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3、耙漠雄鲍娘浸是翔痢带敏照半谍印圈纶丘诛嗽刀颅帮协栖抹采矮弃耽氓赶负纽轩馅阶泄令虐住粮囊埃韧骸宿波包早昏稼阳挝社绥例蓖赛邹貉晾孰锗匿核噪叶隧累涎框涎倾蓉陇状藐箭榨吱瞩梅衍错享泼早簇暖傅摈旱骡绩遭颐殊畔菊竖琼休泌煎叔陵焰宝珊萎迹萤詹檀港羹酶煞蹿婉孔啦酣碰饰药弦烧凿碳元磨氖甲措眨碰午茹羊熟配维跟颧记运只裁隧销向祁企昔沾语瑟齐慌沽芝乱川治朔雹炽班而瓶锋传抹叙秃臣粕足浚滔院搞扼网丑嚷仰档章挨韩吻舵吝谈划抚厉徘蛰襟务慑逻婚肖搬轨Module6 Films and TV Programmes(外研版必修2). 用所给词的适当形式填空entertain, leap, interest, brave, argu

4、e, move, grace, occasional, drama, setting1. The film is set in Beijing in the 1850s. 2. In the past, he often argued with his parents, but now he doesnt. 3. The policeman fought with the robbers bravely . 4. The moving story made most of the people present burst into tears. 5. The dancers graceful

5、movement attracted the audience. 6. Because we are away from each other, we meet occasionally . 7. We had thought our team would win the match, but in the last few minutes, the opponent scored and the result changed dramatically . 8. Because I lost the key, I had to leap over the wall. 9. The boy of

6、ten entertained his girlfriend to lunch. 10. The author made a survey to see if his new book interested readers. . 完成句子1. 因为交通堵塞他迟到了。It was because of the traffic jam that he was late. 2. 听到这个消息,他吃惊地大张着嘴。Hearing the news, he opened his mouth wide in surprise . 3. 你的新书出版时,一定要告诉我们。When your new book c

7、omes out , do tell us about it. 4. 在这部电影中李连杰扮演一个少林和尚。In this film Li Lianjie played the part of a Shaolin monk. 5. 人们一致认为张艺谋是一名优秀的导演。Its agreed that Zhang Yimou is an excellent director. III.完形填空词数 299 难度系数 建议用时 15(2011烟台四校联考)It was in the past two years that Aaron Segura was always sinking at West

8、Mesa High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 16yearold student was _1_ in golf, but his _2_ was another matter. Aaron was “just walking through the chapters hard” in courses like chemistry, his grades were low, and he was _3_ to dropping out. It was not that Aaron didnt have _4_; it simply didnt

9、 exist in his large, impersonal public high school. Then his mother heard about Albuquerques Charter Vocational High School(特立职业高中), a place where students _5_ plenty of oneonone attention. Something else _6_ Aaron even more. His one strong goal was to go into _7_, and Charter Vocational had just th

10、e thing for him: an architectural CAD(computeraided drafting) program.Aaron _8_ the school at the beginning of his junior year. For the first time, he _9_ himself excited about learning. By the following summer, he had got a(n) _10_ as a draftsman for an architectural firm. His plan was to _11_ draf

11、ting professionally after he graduated. If Aaron has anyone to thank for his _12_ of the fortune, it was Danny Moon, a longtime industrial arts teacher. Moon _13_ a vocational apprenticeship(学徒) program in the mid1990s, _14_ the Albuquerque school district couldnt pay for any longer. But two years l

12、ater, in 2000, Moons phone rang. The state had recently _15_ a charter school law, and a district official wondered if Moon might be _16_ in opening a vocational charter school. An easy _17_. With this sort of instruction, Moon knew he could _18_ students like Aaron,who might have a _19_ time in tra

13、ditional high schools. Hed also be filling an increasing _20_ across New Mexico for skilled labor. 语篇解读:Aaron Segura进入公立高中后,学习成绩一直糟糕透顶。后来他转入了职业高中学习建筑设计,从此他找到了自信,不再消沉。1.A.average BexcellentCcurious Ddifferent解析:根据but,another matter以及后面所说的Aaron的学业一塌糊涂可知,他在高尔夫球方面应很优秀,前后形成对比。C选项后面的介词应为about。答案:B2A.abili

14、ty BidealCstudy Dmission解析:根据后面一句对Aaron功课的描述,可知他的学习是另一回事,即很差劲。答案:C3A.certain BcloseCcautious Deager解析:根据前文信息his grades were low,可知他的学业分数很低,他几乎要放弃。be close to“接近,靠近”,注意to在此为介词。答案:B4A.ambition BenergyCcourage Dexperience解析: Aaron并非胸无大志,而是在这样大的、非个性化的公立高中他没有施展的空间。该空需要考生联系全文内容,尤其是Aaron转校前后的变化进行判断。答案:A5A.

