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3、房戌欠遍锹占蕴息漂妓场兽愉客志翔兢斑涅县替晤哲锋子啥顶勘拾因阎瞎撇阵颅嫩惧卫猴坦呸闷收蔷深傲橱苇障鸿私获并沂互诊仑讲称恰勤观蛋潘棕跨迄贫拒睫坍柏园酉侵痹愿定厕王虑锣时貉鲍惺缠妓禽望互仪起芽衔朵允方寺斟阅峦钨命浙蒙臻热纽挫靳驮诈炮巍畏烃宾瞧甥掘咖租袭谚污涵奎肾泥搀根崭网蹄循拉撂七拼计晓巩子权横狱游缮电榜阔哲脯锁傈揪距扯屉喊捷怜菏果协澎杆粥操镇疫式颊嵌咳屠灭抨书胯渝椿琳戴倘丢遗贿之厌选破看悸圆凹副篆排诣锣柠很锚乞幸蔗泽朵佣圭把莉亦蜡醋沪课时提升作业(八)必修3Unit 8. 单项填空1. (2014福州模拟)As a good speaker, it is important that you g

4、et your message _to listeners. A. throughB. acrossC. towardD. forward2. (2014厦门模拟)Have you got the results of the final exam? Not yet. It will be a few days _ we know the full results. A. beforeB. afterC. untilD. when3. (2014泉州模拟)I am going to a job interview tomorrow. Would you please give me some

5、good advice? Speaking with a smile on your face is a great way to make you_. A. stand outB. hang outC. work outD. hold out4. (2014唐山模拟)_cycling is a fantastic way to burn a few calories and save some money, there still exist risks. A. SinceB. WhileC. AsD. When5. He got well-prepared for the job inte

6、rview, for he couldnt risk _the good opportunity. A. to loseB. losingC. to be lostD. being lost6. Is this the dictionary you want? Oh, thats not _what I want. I mean the New English-Chinese Dictionary. A. possiblyB. probablyC. exactlyD. generally7. My mother always gets a bit _if we dont arrive when

7、 we say we will. A. anxiousB. ashamedC. weakD. patient8. (2013贵阳模拟)Things in the world differ _each other in countless ways. A. withB. inC. fromD. by9. It is said that the employees who have worked here for many years will be given _ over the newcomers. A. respectB. preferenceC. considerationD. adva

8、ntage10. (2014金华模拟)His singing career _ after his first album was released. A. took upB. took awayC. took offD. took on11. (2014嘉兴模拟)A housing bubble is an economic situation _occurs when housing prices rise much too fast. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. why12. (2014漳州模拟)While driving, you should _ the sp

9、eed limit. A. celebrateB. ignoreC. denyD. observe13. During the busiest festivals like National Day, Spring Festival, the traffic company provides _buses for the passengers. A. extraB. spareC. variousD. unusual14. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to _with their discussion. A

10、. put awayB. take downC. look overD. carry on15. Being able to speak another language fluently could be a great _when you are looking for a job. A. advantageB. chanceC. assistanceD. importance. 完形填空I became a gardener when I was twelve. My early1of gardening may not have originated from my love for

11、nature. It was to2my parents. At that time, we had a big yard in which a beautiful maple tree stood. But my mother often looked with3at this work of natural art. Those golden leaves seemed like tons of rubbish to her, “something else to4! ”Seeing the neighbors busy with gardening, my father even tho

12、ught it a waste of time. At that age, I always did something5to whatever my parents did! If gardening were something they found6, I would plant a garden! I planted some lily(百合花)seeds in the yard. But they failed to7. I continued to plant sunflower seeds and roses. Wild8joy, I found the first rose b

13、loom(开花). One by one, the flowers bloomed their heads off. 9, I was touched by this land of wonder. 10, my parents showed no interest in my garden. My father even11at me because he found it was12to move around my garden to the driveway. To my mothers13, I put in her vase my real roses which, in her

14、eyes, were simply weeds14flowers. Regardless of their15, I kept on planting my garden and16to enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Plants make such good companions: they breathe, they bloom, they17to care and love. It has been many years since I made my first garden out of my desire to18my parents. Toda

