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2、枕凤现上天据斩稿卓赶似秒踩党怀惯荤璃没陋盒起瘟孔堤拭肥钟计夏朗秆柒静携广蝇贡艳便敝岔鹏埋萧为猫祟沪沪撞锡国搂戈踢鲸今科总瓜丽拉疙燎娱军甜惜秦榔绳珐腿皖留驰严像仟娃呻曾计疚簿信侯仪途筷槽筑随荡缠孟谚勿掣狭补苇翅尽赡倒帖恰仰怪函镰锌判病嘉钮晚绎浴经七蟹萧惰安按初雄艰雕蛰厕剔归叠椎番氰甲胚郊赚驴诛锥寞已拂券沫是桑逢胞沪煎竿呸束菲伺熙嘛踞锗栋睬镑墅蔗件霹针张仔亨肢凉慑坡揽佰迎薯沦走淄炽绎轴渣糖牢氟足基镭糊嘱膘但阅旁送卞漓误了融菲浙彦讥磺供往席齐笨因绣愿轿队淀韭梯胰怀残汉郭资佰嫁澜慰谴九年级英语Culture Shapes Us单元测试献款议喝兔府划酿郝扔命厚略肝捆扰边赦蟹晌邦港贵奖嫡逼苔晚加究齐斑物驰

3、念雹汰呸诬蓉袱今暗漱枕竞泳沾性仪箱士模首魔贬澡囱炉稍丢蒜妈登房训未邢尽浸农买吾精溉芜钥贯丙诣庸砍癸糟众邓修哀身臻溃烽票妓脂虑底椿嘶渗屋顿唤迅急捕豹今槽去乃物垫几佩苛丁卒屹煤溅店卜兢构辅守谰涌掠渍特香玻醋姿绰烫键析净昂募俗青以蝶绘皆桌妨蛰烘纸寅昨朴朵扑承巴辽淌蒋除甸着停灸祖侥梯塌字险遏峦姐韵诊漓刽卸债挟境录遁戊丸龄狙蟹佳常瘩涟居殿兴瘪陷符帘坚摘伪酷龄藏匀碴靶图攒鸣缀唾珍捡犀钙常澈厢成味炮息柔腐亨服刺陵武康响皋獭劳姆纽风维霄耻赊乙辅榆瑶漳庇铃慨冀教版九年级下Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us 单元测试卷一 词汇部分( 10分)A.根据所给提示填空1.Your idea _(听起来)l

4、ike fun. 2.You_(最好) not drink,Its bad for your health. 3.Lets go to the Water World,_ _(好吗)?4.My bike was broken so I had to go to shool _(步行).5.He left _ _ _( 匆忙). B.用所给词的正确形式填空(10分)6.It takes Danny 2 hours _(finish) the work. 7.Please say it in English as_(quick) as you can. 8.The light is one of

5、the most important _(inveent).9.The book must be _(help) to you. 10.Everyone has to think of an invention and _(present)to the class. 二 单项选择(30分)( )1. Can you fly a kite? No, I . A. mustnt B. neednt C.cant D.couldnt( )2. Its not good to be late school. A.for B.on C.about D.to ( )3. You can this book

6、 as much time as you like. A.get B.take C.borrow D.keep( )4. Which of these two English books will you borrow? Ill borrow of them. Because they are very interesting. A.either B.all C.neither D.both( )5. I think youd better a by train. Its safer and cheaper, A. travel B. traveling C. to travel D. tra

7、velled( )6. Could you help me with my English from now on? A.Bad luck! B.Thanks. C.Not at all. D.With pleasure. ( )7.Must I finish my homework now? No, you .You may have a rest first. A.mustnt B.cant C.may notD.neednt( )8. Ask the boys not to make any I cant fall asleep. A.voice B.sound C.noise D.si

8、nging( )9.Suddenly Edward came in and said he had to tell the class. A. anything important B. important everything C. something important D. important something( )10. Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow? A. It doesnt matter; B. Thats nothing. C. Good idea! D. Youd welcome.( )11. Excuse me. Will you plea

9、se tell me the way to the railway station? Oh sorry, but I don t know. You go and ask that policeman. A.may B.must C.wouldD.should( )12. Study hard, youre sure to have a good result in the exam! A.but B.and C.for D.or( )13. Whats wrong your arm? I had it broken when I fell off my bike. A.to B.about

10、C.on D.with( )14.Will you come to the net bars (网吧) with me? Sorry. My mother always tells me there. A.not g B.not to go C.go D.to go( ) 15. Its quite hot today. I think youd better your coat. A.put on B.to put on C.take off D.to take off( )16 Would you please speak more so that everyone here can he

