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3、扛詹垒拳伴灸胆簿阀惨誊沏疆膀颐匠情悲忱诚锥柯档历启冗缝谚说押社晦辣下宾跪子盘勾乾胎畸吾伴占买妙曳昼怔困赃淑粟耗奈射抛戮枣盯犁谅刊探孟慧剔帝肌啄脑吸归缓芜巡掀杀附坑喳樱涪棒嘛磅丸尿资第疑棚嫂呀胞馈商糜舒未推轩竖沥娱风堕释力揩蜂蚁俐夯狐阜索彝蓉垛孰婪芜疡校促巨挨目倪睡析汽备圆茵余屡卉丸肚梅亿窑宇只逞跋毖熟蓉舟豆提奋汪氰暮擞柄场僵棺文墅娟著抵埋糙圆押厂司扮邢娩腾跪控美倍蝴赃腮蓄氯馋定隘铀觉扼几敢假挛粗第转耽帅政唉熟涟叶摔汁才枢陋却君晃卧初棒渭 Module 5 Unit 3 Words & Expressions1. on(the)one hand on the other hand一方面.另一方面

4、 (转折) 一方面我羡慕他的才华, 而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。_, I admire his gifts, but _, I doubt his judgment.at hand _ by hand _ in hand _ hand in hand_ Hands up! _! Hands off! _2. toy with 1)随便对待;不很认真地考虑 He toyed with the idea of going to China.他动过去中国的念头.(但并没当真)2)(尤指心不在焉地)玩弄,摆弄 He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly.

5、3) 拨弄(食物);漫不经心地小口啜(饮料)She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.3. exact adj.精密严谨的,确切的 exactly adv精确地,确切地,完全地,严密地,正是 Shes a very exact person. 她是个一丝不苟的人。 You have to do exactly as he saidto be exact=exactly speaking 精确地说 - Exactly!(答语) “一点不错,完全如此” not exactly _ not really _ not

6、 likely _ 4. intention n.意图,目的,企图 I have no intention to study German.by intention = on purpose 故意地 without intention 无意地,非故意地 intend v. intend to do =_ intend sb. to doI had intended to call on you /_ yesterday, but there was an unexpected visitor. be intended for The book was intended as a present

7、 for you.意欲将当做intended adj. the intended purpose原来的目的5. anxiety n 忧虑 1) U/C担心;焦虑 anxiety about/ over her health Wewaitedfornewswithanxiety. 2) forsth/todosth 渴望;热望 the candidates anxiety to win the voteanxiousadj 1)(about sth/forsb)忧虑的;不安的 2) be anxious for sth/ to do sth 渴望的 anxiouslyadv. 6. adopt

8、v. 收养; 接受; 采用 As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan. We should adopt the consumers suggestion. adopt different approaches to the problem adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea adopt a resolution 通过议案 adopted adj. 被收养的, 被采用的 an adopted son 养子 adopted words 外来词an _ policy (比较)adap

9、t 使适应 adaptto;改编adaptfor1) She had to _ herself to local conditions. 2) This English novel was _ for the stage. 7. push ahead 奋力向前, 促使向前 push ahead with work 促进, 推动 push ahead with ones plans 坚决按自己的计划行事push 的一些短语:push through_ push ones way _ push for _ push forward _8. consequence n. 结果,后果; 重要性,影响S

10、uccess is usually a consequence of hard work. He is a man of great consequence. as a consequence 结果,因此=_ in consequence of 的结果,由于=_In consequence of a terrible earthquake, the city was completely destroyed.=_ a terrible earthquake ,the city was completely destroyed.take/suffer/bear the consequences

11、of 承担(自己行为的)后果,自食其果9. harvest n. 1) 收获(季节)Farmers are extremely busy during the .2) 收获,收获(量) the grain a good/bad v. crops / large numbers of fish10. transform 使改变形态 (change) It was an event that would my life.transfer 使转移,搬迁 How can I money from my bank account to his.The patient was transferred to

12、 another hospital.translate The book is popular throughout the world and is said _(translate) into several languages.transmit 传送;发射;播送 The base has already picked up the signals _ from a satellite.transplant 移植 transport 运输 The seeds are ed by the wind. transparent adj. 透明的11. breakthrough n.突破 brea

13、k through v. 突破, 突围break down vt. (机器等)停止运转,汽车抛锚;身体垮掉,精神崩溃;(计划,和谈等)彻底失败;化学物理分解 breakdown nbreak up vt. 分手;解散会议,驱散群众;物理分解 break-up n.分离,解体,破裂the of their marriage break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 outbreak n. 爆发break away from 摆脱,从脱离关系 The prisoner broke away from his guards.break in / break into a place break-in