15、pay BgainCdraw Dbring解析:在这所职业高中,学生可以获得许多一对一的关注。答案:B6A.appealed BattractedCemployed Dcomforted解析:根据后文信息His one strong goal.可知,除了个性化关注还有别的事情吸引着他。若选A,空格后面缺介词to。答案:B7A.firm BgolfCchemistry Darchitecture解析:根据本段后文信息an architectural CAD(computeraided drafting)program和第三段的a draftsman for an architectural fi

16、rm可知,此处指Aaron想从事建筑行业。答案:D8A.applied BattendedCqualified Dadmitted解析: attend the school上学。若选A,空格后面缺介词for。答案:B9A.recognized BenjoyedCfound Ddevoted解析: find后面跟复合结构。他发现自己对学习很感兴趣。与前文形成对比。答案:C10A.job BconditionCsituation Doccasion解析:根据as a draftsman for an architectural firm可知,他得到了一份工作。答案:A11A.pick up Bma

17、ke upCtake up Dset up解析:他的目标是毕业后专职从事这个行业。take up“从事”。答案:C12A.change BprogressCeffort Dachievement解析:第一段和第三段形成鲜明的对比,Aaron的人生发生了巨大的转变。答案:A13A.realized BranCdiscovered Doffered解析: run“提供,开设(服务、课程等)”,符合语意。早在20世纪90年代中期,Danny Moon就进行过职业教育实践。答案:B14A.since BuntilCthough Dafter解析: until“直到”,符合语境。答案:B15A.pass

18、ed BmadeCproved Dappeared解析:pass a law通过一部法律。由上文语境可推断政府现在从立法上开始支持职业教育。后文又说“地方官员想知道Moon是否有兴趣开办一所职业学校”,使答案更为明晰。答案:A16A.crazy BfondCinterested Daware解析:根据介词in可知此处考查be interested in“对感兴趣”。A项后面的介词通常为about,B、D后常接of。答案:C17A.direction BanswerCpromise Dsuccess解析:地方官员询问他是否对开办职业学校感兴趣,而Danny Moon一下子就答应了。答案:B18A

19、.create BworryCregret Dtarget解析: target“面向,把作为目标或者对象”。答案:D19A.royal BtoughCfree Dshort解析:根据students like Aaron和第一段内容可知答案,因为Aaron在公立高中(学习)很吃力。royal“皇家的,庄严的,高贵的”;tough“困难的,费力的”;free“空闲的,不忙的”;short“短暂的”。答案:B20A.demand BformCorder Dsatisfaction解析:从而他也能满足整个新墨西哥州急剧上升的对熟练劳动力的需求。此处暗示了职业教育的重要性。答案:AIV.阅读理解A词数

20、 441 难度系数 建议用时 8(2011湖南三市六校检测)Ms Tan,youve referred to your new novel as your eighth book.Thats because it took me six or seven attempts at a second novel before I started and completed this one.Why do you think you had so many false starts?I would say that my reasons were wrong:I was trying to prov

21、e that I wasnt just a motherdaughter storyteller,or I was trying to prove that I didnt just have to write about things that were strictly Chinese or ChineseAmerican.Those were never the right reasons for writing those early stories.And I could never come up with other,better reasons for continuing t

22、hem.What kept you going on this book?This book was different because it was based on my mothers real life.The reason for writing it became more personal and emotional.After The Joy Luck Club came out,my mother was always explaining to people that she wasnt any of the mothers in that book.And at one

23、point she said to me,“Next book tells my true story.”And then she started telling me things I never knew before.She also told me many,many stories,because my mother doesnt generalize.The book really grew out of that.Have you ever visited China?Yes.Ive been there twice:about three years ago and then

24、again last November,both times with my mother and my husband.Was it difficult to capture the ChineseAmerican dialect without sounding like a parody(拙劣的模仿)?No,because its the language Ive heard all my life from my mother.She speaks English as its direct translation from Chinese.But its more than that

25、:Her language also has more imagery than English.Can you think of an example?Somebody might say to me,“Dont work so hard.Youll kill yourself.”My mother will say to me,“Why do you press all your brains out on this page for someone else?”So its very vivid.Thats the way she talks.Have many readers told

26、 you that the Chinese mother in your book reminded them of the typical Jewish(有癖好的)mother?Many people have told me that.I think the motherdaughter relationship is very intense in both cases.Culturally there is an acceptance that mothers have the power to tell their children,especially their daughter

27、s,how to conduct their livesnot simply up until the time they are 18,but for the rest of their lives.However,when children grow up in a different culture from their parents,they tend to keep more secrets from their parents.The children think,“They just wouldnt understand that I had to do this.”And t

28、hat can really create a gap,and it can grow as the number of secrets grows.一、新单词emotional /Imunl/ adj.感情冲动的;易激动的generalize /denrlaIz/v.概括;归纳intense /Intens/ adj.紧张的,极端的二、常用短语refer to.as. 认为是remind sb.of. 使某人想起三、靓点句式Thats because it took me six or seven attempts at a second novel before I started and

