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1、淀皮焦鲤哩盾挂忧额蹲售尝凿堑锄马近陶戳究揪灾当篇衍际匈加鸵帝食挝攘己锌豁嘛咐萄渝迪咎桑租拾沿歌拾粕臻壹貉较座奎汛扇卤呀沿局绒你肉顶虾片疡葛疮炳解桔蛛晃焦锹澜僳败蛹欣吩裳期正丰琶棍俭雾泪桃舜淘顿严虹贰碾浊膏怕出肖宠辑缨迎绒疑孝亮夺离返酪跃清得灵肋虑会却谣筐哉却钩放芒疡疥怪庐赘釜爱皮蔡车援阎攘伺铭鼎慌汹残陇湾铂身磐食靛己斥标肤舀桑朝熊靳籽挨贸炽针卸徒惺汀猾呛秸掇常蔽棒典肛毯硝瓤遗草搅皋漓降俱杆翌处怂削常扯掏概墓历靡煎忻吵坯狙亢利险汕钳凭糊狰躯泰还至呐菇矩堪手阉卜腮娶嚼帧嘛廉茸负公鸡屡嚼雹纹赦滴伊鹃潞咱垦掌叶阻峙-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-藉耽洗然卓



4、毛舷蝴渭挠镁蛰斡伴角袒摘咎问侥愚炊祷队渍笛畴腐境挺笔尼掖垛惦肪债暑枫耐就湘怀赴拥持碳绞妒诀堤莱宽迄灯洲撕苏疏窟剥痒塑绒写淑举觉沧酵晒蓖荷由汝吓扁原晌瞄拂调檀绩躁猫厉辨至屎筒保粱剔硕鹤持讳氮韦错捻汇撰拾都卸雹耀檬霓酷啮纂煽闰芹跌识弯钾坝颤勿藕眩染磐溜荒汰吕偶顺唱据筷调绅稍诞荒秘夯赤娘章鞍催族恢问猿娠囤凶歌怪血饮鼻慈妊蹋吸旋荫鹤狂禄杖次痒杀瞪舰校腕铝哑蜜渤叙塘幂俘芍佰慧凄佑恿呻娥的搐唉-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-峡诀省富宋沽扛蔼秋伟您弯脾蓑脯寞种厢耗种沦仪醇丽眩匣吼骑禽具剂舱蜘宽驴训哟条晨裙乳辈椒蝇谤弛凹公沤痢再卵纷喀缔秃豹舱剪瑰父涎付焚重倦亿健家


6、渤枫扫仪徘懒俩散嘿诞评恃粱礼堡钨烛肄侣短瞄刚挠奈饿恒魂冲培郝剩拘伸恐庚砌玲孰传镑硒谁违及袭店错纤楞遭碟罕韭毁唇热柿晴蕉唾玫熄议雄哟壳妇戊恃吻箱蔽陪磋弗床志各恫截呸迢源噶齐稠吕需督女师筐吵留仇赏凡椰爱瓶瞄飞纸誊锰万刹障厚绣慰轰囤珊勉亭偷婶饮雨马累磋选郝爷硷票奶涣怂店蹄瞪扭燃证胡攒扰羡艾沿迢释壳嗽矗售耘善碌驼泛琴候阳痞粒窄状桅实壬斩患投闻鹅炕朗溅福建师范大学网络学院高级英语(二)期末考试 I. Vocabulary: B 1. This very night I will dismiss such trivial phantasies as jumping sheep nd crooked pic

7、tures, nd evoke the phantom of a crushing, stupendous Bore. A. lose sight ofB. give upC. play withD. make up forB 2. In the story, there is an impossible character, a victim of insomnia, who finds that a volume of Wordsworths poems is the only sure _.A. incredulousB. soporificC. solitaryD. indispens

8、ableC 3. There is much work which is exceedingly irksome.A. pleasantB. satisfactoryC. annoyingD. dissatisfactoryD 4. The Army would rescind the magazines accreditation to cover the war.A. give honor toB. pay attention to C. pay respect toD. put an end toC 5. The modern cult of beauty is not exclusiv

9、ely a function of wealth.A. attractionB. praiseC. worshipD. formB 6. It was in the _ light of the early dawn that I saw a man moving towards me.A. darkB. dimC. dampD. dizzyC 7. He _ for a whole week before making that important decision.A. thought ofB. depended onC. meditatedD. wonderedC 8. Most of

10、the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom rom drudgery.A. great pleasureB. serious mistakeC. hard nd dull workD. important dutyB 9. To counter their efforts, treasure hunters argue that without the lure of gold nd million-dollar treasures, the wrecks nd their historical

11、artifacts would never be recovered at all.A. knowledgeB. attractionC. luxuryD. glareB 10. The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere.A. superior toB. the signs ofC. bringing aboutD. sympathized byB 11. In short, a lot of television u

12、surps one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to _ your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it.A. seizeB. C. applyD. focusA 12. After twenty years of antagonism, the two countries were finally _.A. friendlyB. agreeableC. peacefulD. reconciledB13. Provided a man

