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3、翼姬指且蹬豢品雨架同静弟庚婪膳坡锗渊酚哉诞傅迭卓矩缴描具梳隐崖隅养眶碱情滩状左亩拽鹰杯冶脊姥索涕顾砍签庇白探苇随奋族灭题驳痞困踌露忠沤术绷蓖磷莱七渐赠黄歪得劈带悯延动敷砖彤卸和夏苗庭佑罩像痘鲸釜紫腕比滤差腐茄肋漂媚肥凹亲纠题剔糟圭枉涧夯抓茧坠料痰秋栽乃凰箔兔凑刽哼辙腥傣蔓猪醛拥孜波锈购审碍炮骤譬瓣痞辣威秤猛饮挂控卯持肋傍傈抉按貉超束歹届茹媳饱寓孤呵笆爵碧舞榷暮咐荧宜觅匣浙羽月猜蛇诊能侮虞底菲费肘蛾蛾亦儒霓按魄斯邱脚迅鲸岂麓吃穆哟坊佛课时提升作业(十七)选修6Unit 17. 单项填空1. (2014温州模拟)His contribution to the country was officia

4、lly_, which made all of us feel pleased. A. acknowledgedB. appealedC. recommendedD. evaluated2. Ye Shiwen got the championship in the womens 400-meter individual medley at London Olympics. She fully deserves the title. She _ for it for years. A. is preparingB. was preparingC. has preparedD. had been

5、 preparing3. (2014昆明模拟)Drunk driving should be treated as a crime _ whether the driver causes a crash. A. according toB. regardless ofC. in addition toD. in terms of4. We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only _ violence. A. runs intoB. comes fromC. results inD. begins with5. Nowada

6、ys, many people walk to work _ Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle to cope with global warming. A. in relation toB. in response toC. in addition toD. in opposition to6. (2014杭州模拟)_his research paper, Professor Reagan experienced various hardships and loneliness on the Ant

7、arctic exploration for nearly half a year. A. AccomplishingB. To accomplishC. AccomplishedD. Having accomplished7. (2014张家口模拟)_the efforts of London Mayor Ken Livingstone, the city has become increasingly bike-friendly over the last seven years. A. In case ofB. Thanks toC. In addition toD. As for8.

8、(2014安庆模拟)Dont try to cheat in the examyou will never _ it. A. get away fromB. get away withC. get rid ofD. get out of9. The method is _ great use in solving such kind of problem. A. inB. ofC. withD. for10. Senior high school student as he is, he finds it a difficult time _ as a grown-up by his pare

9、nts. A. treatingB. to be treatedC. being treatedD. to treat11. (2014长沙模拟)_that he might lose his job, Peter always works extra hours to please his boss. A. WorryingB. Having worriedC. Having been worriedD. Worried12. When _ about overhearing, English people use the proverb “Walls have ears. ”A. talk

10、B. talkingC. talkedD. to talk13. My wife _ the night shift when my plane_. Thats why no one is to meet me at the airport today. A. will be working; arrivesB. was working; arrivedC. will have worked; has arrivedD. is working; is arriving14. (2014盐城模拟)_about the man wearing sunglasses during night tha

11、t he was determined to follow him. A. So curious the detective wasB. So curious was the detectiveC. How curious was the detectiveD. How curious the detective was15. You dont know what great difficulty I had _ to get the two tickets. Is the film really worth _ twice? A. managing; seeingB. managed; se

12、eingC. managing; being seenD. managed; being seen. 阅读理解ADr. Wiseman started “the laugh lab” project in September 2001. It is the largest study of humour. Participants(参加者)are invited to log on to the laugh lab website, give a few personal details, tell their favourite jokes and judge the jokes told

13、by other people. The project will last for a year, and the organizers hope to finally discover the worlds funniest joke. But there is also a serious purpose. The researchers want to know what people from different nations and cultures find funny. And they want to find out the differences between the

14、 male and female sense of humour. The idea is that if we want to understand each other, we have to find out what makes us laugh. This is a subject that has long attracted psychologists(心理学家)and philosophers. Most of the time, people are not completely honest. We do things that society expects us to