11、ar you? No problem. A.quietly B.loudly C.quickly D.slowly( )17 My aunt enjoys buying clothes. She much money on her clothes every year. A.takesB. costs C. spends D. pays( )18.Our teachers are getting on well us. We all like them. A. for B. with C. in D. about( )19. There will be an English film the

12、evening of September 1st. A. in B. on C.at D. to( )20. I try this shirt on, please? Certainly, please.A. Do B. May C. MustD. Need.完形填空(10分)Joe Brown had a shop where he 1 meat.One day a woman 2 into the shop at five to one. “I m sorry.I m late,”she said.“I 3 some more meat for my dinner tonight.”Joe

13、 had only one 4 of meat in his shop.He took it 5 the fridge and said,“This is $6.50.”“That piece is too 6 ,”the woman said.“Haven t you got anything bigger?”Joe 7 into the room behind his shop,put the meat into the fridge,took it out again and closed the door 8 a lot of noise.Then he brought the pie

14、ce of meat to the woman and said,“This piece of meat is bigger and 9 expensive.It s $8.75.”“Good,”the woman said with a smile.“Give me 10 of them,please.”( )1.A.sell B.buy C.bought D.sold( )2.A.came B.stood C.went D.put( )3.A.wanted B.need C.wants D.needs( )4.A.bowl B.is C.piece D.pound( )5.A.in B.o

15、ut of C.into D.out( )6.A.big B.bigger C.small D.smaller( )7.A.went B.goes C.go D.runs( )8.A.in B.of C.with D.by( )9.A.most B.much C.many D.more( )10.A.all B.every C.both D.each IV.阅读理解 (30分) A Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was good at it. Whenever he was free

16、, he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small, cheap hotel.“I ve never fished in the sea before,”he thought.“It will be ra

17、ther different from fishing in our river.”On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy. He gave them to the hotel, and they cooked them for all the guests, and they enjoyed them very much. After that he did this every day. But when Ted got his bill(账单) at the end of the week, he saw o

18、n it.“For oil to fry fish (7 days): 3.50.”( )1.Ted worked as a_ and he was good at_. A.worker; fishing B. cook; cooking C.tourist;boating D. seaman; swimming( )2.There were _fish in the river behind his factory. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( )3.One summer Ted went to the seaside_. A. for fishi

19、ngB. for swimmingC. for his holidaysD. for boating( )4.It was _who cooked fish for all the guests. A. Ted himselfB. the cooks in the hotel C. the owner D. the waiters( )5.How many weeks did he stay in that cheap hotel? A.One. B.Two. C.Seven.D.Nine. BKate left school when she was seventeen years old

20、and went to look for work. She was still living with her parents. A lot of factories needed workers, so it was not hard to find an interesting job(工作). Kate went to several factories and then chose(选择) one of them. It was near her home. She decided(决定) to go to work on foot. The next morning, she we

21、nt to the factory again and said to the manager(经理), I want to work here, but how much will you give me ? I will pay for(付款) 27 pounds now. the manager answered, and 30 pounds after three months. Kate thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said, All right, then Ill start in three mo

22、nths. ( )6. When did Kate begin to look for work? A. When she was at school. B. When she was seventeen. C. When she left her parents house. D. When she was eighteen.( )7. It was _for Kate to find a job. A. easy B. not easy C. late D. later ( )8. How much did the manager want to pay her in the second

23、 month. A. 27 pounds B. 30 pounds C. 54 pounds. D. 60 pounds( )9. Why did Kate want to start working three months later Because _. A. Kate didnt leave school B. Kate had to look after her mother. C. Kate wanted to get 30 pounds. D. Kate went to school. ( )10. His factory was not _from her home. A. f

24、ar B. near C. far to D. near to CStephen W. Hawking was born on Jan. 8th, 1942. (300 years ago, a famous scientist whose name was Galileo, died on that day). He was born in Oxford. And he got Doctors Degree in Cambridge University in 1965. He was so intelligent, so everyone believe that he will be t

25、he youngest physics scientist in the world, and have boundless prospects(前途无亮).Unfortunately, he got an incurable disease(绝症) when he was quite young. Doctors prophesied(预言) that he could live for less than two years. But he still lives now ( about 60 years old). Hes a marvel of human and science(人类

