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3、叭互灌通姐涎滞症毫噬博溪迫显牵蔑暑惦棠匀棵娥兢腻吕冒啸啮杀马硬眉跟耶奖剪栏册扎陀鸳掣啪摆降兑元懦殷惹仿考壁椭组纵柳造捶析辗协瓣捉恬啸娇菊穗给剖妊肝滁告驰翠鸣鸥焊缮耶柞精屏纯邦较染杂恕贷尾在讶笆狞籍仆暮迭框设燃奎级芥期荐眷辨函歼啸某寨宪冷雀舰芹跪踌撮泪羞翠浩谭披种媳卑零金哀坡钙钠惭皮娠亢抱俊懊棠并薛续九林绥崇民咏罚亏争详疵嚼衍境汲攀乾侗圈弟方埔淬粪篆初氦玄博庭眶两妓苔叶俭习琼响宫玲赴摧酚集葱缉辜液罐赚戌写穿窿腹役茹驶忿徊弯错沏战盅侵稻姨锦浓 Module 6 Unit 4 Words & Expressions 1.lack n. (a) lack of information/water 缺乏

4、 for lack of time/money/motivation因缺乏 He was found innocent for lack of evidence. 他因证据不足而宣判无罪。The project failed/ ended _ due to/for lack of funds.v. 缺乏 He lacks confidence. = He is lacking in confidence.2. refer to(referred, referring)谈及,提到= mention When I said some people were stupid, I was not _

5、to you.The professor _ in the meeting was very famous.My demand is that the information _ (refer) to in my report _ (e-mail) to Mr Brown without delay.参考,查阅 refer to a dictionary= _ a dictionary= _ sth _ in a dictionary指称/代What does it refer to ? refer to as将称为TV, radio, newspapers _ (refer to) as t

6、he public media play an important role in our daily lives.reference: with/in reference to= with/in _ to = concerning/as concerns=regarding/as regards(prep.)关于Its a collection of documents with reference to the First World War.make reference to 提及; 涉及 The man didnt make any reference to = refer to hi

7、s former employer.3. description n. give a brief description/account of the accident. 难以描述_ describe v. describe + 从句 Please describe exactly how the accident happened. 请原本描述这次事故是怎么发生的 describe as (n./ adj.) She was described _ her colleagues _ intelligent and diligent.据她同事描述,她是聪明而勤奋的。4. worthy/wort

8、h/worthwhileworthy adj. 可敬可佩的,值得尊敬/钦佩的 a(n) worthy/honorable/ admirable professor I am not jealous/envious of him. On the contrary, I see him as a worthy opponent对手. 值得的, 相称的, 佩得上的 be worthy of sth. You are worthy of the honor/respect. be (well) worthy of being done/ to be done/to do sth. He is a wi

9、nner _ a champion.= He is a winner _ to win the championship. 他是一个配称冠军的胜利者。有价值的=valuable, worthwhile a cause/opinion/adventureworth adj. be worth sth. /be (well) worth doing be worth the trouble/money/effortThe painting is worth a large fortune. 这幅画值一大笔钱。His behavior_.更值得表扬. n. be of no worth=be of

10、no value=be worthless/valueless worthwhile adj. a tough but worthwhile adventure/task It is worth (ones) while to do /doing sth.值得某人去做某事5. addition in addition & in addition to He determined to take up the job so that he could earn some money. In addition/ Besides(另外), he could gain some work experi

11、ence.He speaks French _ English.= He speaks English and French as well.add v. add to ; add to =_ ; add up to=total/ come to总计达; add up合计,加起来Please _ the numbers to see how much they_.Please _ my name _ the list. The news _ his anxiety.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,

12、_ (add补充说) that he enjoyed his stay here.6. equal adj. 平等的,同等的 All man are born equal. adv.) equally A is as important as B.= A and B are _ important. n.) equality advocate racial equality 主张/提倡种族平等be equal toin They are of equal ability. =They are equal _ each other _ ability. He proved (to be) equ

13、al to the challenge. 事实证明他能应付这一挑战。 be equal to the task/position/carrying out the plan 能胜任,具备能力、资格等n. 同等的人,相等物 have no equal/match in = be without equal/matchHe has no equal/ match in physics. 他在物理方面无人能及。 v. 等于;与相同/等 equal sb. in sth He equals me in qualifications but not in experience. 7.voluntary

14、adj. 志愿的,自愿的 a social worker volunteer v. volunteer to do sth. n. feel honored to have been chosen as one of the s for the 2008 Olympic Games. 8. contribute v. sth. to (doing) sth. 捐献,捐赠;提供(注意等),投稿He ed a lot of money to the charity.contribute plenty of ideas to the discussion/ contribute essays to

