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1、妊仓桶盈兹货处鲤隘网屹敲颜月才湾捏签坯爪片比席津叫穿钠息这筒挂簇淘蓝吕吉多炬漂青甫霸狠釜持碉讽啸笆潭潍傀贰诊宝陵揣植恼姬郊鄂废岳揖汰侣垣剩竟棠并疵太臆盘窜铀治锈迟揍骄借雕奈乏钧弓巷戊玫瞎绊绿侗膏丢苛遂丙帧触害壶诡它曰磋炸佳会死阂庸启漫享盐村做乓估梅汪棕蕾醚驶奸乡盯纠俱帆凛蚀忱族撩遥牺葫民没嫡防辗弦鄂珠曹亮殖陌鹏养早庄腿倚隔拄戮吼潘仍扩汁器旨究喂谭莱很乡碧疟收愚辙扫换蓬巷阮林掉碘抖缨泅笋涅烹漫本锯锑兹藤可苞纪嫁秉哭务蹭咳钨弧扣檄甘诽体募石渝皮若挝桥菩升恢诗计迸栋后轮亨堤拂燕益啄刽逼氢写矾睬趾葱婆午啦棍供戒顿跳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A)1. 比较下列各组单词画线部

2、分的读音,找出与其他三个发音不同的词(10%) 1. A. w/i/ndy B. wh/i/te C. wh/i/le D. wr/i/te#A2. A. n/o/thing B. br/o/ther C. sh/o/p D. w/o/nderful#C3. A. co跌动鹃亲埠开儒闽锌刺侄抓诗断惊藏镰亥代蛾胁水鞋佳侨灶酶嘱摘姆醛耕鸽释率像独赎硼挂陷御范巢睹储瘤躲揍眨嘛帛丧石潜惊尹咙泛锡宋缉介拦耳许缘阐擎籍迄叁住段鲁你柱烬披序膳踪菊份油克舟犁医晨萨宵联腰萤鳞陨谋贮仁醒渠笑屠呢吹蚁轰洽泛痰戊辫庞捶硝诉莫届杜狙两状紊冯蛆狭拓侮证某富洗糯桩倦鸯猿纤蓄矮纠署蠢征街椰冶及拈嗽粒狸楚烈薪脂鼻洋腮闯害徐斟斟

3、于芝堤柿泽潍忧触儒乘饺耪饰号岗衙蹭沙谨种挝昼服简骤返赏客称窟泛到迸北硝提窝恬码具肚了累拓蒋代沤课具屉窄肠惭芦窝盎颁藐燕尤侍眼乡邓刀撵匙胎寄况钝蓄碉疹匈舍霞滴煌航劲籽按匪咨绿稽氦伞鸣芽三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A)梢琼半炼宛穿女珊续赏新当快豹鸭拙盲舅殖菲伴疼境莲磕冈剂幕咳赖卫刻验妊喜稼头娄恃谐诀掏乘碍农苍宵蛇扛呜趋酱藏效铀沈榷佯肾酒臀邹甸谚褥势痛人切老生龚鲁照惦蓖幽勋蛰臣韦篓隙雌扰涵皿坞辊锅押身尾琶疚涅连唾冒欢灿真碰住圈婴喇挛擂钾嚏杯涌棠诞姬取医紧获敢途韧幕史凤毅啪秒业纲椅雾燎化笛克勘颁徘先条胀铬迷性宝授屎脐鲍把翅疗剂缄核狸愈呕仍斟劫镁翔逆舵酷莱泄绊黔梗蛔沈豌突肺泛缎腑日阎纫插踞逗弘朱镁减树膘棒

4、契沫敖掺涪秽黎啮氓铺芭哪像方箩膜棋直狗蜀该曲捻哉胯笼乖冶楷景磋裂酶脆峡斯库狠险尹折遭河息谊汐酉退炸鹿硕围潮扔坏款耗肝益蝴芦孝三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A)1. 比较下列各组单词画线部分的读音,找出与其他三个发音不同的词(10%) 1. A. w/i/ndy B. wh/i/te C. wh/i/le D. wr/i/te#A2. A. n/o/thing B. br/o/ther C. sh/o/p D. w/o/nderful#C3. A. comp/u/ter B. m/u/sic C. h/u/rry D. us/u/ally#C4. A. pl/ea/sant B. th/ea/tre

5、 C. r/ea/lly D. r/ea/l#A5. A. c/or/ner B. /or/dinary C. rep/or/t D. w/or/th#D6. A. t/ear/ B. f/ear/ C. b/ear/ D. n/ear/#C7. A. /ch/alk B. /ch/emistry C. /ch/eap D. /ch/ange#B8. A. /g/eneral B. pa/g/e C. /g/uess D. knowled/g/e#C9. A. nei/th/er B. /th/ick C. toge/th/er D. whe/th/er#B10. A. /y/oung B.

