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1、专业收集整理精品文档!-精品文档,值得下载,可以编辑!-!=s paid by cash.本协议版本仅适用于通过银行转帐支付的演讲服务,不适用于现金支付的演讲服务Service Agreement -Lecture服务协议 演讲 Agreement No.:协议号码:This Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of _, 2014 (“Effective Date”) by and between:本服务协议(“协议”)于2014年_月_日(“生效日”)由以下各方签署:BoehringerIngelheim Co., Ltd.

2、勃林格殷格翰有限公司Contact Address联系地址:Contact联系方式:(“PARTY A”/ “甲方”)PARTY B: 乙方: Address地址:Contact联系方式:(“PARTY B” / “乙方”)Whereas, Party A invites Party B to present a lecture which particular in the topic of in conference; 鉴于,甲方邀请乙方就题目在会议上发表演讲;Whereas, Party B accepts such invitation.鉴于,乙方接受该等邀请。(Party A and

3、 Party B are hereinafter referred to as a “Party” individually, and as the “Parties” collectively)(甲方和乙方如下单独成为“一方”;合称为“双方”)Therefore, both Parties reach the agreement as follows:有鉴于此,双方达成如下协议:1 Topic of the Lecture / 演讲主题 Topic:2 Main Contents of the lecture / 演讲内容The content of the lecture shall co

4、ver the followings:(1)(2)(3)3 Lecture Time and Length / 演讲日期和所用时间长度minutes / hours on _(day)_(month)_(year)分钟 / 小时于年月日4 Lecture Fee / 演讲费4.1 The total lecture fee is RMB_;演讲费为人民币:。4.2 Party A shall pay the lecture fee after the conference / seminar.甲方应在会议 / 研讨会结束后向乙方支付。4.3 Party A will pay the lectu

5、re fee to the bank account designated by Party B via bank transfer. The bank account designated by Party B for receiving the fees shall be the bank account described in the bank account information collection sheet completed by Party B. If Party B changes his/her bank account, Party B shall give pri

6、or written notice to Party A before the close of the conference/seminar; otherwise the payment made by Party A to the bank account contained in the bank account information collection sheet shall be deemed as that Party A has performed his/her payment obligation under this Agreement; and Party B sha

7、ll not request further payment from Party A.甲方将通过银行转帐的方式向乙方支付演讲费。乙方指定的收款账户为乙方在其填写并递交至甲方之银行信息确认表中指定的收款账户。若乙方更改其银行收款账户,乙方应当在会议/研讨会结束之前提前书面通知甲方,否则甲方支付至银行信息确认表中乙方指定之银行账户中的款项应视为甲方已完成履行其在本协议项下之支付义务。乙方不得再次要求甲方支付任何费用。5 Rights and Responsibilities of Party A / 甲方权利和义务5.1 Preview the content of lecture before

8、 the presentation and provide the comments. 事先审阅演讲内容并提出建议;5.2 Shall provide references to Party B if necessary.如有必要,向乙方提供参考资料;5.3 Shall provide accommodation and reimbursement of the transportation and meal fees if the conference / seminar be held in other city,the details shall upon Party A.如演讲在其它城

9、市举行应提供住宿并报销交通及餐费, 具体标准由甲方确定;5.4 Shall fulfill payment obligation according to Article 4 of this agreement after Party Bs fully performance of its obligations hereunder. 在乙方充分履行本协议项下义务后,根据本协议第4条的规定向乙方付款;5.5 Shall withhold income tax of Party B according to the Laws and Regulations.根据法律、法规代扣代缴乙方的个人所得税

10、。6 Rights and Responsibilities of Party B / 乙方权利和义务6.1 Shall be well prepared for the lecture, and shall introduce to the participants your opinion and experience on the topic of this lecture in order to achieve good results of this activity; and agree that Party A is entitled to quote your opinion

