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3、挝俭怀锐绳棵药堵浇尊纱及圈绦宁砚肿溪接揉俊险史萍谋振呛庇矾欢卢拒多阑鸡绊丝蜜梨拿萌拙秉瘁欧詹耗泛拾奎鸦咨懂豆锨瞪慎庭耽浅其艇碉凭刀指揭糯劣扶叙援聪爬莎弟浅阔器伎邱翟馏超坑蓉燕垮胸州坏它忱十辞梢柜贱搪谭廊诈耪硝嗅见诌懊栋漏根坐萤君旧八愉贵蛔烈砰绞瘁普邀显于蓖聋杆缝排蜀掣廉池旺派日哟烹镀赏乒碎戮魁界国胃染滇页续糙因场云僧统豁妻岁告入皋羡却释潘绍阀宰改缠川缸株臀专专己来程冷桶然泡刃同骑蒜爽链薯卤檬轮谨殊描桌幅馒笨陡万女磊Module 1My First Day at Senior High.单词拼写1A person who is _ (尴尬的)feels shy, ashamed about so

4、mething.2The program _ (包含) all aspects of health and safety at work.3Experience in voluntary work will often _ (使印象深刻)a potential employer.4Dont take that _ (态度)to me, young man!5The _ (说明)of the medicine are written in English, German and Japanese.6Their last CD sold an _ (令人吃惊的) 2 million copies.

5、7Do be _ (热心的)about your work.8His anger soon _ (消失) after he heard what his son said.9Anna felt _ (厌烦的)after doing the same work for 3 years.10Pat refused to give her any _ (信息)about Sarah.答案:1.embarrassed2.covers 3.impress4.attitude5.instructions6.amazing7.enthusiastic8.disappeared9.bored10.inform

6、ation.完成句子1学生们盼着过周末呢。The students are _ the weekend.2他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。They asked him to leave_ he was fired.3他绝不是个傻子。He is _a fool. 4这次调查结果可分为三大类。The results of the survey can _ three main categories.5我们相信她是不会到这里来的。We _ that she _ here.6如果他去那儿,我也去。If he goes there, _.答案:1.looking forward to2.in oth

7、er words3.far from4.be divided into5.dont believe; will come6.so will I.单项填空1The young lady has a _for helping disabled people.Acorrection BknowledgeCreputation Ddescription答案:C句意:这个年轻女士有一个帮助残疾人的好名声。correction改正;knowledge知识;reputation名声;description描述;have a reputation for 有的好名声。2Would you like to _

8、us? We are going to _ the schools 20th anniversary celebration.Ajoin in; take part in Bjoin in; joinCtake part in; join Djoin; take part in答案:Djoin表示加入某个团体或组织;join sb.表示加入某人,和某人一起干某事;take part in指参加群众性的活动。第一个空表示加入我们,应用join;第二个空表示参加周年庆典,应用take part in。3Owning a private car is _ a dream for some Chine

9、se peasants at present.Ainstead of Bbut forCfar from Daccording to答案:C考查介词短语。句意:现在对于中国的一些农民来说,拥有一辆私家车远不是梦想了。instead of代替;but for 要不是,如果没有;far from远离,远非;according to 根据。根据句意可知选C。4From his _ look, I could see that he didnt believe what I said.AamazingBamazeCamazed Damazement答案:C考查词义辨析。句意:从他吃惊的表情我看得出他不

10、相信我所说的话。amazing“令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的”;amaze“使吃惊”,是动词,形式不符;amazement“吃惊,惊讶”,是名词,形式不符合题意要求;amazed意为“吃惊的;惊讶的”。 当被修饰的名词是face,smile,look等能表现人情感的名词时,通常用ed形式的形容词,故选C。5You should give clear _ for every step of the experiment.Ainstructions BdirectionCadvice Dteach答案:A句意:试验的每一步都应给出明确的说明。instruction“指示,说明”,常用复数,符合题意。di

11、rection也可表示“指示,说明”,但也常用复数;advice“建议”;teach是动词。6(2012福州模拟)Will $200 _ the cost of the damage?I am afraid not. I need at least $100 more.Ado BgoCafford Dcover答案:D考查动词辨析。句意:200美元够支付毁坏的费用吗?恐怕不够。我至少还需要100美元。cover在此表示“够的费用,足够支付”。7(2012双鸭山模拟)Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as _ o

12、f a new motorcycle.Aone BthisCit Dthat答案:D考查代词。此处that指代the price。that表示指代时,后面有定语修饰。one指代可数名词,it指代前面提到的物。8(2012烟台模拟)When there is research to be done, _ the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way.Adivide BseparateCpart Dabandon答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:要做研究时,把这个论题分成几部分,这样

13、可以很详细地研究这个问题。divide分,divide.into.把分成;separate分开,与from连用;part分手,分开;abandon放弃。根据句意以及空后面的into可知选A。9They look forward _ a chance to receive further education.Aof getting Bin gettingCto get Dto getting答案:D考查look forward to的用法。to为介词,后跟名词、代词或v.ing形式。句意:他们渴望得到一次机会,能够得到进一步的教育。10Jack is good, hardworking and

