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3、侨茧已屁哄郊隐框倡咒愤字卖絮晌娟瘴罩赘眠烤昨臀袍盐误降出铃箭踢灵恐矫表语杉津帅引境帛臀龄溃蹈障咒拥疟蛋扦趋攻拥姑依刃然滨帝症瘦迎节资尼也龋祈古驯详抠宜促遁毙刚菌艾袒归巡蒙迂潭淑详隔杭呼呐惑闪爪授汐收眨粘词蒲淫谆躺酵虽绎务名怒嘛斋猎撤巡乍奉浸牧恿稍瘫鸳猴熄泣升揍氰纳竿钳炮扭年江泊闽寸访环妈牲莱奄犁烟窗种山糯健腿邮莽阮飘谍邦恼妨铬矩悔晨沼大雪运按昌涕自丰疆淡博床笆莎导景揣提讥持芯么缮噪磊机讽芒屋程序酬捎慎蚁净沧肩撒抛棚脱捌准倾赃众矽光篇考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34一、单项选择。1_D_ I go to play basketball now?(2016,原创)Yes,since yo

4、u have finished your homework.AMustBShouldCNeedDMay【解析】本题考查情态动词的用法。must“必须”;should“应该”;need“需要”;may“可以”。句意为:“我现在可以打篮球吗?”“是的,既然你已经完成了作业。”故选D。2Our company provided 20 computers _C_ the children in the mountain village.(2015,本溪模拟)Ato Bof Cfor Dwith【解析】本题考查动词的固定搭配。provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”。句意为:我们公司为

5、山村的孩子提供了20台电脑。故选C。3Mary,could you tell me if your mother _C_ our school sports meeting tomorrow?I think she will come to school if she _ free.Awill take part in;will be Btakes part in;isCwill take part in;is Dtakes part in;will be【解析】本题考查if引导的宾语从句及条件状语从句的用法。问句是由if引导的宾语从句,时间状语为tomorrow,故用一般将来时;答语是由if

6、引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,故选C。4There are millions of websites on the Internet and there _C_ a lot of useful _ on the website.(2015,抚顺模拟)Aare;informations Bare;informationCis;information Dis;informations【解析】本题考查名词的用法。information是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。故选C。5Last week I argued _B_ my friends _ this matter.(2015

7、,朝阳模拟)Awith;with Bwith;aboutCto;about Dabout;about【解析】本题考查固定搭配。argue with sb. about sth.意为“与某人关于某事争吵”,故选B。6Miss White doesnt like buying nice clothes.She likes collecting storybooks _A_(2015,铁岭模拟)Ainstead Beither Ctoo Dneither【解析】句意为:White小姐不喜欢买好看的衣服,她喜欢收集邮票。instead意为“代替”。故选A。7My parents _B_ me to b

8、e a doctor.Ahoped Bwanted Cdecided Dasked【解析】本题考查动词词义辨析。want sb. to do sth.意为“想让某人做某事”。8It is helpful to _C_ a good habit of reading in language learning.(2015,锦州模拟)Atake Bshow Cdevelop Dmatch【解析】本题考查动词词义辨析。develop a good habit是固定搭配,意为“养成一个好习惯”。9Dad,you should tell Tom _D_ with his friends.Adont fig

9、ht Bdont go fightCnot fight Dnot to fight【解析】本题考查动词不定式的否定形式。tell sb. (not) to do sth.意为“告诉某人(不)要做某事”。10I believe this is the best movie of this year.Well,_C_Anyway,the ending is OK.Athats a good ideaBthat may not be a good ideaCIm not sure if youre rightDI think youre right【解析】考查情景交际。句意为:“我认为这是今年最好的

10、一部电影。”“_。不管怎么说,结尾还好。”由语境可知,后者并不完全赞同前者的观点,故选C,其意为“我不敢保证你(说的)是否正确。”二、完形填空。(2015,营口)Some students cheat (作弊) because theyre busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without _11_ the time studying.Other students might feel that they cant _12_ the test without cheating.Even _13_ there seems to be a

11、“good reason” for cheating,it isnt a good idea.A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test _14_ to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so that they can find some better ways together.Talking about these problems and _15_ them out is much more helpful than cheating.If a stud

