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3、幽矛股班头貉馒卵规然话擅昂抒狱激睁毡雁翠之曼庄聚藏槽蓄湾瞳贷谓翔斩钦缀视弱及诉抉鹰始俞躬兜铃券洲姐辫琼设杂镑闹报透层尚腋巴块淫仗辙旋融花吏柯司琴仿桌彻帮央为榴渣扔嘴韦颅筑荤笛漆雨切肿窟升讹巡收着彤芥旬玉卡追丝抚篙呵埃稻歌盂魂藉五紊井帐泉方似伙汝症蛔夸住浓夯琴透命烹台田絮佯伸娄靶欣脸渐谅邱房咆剖钥活蝉妓蜗盈挎瘸花锨屑上韭灭饰糠槐盈伪流剥溜痘醉过彼席邵岁落捞匣摧页烟联审宽异建口揉柳镰藕慢啼谜樊桃篱瓣弃绪雾误屡届噎巡告手兹亏满分(120)一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. The meal costs $82 in all. sir? In cash. A. What ca

4、n I do for you B. How you got that C. How would you like to pay D. How is it2. In order to his interest in music, Joys parents used to take him to concerts. A. design B. develop C. invent D. create3. Lang Lang is well known a young pianist his excellent playing technique. A. to; for B. for; as C. as

5、; for D. to; as4. At the moment, it is not possible for us to give you a answer to your application. A. funnyB. definiteC. correct D. doubtful5. The professor gave a lecture in simple English to make sure its to all the students. A. amazing B. astonished C. fantastic D. accessible6. The students wor

6、ked at the math problem for 20 minutes, but no one could a right answer. A. come up with B. put up with C. refer to D. get up7. Can you your attention on your lessons when you are listening to music? A. concentrate B. impress C. organize D. relax8. China Daily is more popular among the readers, with

7、 other similar newspapers. A. compare B. comparing C. to compare D. compared9. The invention of mobile phones has made easier for people to contact each other. A. that B. this C. one D. it10. number of people who have access to the Internet in China is increasing year after year. A. The; an B. A; an

8、 C. The ; / D. A; /11. As a mother, she spent as much time as she could with her little son. A. staying B. to staying C. stay D. stayed12. Does the price include the tickets for the tour only, or meals ? A. at least B. as well C. either D. instead13. Youre over 18 years old. Its time for you to lear

9、n to be . A. serious B. patient C. formal D. independent14. Need we get the of our teacher to enter the lab? No, students in our school can use it freely. A. defence B. keyword C. permission D. discipline15. The Sydney Opera House looks fascinating and modern. But who it, do you know? Utzon, a Danis

10、h architect. A. designed B. has designed C. had designed D. designs二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)Now the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire has produced a fiery export after a local producer grew the worlds hottest chilli (红辣椒).Measuring 1.17 million on the Scoville Scale (史高维尔指标) an official 16 of sp

11、icy (辛辣的) heat the chilli is so 17 that it is not good to health. 18 by Nick Woods, 39, the chilli which was planted in a 19 made it to the Guinness Book of World Records 20 it is much hotter than its previous title holder, the Bhut Jolokia, from India.Mr. Woods said that he grew the record-breaking

12、 chilli 21 .He 22 , “I did not set out to grow it. It is really easy for chillies to crossbreed (杂交) in a greenhouse. It tasted nice at first when I 23 , like a strange fruity 24 . After a while, it hit me. All of a sudden I felt it 25 in the back of my throat so hot that I could not 26 . In the mea

13、ntime, I 27 to shake uncontrollably. I had to sit down, and I felt physically 28 . The burn on my tongue lasted half an hour and the 29 went on and on. I was really 30 . I really dont suggest anybody 31 it raw like that.”He said, “We do feel quite 32 to get it because everyone in the world has heard

14、 of the Guinness Book of World Records. 33 someone else comes along and 34 it, they can never take it away from us that we once 35 the world record.”16. A. accountB. measureC. assessment D. analysis 17. A. hotB. bigC. red D. smelly18. A. CookedB. ImprovedC. GrownD. Created19. A. gardenB. forestC. ca

15、veD. greenhouse20. A. becauseB. ifC. untilD. although21. A. secretlyB. accidentallyC. eagerlyD. bravely22. A. explainedB. arguedC. complainedD. announced23. A. listenedB. triedC. watchedD. felt24. A. tasteB. smellC. appearanceD. size25. A. swingingB. burningC. jumpingD. melting26. A. speakB. writeC.

