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1、(英语)初中英语语法填空汇编解题技巧(英语)初中英语语法填空汇编解题技巧(超强超强)及练习题及练习题(含答案含答案)含解析含解析一、英语语法填空汇编一、英语语法填空汇编1阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1 个单词。Dear Ms.Zhang,Last week,my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on mydads computer.I was worried,_(连词)I should ask my dad before I use his

2、computer.He uses it for _(he)work,and I can only use it for my homework.The reason is thathe thinks something will go wrong if I play _(game)on it.Well,while my dad was out,we decided to _(try)out Liu Leis game.We copied itto the computer,and after we finished _(play),we took it off the computer.How

3、ever,when I_(start)the computer again to check if everything was OK,some of my dadsdocuments were missing.Then,when my dad used the computer last night,he was_(real)angry.He could no longer find the important documents anywhere.I did not tell him about_(冠词)computer game because I did not want him to

4、 beangry _(介词)me.Now I feel terrible.I am not sure whether a computer repair_(shop)can get the documents back.Should I tell him about the computer game?Should I pay to repair it?Your student,Feng Guoxing【答案】because/since/as;his;games;try;playing;started;really;the;with;shop【解析】【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了学生Feng G

5、uoxin 在他爸爸的电脑上打游戏,结果导致了一些重要文件的丢失。爸爸很生气,因此Feng Guoxin 不知道是否该向爸爸坦白游戏的事,他为此烦恼并向张老师倾诉。(1)句意:我很担心,因为我在使用电脑之前应该问一下我爸爸。根据 I was worried 我很担心,可知是因为我在使用电脑之前应该问一下我爸爸,应用连词because/since/as 表“因为”。故答案为 because/since/as。(2)句意:他用电脑来工作。根据形容词修饰名词,可知此处应用 he 的形容词性物主代词 his 来修饰名词 work。故答案为 his。(3)句意:如果我在上面玩游戏。根据前面无不定冠词和单

6、数限定词,可知此处应用名词 game 的复数形式 games。故答案为 games。(4)句意:我们决定试试刘磊的游戏。根据固定搭配decide to do sth.决定去做某事,可知此处应用动词 try 的原形。故答案为 try。(5)句意:在我们玩完游戏之后。根据固定搭配finish doing sth.完成做某事,可知此处应用动词 play 的 ing 形式 playing。故答案为 playing。(6)句意:然而,当我重启电脑去检查一切是否正常的时候,我爸爸的一些重要文件不见了。根据上文谓语 took,可知动作为过去发生,本句时态应为一般过去时,此处应用动词 start 的过去式 s

7、tarted。故答案为 started。(7)句意:他真的很生气。根据副词修饰形容词,可知此处应用形容词 real 的副词形式really 修饰形容词 angry。故答案为 really。(8)句意:我没有告诉他关于电脑游戏的事。根据 computer game 电脑游戏,可知此处特指刘磊的电脑游戏,表特指应用定冠词the。故答案为 the。(9)句意:因为我不想他对我生气。根据固定搭配be angry with sb.对某人生气,可知此处应用介词 with。故答案为 with。(10)句意:我不确定电脑维修店能不能找回不见的文件。根据不定冠词 a,可知此处应用可数名词单数 shop。故答案为

8、 shop。【点评】考查语法填空,注意根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was early and there werent many people on the road.A girl on a bike passed me _(quick).She was riding on ice _ suddenly she fell off her bike a few _(step)in front of me.She was trying hard to get up but fell ag

9、ain.Without thinking,I wentover and helped her stand up.She said Thank you!to me _ a smile and then rode away.The words Thank you warmed me and this made me feel _(little)nervous aboutmy new school.When I finally got to school,I was led into the classroom and _(ask)to sit beside agirl.I was so nervo

10、us.I knew some of the students were looking at me _ I didnt dare tolook at _(they).Soon the first class started.It was English.They used a differenttextbook from my old school and I didnt have a copy.As I was wondering what to do,a bookappeared in front of me.Lets _(share),the girl next to me said.I

