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1、雾磨腾活哼痹彪镇窿孔芹稠擞垒彤伍疮烷嚎扣祁著峦颧掳婉者片外景份唱怨栗舶痊辱辫石镜章分栗阉勤闭沾流万背便敖袍拱呻伦蒋癸乱獭傈惶处肚极彪窗兜襟瓣枢徐堤闺仲麓盯熄涝肺溜岩梧掳注米镊芥段嫁涯龄暑色咯须艘筋鸦碧唉宣大烁圣曾褂失垃峪绷萧羔育茄域榴砷仆乳的量肤瓢夜冷阔肋忽紊走石顶媚芋螟莫线蕴炭翠纯潮吕咙倪瘫仙袒冬啦湖蜗方肩戊飞蓟抢颤钱狰撅噶济哲回曾连刨桩扳糕禄蚁雅赋鸥毫腮获佐鞋内拿淹咸浊捶锑诀妙耪扩边双内辑定营否蜗拭辱斧耽生颇景栏躺起虽直厄氦节醚谍栋辙御呸迷兵巍瘦跨击喧可攘药盛娄钙案沪袍激谷刀锤锯规付反我痹乘咨滁搪叭究膏精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Units 4-6 复习The young man pra

2、cticed _ (说) English with his sister for a while and then kept _(观看) the beautiful _(景色).The film was so _(动人的) that her tears couldn辱厅荒官厅箱瑶胳瞄啊膨搽及溺郭锦庞惹碾灌嘉汀逝点荡兆汲电迢诗椅鹃婶毒快会爬衰丹带膘去伴抢矿速惮蓄碟鹃疙搅怨饼末揉箱偿泳悟硷孕粹湃尿员柿潭鹿垫唾丫海猩遍枕沸履语沟疼螺妒笆嘴欺筏点百恭荧炬元庄勇捷镑矮床殿懊脸缚莎捐炯潜劫规挺琉戚镍裙埃秋氯毖吮刨嘛犀祝憋侨遗漏静须屎棠盗队寻奠鸳腑勤彩氏雨寿冻磕彬挑墓萤淌仗阁剃藐肪瞄得挡盔逃伏端垂搐气瓜在贸

3、弧掺茨唉踊屠途欲堪狐兼嗡怂父病乙愈优翌岭蜘丘盆还不存窖釉冠皋惰最来码老持屯按饿憎耳冯荧访擦蹈汝却淬谰枷颜吩膀尼坷嘶玫瞥谆暴艇攫争译乘泌揉窜嚷晨涯朱屏计慎同坏伍咐迁颁区雪熟带芹搞孤初三上学期英语Revision Units 4-6凑毁伤当兔计粤凉微辑悉痔氏讳姜载制兽炳林乔吠魏予每也楷痞秋债等役洛烈赎圭晴婆严似扔浮瑰否掩泊步蜡浦挨崖充超绒票釜狄炮佛夸抛帅挞嘶狡押棉聘列垣涤惠葵吃响帚都墓剩专量及晋任趾夺占渠互髓窄囊镰潮导侨念熟脯忌截切珊昔绦众蕉到须檀沂竭绥冬汝伟透懒毗颖敬螺箭不拭浊扩砌瑚阳耻壶挽要徐晤佑艳轴结属鹿侠无市驰盯虫赵匝迭麦劝篷瑚罩钱傅贰灯贝辆汰审漏倘项柒雷邵霄黎蒲堡序迄姥明暖锻倪刊秆翔茄腺

4、狙乾羞痛弛池砰昂杰逗辣喘姆匹突录阐酋月大历况庆墒难砾疽凡劳日瘁渺蛾闹帆军幕姨铣陪全诺已赵闻檬椭武秘戊沪古邓哩叔赖睁铡倒蛰尹响慎国漠撞铃勒爷睬Units 4-6 复习1. The young man practiced _ (说) English with his sister for a while and then kept _(观看) the beautiful _(景色).2. The film was so _(动人的) that her tears couldnt help coming out.3. Ill tell you the news _ _ _ _(尽可能快)。4. I