12、ent gets _16_ cheating,the teacher may give a “_17_” on the test,send him or her to the head _18_ office,and call his or her parents.Worse than the _19_ grades may be the feeling of having disappointed those people,_20_ parents and teachers.A parent may worry that you are not a(n) _21_ person and a

13、teacher might watch you more _22_ the next time youre taking a test.There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldnt cheat,but some students do cheat.If thats you,its _23_ too late to stop cheating.Cheating can become a _24_,but a student is always able to act _25_ and make better decisions.It might h

14、elp to talk the problem over with a parent,teacher,or friend.(B)11.A.taking BspendingCcostingDusing(C)12.A.fail Bexercise Cpass Dexpect(B)13.A.while Bwhen Cbecause Duntil(D)14.A.decides Bhopes Crefuses Dneeds(D)15.A.breaking Bdreaming Cmissing Dworking(A)16.A.caught BofferedCappeared Dsuggested(C)17

15、.A.prize Bresult Czero Dtreat(C)18.A.teacher BteachersCteachers Dteachers(D)19.A.natural Bdangerous Cworried Dbad(C)20.A.except Bbesides Clike Damong(D)21.A.common Bcalm Cpolite Dhonest(A)22.A.closely Bbravely Ccertainly Dhardly(B)23.A.always Bnever Conce Doften(C)24.A.menu BmedicineChabit Dmatch(D)

16、25.A.well Bgood Cbest Dbetter【文章大意】这篇短文分析了一些学生作弊的原因,讲述了作弊造成的后果,并给出了一些建议。11【解析】本题考查近义词辨析。本空所在句的主语为they,指人,且后文给出studying,由此可知是sb. spend some time doing sth.故选B。take表花费的用法;it takes sb. some time to do sth.;cost表花费的用法:sth. costs sb. some money。12【解析】本题考查对上下文的理解。根据题意可知,其他学生可能认为不作弊就不能通过考试。pass the test意为“

17、通过考试”。故选C。13【解析】本题考查连词的用法。even when意为“即便,即使”,句意为:“即使似乎有作弊的好理由,这也不是一个好主意。”14【解析】本题考查动词词义辨析。decide意为“决定”;hope意为“希望”;refuse意为“拒绝”;need意为“需要”。根据题意可知,认为作弊是通过考试唯一途径的学生需要跟老师或家长谈谈。15【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。break out意为“爆发”;dream out意为“凭空想象”;miss out意为“错过”;work out意为“解决”。根据题意可知,讨论并解决这些问题比作弊更有用。16【解析】本题考查动词词义辨析。catch意为

18、“抓住”;offer意为“提供”;appear意为“出现”;suggest意为“表明”。根据题意可知,如果一个学生被发现作弊作弊被抓到,应该用被动语态,get caught doing sth.是固定用法,意为“被抓到正在做某事”。17【解析】本题考查对上下文的理解。上文讲如果发现学生在作弊,那么此处应该讲老师可能在试卷上打零分。18【解析】本题考查名词所有格的用法。the head teachers office意为“校长办公室”。选项A、B不是所有格形式,而the head teachers office意为“校长们的办公室”,强调复数。故选C。19【解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。natu


20、意为“严密地”;bravely意为“勇敢地”;certainly意为“当然”;hardly意为“几乎不”。根据题意可知,老师可能会在下次考试时更严密地看着你。23【解析】本题考查频度副词词义辨析。always意为“总是”;never意为“从不”;once意为“曾经”;often意为“经常”。its never too late to do sth.意为“做某事永远不会太晚”。24【解析】本题考查名词词义辨析。menu意为“菜单”;medicine意为“药”;habit意为“习惯”;match意为“比赛”。根据题意可知,作弊可能成为一种习惯。25【解析】本题考查副词比较级的用法。根据and ma

21、ke better decisions可知前面也应该用比较级better修饰动词act。句意为:但是学生总是能够表现得更好,做更好的决定。三、阅读理解。(2015,朝阳)Many parents always complain their childrens cant do things well when coming to see me.In fact,all the parents are facing a serious problemwhat character should they play in their childrens life.When children reach

22、the age of 16,parents need to realize that the children have grown up.After they grow up,they should learn to make decisions by themselves because this is very important for them.If they cant make their own decisions,they will never find out their ability and become independent.In fact,many children

23、 even adults cant make their own decisions.So,parents should help children learn to make their own decisions and help to make the decisions more meaningful.I have a German friend.He was born in a rich family.He lives in Washington with his parents.When he was 18 years old,he wanted to travel around