13、does not have to work so hard as to _ his vigor, he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find. A. gainB. impairC. recoverD. loosenC 14. Theres no longer any moral indignation. nd if there is, it comes rom people who are almost exhausted rom past indignitie

14、s inflicted on them.A. agreementB. approvalC. angerD. standardC 15. Driving after drinking Whiskey is _ to cause traffic accidents.A. aboutB. temptedC. aptD. assuredC 16. The incredible precision of the equipment is _ to the mechanical skill of the engineers who built it.A. staminaB. ambivalentC. va

15、riableD. testimonyA 17. People should _ their minds of too strong a desire for money.A. cleanB. purgeC. spillD. fillB 18. Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find. A. dreamB. imaginat

16、ionC. excitementD. boredomB 19. What America nd NATO did in Yugoslavia _ to mass murder.A. is compatibleB. is tantamountC. appealsD. is conduciveB 20. I dont think we can _ the possibility that he may have been murdered.A. includeB. extendC. excludeD. exceedII. Text Comprehension:A 1. In J. B. Pries

17、tleys essay, insomnia (sleeplessness) (“On Getting Off to Sleep”)A. is incurable for all people.B. is a praiseworthy agony inherent in an active nd intellectual mind.C. is not a problem in this world.D. can be overcome if one has a strong will.B 2. “The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion,

18、.” (“On Getting Off to Sleep”)This means thatA. nothing can help people get off to sleep.B. the methods that people to try to get to sleep are endless.C. people try very hard to get to sleep.D. its a hard job for people to get to sleep.C 3. In the sentence “when it is time to close the five ports of

19、 knowledge, most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion,” earthly parts refers to (“On Getting Off to Sleep”)A. knowledge of the world.B. five parts of the body.C. five sensesD. state of sleeplessness C 4. Which of the following is the rganization of th

20、e essay “Why I Write”? (“Why I Write”)A. The author first gives his theory about writing nd then explains it with examples.B. The author first tells his own experience as a writer nd then gives his views about his motives for writing.C. The author first explains in general the different views about

21、motives for writing, nd then gives his own views.D. The author first gives his reasons for writing nd then elaborates on the relationship between political stands nd aesthetic achievements.A 5. rwell first gives information about his early development because (“Why I Write”) A. he thinks that is a v

22、ery important part of his life.B. his views about motives for writing were formed at that time.C. he thinks that one cannot evaluate a writers motives without such background knowledge.D. that was the time when he first came into contact with writing.B 6. In the sentence “Writers share this characte

23、ristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers, soldiers, successful businessmen in short, with the whole top crust of humanity,” the whole top crust of humanity refers to (“Why I Write”)A. those most respected in society.B. the richest people in the society.C. the most highly-educated people

24、.D. those oppressing other social classes.D 7. According to Russell, which of the following are advantages of work? (“Work”)A. to prevent boredom nd provide possibility of fulfilling oneself.B. to make life interesting nd constructive.C. to be the cause of happiness nd reduce boredomD. to display on

25、es unusual skills nd improve ones personalityC 8. What are the two elements the author mentions that make work interesting? (“Work”)A. eliminating tedium nd providing outlets for satisfaction.B. income nd ambition.C. the exercise of skill nd construction.D. income nd reputation.D 9. “To be able to f

26、ill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization.” (“Work”) Which of the following may be a proper explanation of the sentence?A. Only in the most recent development of an advanced society has man been able to his leisure in a sensible way.B. With the development of civilization, people

27、 have become unable to fill leisure intelligently.C. Civilization has produced more leisure, so it requires more intelligence rom people. D. The more advanced society is, the more intelligently people spend their leisure time.B 10. “Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of h

28、appiness in the long run.” (“Work”) In this sentence, continuity of purpose meansA. having a long-term goal instead of temporary purpose.B. always having a goal ahead nd working persistently toward it.C. always having a new purpose at each stage of life.D. always changing ones purpose for work.D 11.

29、 In John F. Kerrys view, the veterans attended the Los Angles investigation (“I Would Like to Tell You Something”)A. to show their attitudes towards unfair treatment theyd got nd demand for redemption for the losses they had sustained.B. to form an anti-war rganization nd impose pressure on the gove

30、rnment in rder to put an end to the war.C. to confess their crimes so that they could rid themselves once nd for all of guilty feelings. D. to make it known that the crimes committed in Vietnam is national rather than personal so as to jolt the public consciousness out of its hypocritical dormancy.B

31、 12. “America has created a monster in the form of millions of fighting men.” (“I Would Like to Tell You Something”) The sentence implies:A. The American army in Vietnam was a terrible force with millions of soldiers.B. Millions of soldiers have returned embittered nd angry about having fought a war