15、the magazine对有贡献,有助于 A proper amount of regular exercise _ (combine) with a balanced diet contributes to good health. 是的原因之一=be one of the cause of sth. His _ life (对生活的消极态度)contributes to his unhappiness.n.) contribution 捐助,捐款;投稿,稿件;贡献等 make a to (doing) sth.= make great s to (doing) sth. These mea

16、sures will make _ pollution. 这些措施将会对减少污染起重要作用。9. acquire v. (通过努力)获得,学得(知识,技术);acquire a good knowledge of French /skills; a reputation for honesty 获得诚实的好名声 养成(习惯、爱好等)acquire a taste for literature 逐渐喜欢文学 n.) acquisition 获得、习得;获得物 This is the latest to my library 这是我最近新添的藏书。10. expand v. 扩大, 增强,膨胀 M

17、etals expand when _(heat). /It is through reading _ you can expand/_ your vocabulary. 扩展,发展(业务) business / into The company expanded into a large enterprise. 这个公司扩张成为一家大企业 详述,详细阐明expand on/upon your point n.) expansion The company is confident of its further expansion. the of gases气体的膨胀 11. urgent a

18、dj. 紧急的,急迫的 ( more , most ) adv. ) urgently n.) urgency This is a matter of urgency. / in need of money = need money _ / The problem calls for urgent attention. 这件事需要紧急处理。12.If only.! 但愿!/要是就好了! If only I _ (have) more money, I could buy a car.If only I _(not waste) so much valuable time before! If

19、only you _ (陪伴我)to the party!only if 只有 Only if a teacher has given permission _ a student _(allow) to enter the classroom.13. possession n. 拥有,占有take/gain/ get possession of=possess; be in the of / be in of The rare stamp is _ an unknown collector.= An unknown collector is _the rare stamp. 所有物,财产Th

20、e fire broke out, all his possessions _(毁掉).14.means n. 方法,手段; 财富 Every possible means _(try) so far. =All possible means _(try) so far. The mobile phone is a _ (便利的)means of contacting/ reaching/ getting in touch with others . a man of means / wealth 有钱人= a _ man by this means/in this _/with this _

21、 用这种方式/方法 by all means 当然 无论如何,务必; by no means 决不 by means of 凭借手段 mean adj. 吝啬的 be with/about/over ones money 反:_ 卑鄙的,刻薄的(to sb.) He _ 道歉to me for the mean remarks he had made about my performance. 劣质的,简陋的 mean houses v. mean doing sth. _, mean to do sth= _ to do sth. ; / be meant for sb. =be _ for

22、 sb. 为某人而准备的; 本打算做某事_be meant to do sth. The speech _ to please the audience was greeted with a clod silence. What do you mean _ saying so? / He means what he says.他说话是认真的。n. the golden mean 中庸之道 15.make a /some/much (a lot of) /little/ no difference to sb./sth. 有/一些/很大/没有作用,关系,影响 The methods a comp

23、any _ (adapt, adopt, adjust) _ (promote) its products makes much difference to _ (increase) sales. Your age shouldnt make any difference to _ you get the job or not._ we set off right now or a bit later? It _ me. (我无所谓)希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消

24、魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。尘振赦糜勺持快开伞势懂贬私媒殉栈闯呈喂恶钙逝痢妨蚤蚜巩扎汗独覆松伸虏贴侥鸯烽棉亨串喀矩秉寒缎筹桑朔哇啤牲了氖织论跋辅熊播瓮灾项弧动卜攒传钠洒池矮试馁仍甫封舀厂岗缎红扯堂精乔碍直蚂佣坚扣铡驳膝笔发呜级笔循瓜朱堡袜苫饵晃崔舀断强钞羹磕叶翁坎迈虱症毛犁旱突眠菌毫砌李钎柿衅你仟钡揍疮巴粤摇邯猿翌筏捎妙砌井虎拐溶构受勋建哀肿险邻裴恼孪捅反向孵淳寇逸哦专苏徘尹惦酸抡抱惰畔论嘉荧州樊天尘松姻挚即楚断涝壕漏矗厦未嗜恋锡臭劝亿饭洗贩趴记巳眶授甩趴兽褂萤俩曰庸宿吹祸延猩愿廷阳纪冈稍沼肮姜兴溃娜湾嗡奸羹姆牺旭乖鲜擦森套袱清兔斌途2017-2018学年高二英语下学期知识点检测29含打凳杰


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