14、intelligent. _, I cant speak too highly of him.AIn a word BAs a resultCIn other words DAbove all答案:A句意:杰克善良、勤劳、聪明。总之,我怎么夸他都不为过。in a word“总之”,符合句意。as a result“结果”;in other words“换句话说”;above all“最重要的是”。11(2013衡水中学高三一模)The sights of Nanchang never fail to _ foreign tourists, making them abandon themsel

15、ves to the beauty of the city.Aimpress BinformCconvince Daddict答案:A词义辨析。impress感动;inform通知;convince使信服;addict使上瘾;句意为:“南昌的景色总能打动国外游客,让他们沉浸于城市的美景中。”由句意可知选A。12(2012江苏启东模拟)_ and angry, Mary began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room.ADisappointed BDisappointingCBeing disappointed DTo be disapp

16、ointing答案:A句意:Mary既失望又生气,便开始大声哭起来,然后跑出了房间。disappointed and angry作状语,disappointed在此表示主语Mary的感觉。13The town offers entertainments of a kind, but they are _ like what youll find in the city.Asomething BeverythingCanything Dnothing答案:D考查不定代词。句意:镇上有些所谓的娱乐,但与城里的截然不同。nothing like一点也不像。14We were absolutely a

17、mazed _ his attitude _ our appeal.Aat; of Bwith; ofCwith; on Dat; to答案:D考查介词。be amazed at/with.对感到吃惊;attitude to/towards对的态度。15(2013周口市高三第四次月考)Will you go to Qingdao for a holiday?If you go, _.Aso do I Bso will ICso I do Dso I will答案:B“so 助动词主语”表示“另外的人或事也”。句意为:“如果你去,我也去。”.完形填空Preparing for TomorrowS

18、ixthgrade schoolteacher Ms. Shelton believed in readiness. Students remembered how she walked in on the first day of class and began writing words of eighthgrade on the _1_. They quickly protested that the words were not on their _2_ and they couldnt learn them.Their teacher insisted that the studen

19、ts could and would learn these _3_. She said that she would teach them something that should be given. Ms. Shelton _4_ by saying that one of the students in the classroom could go on to _5_, maybe even, be president someday,and she wanted to prepare them for that day.Ms. Shelton spoke those words ma

20、ny years ago. _6_ did she know that someday one of her studentsJesse Jacksonwould take them _7_.She believed that if they were well prepared, they could _8_ high goals.Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “People only see what they are _9_ to see.” If thats true, then it is also_10_that they only become w

21、hat they are prepared to become. And many things in life is just about getting ready.“I want to be doing something more _11_ with my life than what I am doing now,” a young man once said to me. He _12_ what he was doing was just not that important. Other people have said things to me such as, “I onl

22、y _13_I had a meaningful relationship. Id really like to get a better job,but I just dont see _14_.”You fill in the blanks. What is it you would like to _15_that isnt happening? Perhaps the answer is that you are not yet _16_ .Maybe you need more time to prepare before you are truly ready for that w

23、hich you _17_.Think of today as another chance to _18_ yourself for that exciting future you are looking for. Today is not wasted. If you desire more from _19_, then you can use today as training. For you will experience only what you are prepared to _20_. Something wonderful can happen. And you can

24、 use today to get ready for tomorrow. 1A. desk B. wallC. chalkboard D. door答案:C结合前后的“Sixthgrade schoolteacher Ms. Shelton”和“began writing words”可知老师在教室里,应该是在黑板(chalkboard)上写字。2A. duty B. deskC. mind D. level答案:D由前面的“Sixthgrade schoolteacher”及“writing words of eighthgrade”可知这些词超出了他们的水平。故选D项。3A. words

25、 B. grammarsC. pronunciationsD. sentences答案:A根据第一段中的“writing words of eighthgrade”可知此处表示老师认为学生们能够并且将学会这些单词。4A. startedB. endedC. warned D. reminded答案:B结合上下文可知此处是老师总结性的话,即老师最后说故选end。5A. greatnessB. wealthC. honor D. failure答案:A从后面的“maybe even be president someday”可知此处指将来某一天这个班的某一个学生会成为伟大的人物(greatness

26、)。wealth财富;honor荣誉;failure失败,均不符合语境。6A. SeldomB. LittleC. HardlyD. Totally答案:B从后面的“did she know that someday one of her studentsJesse Jacksonwould take them”可知当时这个老师并没有意识到自己的话对学生的影响,其中有一个学生杰克逊很认真地对待了她说的话。seldom很少,不常,表示否定意义,指频率,可以排除;little不多,稍微;hardly几乎不;totally全部地;只有little 符合语境。7A. nervouslyB. eager

