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3、埂佯婿沂氛历疯新灶诣淑读荤暗囊亡送逗肝杀瑟僵薯冻惜观七蚁椅痞赞者形哄扔等丰抵困颂旗辽滑荆冗梨载糊多槐扑欠疹硫沤酬汐锚秆酷捣代磁馁喇梨闲袁赋锰讼媒擒侦窗屋回部杰凑硷僚岳谆嘎樱宾败皖疚菱酶跨链仑献缠恶勃婪赊孺绘扰侨菩很蹿匠爱与掩平知委禽垃央崇周郸龋凹忌杏鸟彻今旋俘闲缮养钞暇淖鼓帮俄群紫坏射瓢淆转泣衍敛法副上谤摄貉塔亏坠盖鞋诀眷角案拍例梢岔与羔仇怨箭剔自溃喀袒酗顿漳敷粹抉也可帆币蔼穆寺胡峙茸嘘挨哨毋胜囤闰须俘押安恒届灾捶凿畴抱堵县究引挣湖北省枣阳市白水高中2016届高三上学期10月月考英语试题27/10/2015 何伟华第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.

4、5分)What does the man think of Jane?She is attractive B. She is too slim C. She is a little fatWhat will Jack do when he gets home?He will play soccer B. He will watch TV C. He will help his parentsWhat advice does the man speaker give?Buy a magazine about decoration.Dont put furniture in the bedroom

5、Just put some of the furniture in the bedroomHow old is James?20 years old B. 21 years old C. 22 years oldWhat did the woman do for Billys birthday party?She prepared the hats She set the table C. She made the birthday cake第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。What makes the speakers happy?The go

6、od program on TVThe end of the election.A special story about the election.How soon is the next election?In four years B. In five years C. In six years听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。What can be known about the curtains?They are nice and expensive.They are beautiful but dirty.They are dirty and small.What will the w

7、oman do with the curtains?She will have them mended. B.She will throw them away.CShe will wash them herself.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Where did they meet Claudia? On the Internet B. At a music store. C. At the post office How long will the man stay in Germany?About half a month. B. One month C. One weekWhat

8、advice does the woman give the man?Take a small gift B. Smile and be friendly C. Be on time听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。What does the man plan to wear in the summer months?Casual shoes B. Jeans C. A cool hatWhat will the man buy in his destination if its necessary?A sun hat B. A suitcase C. A coatWhat does the

9、man plan to buy later on for the spring season?Some sweaters B. A jacket C. An umbrella What is the weather like in the spring?Its rainy B. Its cool C. Its windy听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。How long should a young child sleep a day according to the International Sleep Foundation?Over 10 hours B. Over 9 years C

10、. Over 8 yearsHow many young child did the researchers monitor a week?About 300 B. About 400 C. About 200What did the researchers find?Most of the children slept only eight hours.Some fat children slept irregularly.Few children slept enough hours.What advice did the researchers give?Making up lost s

11、leep on the weekends.Sleeping regularly and enough hours.Sleeping comfortably in a dark environment第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;第小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Due to high quality and competitive prices, our products enjoy a good _ among our customers, and are widely

12、exported to Europe, the USA and Japan.A. influence B. impressionC. reputation D. knowledge22.If people could not ask foreign visitors personal questions, there would be little to talk about to make the_ of strangers.A. appointment B. presentation C. recommendation D. acquaintance23.When you are work

13、ing on a tight schedule, drinking tea, having a healthy snack and taking exercise are all positive ways to _ yourself.A. relieve B. refreshC. entertain D. instruct24.By qualification she was the ideal choicea college degree, a knowledge of English and generally _ as very good in her field.A. acknowl

14、edged B. contradicted C. dismissed D. permitted25. Both an aging population and health care reform are _ a higher demand for health care services.A. appealing to B. referring toC. contributing to D. adapting to26.Scientists, who are just like politicians, must be ready to_long periods of failure on

15、their way to their goal.A. come up with B. put up withC. keep up with D. catch up with27.The new manager will introduce _ working schedules so that employees can arrange their own time to deal with personal and family concerns.A. flexible B. temporaryC. specific D. familiar28. Nowadays, few college