11、and experience for the purpose of promotion, ,marketing or disease education.保证将为演讲做认真准备,并向活动参与者介绍您对本次活动主题的观点和经验以促使本次活动取得良好效果,且同意公司可以在适当的场合引述您的观点和经验用于公司的宣传推广及疾病教育活动。6.2 Shall ensure the content of the lecture is correct and scientific, qualified, and without mistakes.保证演讲内容是准确、合格、科学、细致、无纰漏的。6.3 Shal

12、l participate in the conference / seminar on schedule.按时参加会议 / 研讨会。6.4 Shall pay income tax via Party A according to the Laws and Regulations.依法律、法规的规定由甲方代扣代缴个人所得税。6.5 Shall obtain necessary approval from its employer for giving the lecture according to the requirements of his/her employer if he/she

13、 is employed by an entity.若其受雇于某单位,保证根据其雇主的要求取得其雇主就其提供此次演讲所需的批准。6.6 Shall ensure to sign on the sign-in sheet in person, and shall ensure the signature specimen shall be consistent with the one on this Agreement.乙方确认将亲自在活动签到表上签名,并确保签名样式保持与签署本协议时一致。6.7 Party B understands and agree that it shall bear

14、 all personal expenses including expenses for entertainment, drinking and/or expenses incurred by his/her accompanying person(s).乙方理解并同意除甲方在本合同项下承诺的合理费用外,其他个人费用,如娱乐、饮酒以及其他陪同人员的相关费用,均由乙方自行承担。6.8 Party B shall be responsible for disclosing the content of this Agreement according to applicable laws and

15、 his/her employers requirement, including but not limited to the compensation for the speaker services payable by Party A hereunder. PartyB represents and warrants that conclusion of this Agreement complies with all applicable laws, regulations and policies and he/she will continue complying with th

16、ose laws, regulations and policies when providing the speaker services, and holds Party A harmless upon occurrence of any claims and litigations against Party A in relation hereto.乙方应负责按照法律法规及其雇主的规定向指定部门披露本协议的内容,包括但不仅限于甲方向其支付的本协议项下的演讲服务的报酬。乙方声明并保证:其签署本协议符合一切所适用的法律法规和政策,且将在开展演讲服务的过程中继续遵守上述法律法规和政策,并在与

17、此有关的任何针对甲方的索赔和起诉发生时赔偿公司并保证公司免受其损害。7 Confidentiality / 保密责任7.1 Party B shall not disclose the information acquired from Party A to any third party or for its own use unless the information had became publicized without any faults of Party B.乙方不得向任何第三方泄露从甲方获得的任何信息并不得自用,除非该信息已被非乙方过错的原因公开。8 The Publish

18、of the Lecture / 演讲作品的出版8.1 If the publishment of the lecture contains Party As information or relevant to Party A, a notice shall be sent to Party A _days in advance and the prior consent of Party A is necessary;若出版演讲作品包含甲方的信息或与有与甲方有关的内容,乙方应提前_日通知甲方并须获得甲方书面同意;9 Spend report / Disclosure花费报告披露The Pa

19、rties agree that PARTY A will report to the responsible authorities and/or disclose the mandatory details.合同双方同意甲方将向有权机关报告和或披露依法应当披露的细节。10 Data Protection (Consent)数据保护(同意)10.1 Party B agrees that Party A collects, processes and/or uses the following “Personal Data” (= information concerning the per

20、sonal or material circumstances of an identified or an identifiable individual) in order to comply with their obligation to report to the responsible authorities and/or disclose the mandatory details:乙方同意甲方为履行其向有权机关报告和或披露必要细节的义务而收集、拥有和或使用以下“个人数据”(与个人或者与一个确定的或者可识别的个人的实际情况相关的信息):surname and given name

21、s, date of birth, private and business address, country of origin, primary employer, phone number, email address, type of specialization, university degree(s), license number(s) including NPI number and expiry date(s) (if applicable), countries/states/provinces, etc. of licensure, previous engagemen

22、t(s) with Party A or Party As affiliated companies, date and country of such engagement(s).姓名、出生日期、家庭住址以及工作地址、籍贯、主要工作单位、电话号码、邮箱地址、专业、学历、证书编号包括NPI号码与有效期(如可用)、国家/州/省等颁发的许可证、曾经被甲方或者甲方关联公司雇佣过的经历以及被雇佣工作的日期与所在国家。10.2 Particularly, Party B agrees that Party A collects, processes and uses Personal Data prov