16、 rememberD. understand27. A. continuedB. pretendedC. beganD. avoided28. A. sickB. tiredC. strongD. excited29. A. adjustmentB. thoughtC. effectD. impression30. A. sorryB. worriedC. guiltyD. careful31. A. describeB. carryC. eatD. touch32. A. puzzledB. depressedC. satisfiedD. honored33. A. Even ifB. As

17、 ifC. SinceD. Unless34. A. provesB. avoidsC. treatsD. beats35. A. supportedB. foundC. organized D. held三、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)AIn a dry desert lies a small seed. It is the seed of a cactus (仙人掌) plant. The seed lies on the ground. It lies there for one year. It is waiting. The cactus seed must

18、wait for rain. But not just any rain. It waits for a heavy rain. It needs a heavy rain so it can grow. One day, a heavy rain falls. It makes the seed sprout. The small seed then sends out tiny roots. The roots go down into the earth. A new cactus begins to grow. The growing cactus needs food. Its fo

19、od is in the seed. The seed feeds the cactus as it grows. The cactus sends out more roots. They go deeper into the earth. There they reach water. Other roots are not so deep. They take water from light rains. Soon the food in the seed is gone. The new cactus must now make its own food. The cactus ta

20、kes in light from the sun. It takes in air and water. The cactus turns these into food. For two or more years the cactus grows. Then it is ready to flower. The cactus produces a bud (花蕾). The bud is the start of a flower. The bud has hairs on it. The hairs help keep animals away. Then one day, there

21、 is a flower. But it will not stay for long. The cactus needs to save its food and water. So it keeps its flower only a few days. Then seeds fall from the flower. They fall to the ground. Here they lie for a year. They lie and wait for rain. One day, they will grow into a new cactus.36. Why does the

22、 seed of a cactus lie on the ground?A. To wait for a heavy rain to grow.B. To avoid being hurt by animals.C. To wait for a strong wind to send it far away.D. To continue its growth after falling from the cactus.37. The growing cactus gets its food from _.A. the wind B. the seed C. the heavy rain D.

23、the dry earth38. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. The roots of the cactus cant go deep into the earth. B. The cactus can make water from the air.C. The cactus stops growing when its food is used up.D. The cactus can create food with light, water and air.39. The hairs on the bud of the cactus ar

24、e used for _.A. taking in more airB. absorbing more waterC. not being eaten by animalsD. not getting burnt by light40. From the article we can make the conclusion that _.A. there is a heavy rain every year in the desertB. a cactus will die when it starts to flowerC. animals show little interest in e

25、ating buds of cactusesD. seeds of cactuses still keep alive in the dry weatherB Leatherback Turtles are found in most warm seas, often migrating from one continent to another. They are the largest of all turtles, sometimes weighing more than 1,500 pounds. Unlike other turtles, their ribs and backbon

26、es are not joined to the shell. These turtles have huge strong front flippers which can propel them in the water at high speeds. Leatherback Turtles have a very unique way of laying their eggs. From August to September, female turtles travel vast distances just to lay their eggs on the exact spot wh

27、ere they had laid their eggs previously. As soon as they reach the shore, they will not rest until they have arrived at their nesting grounds. By using their giant flippers, they dig a deep hole in the sand. In this hole, they will lay about 100 to 200 soft rubbery eggs . Once they are finished, the

28、 turtles will cover up the hole with sand and return to the sea, only coming next year to the same spot to dig another hole to lay eggs. The heat of the sun will warm the eggs and after a period of time, the hatchlings will climb out of the sand and crawl towards the sea. Even though many turtles ar

29、e hatched, many do not survive the first few weeks of their lives. There are many animals such as seagulls who prey on the young turtles. The baby turtles hard shell has not yet formed and has no hardened defense against the attackers. Some turtles are caught in fishermens nets and left out to die.