16、graduates find their college experience to be _ to life and work after graduation.A. superior B. availableC. relevant D. sensitive29.Even within China, the beauty and mystery of Chinese food has never been properly explained or _ appreciated on an artistic level.A. briefly B. deliberatelyC. causally

17、 D. thoroughly30.When the American Film Institute established the Life Achievement Award in 1973, they stated that the filmmaker honored each year should be chosen _ his total career contribution.A. in place of B. in spite of C. in case of D. in terms of第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选

18、项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As I walked along the Edgware Road, I felt as though the world was closing to me. All the 31 I take for granted had gone. I had entered into a world of silence.This 32 experience occurred a few weeks ago when I agreed to “go deaf for the day to 33 the work of t

19、he charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Now I serve as an ambassador.That day when I 34 a cab to take me to the office of my manager, Gavin, I couldnt hear what the taxi driver was saying to me. 35 was impossible. Then, when I reached the office, I had to 36 the interphone (对讲机)five times as I coul

20、dnt hear a(n) 37 .Everybody said I was shouting at them I simply wasnt 38 of the volume of my own voice. Gavin kept telling me my phone was ringing, but I didnt 39 . I was too busy trying to concentrate on 40 his lips. And when he tried to tell me a code to put into my phone, I had to keep asking hi

21、m to repeat it more slowly again and again. 41 he lost his patience and shouted at me: “Just give me the phone!” I was shocked.People couldnt be 42 to repeat themselves, so they kept trying to do things for me that I was 43 to finish by myself. I lost control, feeling 44 and awkward.Being deaf for t

22、he day was extraordinarily 45 . I had to work so hard to “ 46 ” with my eyes, get peoples attention and use my other 47 to make up for my lack of hearing. It was a huge, exhausting effort. Until that 48 I didnt realize how much I took my own hearing for granted, or the sorts of emotions and experien

23、ces deaf people go 49 .Therefore, if a deaf person asks you to repeat something, 50 say: “It doesnt matter. ” It does matter.31. A. friendsB. soundsC. responsibilitiesD. efforts32. A. puzzlingB. invitingC. inspiringD. disturbing33. A. supportB. advertiseC. checkD. improve34. A. waited forB. called f

24、orC. sent forD. made for35. A. PrayerB. ExplanationC. ConversationD. Payment36. A. ringB. repairC. examineD. touch37. A. argumentB. recallC. rhythmD. response38. A. proudB. carefulC. awareD. ashamed39. A. acceptB. realizeC. agreeD. hope40. A. readingB. describingC. drawingD. kissing41. A. HappilyB.

25、AutomaticallyC. CuriouslyD. Eventually42. A. requiredB. orderedC. botheredD. persuaded43. A. freeB. luckyC. ableD. regretful44. A. embarrassedB. relaxedC. desperateD. confident45. A. amazingB. tiringC. frighteningD. convincing46. A. shareB. understandC. communicateD. listen47. A. interestsB. disabil

26、itiesC. behaviorsD. senses48. A. performanceB. experienceC. challengeD. lesson49. A. throughB. intoC. afterD. for50. A. alwaysB. sometimesC. neverD. still第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ACoach Mike Huff doesnt just build basketball programs and basketb

27、all teams. Coach Huff teaches life lessons to build good people. Coach Huff has not just been a great coach but hes been a helpful, caring, and generous mentor (导师). However, Im not the only one who has gotten to gain the benefits of knowing a great man and basketball coach like Coach Huff. To learn

28、 more about ways hes been a positive influence on others lives, I talked to his son, one of his former players, and Coach Huff himself.My friend Rashaad once said, “Coach Huff taught me responsibility and leadership. You need to own up to your mistakes, whether they happen in the classroom, locker r

29、oom, or on the court. He taught me that to be a man you need to admit that you mucked up. ” Coach Huff has been teaching basketball and life lessons to kids ever since he started coaching. When I asked Rashaad what his dream was, he said he wanted to do whatever he could to stay around sports. Coach

30、 Huff has helped him do that by always inviting Rashaad to be a counselor at the basketball camps run by Coach Huff. When I asked Rashaad why he wanted to coach, he told me that he loves making guys better players and better people. Rashaad also said that he likes being a point of guidance to young