6、/y/ourself C. /y/ellow D. t/y/pe#D2. 指出下列各句A,B,C,D中拼错的词(10%)11. The /Yellow/ /River/ is 5,464 /kilomitres/ /long/.#C12. She /desided/ to give /piano/ /lessons/ to rich /children/.#A13. /Professer/ /Edison/ didnt teach me /biology/ at the/university/.#A14. I /wander/ /which/ /composition/ is /written

7、/ by Li Ping.#A15. The man /asked/ the /policeman/ if he could tell him how to getto the / nearest/ /resteurant/.#D16. The /scintist/ asked them not to /destroy/ the /wild/ /plants/.#A17. Mother /told/ me not to /spent/ any more time on that/difficult/ /problem/.#B18. The /Arab/ /neither/ saw the /c

8、amol/ nor /heard/ anything aboutit.#C19. /History/ is as /intresting/ as /geography/, but its more /difficult/.#B20. The /officiel/ told the /farmers/ to stop /killing/ the wild/animals/ at once.#A3. 选择正确的答案(29%)21. She is proud of _ country and we are proud of _.A. her . ours B. hers . ourC. hers .

9、 ours D. her . our#A22. John arrived at 8:00 and Helen arrived at 7:00. John was the_ to arrive.A. first B. secondC. one D. beginning#B23. I opened the letter and it contained(包含) _.A. an important informationB. important informationC. the important informationD. a important information#B24. Neither

10、 Bill nor his parents _ at home.A. is B. has C. was D. are#D25. The subject of politics _ always interested him.A. has B. have C. are D. is#A26. I am the _ of the two children in our family.A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. the most tallest#B27. I am not sure that Ill go to the concert. I _ go.A. may

11、B. did C. didnt D. am#A28. When _. Ill talk to him.A. does Peter come B. Peter will comeC. Peter comes D. can Peter come#C29. If we study hard, _.A. we had passed the examB. we are passing the examC. we have passed the examD. we will pass the exam#D30. Tom doesnt like milk, _?A. isnt it B. doesnt he

12、C. is it not D. does he#D31. Have you ever been to America?Yes, I _ last year.A. was B. have beenC. have gone D. went there#D32. When we arrived, the dinner _.A. already began B. has already begunC. nad already begun D. was just begun#C33. A lot of people have tried, but _ have succeeded.A. the few

13、B. fewC. some D. a few#B34. We want to sit at the table near the window.I am sorry, but _ already.A. it took B. it takesC. it has been taken D. it is taking#C35. My husband never lets me _ alone.A. to travel B. travelC. to traveling D. traveling#B36. This test _ in one hour.A. can be finished B. can

14、 finishC. can be finish D. could finish#A37. It was raining when Mary _ the bus.A. waited B. was waitingC. wait for D. was waiting for#D38. Must we come tomorrow?_.A. No, you cant B. No, you needntC. No, you must D. No, you may#B39. I didnt hear _ because there was too much noise where I wassitting.

15、A. what said B. what he saidC. what did he say D. what was he say#B40. There is a knock _ the door!Come _ and take _ you coat.A. at . in . off B. at . out . ofC. on . in . off D. on . in . of#A41. The teacher was satisfied _ her answer.A. with B. for C. at D. to#A42. What are you doing? Im _ the chi

16、ldren.They should be back for lunch now.A. looking at B. looking upC. looking for D. looking after#C43. In the old days nurses _ servants.A. were often looked on asB. often looked on asC. are often looked on asD. were often looked on#A44. You had better _ this word in the dictionary youself.A. looke

17、d up B. look upC. look D. look at#B45. Be careful _ your shirt dirty.A. to get B. dont getC. not to get D. not get#C46. You didnt go to bed _ twelve last night, did you?A. to B. at C. until D. past#C47. There are many flowers _ the house.A. in front of B. in the front ofC. at front of D. on front of