15、and say things that help us get what we want. But laughing cannot be controlled. When we laugh, we tell the truth about ourselves. By December 2001 over 10, 000 jokes had been submitted. This gave the scientists enough evidence to make early conclusions. It seems that men and women do have different

16、 senses of humour, for instance. “Our findings show the major differences in the ways in which males and females use humour, ”said Dr. Wiseman. “Males use humour to appear superior to others, while females are more skilled in languages and prefer word play. ”Researchers also found that there really

17、is such a thing as a national sense of humour. The British enjoy what is usually called “toilet humour”. But the French like their jokes short and sharp: “Youre a high priced lawyer. Will you answer two questions for$500? ”“Yes. Whats the second question? ”The Germans are famous for not having a sen

18、se of humour. But the survey found that German participants were more likely to find submitted jokes funny than any other nationality. Perhaps that proves the point. Is this joke funny? I dont know, but lets say yes, just to be safe. Dr. Wiseman and his workmates also submitted jokes created by comp

19、uter. But none of those who took part in the survey found any of them amusing. Perhaps this is relief. Computers already seem like they can do everything. At least they should leave the funny stuff to us. 1. The scientist started “the laugh lab” project_. A. to find the funniest joke in European cou

20、ntriesB. to know what funny people are like from different nations and culturesC. to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humourD. to get more personal details about participants2. We can infer from the passage that_. A. most of the people all over the world are completely h

21、onestB. psychologists and philosophers take interest in “the laugh lab” projectC. ordinary people are not interested in “the laugh lab” project at allD. people tell the truth about themselves only when they laugh3. According to the passage, we can safely say that_. A. Jokes created by computer are l

22、ess appealing to peopleB. Men and women have similar senses of humourC. The project lasted from September, 2001 to December, 2001D. Scientists have collected enough evidence to make final conclusions4. The writer gave the examples of the British, the French and the Germans_. A. to show the French pe

23、ople have a better sense of humourB. to prove the British people have a sense of “toilet humour”C. to show people from different nations have different senses of humourD. to prove that the Germans have no sense of humour5. What is the best title of the passage? A. Funny or not? B. Laugh louder! C. M

24、en laugh better. D. Watch out for the trap in jokes! BOne of Californias poorest school districts, the Coachella Valley Unified southeast of Los Angeles, is currently rolling out iPads to every student. But, as with tablet efforts across the country, this one faces skeptics(怀疑)and obstacles(障碍). Som

25、e wonder if its projected benefits are being grossly oversold. Darryl Adams talks about his school districts latest project. “Everyone will have an iPad! ”he says with a broad smile. “Its going to be exciting! ”He argues that school districts have often failed to inspire kids. Instead, he says, they

26、ve been teaching them how to take tests. “And thats not what education is about. So for the first time in our history as a nation, I think in the world, were going to be able to personalize education, ”Adams says. But some districts have publicly stumbled(绊倒)with their initiatives(为解决困难采取的行动). Los A

27、ngeles Unified students easily got around restrictions on their district-issued iPads: They simply deleted their personal profile info and then could surf the Web without restriction. Coachella Valley is trying to learn from LAs problems. Its working to strengthen profile security and will block har

28、mful and inappropriate online contents. Some security measures should be a classroom management issue. Kids should have digital citizenship and proper use of the iPad. At Coachella Valley High School, one of two high schools in the district, junior Cheyenne Hernandez says shes open to new media in t

29、he classroom but wonders if the iPad money might be better spent on other things. She says people will most likely steal them, break them or wear them out. “And in a students opinion, most of the kids are going to go on Facebook, Twitter. ”she says. But Rebecca Flanagan wonders which ones the distri

30、ct will use, how well it will work and how it will all be integrated into a coherent plan. “Thats where I see the difficulty. The disconnection is between giving students an iPad to use and then making it relevant for the classroom, ”she says. “I mean, its a toy for them. ”Large parts of the Coachel

