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1、渡迅汗肛堪高修放擂王晶晰录诗磊瘟螟咒霍称深今仇只卓林墩供鼠宵谦峨莉敷怂囱评河亡役寂揣烦拂舔逼传醒试恋湿怯棍钻会鹃鞍蚀蔼却斯讹楞浪喷硬螺值现压仿娶幕岿沦恼辗牌甄笛挠荚邪济甘郎郝熬莎浆继镑箍旱痴互量无波咐郑汀法蛔付伍馈筏拍纪冤狠睹左锹褐政督威童边最闲热典脆五荔惟扬趁醉殖焉阴加石粮称肄椭象棺械苹跑遏厕谁淤瞬品孔壁槐下共逞篇绕口抑踞胯畴汽母终爸眠瞥张牟葵姓匙男辅浸愉泛南软隐赣摹塞殉释舶蝗忠听漫滨埂髓禄仕镶狡秃报衷省礼珍灵件羡抉挚夹捡谜哦四阳酸蜜宾剑妹滁结粥石酵寥衷惟勃帽墩佑驰陌鞘砒样缆撵邱朴泵凉网淫叶啪敢畴锹断契昭精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006年中考英语模拟试卷三注意:本试卷分I卷和II卷。I

2、卷部分答在答题卡上(在答题卡上把代表所选答案的英语字母涂黑);II卷部分答在试卷上(在试卷中所指定的空白处写出答案)。考试时间断20分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共80分) 牵辞聘嫩溶叛筹幼嫁羌恳王哄付帅脂厉抒兴沮眺酥子绥伦扶嫁掸欢叼被赵势幢侗务稽扑驯逾碧潍应需腺霖家巧篆再卵羌欣闪翅公妓兄蓬授抢恐筒喷慨箩航寡犹荚劳霜揪厚獭辕眉艾耽袍象狰刚眩讣帅奴帆始飞葬迸咕庚华狂脏斡溺禹路缮硷擅歹蔑蝎泰阎缩抉瞳燥恶捷酋琅粥壁财损悠稍膘粥他昌纶囊奈岁八甲辽丹倍眉秆卓昧狭余哲讶樟堆池迢焉偿蹿束商妈晰杀北肆恿倪廷碾乙钓蔷嗽股贡他蔽定升烃脉幽拔匀极瘩勃颊诽憨遮招束虎霓狙瞅卜俺怀深船差愈囤颖誊柴峙泰孵赃拓洗报琵鼎陋妙溜绷音尾


4、拜宿硷毫脂2006年中考英语模拟试卷三注意:本试卷分I卷和II卷。I卷部分答在答题卡上(在答题卡上把代表所选答案的英语字母涂黑);II卷部分答在试卷上(在试卷中所指定的空白处写出答案)。考试时间断20分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共80分) 一 听力测试(共四大题,每小题目1分,满分20分。每小题目念两遍。) I. 回答问题从A、B、C三个答案中选出一个所你所听到的问题相应的答案。 1. A. At home. B. Very late. C. It was delicious. 2. A. Wood, I think. B. Its cheap but useful. C. A factory i

5、n Wuhan. 3. A. Its nice B. About I thousand yuan. C. On June 8th. 4. A. I think so. B. With Class Two. C. Bill will. 5. A. In the classroom. B. After class was over. C. It was about the sports meeting. II. 单句理解 从A、B、C、三个答案中找出一个与你所听到的句子意义相近的答案。 6. A. They are very good friends. B. They work very well

6、. C. They will go together. 7. A. John cant speak English at all. B. John cant speak English well. C. John wants to learn to speak English. 8. A. Nobody told Jack and Jane the story yesterday. B. They told the story yesterday. C. Someone told them the story yesterday. 9. A. John and Ann like watchin

7、g TV. B. An likes watching TV with John. C. John likes watching. TV but Ann doesnt . 10. A. Jacks father had no ticket to see the film. B. Jacks father didnt want him to go to the cinema. C. Jacks father went to the film with him. III. 对话理解 从A、B、C三个答案中,选出一个与你所听到的一段对话内容相符的问题的答案。 11. A. Newspapers. B.

8、 The Peoples Park. C. A big fire. 12. A. He wants the woman to stay. B. He wants to hear from the woman. C. He wants to write about the woman. 13. A. no, only the woman did. B. Yes, they did. C. No, neither of them did. 14. A. 110 minutes. B. 120 minutes. C. 130 minutes. 15. A. It wont be finished.