23、ided directly or indirectly (e.g. by healthcare professional databases) to Party A or a Party As affiliated company.特别的,乙方同意甲方收集、加工和使用那些直接或者间接(比如通过专业保健数据库提供的)向甲方或甲方关联公司提供的数据。10.3 Party B agrees that the Personal Data will be processed and used within the Party As group of companies for evaluation. P

24、arty B agrees that the Personal Data may be reported and/or disclosed by any PartyA affiliate. 乙方同意甲方集团内部可以为评估而处理和使用个人数据。乙方同意甲方的任何关联公司可以为此报告和或披露个人数据。11 Compliance / 合规11.1 The Parties hereby shallperform this Agreement in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, industrial standards and code of c

25、onduct of industry association, and will strictly comply with regulations regarding anti commercial bribery as stipulated in anti unfair-competition law, and striclty comply with anti-corruption regulations in the fair competition laws, and refuse commercial bribery, bribe and other abnormal commerc

26、ial activities. Party B hereby further convenants that it complies and will comply with all applicableinternational or local anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations including, inter alia, the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010 (UK

27、BA), German Criminal Code (StGB), and Anticorruption laws of China, BoehringerIngelheims SOP for Interactions with External Party(s) and its appendix, as well as the RDPAC Code of Practice issued by China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Association Committ

28、ee”.双方在履行本协议的过程中应当遵守所有现行的法律法规及相关行业准则要求,并且将严格遵守反不正当竞争法有关禁止商业贿赂的规定,坚决拒绝商业贿赂、行贿及其他不正常的商业行为。乙方在此进一步承诺且保证其遵守并将一直遵守所有适用的国际或当地反贪污和反腐败的法律法规,包括美国反海外腐败法(“FCPA”),2010年英国反贿赂法(“UKBA”),德国刑法典以及中国的反腐败法律法规、勃林格殷格翰公司与外部机构和人员的互动交流SOP及其附件,以及中国外商投资企业协会药品研制和开发行业委员会颁布之RDPAC行业行为准则。a) Contractor is prohibited to offer, promi

29、se, pay or arrange for payment or giving of any benefit or advantage to any individual or entity in exchange for an improper advantage in any form either directly or indirectly. 乙方不得以任何方式直接或间接向任何个人或实体提供、承诺、支付或安排支付或给予任何利益或好处以换取不当利益。b) In particular, Contractor may not offer, promise or pay a bribe in

30、 order to fulfil, obtain or retain (i) regulatory requirements (e.g. for approval of BI products), (ii) any kind of business including any commercial transaction to which BI is a party, or (iii) any other improper advantage in connection with the business of BI.乙方不得为了满足、获取或保持(i)政府机构要求(如:为了甲方产品审批之目的)

31、,(ii)任何商业需要包括任何甲方作为合同方的商业交易,或(iii)任何与甲方业务有关的其他不当利益,而行贿、承诺贿赂或贿赂。c) Contractor is prohibited to request, accept a promise of or receive any payment, benefit or advantage from any individual or entity for oneself or for a third party in return for giving another person or entity unfair preferences in t

32、he procurement of goods or commercial or other services. 乙方不得为了其个人或其他第三方之目的,向任何个人或实体要求任何款项支付、利益或好处,或从其接受其承诺的或获取任何款项支付、利益或好处,从而使得任何个人或实体不公平地获取商品或商业利益或其他服务。d) In case of any doubt regarding the question whether or not a particular transaction may be regarded as a bribe, Contractor must seek prior advi

33、ce and approval of Party A.若对特定的交易是否可被认定为贿赂,乙方应事先向甲方咨询,并获得其批准。11.2 For the purpose of this Agreement, “Public Official” means any officer or employee of a local or foreign government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or of a public international organization as well as any perso