31、la Valley are not covered by high-speed Internet. And even where it is available, many families here simply cant afford the service. 6. In the opinion of Adams, iPad makes it_. A. possible to individualize educationB. exciting for students to take testsC. important to inspire kids in schoolD. practi

32、cal to understand education7. What lesson did Coachella Valley learn from LAs problems? A. Social media sites are blocked in classrooms. B. Kids arent able to surf harmful online contents. C. Students build their personal profile information. D. A digital citizenship should be used properly. 8. Acco

33、rding to Cheyenne, the iPad plan_. A. was completely a waste of timeB. kept a new media open to everyoneC. didnt achieve what was expected to doD. improved academic achievement greatly9. What problem did Rebecca think the tablet plan has? A. The understanding of parents. B. The support of schools. C

34、. The shortage of money. D. The lack of connectivity. 【语篇随练】多练一点技高一筹根据阅读理解A中的词汇完成句子。1. 法国人以烹调著称。The French their cooking. 2. 下星期, 他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。He a chess tournament next week. 答案解析. 1. 【解析】选A。句意: 他对国家的贡献得到了官方的承认, 这让我们很高兴。acknowledge承认, 符合句意。appeal呼吁, 吸引, 上诉; recommend推荐, 建议; evaluate评价。【加固训练】_as a

35、promising tennis player in the world, Chinese player Zheng Jie succeeded in entering the next round in French Open Tennis. A. Having acknowledgedB. AcknowledgingC. AcknowledgedD. To acknowledge【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 被认为在世界网坛大有前途的中国选手郑洁成功进入法国网球公开赛的下一轮比赛。acknowledge与Zheng Jie之间是动宾关系, 故用过去分词作状语。2. 【解析】选D。考

36、查时态。答语意为: 她完全应得冠军, 她之前已经为此准备好几年了。因获得冠军这一动作发生在过去, 而准备的动作发生在过去的过去, 且在此期间, 动作一直在进行, 故应用过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始, 一直延续到这一过去时间。3. 【解析】选B。句意: 不管司机是否导致了车祸, 酒驾就应该视为犯罪。regardless of不管, 符合题意; according to按照; in addition to另外; in terms of就而言。【加固训练】People love to waste time on the Internet and if its funny theyll

37、 go there, _who puts the information there. A. regardless ofB. in case ofC. in spite ofD. instead of【解析】选A。句意: 人们喜欢在网上浪费时间, 如果有趣他们就去(看)而不管是谁发布的信息。regardless of不管, 不顾, 不理会某人或某事; in case of万一; in spite of尽管; instead of而不是。根据句意选A。4. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语。句意: 我们坚信, 战争不能解决任何问题, 只会造成暴力。result in导致; run into撞上; co

38、me from来自; begin with以开始。5. 【解析】选B。句意: 如今, 许多人步行去上班以响应哥本哈根会议对人们过低碳生活以应对全球变暖的呼吁。in response to“响应; 回答; 对有反应”。in relation to“关于; 涉及”; in addition to“除之外”; in opposition to“与相反”。由句意可知B项正确。6. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 为了完成论文, Reagan教授在为期近半年的南极探险中经历了各种困难和孤独。题干中不定式作状语, 表示目的。根据句意可知选B。【加固训练】(2014合肥模拟)Can you think

39、 of another good idea? This is the best approach I can imagine _ the work ahead of schedule. A. to accomplishB. to accomplishingC. accomplishingD. accomplished【解析】选B。句意: 你还能想出一个好主意吗? 这是我能想象到的提前完成工作的最好方法。I can imagine为定语从句, approach to的方法, to为介词。7. 【解析】选B。句意: 由于伦敦市长肯利文斯通过去七年的努力, 这个城市成了自行车环保城市。thanks

40、to由于, 幸亏, 多亏。in case of如果, 万一; in addition to除之外, 还有; as for至于, 关于。【加固训练】(2014福州模拟)I believe we could face delays if we travel by bus, _traffic jams. A. thanks toB. despiteC. regardless ofD. in spite of【解析】选A。考查介词及介词短语辨析。句意: 我认为如果我们坐公交车, 可能由于交通堵塞而延误。thanks to意为“由于”, 符合语境。despite和in spite of均意为“尽管”;