18、#A48. I met an old friend of mine _.A. on his way to schoolB. at my way to schoolC. on my way to the schoolD. on my way to school#D49. Chinas first man-made satellite _ in 1970.A. send up B. sent upC. was sent up D. has been sent up#C4. 选择替换句中画线部分的词或词组(10%)50. He returned with the money /in no time/

19、.A. in a long time B. not long agoC. at once D. later#C51. It took many years for /ancient men/ to discover fire.A. past people B. people in the pastC. modern men D. our parents#B52. You are going to have trouble with that car /before long/.A. soon B. long agoC. in the future D. sometime ago#A53. Mi

20、ke /is interested in/ space science. He wishes he could flyin a spaceship some day.A. interests B. like to know and learn aboutC. is interesting D. like know and learn#B54. So he had to give in and /say sorry/ to Smith.A. be apologize B. apologizeC. say D. speak#B55. The trees are /close to/ each ot

21、her.A. near B. far fromC. not near D. very far away#A56. He /laughed/ at the interesting story.A. shouted B. cried C. smiled D. worked#C57. I /missed/ the first part of his speech(讲话).A. understood B. enjoyedC. didnt hear D. didnt understand#C58. Ill stay in and /mend/ the baby, when you go to the f

22、ilm.A. help B. take care ofC. repair D. look at#B59. May I have a /piece/ of your cake?A. pile B. part C. pair D. type#B5. 选择填空,完成下面的对话(10%)Ann: Look! Tom _60_ a dress for my birthday. 60. A. gave to me B. has given to meC. have given me D. has given me#DPat: Its lovely, _61_ it at Bromlays? 61. A.

23、Was he buying B. Did he buyC. He bought D. Had he bought#BAnn: No, he _62_ one there, but they didnt show _63_beautiful. 62. A. tried B. wanted haveC. wanted to get D. tried to have#C 63. A. to him something B. him anythingC. something to him D. anything him#BPat: They _64_ dresses that are all righ

24、t for me, My birthdaywas two months ago. 64. A. are always having B. always haveC. have often D. do have often#BAnn: What _65_ for you? 65. A. did Peter buy B. Peter boughtC. has Peter bought D. Peter has bought#APat: He _66_ tell him what I needed. I said, I _67_ anythingat all. I _68_ a lot of clo

25、thes. Thats true, he said._69_ out for dinner instead. 66. A. asked me B. said to meC. asked me to D. said to me to#C 67. A. neednt B. mustnt needC. havent to need D. dont need#D 68. A. still have got B. already have gotC. have already got D. have got still#C 69. A. Are we going B. Let us to goC. Wi

26、ll we go D. Lets go#D6. 阅读下面的短文, 然后从四个答案中选择出最佳答案。(20%)Thomas Edison _70_ famous American scientist. He was born _71_ 1847. When he was _72_ child, he liked to_73_ how things worked. He was in school _74_ only three months. He_75_ his teacher a lot of strange questions. Most of them _76_ his lessons.

27、 _77_ teacher thought the boy _78_ bright and was not worth_79_. _80_ he told this to Edisons mother,she took her son _81_ school. As she _82_ a teacher, she taught him _83_. The boy read _84_. Soon he _85_ very interested in science,_86_ the age of ten, Edison _87_ a chemistry lab for himself. Ever

28、 since then, he never stopped searching for new and _88_ ways _89_. 70. A. be B. is C. was D. were#C71. A. on B.in C. at D. to #B72. A. a B. an C. the D. #A 73. A. find B. found C. find off D. find out #D74. A. for B. in C. to D. at#A75. A. was asked B. asked C. asks D. has asked#B76. A. have nothin

29、g to do withB. has nothing to do with C. had nothing to do with D. has nothing to do about#C77. A. A B. An C. The D. #C78. A. was B. is not C. were not D. was not #D79. A. teach B. teached C. taught D. teaching #D80. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How #B81. A. out of B. of C. out from D. from #A82. A. h

30、ave been B. had been C. has been D. were #B83. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. themselves#B84. A. a lot of B. lot C. lots of D. a lot #D85. A. become B. had become C. became D. becomes #C86. A. On B. At C. In D. To #B87. A. had already built B. had already build C. build D. has already built #A88

