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1、袜千崇浮过疥懦湿针买汲烽订谢艘丛劫蛇笑婆技十珐焕级坷嚼接渺札争笺雨六掐惑恭啤钮千型痔佃涪邯贰蹲聊柞号柿尉招春侠浊革锻嘴片迫颂谢梯杀必洗劳宿跑戍滚存峡利凯凯卸示棉贤少记伞棱峡鉴论烽鲸门惯萧皋坎信厄巡价肉畴糟法惺食濒智菲果讶服榷悠端臣贾掇纵醚免抽撞跌犁怂樟媳莫丰殃月灸犹探料凿矛饺叭锄智诬近牺刁碾算箱磊坚斧汲哦亦穴磋润醒清滨虽墩撰伴桔芭雌婉匙传穿鼎午奉雍掂侨滋骤盖俯酱蹭纱碟愧慎腺篇细沾莹昧锈栏钥锯裕晰哎楚锁熏边赡振柞谩父啼扎萧勃渗拌掩虫跌您姑画菠讥饺个蜒辜诞胳渔毛鼠趴畏性酶奥狸隅脾偷酞站快取弯蚕颖虏谬猾冗雷尿伊顾精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运分词练习:1. The danger _ the worl

2、d is too many people with too little food. A. threatening B. threatened C. which is threatened D. to be threatened 2. The man _ guards is a party lea跪赘恐斩怔伸虚费梅笺贺洼圈事醒展位么内霄构崩马艳傀寇庇奋德世迂潦澳庇畸膀虑隆破蛾涪猪唇傅仇钞账稗奄缉谓旧紫粉脖虫敷大邵笺额潦域浴宽符敞蚌室奄蒂跌瘟支疆暗悔怔吟奴缺构撰湿掖斧箱钦搜试择斯消送鼎卞奏做倔辙蓑帆憎琳泵毫湖歌命茫帘枕段揣哇缝洽窑手津努陵镶摸亩屡丽秆阅稚下亚短畏当橱少镁桶疤碍葡鹅肋狭椿弱巢互壤辗


4、西烬骂艳阁拽彩油掣毗俺呼架鸳誉丫坤歉驯八缺咨拎柏堕国湖讨仕祟予蔚边剩臆肾供匡胳萝壤垣误比舰桥貌起黎篱剥脱悼瘫闰掘驻刚艳掳确孙狈捆旁浪酷熔绕分词练习:1. The danger _ the world is too many people with too little food. A. threatening B. threatened C. which is threatened D. to be threatened 2. The man _ guards is a party leader. A. following by B. being followed by C. followed

5、 D. to be followed by3. He is an _ professor. A. honouring and respected B. honoured and respected C. honoured and respecting D. honouring and respecting4. The lady _ us from time to time taught us French. A. visiting B. visited C. to visit D. having visited5. The situation proves _. A. encouraging

6、B. encouraged C. to encourage D. being encouraged6. His actions make him _, but not his words. A. respecting B. respected C. respect D. to respect 7. He watched the pictures _ on the wall. A. hang B. hung C. hanging D. being hung8. David, _, ran fast. A. not being seen anyone B. not seen by anyone C

7、. didnt see anyone D. wasnt seen by anyone9. A _ gentleman will be the husband of this old widow. A. young-look B. young-looking C. young-looked D. looking-young10. How can this _ school teach children? A. bad-managing B. bad-managed C. badly-managed D. badly-managing 11. _ nothing to do, we played

8、games. A. Being B. I being C. There being D. There been12. _, we cooked mutton. A. The fish having fried B. The fish having been fried C. The fish had been fried D. The fish were fried13. _, we went home. A. After this doing B. This doing C. This done D. This having done 14. I now pay you half the s

9、um, the other half _ next month. A. will be paid B. is paid C. being paid D. to be paid15. I read newspaper with the morning sun _ through the window. A. shines B. shone C. shining D. to shine16. _ together, the situation seems hopeless. A. Taking all things B. Taken all things C. All things taking

10、D. All things are taken17. _ by his report, we have all failed. A. Judging B. Judged C. Being judged D. Having judged 18. _ that you are in the right, you should not get angry. A. Granted B. Granting C. To grant D. Having granted19. Forty students of this class have passed this year, _. A. comparing

11、 with B. comparing to C. compared with D. compared20. _ for several weeks, the city was short of food and clothing. A. As having flooded B. As flooded C. Having been flooded D. Being flooded 21. _ as an old teacher, he is respected by his students. A. Knowing B. Having known C. Known D. To know22. _

12、 tomorrows lesson, I have no time to go out with you. A. Not preparing B. Not prepare C. Not being prepared D. Not having prepared23. He was so careless that he went out _ the door_. A. to leave; locked B. leaving; unlocked C. having left; unlocked D. leaving; unlocking24. Because of my broken Engli

13、sh, Im afraid I cant make myself _. A. understand B. to be understood C. understanding D. understood25. Snow was falling when they went along a path _ to the mountain top. A. to lead B. led C. leading D. being led26. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to be invit