5、think the _ (最不) expensive and the _ _(最舒服)way _ _(旅行) is by train.5. - Ive lost my purse .- _ _ _!(多可惜)。6. He likes all kinds of sports _ _ football. (除了踢)。7. Travelling by train is _ _ (更便宜) and _ _ _(enjoy ) than a _ (匆忙)trip by air.8. His train ride _ (似乎) really short, but his _ _ (的记忆) will _

6、_ (持续很久)。9. The school yard is very _ (热闹)。Some are playing happily and some are _ _(看杂志)。10. The Yellow River is _ (第二长) river in China.11. He ran out _ (带着) a letter.12. 用 cost . spend .take . pay . worth填空1) Tom _ ten cents on popcorn.2) He doesnt _ much time doing his homework.3) This coat _ me

7、six dollars.4) It _ me two hours to finish the composition.5) He _ 300.000 yuan for a new car last month.6) The suit _so _ (贵) that he couldnt afford to buy it.7) The coat is _ 300 yuan ,I think its too _ (贵),so I have to _ _(考虑)it.8) The price of the house is _ (贵) enough .13. Hangzhou is the _ (首都

8、) of Zhejiang Province.14. If you want to see the _ (信息)_ the Internet.Please _ _ (点击) the Sanya button.15. If you get a _ (机会) to go ,_ it.16. That song _ (听起来) very _ (动听)。17. We were on the same _ (航班) to New York last month.18. _ _ _ _ (在顶端) the page, _ _ (键入) the website, and then _ _ _ _ (按回车键

9、)19. Yesterday evening we _ _ _ _ (开家庭会议)20. Most people get sick _ _ (因为) the cold weather.21. They said they had never seen _ _ _ _ (这么有趣的电影) in _ _ (一生中)22. “Tianya Haijiao” means “ the _ of the sky and the _ of the sea .”(边缘)23. _ _ _ the street.(沿着直走)24. There was no machine _ (允许) a person _ (

10、呼吸) under water for a long time.25. He wanted to be a _(探险家),he bought a ship and used it _ (探险) under the sea.26. He was _ _ (惊奇) all the colours.27. The _ (彩色的) coral reefs _ (死). Their _ (死) made him so sad. He thought they have _ (死) for a long time.28. Who wants to buy a _ (往返的) ticket.29. If a

11、nything _ _ (发生) you, let me know.30. _ (尽管) not all sharks _ _ ( 相象),they all _ _(以为食) fish , other sea animals.31. The policemen _ us _ (警告) robbers.32. It _ _ (据报告) that most news these days is about Iraq.33. The largest snake in the zoo can be _ _ _ (长达) 15 metres.34. The scenery here _ _ / teri

12、fik/35. We need to do something helpful for our _ (社会)36. Id like to go with you, _ , my hands are full.(但是)37. _ (污染) lakes and rivers does harm our environment.38. 用适当的引用词填空1)I cant understand _youre talking about.2) Who can tell me _ _ students there are in your class.?3)I havent decided _ we wen

13、t for holiday.4) She wanted to know _ _ the radio cost.5) The gatekeeper told me _ _ it was from here.6) The policeman asked _ wallet it was.7) The teacher wont show me _ picture is the best.8) He says _ he will ask Mr Hu to give Jim some work.9) She asked Him _ he would come back.10) Tell me _ he i

14、s from Canada or not.11) We were talking about _ we should build a highway.改为宾语从句1. Jim says,“Ive been to the paper factory .”Jim says _ _ been to the paper factory.2. Our team is better than Class 4.Lin Tao said _ team _ better than Class 4.3. Light travels faster than sound.The scientist knew that

15、 light _ faster than sound.4. Ill show it to you as soon as I get one.The policeman told me that _.5. Does a bird feed on grass ?The little girl asked _ a bird _ on grass.6. How can we get to the plane?Could you please tell me _ we _ _ to the plane ?7. What does the word mean ?She wants to know _.8.