41、regardless of意为“不管; 不顾”。8. 【解析】选B。句意: 不要尝试考试作弊, 对作弊者会严惩不贷。get away from摆脱; get away with做坏事而未受惩罚; get rid of去除; get out of离开, 摆脱。9. 【解析】选B。句意: 在解决这类问题时, 这种方法很有用。of great use=very useful。【拓展延伸】be of+名词(1)“(be+)of+名词”结构可以表示主语的属性, 这类名词有age/kind/type/size/ height/shape等, 也可以表示根源关系, 此时的名词多是表示亲属、血统、种族、国籍、

42、出处的名词, 常用的名词有family/blood/race/origin等。Machines are of different types and sizes. 机器有不同的型号和规格。We are of the same blood. 我们是同一家族。(2)“(be+)of+名词”结构中的名词是抽象名词, 相当于名词所对应的形容词的意思, 说明被修饰词具有某种特征或属性, 常用的名词有use/importance/help/value/ interest/quality/service/benefit/necessity等。It is of great importance(=very i

43、mportant)that the government take measures to prevent tax evasion. 政府采取措施防止偷税漏税至关重要。10. 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 虽然他是高中生, 他发现被父母当成年人一样对待很困难。使用的是find it+名词+to do sth. , 这里的不定式是作宾语的, it是形式宾语, 而且他是被对待, 用不定式的被动式, 选B。11. 【解析】选D。考查过去分词短语作状语。因状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致, be worried that可改写成过去分词短语的形式, 省略主语和谓语(Peter is)。原句可改写

44、为: Peter is worried that he might lose his job. . . 。12. 【解析】选B。考查省略。句意: 当英国人谈到偷听时, 往往喜欢使用谚语“隔墙有耳”。English people与talk about之间是逻辑上的主谓关系, 句子补充完整为“When English people are talking about overhearing. . . ”。当主从句主语一致, 且从句谓语动词中含有be动词时, 从句中的主语和be动词均可省略。故B项正确。13. 【解析】选A。考查时态。根据“is to meet”可知, 此处表示将来的情况, 首先排除

45、B和D; 没人接机的原因是“当飞机抵达时, 我的妻子将正在上夜班”, 所以主句用将来进行时, 而时间状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。故选A。14. 【解析】选B。考查倒装。句意: 那个侦探对于夜里戴墨镜的那个人如此好奇以至于他决定跟踪他。“so. . . that. . . ”句型中, 如果将“so+形容词/副词”置于句首, 主句需用部分倒装, 故选B。【加固训练】To such a degree _ his boring performance that some of the audience began to feel sleepy. A. would he go on withB.

46、 he would go on withC. did he go on withD. he went on with【解析】选C。考查倒装句。句意: 他的表演如此乏味以至于一些观众开始感到昏昏欲睡。在so. . . that. . . 和such. . . that. . . 引导的结果状语从句中, 当so+形容词或such+名词位于句首时, 句子要用部分倒装的形式; 同时根据句意可知, 这件事已经发生, 谓语动词用一般过去时, 故选C。15. 【解析】选A。句意: 你不知道我买到这两张票费了多大的劲。这部电影真的值得看两遍吗? have difficulty(in)doing sth. 做某

47、事有困难; be worth doing值得做, 所以A项正确。【加固训练】Some groups still have difficulty _ access _ social services. A. gain; inB. gaining; toC. to gain; toD. gaining; of【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词和介词搭配。句意: 一些群体仍然很难得到享受社会服务的权利。have difficulty(in)doing sth. 做某事有困难; gain access to获得的机会或权利。. 【文章大意】本文主要讲了Dr. Wiseman创办了一家“笑俱乐部”网站以及成立“笑俱乐部”网站的目的。1.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段And they want to find out the differences between the male and femal

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