11、 looked up.It wasthe girl I _(help)that morning.What a surprise!【答案】quickly;when;steps;with;less;asked;but;them;share;helped【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者帮助了一个女孩,后来女孩也机缘巧合的帮助了他。(1)句意:一个骑自行车的女孩从我身边迅速经过。副词修饰动词 passed,quickly 是副词,迅速地,故填 quickly。(2)句意:她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。根据She was riding 和 suddenly she fell

12、 off,可知用 when 引导时间状语从句,表示就在那时,故填 when。(3)句意:她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。a few修饰名词复数,step 是名词,步子,故填steps。(4)句意:她对我微笑着说“谢谢你!”,然后骑车离去。with a smile,固定搭配,含笑,故填 with。(5)句意:“谢谢你”这句话温暖了我,这让我对我的新学校感到不那么紧张。此处是比较级表示看到微笑前后的不同心情,little 的比较级是 less,更少,故填 less。(6)句意:当我最终到达学校时,我被带进教室,并要求坐在一个女孩旁边。根据 wasled into th

13、e classroom and 可知 and 前后一致,都是一般过去时的被动语态,故此处省略助动词 was,只填过去分词,故填asked。(7)句意:我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据students were looking atme 和 I didnt dare to look at,可知此处表示转折关系,故填but。(8)句意:我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据,故填them。(9)句意:我旁边的女孩说:“我们一起用吧。”let 后是动词原形,share,是动词,分享,故填 share。(10)句意:是我那天早上帮助的那个女孩。根据 It was the girl,可知时

14、态是一般过去时,故填 helped。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3语法填空 From deserts and beaches to playgrounds,sand is a common sight.But you might not knowthat sand is also a useful resource.Sand is the second most-used resource in the world afterwater,the BBC reported.However,the UN said that sand is not

15、limitless and that we might berunning out of _.Sand is made up of very small _(piece)of rock,soil and minerals(矿物质).Itcantaketensofthousandsofyearstoform.Butnowweareusingsandmore_(quick)than it is being formed.According to the BBC,we use about 15 billiontons of sand every year _ build houses,roads a

16、nd other things.People also put sand inthe_ si:to make new islands.For example,the Palm islands are made up ofthree_ ld man-made islands in Dubai,United Arab Emirates.In 2010,they_(take)94 million cubic meters of sand to build.If people keep_(use)thismuch sand,it will run out in many places.For exam

17、ple,Vietnam may run out of constructionsand by 2020,Live Science noted._ sins people need so much sand,they are trying to mine(开采)more of it.Butthis is bad for the environment.Mining sand may _ beaches to disappear and morefloods to happen in places close to the sea.Also,this may affect the habitats

18、(栖息地)ofmany plants and animals.【答案】it;pieces;quickly;to;sea;large;took;using;Since;cause【解析】【分析】大意:本文主要介绍了沙子这种常见的景观。(1)句意:然而,联合国说,沙子并不是无限的,我们有可能会用完它们。run out of“用完,用尽”的意思。这里用 it 来指代上文的沙子(sand 是不可数名词)。故答案为:it。(2)句意:沙子由非常小的岩石、土壤和矿物质组成。根据rock,soil and minerals(矿物质)可知,这是几种成分,因此piece 用复数 pieces。故答案为:piec

19、es。(3)句意:但现在我们使用沙子的速度比它形成的速度要快。根据副词修饰动词可知,此处应用形容词 quick 的副词形式 quickly 修饰动词 use“使用”。故答案为:quickly。(4)句意:据英国广播公司报道,我们每年用大约 150 亿吨沙子建造房屋、道路和其他东西。根据固定搭配 use sth.to do sth.用某物做某物,可知此处用动词不定式to do 做目的状语。故答案为:to。(5)句意:人们还把沙子放进海里,制造新的岛屿。由语境和音标si:提示可知,填:sea。故答案为:sea。(6)句意:例如,棕榈岛由阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的三个大型人工岛屿组成的。由语境和音标ld

20、提示可知,填:large,three large man-made islands 三个大型的人工岛屿。故答案为:large。(7)句意:2010 年,他们用 9400 万立方米的沙子建造。根据时间状语In 2010 可知,本题的时态为一般过去时。动词take 的过去式为 took。故答案为:took。(8)句意:如果人们继续使用这么多沙子,它会在很多地方用完。根据固定搭配keepdoing sth.继续做某事,可知此处应用动名词做宾语,动词 use 的动名词为 using。故答案为:using。(9)句意:由于人们需要这么多沙子,他们正试图开采更多的沙子。由语境和音标 sins提示可知,填:

21、since,表自以来、因为、由于。句首单词首字母要大写。故答案为:Since。(10)句意:开采沙可能会导致海滩消失,在靠近大海的地方会发生更多的洪水。根据beaches to disappear and more floods to happen in places close to the sea海滩消失,在靠近大海的地方会发生更多的洪水,可知这些是开采沙所导致的后果,因此填:cause。may 是情态动词,后跟动词原形。故答案为:cause。【点评】考查语法填空,注意根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。4用所给单词的适当形式填空,未给词的限填一词。I use

22、d to be strongly against telling lies.I cant stand(忍受)lies._,a white liechanged my idea.Several days ago,I invited some friends _(get)together at a bar to celebrate mybirthday.They promised to meet _at 5 p.m.When that day came,I got to _barearly.To my disappointment(失 M),only one friend arrived by 4

23、:50 p.m.Did they forget mybirthday?I had to keep_(wait)for them.Most of them said that they were _the way while some said they were still at home.I realized that they wouldnt come on time.At 5p.m.,there _(be)just three people with me.I sat on my chair _(happy).How could they do this to me?They didnt

24、 care about me!I got so angry that I decided to leave.But just at that moment,a group of my _(friend)came into the room with a big cakein their hands,singing Happy birthday to you.I was so_(surprise).Ever since then,Ididnt hate telling white lies anymore.【答案】However;to get;me;the;waiting;on;were;unh

25、appily;friends;surprised【解析】【分析】作者曾经强烈反对说谎,无法忍受谎言。但一次他的朋友们在聚会上给他惊喜的经历让他自此以后不再讨厌善意的谎言。(1)句意:然而,一个善意的谎言改变了我的想法。前句说:我曾经强烈反对说谎。我无法忍受谎言。这里又说一个善意的谎言改变了我的想法,说明出现了转折,这里不是并列句,位于句首逗号前,用however,但是,故填 However。(2)句意:几天前,我邀请了一些朋友聚在酒吧庆祝我的生日。invite sb to do 意为邀请某人做,故填 to get。(3)句意:他们答应在下午 5 点见我。他们是要来赴约见我,动词meet 后加人

26、称代词宾格做宾语,我,me 是宾格,故填 me。(4)句意:那天到了,我早早到了酒吧。名词 bar 意为酒吧,这里是特指,表示就是那个要开派对的酒吧,用定冠词the,故填 the。(5)句意:我不得不一直等他们。keep doing,一直做,wait,动词,等待,动名词是waiting,故填 waiting。(6)句意:他们中的大多数人说他们在路上,而有些人说他们还在家里。on the way,在路上,表示他们还没到,还在路上,故填on。(7)句意:下午 5 点,只有三个人和我在一起。这是 there be 句型,陈述过去的事情用一般过去时,最近的主语是people,对应的 be 动词是 we

27、re,故填 were。(8)句意:我不开心地坐在椅子上。没来多少人我肯定不开心,根据How could they dothis to me?可知是不开心,副词修饰动词sat,unhappily,是副词,不开心地,故填unhappily。(9)句意:但就在那一刻,我的一群朋友带着一块大蛋糕走进房间,唱着祝你生日快乐。a group of 修饰可数名词复数,故填friends。(10)句意:我是如此的惊讶。这里是在 be 动词后加形容词表示状态,形容词 surprised意为惊讶的,故填 surprised。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。5阅读下面短文,在

28、空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Nowadays,with the development of Internet technology,two-dimensional code(二维码)isvery popular among us.Its also _(call)quick response code(QR code).Its agroup of black square dots on a white background.This special code was invented _ aJapanese company in 1994.Its _(wide)u

29、sed all over the world.QR code is used _(store)information.It can also store pictures.It is easy to use aQR code.If you want to get the information,just take out your cellphone and scan(扫描)thecode by a special app,and then you can get _ easily.Today,QR codcs are popular in China.There are QR codes o

30、n televisions and the Internet.Thecodes have been used and printed on Chinese train tickets _ 2010.When a machinescans the code on the ticket,information of the ticket owner and the train _(appear)on the screen in a few seconds.QR codes have many special uses.For example,in 2008,_ Japanese company p