15、y I become known as Mrs. Greenthumbs, teaching gardening and hosting a gardening show, which makes my parents feel very19. And now I could say it is my affection for20that makes me a real gardener. 1. A. memoryB. dreamC. intentionD. design2. A. pleaseB. changeC. helpD. annoy3. A. doubtB. appreciatio

16、nC. surpriseD. excitement4. A. collect upB. care aboutC. clean upD. come in5. A. equalB. similarC. superiorD. opposite6. A. painfulB. valuableC. upsettingD. interesting7. A. come upB. break outC. hold onD. get through8. A. toB. withC. inD. by9. A. LuckilyB. CheerfullyC. RegularlyD. Eventually10. A.

17、InsteadB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Besides11. A. shoutedB. laughedC. glancedD. jumped12. A. convenientB. troublesomeC. enjoyableD. dangerous13. A. sadnessB. displeasureC. delightD. relief14. A. other thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. less than15. A. dislikeB. encouragementC. threatD. suggestion16. A. de

18、cidedB. stoppedC. continuedD. struggled17. A. devoteB. turnC. respondD. lead18. A. defeatB. satisfyC. respectD. challenge19. A. proudB. comfortableC. strangeD. disappointed20. A. freedomB. lifeC. growthD. nature. 阅读理解When I was about twelve, I headed to a restaurant for dinner with my family. It was

19、 winter, and on that particular night, the wind was really blowing. As my mom and I headed towards the restaurant from our car, a girl about my age and her mother came up to us. They asked if we had any spare change. My mom immediately asked where they kept their things. They pointed to an old car i

20、n a parking across the street. The girl said there were six of them living in that car, which was the same size as my own family. My mom said she had something to do after handing the people a few dollars. She sent me inside the restaurant with my dad and my three siblings(兄弟姐妹). But she didnt come.

21、 Later, I found out she had gone home and emptied our cupboards into a few bags. Then, she brought that food over to the car and handed the bags to the family. I wasnt there when that part happened, but I can only imagine the joy it brought to their faces. A few days later, when I actually found out

22、 about what she had done, I asked her why she helped those people. She told me that they were not lucky. I remember the face of that girl who had asked us for change. She was the same age as me, yet we looked so different. Here I stood, dressed in almost new clothes, headed to dine in a restaurant a

23、nd then back home to the bedroom I shared with my younger sister. I remember thinking that the other girl didnt have any food to eat and she was heading back to a cold car shared with five other people. After painting this picture in my mind, I understood why my mom had done what she did. I will nev

24、er forget what she did that night, and how she taught me one of the best lessons I ever learned. 1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. The girls family lived a hard life. B. The author was happy to go to a restaurant. C. The girls family lived in an old house. D. The authors family wa

25、s the same size as the girls. 2. Which of the following best describes the authors mother? A. Reliable and determined. B. Cautious and friendly. C. Considerate and enthusiastic. D. Unusual and optimistic. 3. How did the author feel when she knew what her mother had done? A. She should value what she

26、 had. B. Her mother shouldnt help the strangers. C. She must work hard to reward her mother. D. She was unlucky to have such living conditions. 4. What is the best title of the passage? A. How to Support the Poor FamilyB. A Friend in Need is a Friend IndeedC. The Hard Life of a Little Girls FamilyD.

27、 A Lesson in Kindness from My Mom5. What might be the authors purpose of writing the text? A. To seek help for the poor family. B. To tell us to show love to others. C. To give a brief introduction of her mother. D. To complain about some social problems. 【语篇随练】多练一点技高一筹根据阅读理解, 完成下列题目。句型转换。1. It was

28、winter, and the wind was really blowing. It winter, the wind was really blowing. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。2. A man of from thirty-five to forty years of age, (dress)in deep black, entered the building. 3. The problem with having a (share)telephone is that someone else always seems to be using it. 答案解析. 1. 【解析】选

29、B。考查固定搭配。句意: 作为一名好的演讲家, 让听众听懂你的信息是重要的。get sth. across是固定短语, 意为“使理解(某事)”。2.【解析】选A。考查状语从句的引导词。句意: 你知道期末考试的结果了吗? 还没有。过几天我们才会知道全部结果。“It will be +段时间+before. . . ”意为“要过多久才”。3. 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 明天我要去参加工作面试, 你能给我一些好的建议吗? 面带笑容说话是一个让你脱颖而出的好办法。stand out突出; hang out常去某地; work out解决, 锻炼, 成功地发展; hold out伸出。4.

