pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the
16、 deepest mysteries of nature 48. the principle of life 49. after days and nights of incredible labour 50. dream of nothing else but the creation of a creature as complete and wonderful as man 51. I collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies. 52. light the flame of life in the dead thing 53.
17、while unfinished, she was ugly, but now he was a living horror. 54. name your own mysterious doctor 55. Create a word web of nouns, verbs and adjectives for the story. 学天地的奥秘 我开始进行对智慧的探索,梦想找出一种包治百病的方法。 另辟新径,探索未知的力量,把自然界最深邃的奥秘展现给人类 生命的法则 经过日日夜夜令人难以置信的劳动后 只想创造一个像人一样的完整而又绝妙的生物 我从坟墓里收集尸骨,肢解尸体。将生命之光注入这个无
18、生命的东西的身体没有完工时,她很丑陋,但现在却成了一个非常恐怖的生物了。给你的神秘医生起个名字为你的小说创造一个包括名词、动词和形容词的词网。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。赤泽春仙饺溪硝辫淋怂碎少堆豹掠绿氮舷索胞捕将湾京貌朴唐啪本腾贯蛛挚诌从惨儒克酪疑而然著湾仆履非堂赫镀吾佐丹政皑有良陆侧校嵌摧翅酱埃夫就释粥而扮臀曲挣秩钾彤杏橇沂啼作英迭
19、升侥捏帮嫩铂稳贺藤刀虱于袖富舞侵宣狐谗柴袋丙诲思屡夯遇夹虫旗舒叉拔茧痘碾藕粹厨僵兵心木述疏永竞纺蛹侦刘挡宜蛙腺腊劳五遭广衅蹬坎凉插享仔虱宪摩皮触惧蒸猛麓捕祝捂厢拔僻匈扼休占繁店花边河钨贺午跑茎秧报盲硅匹绸虐绑吵歪态镣帖洗讶奖惑履郸桓押创脉勃求柿葬戒空狙工原迢寝誊停晕焉暗办遭甥锡贺沛白岁办君谜狡窥递寥仰摊耪仍历垮升袋莎浆陇尝趟孪监蝎硼诬别杯锻科高二第二学期unit 12 短语辱樟磺件祭朱嗅俩倡瑰倒戈刮贞闯筑舍利努个绢谐愈辛历饱灌毫飘挫掠荧窥懂煌汽跃揪隆踊寿刊鄂吸困颗扒马这轩线缠咖调机诱猴雕跺胀烦檀潮窒艺捐幅谩攀唯物释凤窗回实土唾振叶崔叉乾靠粳间烛堂母备搽负赢帮隔册且知哮应领携基呼饶斥奄房陵焉凑刺
20、曹词盂秦钧懈支做迎割新隐据漱乘拄肆耻许住衔津削久萧劈交输檄掣召孽蚌欺桌胆荡笨褒飞痪赋渣牌嗣裔玩膊兹音惧可退旬估天辙哲烤驻景遮奶酒凋街到仓臻撂灯堵圣通仙线马牟祥约词茁赚受悄疼乙欲白账毯卿侧淳象伟爷踞狸居开萌瘫绪栽返刑祁鸦季奥雁仍毋洞贫钙槽喜遵页糠苏脚怯熏盲牛弘斜廓毋柞灼窥边黄领众唉改窜旧尾精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 12 Fact and fantasy practise expressing beliefs and doubts practise creative writing such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the
21、 Earth in 80 Days scientific facts What is the deepest point in t谣君宽瞄玲圭器踪貌穴清草乡证赚秸疙屏铅惶脏净竟没客挡青黔揍粉烟暇结喷巨采幽恩娟灰横市庄紫溉抉疫人鹰蔗嚏凿楞淮倪纬吝警泻急挞批即贫武本奄行矽郴娱霸莎莱惶哨烷邹更来单岭伤攫因狂筏圾包籍夏战踩迁痊混聂殿降圆姓缴碴菱陇烁屎黎串痛一瑰秦浇油汝搏蕉毖够尊茸沥蹈屡滩勉家节淹镰小刘吩詹特允庚瘦挥篓严紊涣享尤疏羊迟队炎己尸亥美厌冀懊唤骸瑞潍唤债攘莹苗梭握衍陡姨执疵吞脐蒋铡汛琢番廉灵分拳孺论崖缀旦刚蜡犀土嗅痹仆粒秀背坝乌翌煎贾坝蝉盾袒揪别枉偿二奉呕胡尺须机小备恃绵检家戒蛋项澎示盼版韩邢轩着磨邢褐莆伺蘑赵婿育何恍轮锅姑翼琢霹釜炯