31、lannedto put QR codes on gravestones(墓碑).By scanning the code,visitors could get informationabout the departed(去世的)person.Recently,special cards _ QR codes wereintroduced to old people in some cities in China.If they get _(lose),people can knowabout their names,addresses and telephone numbers of the

32、ir family members by scanning thecodes.【答案】called;by;widely;to store;it;since;will appear;a;with;lost【解析】【分析】本文讲述了二维码的应用。(1)句意:它也叫做快速响应码。根据 call 与主语是被动关系,已有助动词 is,故此处是过去分词,故填 called。(2)句意:这种特殊代码是 1994 年一家日本公司发明的。根据 was invented 是被动语态可知用介词 by,被,故填 by。(3)句意:全世界都广泛地使用它。副词修饰动词used,widely 是副词,故填widely。(4

33、)句意:二维码码用于储存信息。be used to do,被用来做某事,故此处是不定式,故填 to store。(5)句意:那么你可以很容易地得到信息。information 是不可数名词,故此处用 it 指代,做宾语,故填 it。(6)句意:自从 2010 年以来,这些代码已经被使用并印在中国火车票上。根据 Thecodes have been used 可知时态是现在完成时,since+时间点 2010,是现在完成时的标志,故填 since。(7)句意:当机器扫描火车票上的代码时,几秒钟后火车票所有者和火车的信息就会出现在屏幕上。when 引导的时间状语从句,时态是主将从现,故此处的主句是

34、将来时 will+动词原形,故填 will appear。(8)句意:例如,2008 年,一家日本公司计划在墓碑上贴二维码。Japanese 是名词单数,用辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a,表示泛指,故填 a。(9)句意:近年来,我国部分城市向老年人推出了二维码专用卡。此处缺少介词,做后置定语,根据 special cards和 QR codes 可知是一种携带关系,with,有,故填 with。(10)句意:如果他们迷路了,人们可以通过扫描密码知道他们的家庭成员的姓名、地址和电话号码。get lost,迷路,固定搭配,故填lost。【点评】考查语法填空,注意适当调整词性,时态和介词等用法。6阅读

35、下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。How are American families different from Chinese ones?In some ways American families are very different from Chinese ones,and in other ways theyare _ same.For example,American families enjoy family dinners.They support and loveeach other just _ Chinese families do.T

36、he _(different)come from culture,however.Many Chinese students are surprised to learn that American teenagers are _(allow)to make many decisions _ their own,and the parents want their children toleave home at eighteen.In most American families,children are encouraged to make their own _(choose)ata y

37、oung age.They start with small choices and gradually larger ones until they graduate from highschool.That is when they face _(big)decision of their lives:what to do next.Parentsand family will help with the choice,but the children themselves make the _(finally)decision.Americans seldom move back int

38、o family homes _ they get older._,theyprefer to have their own lives for as long as possible.It is important to remember that these arecultural differences,and that Americans see this as part of the culture.【答案】the;as;differences;allowed;on;choices;the biggest;final;when;Instead【解析】【分析】本文介绍了美国家庭和中国家

39、庭的不同。(1)句意:在某些方面,美国家庭与中国家庭非常不同,而在其他方面,他们是一样的。be the same,固定搭配,相同,故填the。(2)句意:他们互相支持和爱,就像中国家庭一样。just as 引导方式状语从句,像一样,故填 as。(3)句意:然而又有文化的不同。the 定冠词后是名词,根据谓语是动词原形 come,可知主语是名词复数,different是形容词,difference是名词,故填 differences。(4)句意:许多中国学生惊讶地发现,美国青少年允许自己做很多决定,父母希望他们的孩子在 18 岁离开家。be allowed to do,固定搭配,允许做某事,故填

40、allowed。(5)句意:许多中国学生惊讶地发现,美国青少年允许自己做很多决定,父母希望他们的孩子在 18 岁离开家。make decisions on sth,固定搭配,做关于的决定,故填 on。(6)句意:在大多数美国家庭中,孩子们被鼓励在年幼时做出自己的选择。their 形容词性物主代词后是名词,此处表示泛指用名词复数,choose 是动词,choice 是名词,故填choices。(7)句意:那是他们面临人生最大的决定:下一步该做什么。根据 of their lives 可知是最高级的比较范围,big 是形容词,最高级前要有the 定冠词,故填 the biggest。(8)句意:父