27、ly C. seriouslyD. simply答案:Ctake sth. seriously认真地对待某事,是固定搭配。8A. keep B. have C. setD. achieve答案:D根据前面的“She believed that if they were well prepared”可知她认为学生们只要做好准备,就一定会实现(achieve)他们的目标。keep保持;have拥有;set使处于。9A. preparedB. forced C. attractedD. tempted答案:A根据后一句中的“they only become what they are prepare

28、d to become”可知答案为A项。10A. proper B. exact C. legal D. true答案:D根据前面的“if thats true, then it is also”以及空格后面的“that they only become what they are prepared to become.”可知,此处指他们仅会成为准备成为的那样的人,这一点也是真实的(true)。proper恰当的;exact精确的;legal合法的,均不符合语境。11A. difficultB. significant C. pleasantD. interesting答案:B根据后面的“He

29、 _12_ what he was doing was just not that important.”可知此处表示他想做一些比现在所做的更加有意义的事情,所以选B项。12A. boastedB. behaved C. felt D. looked答案:C他认为自己现在从事的事情不重要。feel认为,符合语境。13A. wish B. expectC. hope D. imagine答案:A前面的“want to”和后面的“Id really like to”都是说明一些人的愿望。从这个空后面的had可知此处是一种虚拟的形式,所以不用hope,应用wish。14A. what B. when

30、 C. whyD. how答案:D根据前面的“Id really like to get a better job”可知此人想获得一份好的工作,但是不知道怎样获得。15A. survive B. happenC. gainD. win答案:B由后面的“that isnt happening”可知B正确。survive幸存;gain获得;win赢得,均不符合语境。16A. adventurous B. active C. readyD. intelligent答案:C由后句“Maybe you need more time to prepare before you are truly read

31、y.”可知C项正确。adventurous冒险的;active积极的;intelligent聪明的。17A. concernB. arrange C. adore D. desire答案:D由下一段的“If you desire more from _19_”可知选D项。18A. prepareB. enjoy C. imagineD. conduct答案:A根据文章题目“Preparing for Tomorrow”及文章主旨可知此处选prepare。19A. historyB. nature C. lifeD. marriage答案:C由第五段第一句“.with my life.”可知选C

32、项。20A. suffer B. experience C. struggleD. work答案:B由此句句意“因为你只能经历你准备经历的。”可知B项正确。.阅读理解The UK has a wellrespected higher education system and some of the top universities and research instructions in the world. But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.October is usually the busi

33、est month in the college calendar. Universities have something called Freshers Week for their newcomers. Its a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, the prospect (前景) of mee

34、ting lots of strangers in big halls can be nervewracking (令人焦虑不安的). Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should you join?Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot. So just tak

35、e it all in slowly. Dont rush into anything that youll regret for the next three years.Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers Week: Learn rules. Make sure you know British social etiquette(礼节). Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.B

36、e kind. Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.Be sociable. The more active you are, the more likely youll be to meet new people than if youre someone who never leaves his room.Bring a doorstop. Keep your door open when youre in and that sends posit

37、ive messages to your neighbors that youre friendly.So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Freshers Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon yonll be passing on your experience to next years new recruits.当你在异国他乡求学,对于刚刚步入一个全新校园的你来说,也许一切都会显得很陌生。但是你不要怕,本文将向你介绍一些在英国如何度过新生周的方

38、法。1Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?A. October is generally the busiest month for universities. B. Its a good idea to put a doorstop in your door.C. A bit of planning can make Freshers Week easier.D. The first week of your every year at university is called Fresher

39、s Week.答案:D细节判断题。根据文章第二段第二句话可判断出D项错误,新生入学的第一周才叫Freshers Week。2The underlined word “recruits” in the last paragraph refers to _.A. courses B. freshersC. neighbors D. challenges答案:B词义猜测题。最后一段逗号后面的意思是:新生周可以让你的大学生生活有一个很棒的开端,而且你将很快把你的成功经验传给下一年的新recruits,故不难推出画线词应该指的是新生“freshers”。3We can infer from the 4t

40、h paragraph that _.A. the newcomers usually miss the days living at homeB. most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities C. many freshers are worried about how to fit university lifeD. all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs答案:C推理判断题。该段的第一句话说“数以千计的其他人也会和你

41、一样担心如何正确地开始他们的大学生活”,由此可知应选C项。4The main purpose of the passage is to _.Atell the newcomers how to make a new start in universitiesBintroduce something about higher education system of the UKCdiscuss something about the Freshers Week in the UKDadvise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning答案:

42、A写作目的题。从文章第五段的Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers Week可以看出该文的写作目的是A项。其中,Freshers Week指的就是a new start in universities。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。呛昔凶赫吮旋笺靴伸铱溺市防实邻钥朵脚召张驰夯单八类瑰户答裙掏栅揣和匈渴搐姨刽媚经匠虚坎豹任相油娄某稗蛊雏拼翌汛痉幼靛沽栓龄尊仕的装考句峪答赴嫉浩翟暇芥寻涅秆莱



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