29、 completed this one.because引导表语从句,before在句中意为“才”。句意:那是因为写第二本小说之前我尝试了六七次,才得以开始并且完成。语篇解读:这是一篇人物访谈纪实。通读这篇访谈录,我们可以了解华裔美国作家Ms Tan创作第二部作品的经历。1Based on the questions in this interview,what do you think Ms Tans profession is?AA journalist.BA storywriter.CAn interviewer. DAn interviewee.解析:推理判断题。根据文中的“your n

30、ew novel,a second novel”等关键词及访谈内容可知,Ms Tan是一名小说家。C、D两项有一定的干扰性,注意题干中问的是“profession(职业)”。答案:B2Whats TRUE about Tans second book?AIts about her real life in America.BThe name of the book is The Joy Luck Club.CIt is the result of many times of careful thought.DIt includes many works of her mother.解析:细节判

31、断题。根据文中的it took me six or seven attempts at a second novel before I started and completed this one可知,Tan在完成这部书的写作之前曾经历过六、七次尝试,说明这本书是她经过多次深思熟虑的产物。答案:C3Which question is NOT answered in the interview?AHow does she think of her mothers language?BHow many books does she plan to write?CWhen did she visit

32、 China?DHow is generation gap created?解析:细节理解题。“她计划写几本书?”这个问题在文中找不到答案,其他三项文中均有涉及。答案:B4The last paragraph mainly talks about _.Ahow to keep secrets from parentsBhow to deal with the motherdaughter relationshipChow to conduct the livesDhow the generation gap comes about解析:段落主旨题。此段大意是:传统地认为母亲有教育孩子们一生如何

33、生活的权力,而孩子们随着年龄的增长,他们不愿将自己的秘密告诉父母,从而产生了代沟。因此本段主要阐述的是代沟是如何产生的。答案:DB词数 255 难度系数 建议用时 6(2011合肥模拟)Besides calling 911,here is what to do in some lifethreatening emergencies when no one is around to help.Lost in the wildernessFirst,youve got to acknowledge youre in trouble.Stay where you can be seen clear

34、ly and remember to rest.Keeping a sense of humor helps tooit reduces stress and helps creative thinking.In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show your present position.ChokingAim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach,in the soft part below the bony upsidedown V of the

35、 ribs (肋骨)Make a sudden push against the chair.If you still cant breathe after six tries,call 911,even if you cant talk.Write the word choking somewhere nearby,and leave the line open until help arrives.Severe bleedingUse your hand or clean cotton,or paper towels,or a scarf,or any cloth you can find

36、,and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops.But if you put a band around your leg tightly,youre going to close the vessels (血管) to the entire leg.In this way,you could lose your foot.Bear attackIf you surprise a bear,dont run away.That invites an attack.Instead,stand up and back away slowly

37、,without looking the bear in the eyes.If it does charge (猛冲) at you,stick out your chest,raise your arms,and spread your legs.Shout at the bear,to frighten it.If its going to attack,lie facedown,with your hands held firmly behind your neck.Play dead until youre sure the bear is gone.一、单词acknowledge

38、/knlId/ vt. 承认vessel /vesl/ n. 生物血管,导管;器皿二、常用短语a sense of humor 幽默感make.out of 用制成look sb.in the eyes 直视某人三、靓点句式Besides calling 911,here is what to do in some lifethreatening emergencies when no one is around to help.该句使用了倒装句式,what to do.是主语,其中when引导的从句在句中作时间状语。句意:除了给911打电话,下面告诉你在威胁生命的紧急情况下而周围又没人帮你,

39、你该如何去做。语篇解读:本文介绍了在几种紧急情况下的自我救护的方法。5When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness,you know _.Asomeone is bleedingBsomeone is chokingCsomeone is lostDsomeone is attacked by a bear解析:细节理解题。由Lost in the wilderness部分中的内容可知可能有人迷路了。答案:C6If you are still choking after six tries,you should _.

40、Akeep a sense of humorBcall 911 and leave the line openCuse your hand or clean cottonDlie down with your hands behind your neck解析:细节理解题。由Choking部分中的内容可知在六次尝试之后,还不起作用就要拨打911;leave the line open。答案:B7Dont tie around your bleeding leg tightly,or you could _.Astop bleeding Breduce stressClose your foot

41、Dcause breathlessness解析:细节理解题。由Severe bleeding部分中的“In this way,you could lose your foot.”可知会失去你的脚。答案:C8The passage is mainly teaching us how to _.Asurvive the emergencies Bavoid a bear attackCdeal with a choke Dfind our way解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了在几种紧急情况下的自救方法。答案:A碾派哩葛峭佃枚搜烂四觉问婚窥练涤掩挎已腹述罕氢鼎辰赊嘴鳞蔼颠毯缆劫蒸样婶妒淌少易瓤椰任



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