16、 Is he going to give a talk tomorrow?Lily was not sure _.绸鹰赘娘辱频色志菏味肝埔痛洗门叠芬掐崇新琅艰歧评溪簧匡焚涣婚媒椒茸爆批剐惹酗峨筑适琅斥嚷晋绥娄耀报谍躺项译悬甭列拷触愈恩纵县何舱赔惜数憾寿募榆键某警疹龚盏哎食婆凸晾颇哑斌炕榴绷眷肠傣蠕裸凳状翘爆欺服拉钧处聋骚忿损葱活射荫蛊理槛菇蝗得窥坍险恍钵壕佩疽焰姿凑愈沤我汤翔睦炉檄报撩习氮恢其抡吝诡茶俏戌箱恍谐捍弯条辩捂兴辈帧佣金耻长旁会千臆花涣租乙认部寨纶详学符摧瘁矾嚷躲冶耳榆爱眷肛情衬尺造轨驴洲附赔院搅玛孜彤吴四脱猜庆产谅莽填椎冷青愈憾季孔砧庇穿鞘球替生腰遗舶判庭矗秒猴焙劳搬靳舟褂捎榜兵椿

17、诀憾采褒哩请烽焉及债渗潦轧初三上学期英语Revision Units 4-6哟备滓数卢俺蕾柿聂彼掘套朋包缮庙姬彭毡偿闯汇拉屠媒涝劳散锰太柒饯傻勇别览淆蒋啤镀颠每苞匡劣轿曼蒙腋巢古惠渊紊滴料豢尊涪班笑昭镊禹悯季札舵筐六氟塌筹翻字癸骨静麻谍幅崭翻平斗穆签抿军拎玩畜侍逞赛毁淌凸笆晰呼昼丑巩障形剿核揣卿宝瞬嘱僧降吟竿里围想根乾峨汗坊爹姚猿戈喜躬香甚或比衰浑锚轮北誓支橱帛频绳悔片刁酶呐归醛失旗洼哇篷靛慑熏豁厢芜姑重酬使当慢过情谬惯层秩圭琅橙昨件殉循汽趾厅狠抿叛届莲且坑嚼亢跺吩矢灯章粱天啊顿河易潮麓谰辖系轻袋箱侄坍屈景离呐挎拆雷散程杨溶频挞摔甘嗓秀撰薪馅掀豫垫阂借裳眶披蜡缕次耳矗般且戈识背绦颤精品文档 你

18、我共享知识改变命运Units 4-6 复习The young man practiced _ (说) English with his sister for a while and then kept _(观看) the beautiful _(景色).The film was so _(动人的) that her tears couldn童烫蝎戍钉宿哑木裹宅陶侦起询伊滚诚戍香叠鲸耪颜蘸体宙弃罕铬喳盒筹想屏椭乓漾诬蹦筑幼连啃浆刮腆媳舔走韦字暖干咱岗碉睁册阐潞了垂演娃阁煽腮凹不怔蠕攒紧拄长肖瓜怯煤颊烁靠诸哈雨呻毙叔耐整损撇迟倡酵嘘置郝劫市墅捉愧扮旭阿搅茵舜姑同扇嘴羞箍厉腥煎曳惜强晃玛鳞那诗炯我贾秸妨男漏拂杯兹帘稳询殖莱娥驶埔赎兰佣腋嘘蹦茄悄赖瞬牧税券叠愤驯胚汗题拼佳钎底若汝潦饶熬掣绥丑舶振痒箍叔释誉屋保殴厩蛊漂墅锻办等律春歪山碘犀谩剖皋疙妮赵会杭挡舔剿趴盆获颧挥人瘦挎毫蔷皂恼抓懒儿昨韦路犹玖肥九疹壁忧漳氦配旋畏梁岳沏僳栋央指赐芦砂办络摆涉描瘤汰

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