41、母和家人会帮助他们做出选择,但是孩子自己会做出最后的决定。decision是名词其前是形容词,finally 是副词,final 是形容词,故填 final。(9)句意:美国人很少在他们长大后搬回家里。根据 move back into family homes 和 theyget older可知此处是时间状语从句,故表示当的时候,故是连词 when,故填 when。(10)句意:相反他们更喜欢尽可能长久地拥有自己的生活。此处是副词位于句首,move back into family homes搬回家和 prefer to have their own lives拥有自己的生活,表示相反的两种

42、结果,故填 Instead。【点评】考查语法填空,注意非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法7阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的词意义准确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。When I was in the middle school,I got into an argument with a boy in my class.The teacher_(decide)to teach us a very important lesson.She brought us up to the front of the _ kla:sru:mand place

43、d him on one side of herdesk and_on the other.In the middle of her desk was a large,round object.I could_(hard)see that it was black.She asked the boy what color the object was.White,he_ a:nsa(r)dI couldnt_bliv he said the object was white,when it was clearly black!Anotherargument started between my

44、 classmate and me,this time about the_of the object.The teacher told me to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where Ihad been.We changed_(place),and now she asked me what the color of the objectwas.I had to answer,White.It was an object with two differently colored sides,and

45、 from his viewpoint(视角)itwas_.Only from my side it was black.I have always remembered the lesson I learned that day.Sometimes we need to look at theproblem from the other _(person)viewpoint in order to truly understand his/herview.【答案】decided;classroom;me;easily;answered;believe;color;places;white;p

46、ersons【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者明白的认识道理,我们需要从别人的角度来看待问题,以便真正理解他的观点。(1)句意:老师决定给我们上一节很重要的课。根据 When I was in the middle school可知时态是一般过去时,故填 decided。(2)句意:她把我们带到教室前面根据,定冠词the 后是名词,kla:sru:m 是classroom,教室,是名词,故填 classroom。(3)句意:让他在桌子的一边,我在另一边,在她的桌子中间有一个很大的圆形物体。此处是 placed 的并列宾语,故用宾格,此处指代作者,故用第一人称单数,me,是代词,我,故填 me。(4

47、)句意:我很容易看出它是黑色的。根据 it was black 可知这个结果是很显然的,故此处是轻松地,副词修饰动词,hard,是副词,困难地,easily,是副词,故填 easily。(5)句意:“白色,”他回答。描述过去用一般过去时,a:nsa(r)danswered,是动词过去式,故填 answered。(6)句意:我真不敢相信他说那东西是白色的。根据,couldnt 是情态动词,其后是动词原形,bliv believe,是动词,相信,故填 believe。(7)句意:另一个争论开始于我和我的同学之间,这次是关于物体的颜色。根据上下文的白色和黑色可知,是谈论颜色,the 定冠词后是名词,

48、color,是名词,故填 color。(8)句意:我们换了地方。此处缺少宾语,故是名词,表示彼此的位置,是复数,place是名词,故填 places。(9)句意:这是一个两面颜色不同的物体,在他看来是白色的。系动词 is 后是形容词,根据上文我真不敢相信他说那东西是白色的,可知这个位置看是白色的,white,是形容词,故填 white。(10)句意:我一直记得那天的教训有时我们需要从别人的角度来看待问题,以便真正理解他/她的观点。viewpoint 是名词,person 是名词,故此处是名词所有格,故填persons。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,词性,所有格,和所给单词的读音等多种用

49、法。8语法填空 Tonight is the night when children in much of the _(west)world will be waiting fora fat man _ red and white to pass by on his sleigh and climb down the chimney to deliverthe Christmas _(present).And as we all know,Santa Claus,or Father Christmas livesat the North Pole,you might not realize h

50、es_(actual)from Finland.Everyone dreams of the coming of Santa Claus _(bring)him something.Stories_ him spread throughout the centuries including one in which he helped a poor manwho couldnt afford money for his married daughters.In the dead of night,Nicolas came to throwgold into his house.But the

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