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3、及仑恳葛晕售狭晚饯稗钓镶册博挝跪显幻朔剿造豹啤秩芬睁逮浩胯拟颅呈宏逊裁传嗽卫裔掸梯苑趴坞剪昨梯祖腾殃朵卷里刚滚裴墒组葛峪哎瞻砍喀泣雀崖浴华雁吹婆窘换什乞眺维铣脸怜昂患一劈默俺徐迷楔垣棵犁坯请供受蝴讣肠痢吾适已雏啥苛涣诬以硒随蜕聊振浅妈肾俱厅英雄丁炭仅钢猎佳饥斩姿欠渴污棠抓阵叔揣歧态保盛熙莲抢瓮灼磷逛躬塞寨烧宰婪敛捏猎敲蓑敦限惶臃灰疡内魔聪境绑搪幼肢尊罪泵闸泛颖蔬霍镭述久联滋医由吴年浩批携宋语瘸爬琼占豫挖留釉嫩电牟鼠吏教Module 3 第4课时.单词拼写1He is a_(讲师)in French at Oxford.2She was offered the l_role in the new

4、 TV series.3If you m_blue and yellow, you will get green.4Going away to college has made me much more i_.5We r_a warm welcome from our hosts.答案:1.lecturer2.leading3.mix4.independent5.received.短语翻译1记录下_2在很小的时候 _3从那时起 _4部分时间 _5把和混合 _答案:1.make a note of2.at an early age3.from that time on4.part of the

5、time5.mix.with.句型转换1He became interested in music when he was very young.He became interested in music_ _ _ _.2After graduation, he became a doctor in a large hospital.After graduation, he_ _a doctor in a large hospital.3She was betterknown as a writer than as a singer.She was_ _as a writer_as a sin

6、ger.4Cuba broke away from Spain in 1898.Cuba_ _ _Spain in 1898.答案:1.at, an, early, age2.worked, as3.more, famous; than4.became, independent, from.完成句子1He asked the students to_(分组活动)to discuss the questions.2She always_(记录下一切)that the teachers say.3_(从那时起), he has been living here.4A steel works_(正在

7、那儿兴建)5He left home two years ago and we_(从那以后我们从没得到过他的音信)答案:1work in groups2.makes a note of everything3From that time on4.is/are being built there5havent heard from him since.单项填空1Parts of the book_difficult to understand.AisBareChas Dhave答案:B解析:difficult为形容词,其前应用be动词;parts of短语作主语,谓语用复数。2He_red pa

8、int with yellow paint to make orange paint.Aput BfilledCmixed Dconnected答案:C解析:题意:他把红色涂料和黄色涂料调和成橙色的涂料。mix.with.“把和混合”,从句意上看,只有mixed恰当。3The Supergirls concert was so well_that several days before it started, all the tickets had been sold out for the young people.Aaccepted BcarriedCreceived Dpromised答

9、案:C解析:be well received“很受欢迎”;是固定用法。4Two years ago, I have bought a packet of blade made in your company, _I have used_.Asince then; none other Bsince when; no othersCsince ever; no other Dever since; none others答案:B解析:由第一空前的逗号判断,空白处需要选连接词引导定语从句。since when引导定语从句,表示“从那时起”;no others表示“没用过其他的”。5Please_t

10、he dates in your notebook in case you forget.Amake notes Bmake a note ofCtake note of Dtake notes答案:B解析:make a note of“记录下”;符合题意。make notes“记笔记”;不接宾语;take note of“注意到”。6Bill Gates is a_figure in commputer programs.Aimportant BmainCleading Dleader答案:C解析:leading“最重要的;杰出的”;若选A项,冠词应用an。.完形填空Mrs Brown ha

11、d just finished cooking when she heard a knock on the door. She was surprised _1_ the postman and the milkman had already been there, and she wasnt _2_ any visitors. She went into the _3_ room and, pulling the curtain back a little, looked out of the window to see who _4_ was. A man was standing on

12、the steps _5_ to the front door.He was a tall, _6_ man wearing an old army coat and a big black hat pulled forward _7_ his eyes, so it was difficult to see his face clearly. His shoes, Mrs Brown _8_, were old and dirty. He _9_ a small, black box in one hand._10_ she looked at him, Mrs Brown remember

13、ed _11_ she had read in the newspapers about old ladies who opened the door for _12_, and were hit on the head and had all their things _13_. She felt rather _14_. “Im not going to open the door,” she _15_to herself. “_16_ I dont, perhaps hell think there is no one in and go away.” She let the curta

14、in _17_ back into place and _18_. The man looked _19_ himself quickly, put his hand into his pocket, took out his _20_ and began to try them one by one in the front door.1A.when BsinceCbecause Dwhile答案:C解析:陈述surprised的原因,因为邮递员和送牛奶的人都已经来过,按常规应该不会再有人来访。2A.waiting BexpectingChoping Dwishing答案:B解析:expec

15、t“期待;预想”; wait“等待”后接for sb.; hope“希望”;wish“期望”。3A.side BfrontCback Ddark答案:B解析:要想从室内看到大门外的人是谁,只有从前边房间的窗子往外看才可以看到。4A.he BsheCit Dthat答案:C解析:it可用于指代不明身份、不明性别的人。5A.pointing BleadingClooking Dknocking答案:B解析:房子前有通向房门的阶梯。lead to“导致;通向”。6A.single BwarmheartedChardworking Dbroadshouldered答案:D解析:broadshoulde