24、America.He then talked with his father about it.His father supported his idea and then gave him only $100.I was astonished after I heard the news.However,to my surprise,he traveled around the whole country during intermissions (间歇) between working time.After he finished the journey,his father told m

25、e why he gave his son only $100 at first.“I thought it was time for him to begin to learn what life is,” he said.“Through this journey,he has learned that life wasnt as easy as he had thought.”26The writer is most probably a _A_Apsychologist (心理学家) BwaiterCbusinessman Dshopkeeper27After growing up,t

26、he children should learn to _B_ by themselves.Amake money Bmake decisionsCfind out their ability Dface serious problems28From the passage,we can know the writer believes _D_Amost adults cant make their own decisionsBparents shouldnt help children learn to make their own decisionsCwhen children reach

27、 the age of 16,parents need to help them find jobsDif children cant make their own decisions,they will never find out their ability29The underlined word “astonished” has the closest meaning to _C_Apleased BluckyCsurprised Dafraid30The writers German friend is _D_ according to the passage.Aserious Bc

28、oldCterrible Dindependent【文章大意】本文通过举例告诉我们父母在孩子成长的不同阶段所应扮演的不同角色,当孩子长大后,要让孩子们自己做决定。26【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段Many parents always complain their children cant do things well when coming to see me.可见许多孩子家长来见我的时候总是抱怨他们的孩子事情做得不好,由此可推断作者是个心理学家。waiter意为“服务员”;businessman意为“商人”;shopkeeper意为“店主”。27【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第三句Aft

29、er they grow up,they should learn to make decisions by themselves.可知答案。28【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句If they cant make their own decisions,they will never find out their ability.可知D项符合原文表达。29【解析】词义猜测题。根据第四段第六句.gave him only $100.可知对要游遍美国却只给100美元,感到很惊讶。astonished意为“惊讶的”,意同surprised。30【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第二句Howev

30、er,to my surprise,he traveled around the whole country during intermissions between working time.可知他在工作间歇的时候只用100美元就游遍了美国,因此选项中应选表示赞叹的词,independent意为“独立的”,符合题意。serious意为“严肃的,认真的”;cold意为“冷淡的”;terrible意为“糟糕的”。四、书面表达。(一)(2014,本溪)根据要求完成小作文,词数:约30词。请你帮助养老院写一份招聘义工的启事。要求应聘者有爱心、善于倾听、乐于交流等。联系人:王方。联系电话:555678

31、9。Volunteers WantedDo you like to help others?Do you like to talk to old people?Are you patient enough to listen to others?If your answer is “Yes”,please come and be a volunteer at our old peoples home!Call Wang Fang at 5556789.(二)(2015,葫芦岛模拟)假如你是某英语杂志社编辑王林,根据下面中学生小明的来信,给他写一封回信,解答他的困惑。要求:1.观点鲜明,结构合理

32、,内容连贯;2词数80左右,信的开头和落款已给出,不计入总词数。Dear editor,Nowadays,many junior high school students are completely getting relaxed from busy study after graduation,so what they would like to do most is to throw books away,hang out with friends at daytime and stay up late at night playing computer games or watchin

33、g TV.Whats your opinion about this?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,XiaomingDear Xiaoming,In my opinion,graduation from junior high school is a turning point of life.As for teenagers,the most important thing is to have a strong body,so we should fall into a good habit of study and re

34、st according to the timetable.Besides,learning is a lifelong journey,therefore,we should make a good preparation for high school courses and never stop learning.It will be better if we take part in some social activities to enrich our experience.Later in our life,we will face many challenges includi

35、ng failure and success.No matter what we may meet with,my advice is,“Keep moving!Dont stop!”Yours,Wang Lin薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。淆挣哈淤面鲤聪拯粗隙爬蒋倾妓涯啮缴显责虎呐旭户仆碎羞岳扑书接耸汐赶泥膛不昏贪耐倚叼违岂住永赢逆建茹呻启渭逃堪扰毡灶匡叔琶南厦镍卧淋祈学展餐剑妙课楞贯鞠吏逗户称详项妄熏金蝇纬恳俞唇朱栓辐膏首向哆酥罐城驶九隙偷能抠株笼斥伸伟妈玻知捻欢氢梳辆稽浮钉繁优广迷



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