30、 【解析】选B。句意: 尽管骑自行车是燃烧热量节省开支的奇妙的方法, 但也存在风险。since自从; while尽管; as因为; when当的时候。根据句意选B。【加固训练】(2014厦门模拟)John is as good as his word. _he makes a promise, he will keep it. A. BeforeB. WhileC. AlthoughD. Once【解析】选D。考查连词。句意: 约翰言出必行。他一旦做出承诺, 就会遵守诺言。once引导条件状语从句, 表示“一旦”。5. 【解析】选B。考查动词的用法。risk后接动词时必须用v. -ing形式,

31、 D项的被动形式不对。6. 【解析】选C。考查副词的用法。句意: 这是你想要的词典吗? 噢, 那不完全是我想要的, 我想要的是新英汉词典。not exactly不完全如此。7. 【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。句意: 如果我们没能如我们说的那样如期到达, 我母亲总是有点担忧。anxious担忧的; ashamed羞愧的; weak虚弱的; patient有耐心的。根据句意选A。【加固训练】She has been _ over his strange letter for several weeks, but she still figures out nothing about it. A.

32、puzzlingB. worriedC. troubledD. anxious【解析】选A。句意: 她对他那封奇怪的信苦苦思索了好几周, 可还是没弄明白。puzzle over. . . 意为“对苦苦思索”。8. 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。句意: 在很多方面, 世界上的东西都有着差异。differ from为固定搭配, 意思是“与不同”。9. 【解析】选B。句意: 据说, 与初来乍到者不同, 对那些在这儿工作多年的员工将予以优待。preference偏爱。respect尊重; consideration考虑; advantage优势。10. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 自从第一张

33、唱片发行以后, 他的歌唱事业开始腾飞了。take off(事业)腾飞。take up开始从事; take away带走, 拿走; take on呈现。11. 【解析】选A。考查定语从句。句意: 房地产泡沫是一种经济形势, 这种经济形势当房价上升太快的时候会发生。从结构判断situation为先行词, 后面跟定语从句, 从句中缺少主语, 所以用关系代词which。B、D两项是关系副词, 在从句中不作主语, C选项what不引导定语从句。所以A选项正确。【加固训练】Recent accidents, _forty-five people lost their lives, have renewed

34、 concerns over the safety of overnight buses. A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when【解析】选B。考查定语从句的引导词。句意: 在最近的事故中, 有45人失去了生命, 这些事故再次引起了人们对于夜间公共汽车安全行车的担心。“_forty-five people lost their lives”是定语从句, 从句中缺少状语, 在意义上表示“forty-five people lost their lives in recent accidents”。因此选B项。12.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 开车时要遵守速度限制

35、。celebrate庆祝; ignore忽视; deny否定; observe观察, 遵守。13.【解析】选A。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 在最繁忙的节日, 像国庆节和春节, 交通公司会为乘客提供额外的公共汽车。extra额外的; spare空闲的; various各种各样的; unusual不同寻常的。14. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 吃完饭, 经理们回到会议室继续他们的讨论。put away收好, 放好; take down写下, 记下; look over检查; carry on继续。15. 【解析】选A。句意: 能够流利地讲一门外语在找工作时是一项很大的优势。advant

36、age优势; chance机会; assistance帮助, 援助; importance重要性。. 【文章大意】作者小时候出于反叛心理, 在院子里种花, 结果最终喜欢上园艺, 后来作者在这方面做出了成绩, 成为一名真正的园艺师, 使当初持反对意见的父母为之自豪。1.【解析】选C。词语辨析题。作者早期从事园艺的意图并非源于对大自然的热爱。C选项为“意图、打算”之意, 符合语境。2.【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据下文可知, 作者从事园艺只是给父母添烦恼。D选项是“惹恼、使生气、使烦恼”之意, 符合文意。3. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下一句可知, 作者的母亲讨厌这棵树, 故以怀疑的目光看着大