34、n acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, or instrumentality, or for or on behalf of any such public international organization. 为本协议之目的,“公务人员”是指任何受聘于当地或外国政府或其下任何部门、代理机构或机构,或国际公共机构的公务员或雇员,以及经该等政府机关、部门、代理机构或机构或国际公共机构授权或代表其行事的人员。a) Regardless of whet

35、her or not such transfer might constitute a bribe, Party B may not transfer anything of value to a Public Official without the prior approval of Party A.未经甲方事先同意,乙方不应向公务人员转让任何有价物,无论该等转让是否构成贿赂。b) Party B may not transfer anything of value to agents for the purpose of offering, promising, paying, rece

36、iving, soliciting, or arranging for the payment of, or reimbursing anyone for payment of, a bribe or a transaction of anything of value to a Public Official.乙方不得为了贿赂或承诺贿赂公务人员,或支付、获得、招揽、安排向公务人员支付贿赂款项,或为任何人所支付的贿赂款项进行报销或与公务人员进行任何有价物交易之目的,而向其代理转让任何有价物。11.3 Party B shall report any suspicion of past, act

37、ual or potential violations of this Article11 to Party A.乙方应就任何可疑的过去、实际存在或潜在违反本第11条的行为向甲方报告。11.4 If Party B is in doubt whether a certain act violates its obligations under this Article 11, Party B shall contact Party A and shall delay the decision before taking the action.若乙方对于其行为是否违反第11条之约定存在疑义,乙方

38、应联系甲方,并延迟行动。11.5 Any violation of this Article 11 constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. In addition to any other sanction provided by law and/or this Agreement, Party A may terminate this Agreement for cause and with immediate effect, if Party B violates its obligations under this Article

39、 11.任何违反本协议项下第11条的义务构成乙方对本协议的实质违约。若乙方违反本协议项下第11条的义务,除根据法律规定和/或本协议约定的其他处罚和救济措施外,甲方可解除本协议,该等解除将立即生效;且乙方应当承担相应的违约责任。11.6 Party B is aware of and acknowledges that Party A will exclude any potential contractual partners who engage in bribery, collusive practises or any other form of corruption from bids

40、 for tenders. 乙方确认并了解甲方将在其招标中拒绝接受所有参与贿赂、串谋行为或其他任何形式的贪污腐败的潜在合作方。12 Termination / 终止12.1 In the event a party fundamentally breaches of the terms and conditions above, the Agreement can be terminated by one party through an immediate effect notice. The violator shall remedy all the losses of the other

41、 party.若一方根本违反本协议的规定,另一方有权以给予立即生效通知的方式终止本协议。违约方应赔偿守约方的全部损失。12.2 Either party could terminate this Agreement other than the reasons above by providing a (five) days prior notice and a written consent of the other party is necessary.除上述原因外,任何一方欲终止本协议的应须提前七个工作日以书面方式通知对方并取得对方书面同意。13 其他13.1 Party B hereb

42、y acknowledges and warrants that no business decision or work duty shall be influenced by the services providedunder this Agreement.乙方在此确认不会因为提供本合同项下的演讲服务影响乙方可能的商业决定或者职务行为。13.2 All disputes arising from the performance of the Agreement shall be settled through amicable negotiation. Should no settlem

43、ent be reached through negotiation, the disputes shall then be submitted for arbitration to Shanghai Branch of China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission and the rules of this commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.因履行本协议

44、所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不成,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,依其仲裁条款进行仲裁,仲裁是终局的,对双方都有约束力。13.3 This agreement becomes effect upon the qualified signatures and stamps of the parties.本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。13.4 This Agreement is made in the two originals in both English and Chinese each party holding one; any amendment to this agreement must be agreed by the parties in written. 本协议以中英文同时书就,一式二份,双方各执一份; 对本协议的任何变更双方均应达成书面协议。Party A: Party B:甲方:乙方:Signatures & Stamps Signatures & Stamps签字:签字:(会议组织者及其直接负责经理):Date: Date:签字日期:签字日期:=专业收集精品文档,您的最好选择=

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