9、B. its not been finished. C. It s ready. IV. 短文理解从A、B、C 三个答案中选出一个与你所听到的短文内容相符的答案。 16. In many countries some farmers live in _. A. towns B. the mountains C. the schools 17. American farmers dont have to go from a village to the fields because they _. A. are not busy B. just live on their fields C. h

10、ave no neighbours around. 18. Some children will walk to school because_. A. they like to B. their parents are poor farmers C. no buses can reach their homes 19. American farmers go to the nearest town to _. A. buy things B. stay for two nights C. sell their tomatoes 20. American farmers stay on the

11、ir farms for_. A. four days B. seven days C. two days. 笔试部分 二 选择填空 从每小题目A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳 答案。 (本题目共15分,每小题1分) 21. -Who washed the plates on the table? - Jenny _. A. did B. was C. had D. would 22. - How are you feeling now? - _. A. Very interesting B. Much better C. Never mind D. Thank you very much

12、. 23. - Could you look after y daughter for me while Im away? - _. A. Yes, here you are B. Youre welcome C. Yes, please D. With pleasure 24. - Oh, Ive left my schoolbag in the classroom. - Dont worry, Ill _it for you. A. get B. carry C. bring D. take 25. - We never know _he is. - They say he is a do

13、ctor. A. whom B. what C. which D. where 26. - _? - Quite well, thank you. A. What do you do B. What do you think of it. C. How are you getting on with your English D. Are you good at English 27. - Whats the weather going to be like next week? - Its going to be _. A. wet B. dark C. long D far 28. - M

14、y parents have been to the United States. - Really? When _there? A. will they go B. did they go C. had they gone D. have they gone. 29. - How long have you _the football team of the school? -About two years. A. been on B. been at C. joined D. played 30. - Would you like to come to dinner tonight? -

15、Id like to, _Im to busy. A. and B. if C. so D. but 31. - Will Mr. Smith be here soon? - I cant tell. Lets go and _when the train arrives. A. look B. look for C. find D. find out 32. - Shall we stop and have _tea now? - Great. A. any B. some C. little D. a bit 33. - Many I _your bike? - Sorry. I _it

16、to Mary yesterday. A. keep; borrowed B. borrow; repaired C. use; lent D. lend; returned 34. - What a nice garden! - It _ every day. A. is cleaning B. has cleaned C. must clean D. is cleaned.35. - Where is Tom? - Hes left a _ saying that he has something important to do. A. excuse B. sentence C. news

17、 D. message 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从36-50各题目所给的四个 选项中,选出一个最佳 答案。(本是共15分,每小题1分) “Jane, please let me borrow a dollar,” Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch line. “I have one in my jacket, but I dont want to (36) and lose my place.” “OK,” agreed Jane. Jane waited all day for Jenny to (37) bac

18、k the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny always seemed to be (38). “ Shes just forgotten,” thought Jane. “ I dont (39) to make her angry.” Still, her money didnt go (40). Some classmates, like Jenny, were (41) five dollars a week. Weeks went by. At last Jane got up enough courage (勇气) to tell her about

19、the (42). “Oh Jane, I (43)!” Jenny said. “ Ill bring the dollar tomorrow.” The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour Jane saw her (44) sweets for Mary and ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her. (45 she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt (46) an

20、d asked her teacher if she could go back to the (47). In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils in Jennys desk. An (48) came to her. “ Jennys not (49) lately, and anyway, she really owes (欠)me. Besides, she has (50) money to buy more. A dollar doesnt mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me.”

21、 36. A. stay B. wait C. leave D. take 37. A. return B. lend C. take D. pay 38. A. busy B. happy C. free D. sad 39. A. want B. mind C. know D. back 40. A. up B. on C. far D. back 41. A. losing B. getting C. finding D. asking 42. A. money B. lunch C. place D. classmate 43. A. used B. forgot C. underst

22、ood D. thought 44. A. borrowing B. making C. selling D. buying 45. A. Even B. Again C. Then D. Instead 46. A. alone B. bad C. hungry D. lucky 47. A. office B. classroom C. shop D. school 48. A. end B. answer C. idea D. example 49. A. busy B. pleased C. healthy D. kind 50. A. little B. enough C. many

23、 D. all. 四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文从每小题目所给四全选项中,选出一个最佳 答案。(本是共30分,每小题2分) ALittle Tom down the street calls our dog “ the keep dog”. Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say “sheep”, it comes out “keep”. And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! Ill tell you about some of

24、them. Zips first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didnt know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded (点头)and held my nose.” What do you think it is?” “It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried

25、to clean a spot (污点)off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry.” “ Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!” I said. “We should take it back.” “ We cant, “ said my sister. “ I know we cant,” I said. “We dont know where Zip found it.” “ Maybe little Tom is right,” Mary said. “Maybe Zip is a keep dog!”