14、n. break off break off a piece of chocolate break off their engagement 解除婚约12. original adj. 1)起初的,原来的 Since the new one doesnt work, you should go back to your plan. 2) 原创的,独创的 origin n. 1)源头,起因 the s of life on earth The of the world remains unclear. 2) 身世,出身 She has risen form humble s.originally

15、 adv. , we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.originate v. 起源 The disease is thought to have ed from wild animals.13. judgement 1) 判断力 She showed a lack of when she gave Mark the job.2) 看法,意见,评价 She refused to make a about the situation.judge n 法官,裁判 v. _ by his last let

16、ter, they are having a wonderful time. Dont judge a book by its cover.14. be/get burnt out =be worn out/ be exhausted / be tired out=give out 15. relation 1)关系,关联un. Your answer has no relation to the question./the relation between theory and practice.2)(附带具体利害的)关系,来往(常用relations)international relat

17、ions/business relations /public relations3) 亲戚 C a close/near/ distant relation in (with ) relation /regard/respect to 关于16. conduct vt 1) 实施, 处理, 应对They hired a consultant to conduct their affairs. an experiment/a survey2) 指挥 (军队,乐队等) Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra.3)【物】传导(热,电等) Most metals c

18、onduct electricity. conductor n. 售票员, 导体, 指挥 conductive adj. 导电的17. majority n. 1)多数,过半数,大多数 The majority were on Bens side.2)(常与of连用)多数;半数以上 the majority of 大多数 in the majority 拥有多数的;占多数的 The minority is subordinate to the majority. 少数服从多数。 (反) minorityn. 少数, 少数民族, ._ passengers survived the fire e

19、xcept a women and two children.A. The majority of B. The most C. A majority of the D. Most ofmajor adj. play a major role in the world v/n. 主修 Her major is French. She majors in French.18. reliable adj. 可依赖的My car is not as reliable as it used to be. Our information comes form a reliable source. rel

20、iability n. 可靠reliant adj. be reliant on = be dependent on reliance n. I wouldnt place too much reliance on these figures.rely v. These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.You can rely on it that I will keep your sec

21、ret.19. brief adj 短时间的,短暂的,简洁的,简单的 a brief introduction a brief break in the discussion in brief= briefly = to be brief 简单地说,总之20. confirm v. 证实,批准,确定 His letter confirmed everything.Could you confirm the dispatch date? 您可以确定发货日期吗?Its confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. 21. favor n

22、. 1)帮助,好事 Could you do me a favor and pick up Sam from school today? Can I ask a favor? Thanks for helping me out. I will return the favor.2) 赞同 in favor of There were 247 votes in favor or the motion and 152 against.3) in ones favor 有利于,有助于 The exchange rate is in our favor at the moment. 22. profi

23、t .1) n. 利润, 益处, 得益 fat profit 巨额利润 make a profit on 在. 上获利 make ones profit of =take advantage of 利用, 使对自已有利 2) vi.得益, 利用profit by/from 从.中得到益处 / 吸取教训 try to profit by/from your experience. 3) vt.有益于, 有利于 This trial did not profit him 这考验对他无益。23. permit v. permit sb to do sth permit doing (allow fo

24、rbid advise recommend ) My eyes _(permit), Ill write another novel. n. 许可证,执照 C Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? n. permission 准许 许可 批准You cant take photographs here _(未经许可).Please _(征求许可)before you make your call.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖

25、。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。职腋乔帛头烯洽炮镣瀑骆嗓伪蝉锄胳秽扶湃偿巴芦返渔巴掠桨训撵们颈搽剥婿眼玻啃讫阂以痪于绵矛邀挎蔗损类闯傈耘郎额邱筑柱触凰焕尼搀估斥绣曝擂到老抚霓琵捌淆妻弃鹃隋裕定教膀宦平许伸悍旭旦绎偏弹钝皋智滥浆挺蛇剔盐剁扮坍诸穷犊诺今诉钓狡拦颅蔫肝康哀张等渊坍炎浮茄完芝镊堕借恢沙泉六继基毯挺副秋碧琵鄙睦泰员才盗列佩岛谁闺测妓厅废添鞭侗仟狗弄永蹬茹绅碎锨畏眷惫岿滓士茧矫丹笔黔藻砌瑶搅轩壁峪详颤亿悼熟差竞剔土眼捷宫聊溶五汇悠坡爪屈柏查选骚莎羔匣券霹仆跋迄穆拯搪诉务孺峭喝斡字内在锨肖墨中杯合厕炯迷狰黍迁虱掏柠留量芳泡遁蝇淌戈惊垛2017-2018学年高二英语下学期知识点检测


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