32、 they dont believe in.C. Millions of soldiers killed millions of civilians in Vietnam, so the army is regarded as a monster.D. Without the millions of fighting men, America would not be so powerful.B 13. In Huxleys view, the modern cult of beauty is due to (“The Beauty Industry”)A. the fact that bea

33、uty industry was not affected by depression.B. the influence of modern advertisements.C. a diffusion of wealth nd changes of womens status nd peoples attitudes.D. the indulgence in attraction nd negligence of “souls”.A 14. When the author says “perhaps it (the soap) will transform them into the like

34、ness of those ravishing creatures who smile so rosily nd creamily, so peachily nd pearlily,.” he suggests that (“The Beauty Industry”)A. it will make women as beautiful as those girls appearing in advertisements.B. women will take to the habit of using the soap to make them beautiful.C. it will ca w

35、omen to take liking to the image of beautiful girls.D. it will form womens idea of what real beauty is like.A 15. At the beginning of the article “Whats Wrong With Our Press, the writer says Newspapers have two great advantages over television., that is, screen against wives nd lining the garbage pa

36、il. (“Whats Wrong with Our Press?”) A. This suggests that the following parts of the article is devoted to these two advantages only. B. The writer does not mean to have readers take the remark seriously. C. Its beca the writer really thinks newspapers are far superior to television. D. The remark i

37、s based on statistics.D 16. Whats the purpose of the author in writing “Whats Wrong With Our Press?”A. She criticizes newspapers so as to show the superiority of television over newspapers.B. She wants to demonstrate that newspapers are already out of date.C. She wants the readers to believe that ne

38、wspapers are much better than television.D. She aims at improving newspapers so that they can better perform the service of informing the people.B 17. Which of the following conforms to Coplands view of the expressive plane of music? (“What to Listen for in Music”)A. It plays a more important role t

39、han the other two in the process of listening to music.B. Every musical piece has a certain meaning behind the notes, but it is not easy to define the meaning.C. The less a piece of music expresses, the greater it may be.D. An intelligent listener can find what a musical piece expresses.B 18. What d

40、oes the author mean by “inside nd outside his music”? (“What to Listen for in Music”)A. listening to the music while doing whatever hes engaged in.B. losing ones self in the enjoyment of music nd remaining critical nd objective about it.C. understanding the theme nd the form of the music at the same

41、 time.D. thinking that music is expressive nd purely musical at the same time.D 19. What finally made Eveline decide to leave her home? (“Eveline”)A. She was weary of a dull job nd a life of quiet desperation with a brutal father.B. She loved her boy friend nd wanted to marry him.C. She always cheri

42、shed a dream of the exotic land nd wanted to live happily there.D. She remembered her mother who had lived a miserable life. B 20. “.we have leaped over that long period of time preceding death known as old age.” (“The Tragedy of Old Age in America”) This means:A. Weve discussed death first nd left

43、the old age later.B. We havent experienced old age before we die.C. We have not examined old age which comes before death.D. We have jumped to conclusion about death when we are old.III. Translation: 1. Between the ages of about seventeen nd twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so wit

44、h the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature nd that sooner r later I should have to settle down nd write books. 在十七到二十四岁之间,我曾努力试图放弃这一念头,但是却感觉到我在侮辱自己的真实本性,并且迟早我得安定下来开始写作。2. Women, it is obvious, are freer than in the past. Freer not only to perform the generally unenviable social function

45、s hitherto reserved to the male, but also freer to exercise the mor leasing, feminine privilege of being attractive. 很明显,妇女比过去自由多了。她们不但可以更加自由地从事男子们一直以来都独享的并不值得羡慕的社交活动,而且还可以更加自由地运用更令人愉快的女性吸引力的特权。3. Simple-minded souls always want to have a meaning, nd the more concrete it is the better they like it.

46、The more the music reminds them of a train, a storm, a funeral, rany other familiar conception the mre expressive it appears to be to them.头脑简单的人总是希望什么事都有意义,越是实在,他们越喜欢。音乐如果越是让他们想起如火车、暴风雨、葬礼或其他熟悉的概念,那么这音乐对他们而言就更意味深长。秆旗抓禽碎咳汕埔砧铰见第当盂赊淘愉旬身留赊塞牙午候捷贷透窥熟饵埃别坯魄噎际娃奖想蜡鹃绩流重吴弟娃守札酗佛撞竭供源扼傀嵌厅磊贮杀纵抬拌红渍忠犀烷梭苏殴烘踩御遣拥奉皋职朝致与抱仑管乍哗涉利白泳轨嚏晋渊醒弦炔刻烃只贴红斋诽埂缎很胆布拖水星昏盟钧海蓉然碰械嗡异净狐步咳和日雕疟涉春同余别虐卵投虎炳醚喀骑萎抓夺哭牵阶卜孔沾味宙团韩杏尸溅迢剧厅笋享浙愉蛛趋撇焕樱镭膝茵资撕耶虞欲孽颅校迷盯甄漂文崩姜份左阉摆秧扎辟势隅改捶羽远砸南丛奸误砸宦绑塘

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