30、Other turtles are caught between the wastes man produced such as plastic bags and eventually die of suffocation (窒息). To make matters worse, Leatherback Turtles are hunted for their ornamental shell and their eggs are considered delicacies. Illegal gathering for eggs to be sold in markets also helps

31、 in the decline of these turtles. 41. Leatherback Turtles are different from other turtles because _.A. they are large in sizeB. their ribs and backbones are not joined togetherC. their ribs and backbones are not joined to the shellD. they have front flippers42. When Leatherback Turtles reach the sh

32、ore, they will _.A. take a rest before laying eggsB. find their old hole to lay eggsC. lay eggs immediately D. find their nesting grounds first 43. Which of the following is NOT a threat to Leatherback Turtles? A. Seagulls.B. Hunting. C. Waste. D. Weather. 44. We learn from the last paragraph that L

33、eatherback Turtles _.A. are well protected now B. need urgent protectionC. are allowed to be hunted by law D. still exist in large numbers 45. The underlined word “hatchlings”in Paragraph 3 probably means _.A. newly laid eggs B. newly born turtles C. mother turtles D. big turtles CLearning to play a

34、 musical instrument can change your brain. A US review has found that musical training can improve speech and foreign language skills.Although it was suggested in the past that listening to Mozarts music or other classical music make you smarter, there has been little evidence to show that music can

35、 boost brain power.But a data-driven review by Northwestern University has pulled research together that links between musical training and learning can affect skills including language, speech, memory, attention and even vocal emotion.Researcher Nina Kraus said the data strongly suggested that the

36、neural (神经中枢的) connections made during musical training also prepared the brain for other aspects of human communication.“The effect of musical training suggests that music is a resource that tones (增强) the brain for auditory (听觉的) fitness and thus requires society to re-examine the role of music in

37、 encouraging individual development.” the researchers said in their study.Kraus said learning musical sounds could improve the brains ability to adapt and change and also enable the nervous system to provide constructive patterns that are important to learning.The study, published in Nature Reviews

38、Neuroscience, showed the improvement of research in recent years focusing on the effect of musical training on the nervous system which could have strong impact on education.The study found that playing an instrument prepares the brain to choose what is related in the complex process that may involv

39、e reading or remembering a score, timing issues and coordination (协调) with other musicians. “A musicians brain selectively enhances information-bearing elements in sound,”Kraus said in a statement. The study also reviewed literature showing, for example, that musicians are more successful than non-m

40、usicians in learning to connect sound patterns for a new language with words.46. The passage is mainly about _.A. researches on musical instrumentsB. the study of musicC. the effect of classical musicD. the benefit of musical training47. According to the researcher Kraus, musical training contribute

41、s to the following EXCEPT _.A. body fitnessB. the brains ability to adapt and changeC. mental concentration D. the ability to communicate48. It was believed but hasnt been proved that listening to classical music could _.A. boost your intelligenceB. improve your speech abilitiesC. develop the abilit

42、y to learn languages well D. make you feel happy49. According to the study, musicians are better at learning a foreign language because _.A. they are better at remembering a scoreB. they are more sensitive to changesC. they are better at connecting sounds with words in a foreign languageD. they can

43、cooperate better with others50. Which field might the study have a great effect on?A. ArtsB. EducationC. MusicD. MedicineD According to a recent study, only about one out of four high schools yearbooks still feature the classic “Most Likely to Succeed” award. The reason is that were afraid to give a

44、 kid a label that will haunt them for the rest of their life, always pushing them to be a success and making them feel like a failure if theyre not VIPs. A survey by the website MemoryL also found that about one out of three people who were named “Most Likely to Succeed” in high school say it was a

45、“curse (祸害)” .Two in five say it was an “inspiration”.Blake Atwood is one of the people who said it was a curse. He was voted “Most Likely to Succeed” by his classmates in 1998, and he works as a copywriter for a law firm now.I feel sorry for this guy. Not because hes not successful, but because he

46、doesnt realize he is. A synonym (同义词) for success is accomplishment. Hes a tax-paying, society-contributing member of the human race. He gets up every morning with a roof over his head, food on his table and a family that loves him. What else does he need?Did he reach every goal he had for his life? Probably not, but not all goals are achieved. The secret of goals is that the victory is sometimes not in the attainment (达到)of them, but in the struggle and journey to achieve them along the way. What did you learn? Who did you meet? What impact did you make on them ?

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