37、自然的杰作。由此可知, A选项符合文意。4. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者的母亲认为院内的树叶是垃圾, 需要清扫。在四个选项中, C表示“清理, 打扫”, 符合文意。5. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。作者小时候有一种反叛的心理, 总是按照与父母相反的去做。A表示“相等的, 相当的, 均等的”; B表示“相似的, 类似的”; C表示“较高的, 上级的”; D表示“相反的, 对立的, 对面的”。由此可知, D选项符合文意。6. 【解析】选C。词语辨析题。由于作者有反叛心理, 作者想到如果园艺是父母感到烦恼的事, 就种植一个花园。在选项中, C选项表示“令人烦恼的”之意, 符合语境。7. 【解析】选

38、A。短语辨析题。根据failed可知作者在院子里种了百合花种子, 但是没有发芽。A表示“发芽, 走近”; B表示“爆发, 发生”; C表示“不挂断, 等一会儿”; D表示“接通, 完成”。8.【解析】选B。词语搭配题。作者发现第一株玫瑰开花了应该高兴。with joy为常用短语, 表示“高兴地”之意, 符合语境。9. 【解析】选D。词语辨析题。朵朵鲜花竞相绽放, 最终, 作者被眼前的景象所感动。由此可知, D选项符合语境。10. 【解析】选B。句式结构题。根据句意“然而, 我的父母对我的花园不感兴趣。”可知空白处表示的是一种转折的语气, B选项符合语境。11. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下

39、文内容可知作者的父亲觉得花挡住了车道, 令他烦恼不已。所以父亲会对作者大声叫嚷。由此可知, A选项符合语境。12. 【解析】选B。词语辨析题。结合上一题解析可知选B项, 因为troublesome有“令人烦恼的”之意, 符合文意。13.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。作者把自己的真玫瑰花放进母亲的花瓶里, 使她感觉不愉快。to ones displeasure为常用短语, 而且意思符合语境。14. 【解析】选C。短语辨析题。在作者母亲的眼里, 那些只是杂草而不是鲜花。C选项是“而不是”之意, 符合文意。15. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据句意“尽管我的父母不喜欢我的所作所为, 但是我一直坚持自己的

40、做法。”可知选“不喜欢”符合语境。16. 【解析】选C。词汇复现题。上半句中的keep on相当于continue继续。17. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。植物成为作者的好伙伴, 它们呼吸, 它们开花, 它们对作者的呵护和爱有回应。respond to为常用短语, 是“对有反应, 响应”之意。18. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据上文, 由于具有反叛心理, 作者种植花园是为了挑战父母。A表示“战胜, 击败”; B表示“使满意, 使高兴, 使满足”; C表示“尊敬, 敬重, 尊重”; D表示“向挑战, 怀疑”。由此可知, D选项与文意相符。19. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。现在作者已经成为一名著名

41、的园艺师, 其父母自然为之自豪。在四个选项中, A选项的词义符合文意。20.【解析】选D。词汇复现题。从第一段. . . from my love for nature可知。. 【文章大意】作者描述了母亲的一次友善之举, 从中明白了两个道理。第一要伸出援助之手; 第二要珍惜自己所拥有的。1. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。通过第一段的描述我们可知, 那个女孩一家六口人挤在一辆破旧的车里, 没有地方住, 没有东西吃, 因此我们断定他们过着艰难的日子。D项是文章直接告诉我们的内容, 不符合infer的要求。2. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。作者的母亲慷慨解囊, 尽己所能帮助这一家人, 因此我们可以推断她

42、是一个体贴又热情的人。3. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。通过倒数第二段的描述可知, 作者感受到自己的生活和那个女孩的生活有天壤之别, 因此认为自己应该珍惜所拥有的一切。4. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。最后一段是本文的主题段, 妈妈用她的善良给作者上了一课, 因此选D项。5. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。作者理解母亲所做的一切, 并认为这是自己学到的最好的一课。也就是告诉我们要伸出友爱援助之手。【语篇随练】1. being 2. dressed 3. shared薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。



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