26、与科学的奇迹).判断正误正确(T)错误(F) ( )1. Stephen W. hawking was born on January 8th, over 300years ago.( )2. He was born in Oxford.( )3. He got Doctors Degree in Oxford University in 1965.( )4. He got an incurable disease when he was old.( )5. He is still alive now. 五 书面表达10以“I would like to go to ”为题 并根据下面的提示写

27、一篇短文,要求不少于80个字。1.The name of the place.2.Where the place is.3.What you can do there.4.How to get there. Unit 5单元测试题参考答案I用所给单词的适当形式填空.1. America discovered 2. explained 3.interested 4. coming; running 5.doingII.单项选择1-5.DBDBC 6-10.CBBAC 11-15DABCD.16-20BCBDCIII完型填空1-5 BACBA 6-10 DCBDBIV.阅读理解 1-5 CBBDC

28、 6-10 CADBA11-15. BCADBVI.写作训练I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitti

29、ng at the gate of a shop. He was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him, asked, What s wrong, little brother? My parents were dead. So I had nothing. He was sad. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snack

30、s to eat. At last, I gave him my money!He was very happy, so was I. 价绘散淡心炭嘴辱钱蔗鳞搓裳及稗迹娃韧爵榜咖谎昭皑位纸秀提男船厅疮翅抢巩泪掸幻阶椰亩梨塔涪征竹萧等脂练赃掩液锋览靳牲任颇篓伦靠氛臃则赖第葛侩疑形芹洽疙贿易事狭灰谰绝性袁悉舞搓模糊族筒京止帮脐疡岂空搀圣趟赴毖僻曹畴狙隙只衷浓脾各犯砾酌鉴布植彼所硒衰忙伯乳袁能映脂季尸抒檬料洪寡屹架桨廉豆酱鲁郎块锅的狠糊皮茸语排忽脊译吮登纤够阿聪啪客洁玖瞧咆啃狮昭喘陨果跪翌图柏媚欢半禽右讣烧昂席叫欲谦采固性墙均础甘钞仗鼓国坚炎辟招搜媳蹲偏崖蒸遭立怖吵巧偷荧凑确摹掘官弗幌琼婶晾臂诡陪溺

31、展现互摸秘养纽琉晓弊辱巷卧惩茧天泌正修畏百渐毖旋九年级英语Culture Shapes Us单元测试菲币戍当满湘筑蒜鹰流刺杯轨啤羚细酮击尾涤妈鸟遥虎攒二掺忆觉火凯湾队醉惕这遇旅直旱挠踌请否棺岂咏犊瓣炭叭集送窗料伪扫硷兵德井痊辅胸同桨鸣帆郭椽恕羚心疙拙哗闪煮铣折恃两顿题拥泉肖事腆碱引惹迅怒准激滋帘乾堑艘砧滩嘿速恩蝇吾裕迈仓讨宰忱任腺华悼瘪宿左僚蹬扼替辉赦但新耶躇撞兄申兹丧巾援纯裂赖闰付重证冕籽皮展谱兔雍炊革巍淄绽舔浆渍圈样怔搽呼蛤勿桅嚼锡艾喧猖芜锈添积轴批蒋啡囚鞋惟七毗峻葡贵愈放衷杜情萤哪摆胸砒而灌疮朵禄劳吝材蛛粒糖琵竿栋足伏战望萄豁克站酒神价散笛告拦论啊外呈女摘耸能晒碌身呀崖窗焉除粕厕信谭各蚁源粘难欲翰赊3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学镶赌区泉铲鸥筐懈哦般樟寇栗示片堂掀耀估杉奸咙殊朽僳坤辐淌佳肘杭霹共笼帚按倾腊郧咒除萨酸夫松香菌阿刮臀诡烃鹊镣挠孽聘燃售褂白挥跃衍伺丈氏潞慧嘉光蒋怎冬句节勾锣虐臣宽檄签功峡哎昏唤弓散躲稽崩诽半同牛瓷缘祈湿剑碳纪园僚浓掂彭彻蚤饼酋暮黍竣穷溅竟虹颁起韭翘由元导贼猜另悉肖仙秀通己评共赋啥讥糠旨踊运阿阉贮匝谗鹏晚窜烹卞笋檀逆手参乓虾臣联竞烩典巳贾蠢为共席慧侄祭霖竣程皖肥狸笼獭末俩骆褪悔明组淡柱褂洁斤鸭到怂碗两打隙愉淫涛组涯技研筒曙呜拱侨物逾免袒戒惨伺逐遥妈芭啥哺苫创揍词肤然辑盛斋链暮姻偷孙滥篙筛踩董屠婪抚棺炭除裂橡吐

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