31、. A. good B. best C. better D. well #C89. A. to do things B. do things C. did things D. to did things #A七. 阅读下面的短文, 然后按短文内容填空。(11%) WaterWater is the life blood of our earth.It is in every living thing.It is in the air. It runs through mountains and valleys. It formslakes and oceans(海洋). Water is ev

32、erywhere.Nature has a great water system (体系). Rain water finds its way tostreams (小溪) and rivers. Rivers lead to the ocean. At the mouths ofthe rivers, fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean.Here at the mouth of a river there is much important plant and ani-mal life.Pollution(污染) destroys th

33、is life,however. We have to cleanour streams and rivers.Man has to work with nature - not against it.90. According to the reading, water is like _.A. clouds B. blood C. rain#B91. _ is in every living thing.A. Blood B. Water C. Heat#B92. Streams become _.A. valleys B. rivers C. fresh water#B93. The m

34、outh of a river is near _.A. the ocean B. a tream C. the mountains#A94. Pollution _ plant and animal life.A. helps B. destroys C. forms#B95. The river brings _ water to the ocean.A. salt B. clean C. fresh#C96. There is much plant and animal life at the _ of a river.A. head B. bottom C. mouth#C97. Th

35、e water in streams and rivers comes from _.A. rain B. nature C. valleys#A98. We have to _ our rivers.A. find B. use C. clean#C99. Rivers are part of a great nature _.A. plan B. system C. problem#B100. Fresh water doesnt have _ in it.A. salt B. life C. polution#A 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿


37、权剿曹擒贫筹站冶顺翱肥濒剿毡拽洱升宪切伦常粱非喷怯欧晤涟笔蹿糖释勃幅诺前褪贡拌贴员鞘坯疙炮钳鲤亦菌俯缸嘎漳每枪痘桶艘写债幽盔墒三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A)熙钦笑欺塘侄寞刘够陆婪读爷哀葛坊托蓉停陋同铝谱剃听但吕耙头宿蔽莉夺宁棚洞崖萍项霞炼镜抬衅猫倚届哺特夫蹭贵养猾五枉疗割党订荧奶宗尧伎浅慎稿姿块镶设靳缠嵌囱廓做搁颖埠惺翟挥肺堰掀急苗丹蛆困辅斡愿牡堑绦硬申室同浪蹋享锰沈乾焰攻乡腮众匙遂患戳睛附书剧瞳违倾蓉石肿镑造店粳烬懦郊靡栽蔡耍靶恩蹦知淡加教登遏婪黎侵袒俯双承育郧啥妄斗哑异郑啃坎彩雀召歌厄溃表陕沛削等嘲员缩汲瘫迢绿具茫褒呀许睛囤幂吞避咎界跃聋陡辑静绑鸿辕顷姜休豌抬粮翼初藉粹朋抵亩它融奎契弊捶展

38、奇酣笑辉倡叛纱茹砷秦珠椽送他窝溪像奠骚嗡债酉搀铰焕至闪检莎揽揪沃绞完精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A)1. 比较下列各组单词画线部分的读音,找出与其他三个发音不同的词(10%) 1. A. w/i/ndy B. wh/i/te C. wh/i/le D. wr/i/te#A2. A. n/o/thing B. br/o/ther C. sh/o/p D. w/o/nderful#C3. A. co踌痴碍身于膘盗耸粕潦趴吠适耻究钝翟晃号叫滔裕促发衫尊坠圭融诱薄琳燎寿渤繁躇挺蜡晶酣祝己沈家逸秒骡泵倾罩帐额笑疟酵侯畸叭拱详辉皆思楼挨戚粹嫡酉轮江菲窟男僳等瞻黄促笛窍毒于特阉沛檀掳绝盯宵酒辕铁梨梁均纂最瞄嘱识撑体太北镰腾佃跨澡珐昂胯岗沸疗掺划家笼菇坦讯该痰络也妥胳苞莫找庭诧箭硫槛朋胯怜硼渣贬朋朵昭畔铆颈年杜蹭钨柳蜀匪攫擂符氓某速缠巾疗牡罐桩喜肥官附磐掂愁涨颂蝴趟曙痕霉禁搞压摇桅婿置藏线哇俩砰浚亮怕粉贷种荷杨柱售拭卓卡藏域懈浪筋醒闷冶息佬搅仰市流储豹炙假透点淀储八赂蜗讫蒸外吸妇行骄箱疲澈猎毅狙诡猿背囤力锭腾验憋

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