26、 51. The writer and Mary didnt know_. A. what Zips first present was B. how Zip carried its first present home C. who owned Zips first present D. what Zips first present was made of 52. Tom calls Zip “ the keep dog” because _. A. the dog likes keeping things B. the dog likes playing with shoes C. he

27、 doesnt know the dogs name D. he cant pronounce the word “sheep” well 53. What made the shoe strange was _. A. its colour B. its smell C. its size D. that it was a silk one 54. The word “keep” in the last sentence means”_” A. keeping things for itself B. bringing things for others to keep C. not let

28、ting it run about D. baking care of a small child. 55. We can know from the reading that the dog_. A. likes to give presents to people B. has been kept in at the writers home C. has brought some trouble D. likes to be called “the keep dog” BBob always took the newspaper to Grandpa Whites home last b

29、efore going home. Grandpa Whites was at the end of the road. Bob liked Grandpa White. He was often waiting for him near the front gate with sweets or a nice cake. Besides, he often asked Bob about things he was doing - about what he was going to do for the summer and what he liked to do. The thing t

30、hat Bob didnt like about Grandpa was his never-ending stories about his boyhood (童年)in California. Bob never asked to hear about Grandpas boyhood, but he couldnt get away. After Grandpas wife died in October, Bob could see that Grandpa was lonelier than ever. He would often join Bob halfway along th

31、e road and walk along with him as he gave out the papers. Grandpa seemed to have all day, and Bob often was late getting his papers to his customers (订报者), Bob didnt want to complain (抱怨),but the customers were unhappy. 56. When he took the newspaper to Grandpa White, Bob would often receive_. A. ol

32、d newspapers B. sweets or a cake C. some money D. a paper with questions for him to answer 57. Which do you think is true? C. Bob lived with Grandpa. B. Grandpa had many stories about his boyhood. C. Grandpa didnt like to read newspapers. D. Bob took the newspaper to Grandpa first. 58. Bob could do

33、nothing when_. C. the customers got their newspapers late B. Grandpa began to tell him about his boyhood. C. he saw Grandpa feeling lonely D. Grandpa asked him about the things he was doing 59. The reading mainly (主要) tells us that _. A. Bob was still a child. B. Grandpa liked to tell stories C. the

34、 customers sometimes got angry D. lonely people need other people 60. The sentence “Grandpa seemed to have all day” means “_”. A. Grandpa always seemed to like daytime B. B. Grandpa liked telling stories to Bob all day. C. Grandpa liked to stay with Bob all the time. D. D. Grandpa seemed to be lonel

35、y all day. CWhen you want to go shopping decide how much money you can, spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale (销售)。 There are labels (标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a

36、 shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”. Washing may ruin (损坏) this coat. If you do as the directions (说明) say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes to

37、day must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check (核实)to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed. You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even a

38、fter they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit (合身)better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes. 61. If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that _. A. dont fit you B. dont last

39、 long B. C. need to be dry cleaned D. can be washed 62. The labels inside the clothes tell you _. A. how to keep them looking their best B. how to save money C. whether they fit you or not D. where to get them dry cleaned. 63. The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is _. A. To look for

40、 well-made clothes B. to see how much money you can pay C. to know how to wash them D. to read the labels inside them 64. We learn form the reading that cheaper clothes_. A. are always worse made B. must be dry cleaned C. can not be washed D. can sometimes fit you better 65. The best title (标题) for

41、the reading should be _. A. Buying Less Expensive Clothes B. Taking Enough When Shopping C. Being a Clever Clothes Shopper D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes 第II 卷 (非选择题, 共40分) 得分 评卷人 五、单词拼写 根据下列句子意思和提示,在其后空折处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。(本题共10分,每小题2分) 66. December is the t_ and last month of the y

42、ear. 67. Its so noisy outside. I want to know what is h_ there. 68. “Look!” said the soldier, and p_ to a car passing by. 69. The headmaster met the foreign visitors at the e_ to the school. 70. The boat can take us to the only I_ in the middle of the lake. 六完成对话 选择适当单词完成对话,每空填一个单词,每个单词使用一次,单词中有两个为多

43、余的。(本题共10分,每小题1分) wrong, change, sure, good, had, matter, right, tell, know, left, hope, drink A. Hello, Harris. B. Hi, Bob. A. You dont look quite (71)_. B. Nothing has gone (72) _for me today. A. What was the (73) _? B. I dont (74) _. It just isnt my day. A. Please (75) _me what has come to you. B

44、. My car broke down on the way to work. I (76) _my papers home. And A. Well. Ive (77) _one of those days, too. Im (78) _things will get better by themselves. B. I (79) _so. A. Now lets do something for a (80) _. B. Good idea. 七阅读理解填词 阅读下面短文,然后在短文后的空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字每已给出。(本题共20分,每小题2分) Do you know

45、 the word brunch? In the West, many people like to have brunch - late breakfast or early lunch. People (81) u_ have brunch between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. on Sunday because they (82) p_ to get up late after a (83) w_ hare work or want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children, or friends. That is a

46、relaxing (放松)and interesting way of eating for most (84) f_. 81. u_ 82.p_ 83. w_ 84. f_ 85. p_ 86. c_ 87.b_ 88. I_par89. f_90.v_. 2006年中考英语模拟试卷三参考答案及评分标准第I卷(选择题,共80分) 1-50每小题1分 一1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 11. C 12. B 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19. A 20.B 二21.A 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.D 31.D 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.D 三36.C 37.D 38.A 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.A 43. B 44.D 45

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