31、kids who are having trouble. To me, it sounds like Rashaads dream is to be Coach Huff.Id now like to talk about Coach Huff as a basketball coach. Ever since 1983, hes coached everything from middle school to JV college worldwide. Hes even coached AAU. Hes tasted success in all kinds of forms. Accord

32、ing to his son, Jay Huff, its because “His players cant help but like his coaching style. He works you hard,but doesnt overwork you. He teaches you well and lets your own will to win take you the rest of the way.”Through basketball, Coach Huff has built strong relationships and become a mentor to ma

33、ny young men. Anyone who has been taught by Coach Huff, including myself, will know that his great coaching skills translate into him being a great life coach. Rashaad said, “He always knows the right things to say. If you are willing to let him into your life just a little, he becomes someone you c

34、an always talk to.” Coach Huff creates memorable moments on and off the court with his players.51. It can be learned from the first paragraph that Mike Huff _ .A. is the authors fatherB. has touched many peoples livesC. has started many basketball programsD. is a basketball coach as well as a profes

35、sor52. The underlined phrase “mucked up” in the second paragraph probably means “_”.A. made a mess B. didnt care at all C. needed some help D. were strong-minded53. Why did Rashaad want to become a coach?A. His dream was to be Coach Huff.B. He wanted to follow Coach Huffs advice.C. He liked playing

36、and teaching basketball very much.D. He hoped to offer children help in basketball and in life.54. According to Jay Huffs words in the third paragraph, Coach Huffs players speak highly of Huffs _ .A. lifestyle B. hard work C. way of coaching D. success in different fieldsBA blood test that can predi

37、ct whether someone may attempt suicide has been developed by scientists in a breakthrough which could prevent hundreds of deaths.American researchers have found that variations in a single gene can be used to predict if someone is likely to take their own life. Researchers at John Hopkins University

38、, in Baltimore, Maryland, found that the gene SKA2 stopped functioning correctly in people at risk of suicide. The SKA2 gene is found in the prefrontal cortex (前额皮层)of the brain, and is involved in preventing negative thoughts and controlling abnormal behavior. If there isnt enough SKA2, or it is ch

39、anged in some way, the body cannot control levels of cortisol (皮质醇). Previous research has shown that people who attempt suicide or who take their own lives have large amounts of cortisol in their systems. A test could allow doctors or psychologists to place patients on “suicide watch” and disable t

40、heir access to drugs or equipment which they could use to end their own life.The research was reported in The American Journal of Psychology. “We need to study this in a larger sample but we believe that we might be able to monitor the blood to identify those at risk of suicide. After all, suicide i

41、s a major preventable public health problem, but we have been stymied in our prevention efforts because we have no steady way to predict those who are at increased risk of killing themselves,” says study leader Dr Zachary Kaminsky, an assistant professor of psychological and behavioral sciences. “Wi

42、th a test like ours, we may be able to cut down suicide rates by identifying those people and intervening early enough to head off a catastrophe.”The blood test managed to predict those with the most severe risk of suicide with 90 per cent accuracy. They could also spot if someone had already attemp

43、ted suicide with 96 per cent accuracy, simply by looking at the levels of SKA2.55. Whats the purpose of the blood test?A. To predict peoples characters. B. To help cure those who lack SKA2.C. To see whether people get infected by illness. D. To predict whether someone may attempt suicide.56. Accordi

44、ng to the text, those who attempt suicide _ .A. have too much SKA2 B. have variations in the gene SKA2C. have fewer abnormal behaviors than others D. have fewer amounts of cortisol in their systems57. The underlined word “stymied” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”.A. taken away B. held back C. cheer

45、ed up D. turned down58. What is the authors attitude towards the blood test research?A. Objective. B. Passive. C. Cautious. D. Doubtful.CForget milky drinks, hot water bottles or curling up with a good book. The real secret to a good nights sleep may be where you sit at work.Researchers found that workers forced to toil in windowless rooms had a poorer quality of life and more erratic (不稳定的)sleep patterns than those with access to daylight. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Me

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