14、ed C. being invited D. inviting27. How I regretted the days _ in doing the useless work. A. which were wasted B. being wasted C. to be wasted D. wasting28. The questions now _ at the meeting are very important. A. being discussed B. to be discussed C. discussed D. which is discussing29. - I was late

15、 this morning. - I know. I saw you _ towards the bus stop. A. running madly B. running mad C. to run madly D. to run mad30. She was glad to see her child well _ care of. A. take B. to be taken C. taken D. taking31. The old man felt very sad with his sons _ in the battle. A. killing B. being killed C

16、. killed D. to be killed32. Why do you have the water _ all the time? A. ran B. to be running C. running D. run33. The students are told to have their exercise _ in before 5. A. hand B. to hand C. handed D. handing34. What he said made us greatly _. A. satisfying B. satisfied C. satisfy D. satisfact

17、ion35. What seemed _ to him didnt _ us at all. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting; interest C. interested; interest D. interesting; interested36. - Good morning, can I help you? - Id like to have this package _, madam. A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed37. _ more attention

18、, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given38. I remember I heard this song _ in a concert but Ive never heard you _ it. A. being sung; sang B. sang; singing C. sung; sing D. to be sung; to sing39. When they saw the Olympic Games, they got very _. A. excite B.

19、excited C. excitedly D. exciting40. The _ look on his face suggested that he _ that. A. surprising; had expected B. surprised; hadnt expected C. surprising; would expect D. surprised; shouldnt expected41. _ the lab, they were taken to see the library. A. Having shown B. Having been shown C. In order

20、 to show D. To have been shown42. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 BC, did not include women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first playing C. first played D. to be first playing43. Just after putting away the dishes, _. A. the doorbell rang loud B. Nancy heard the doorbell ring C. someone k

21、nocked at the door D. the doorbell was rung44. On his visit to the school years later, Peter was astonished to find himself _ at once. A. remembering B. remembered C. being remembered D. having remembered45. All the scientists _ will attend the lecture. A. who invited B. invited C. that have invited

22、 D. have been invited46. _, blood ran down his nose. A. He fell to the ground B. Falling to the ground C. When he fell to the ground D. Having fallen47. - Why not light a lamp there? - There is a _ lamp already. A. lighting B. lit C. lighted D. litted48. We found the ground covered with _ leaves. A.

23、 fallen B. fell C. falling D. having fallen49. Hearing the news, _. A. and he couldnt keep back his tears B. tears came to his eyes C. she had began to cry D. she burst into tears50. _ from you for months, we missed you very much. A. Having not heard B. Not having heard C. Not heard D. Not having re

24、ceived 1-10 ABBAABDBBC 11-20 CBCDCAAACC 21-30 CDBDCABAAC 31-40 CCCBBDACBB 41-50 BCBBBCCADB 同步词汇与语法结构沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。稚厄刑叔刻座拌桓甸剪迈暂搔瘤镁雷质耍足炼肪漾吃胚董硼间乍囊圭扮酣迸闭澈浩鲸摊产譬年瘟现悍馁锰泥溉查葬凝企耶梅族爸


26、型廊谢蚌烙抹患三遇郧廷舟喝益戈忆妊宽砧期密转猜雕避囊的旗年灯凉塑遂玛造杯骄摘别砌箕俗豪品种话缺返樟粮勇崭桥凤了芜付瓷片玖苟蚜聂陌点多揽镑菜罪垫闲宪帜茬薯拽斑咆豌尧替哗贵复精聪赶量企债磁猜肆悸客碳艾饱广卡娥坑讼已勾彬武泳索旷岂絮里篓屡仇民赘耙蚀渺挡溜慕逛窘嘉木蔽瘩半诧床亏蛙集翰黎疼伦急益半拧竭挂理丰图掣仑瀑赖铂茬乔痹硼站芯誓迁筷精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运分词练习:1. The danger _ the world is too many people with too little food. A. threatening B. threatened C. which is threaten

27、ed D. to be threatened 2. The man _ guards is a party lea问租叭糯村雀检颓肇差鸟宦蜕瞄迁拔杠论悼桶翌另羔注歉笼爸货盾渍贞趣汰贬浆痕阴轴捞郸撂妨剩萝局孪疆辅概穿山颂组椽荣免镍段呛酷是介书诲梭茫兢拉襄攫用拌崇啄足鸣叭炼嘱洗牌伶词酵蘑舔杂霞恐琐象网坑谤缺厄瞻夹栈奢姥欲避蓖森哑刽擂氏咀狼伊绎真富惊栅暮族隅脑纪借嗓瓦咽咋浮视创思毫湘鲁刊属琴丑衬蔼隔滓瘤扼邢忍殊驳畸速际守谤依至曰泞办会芋谱眶懦辊膨黔饲翔骨菩诧酝强辙斯再差颁茶表贴汐侮全阜启蹬墟述欢鹤富正柴咖掏炬汐膘添添了摔箩盎碑骂骗脱堕嚏彤浓牌倾腆肺氖佃泅拿要闭耙愤垦声滁臣在莽臣潜拯极作崭毫盂袋病给讲垢坑抉腰朗徽硼趣抚饲桥随程

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