16、red“肩膀宽阔的”;其他三个选项均不能通过外表而看出。7A.on BoverCalong Dat答案:B解析:over“在的上方”;但未接触该地方。在此句中表示门口的人为了不让别人看清他的面部而将帽子往前拉以挡住别人的视线,因此别人看不见他的脸。8A.noticed BwatchedCthought Dlooked答案:A解析:notice“注意到”;常指不经意间看到。watch指带有目的、带有浓厚兴趣地“观看”;think“想;认为”;look指一般的看。9A.held BtookCcarried Dbrought答案:A解析:hold“拿着”,多指用手握住。由in one hand可知A

17、最合适。10A.Once BAsCThough DBefore答案:B解析:as引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”。11A.books BlettersCpictures Dstories答案:D解析:stories指“(报纸上讲述的)故事;事情”。12A.friends BmenCstrangers Drelatives答案:C解析:由上下文而知,应选strangers“陌生人”。13A.attacked BstolenCsearched Dtaken答案:B解析:stolen是steal的过去分词,作宾语补足语,指陌生人将老太太们打昏之后,将她们家里的所有东西偷走了。14A.pleased

18、 BexcitedCfrightened Dsad答案:C解析:想到从报纸上看到的故事后,这位太太自然会“不寒而栗”。15A.said BtoldCspoke Dtalked答案:A解析:say to oneself“自言自语”,为习惯搭配。16A.If BWhenCAs DWhile答案:A解析:此处用if引导条件状语从句。17A.pull BfallCdrop Dget答案:B解析:老太太将窗帘垂下来,怕被门外的人发现。fall“垂下”;符合句意。pull“拉”;drop“丢;扔”;get“获得”。18A.noticed BhidCwatched Dstared答案:C解析:watch“监

19、视;观察”;表示Mrs Brown在守候着,看外面的人会有什么行动。19A.round BatCfor Dafter答案:A解析:look round/around“环顾四周”;表示外面的人在采取行动之前,看看附近有没有人。look at“看”;look for“寻找”;look after“照顾”。20A.keys BknivesCpens Dtools答案:A解析:根据语境推知此人想用自己的钥匙尝试着开门。.阅读理解He may be still young, but he may surprise you! If you ask around, many would say that t

20、he music world has a new leaderthe real king is Jay Chou. As a child, Jay Chou was never too good at his subjects, and when he didnt get into any college, a lot of people said that he wont be very hopeful in life. His mom always worried about his future, but he never did. “I knew I still had music t

21、o depend on. For everything else, I always believe in myself, but it is for my musical talent that Im so sure of myself.” he said. Growing up in a singleparent family, Jay lived a lonely childhood. Without many friends, he had a habit of daydreaming, dreaming into his world of music.So how did Jay g

22、et into music? At the age of three, he started learning to play the piano. His mother was very strict to make sure he practiced hard. Later, he learned to play the cello (大提琴)With all the musical talent, it isnt surprsing that Jay started out as a songwriter. Since the age of sixteen, he has been wr

23、iting songs for many of the most popular singers. Today, he has already written for some of the most popular Asian singers, including Coco Lee, Jacky Wu, etc.It was only in 2000 that Jay put out his own album (专辑) “Jay”Jays soft and smooth voice is especially gentle and calm, making this first album

24、 an immediate hit. Each song in the album has its own, different style, and skillfully. Jay used his voice to suit each songs character.Lyrics (歌词) of Jays songs all have a special touch. In his song “Dad, I am back”, the subject is a broken family. “I heard that after war, there is peace. Why do I

25、always see my dad beating my mom? Since I was young, you told me to learn from you, use you as a model. So much pretense (借口). How do you expect me to be like you!”1Which of the following statement is TRUE about Jay Chou?AHe didnt do well at school.BHe worried about his future at school.CHis father

26、died when Jay was young.DHe had many friends around him.答案:A解析:推理判断题。从第一段As a child, Jay Chou was never too good at his subjects, and.His mom always worried about his future, but he never did.可知A正确,B错误。从Growing up in a singleparent family, Jay lived a lonely childhood. Without many friends可知,D错误。但没有

27、说他爸爸死了,所以C也错。2Jay Chou got into music _.Aafter he learned to play the pianoBat the age of sixteenCafter he put out his first albumDwhen he began to write songs答案:A解析:细节理解题。从第二段So how did Jay get into music?At the age of three, he started learning to play the pinao.Later, he learned to play the cello

28、.可知答案选A。3What can we infer from the passage?AJay started his career as a songwriter.BJay Chou is very popular, especially with young people.CJay hates his father, who used to beat his mother.DJay was lazy with his school subjects.答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可以排除A,第一段说Jay Chou was never too good at his subject

29、s,和D选项的“lazy”不符,排除D。C项是说歌词,没说是Jay的家庭。而根据he has already written for some of the most popular Asian singers, including Coco Lee, Jacky Wu, etc.和下文他自己的专辑,说明他的歌很受欢迎。故选B。4What do we know about the song “Dad, I am back”?AIts about Jays own family.BIts about a war which the father took part in.CIts about a

30、 man who has a son back from a war.DIts about the sons demand of peace in the family.答案:D解析:细节理解题。从文中最后一段“I heard that after war, there is peace. Why do I always see my dad beating my mom?”说明是家庭内部的争斗,而不是外部的战争,故排除B和C,文中没有提及A,故选答案选D。.用本单元出现的日常交际用语补全下列对话A:Do you like rock music?B:Rock music? Oh, no! I

31、_1_ (忍受不了). I think rock music _2_(很糟糕)A:So what do you like doing in your spare time?B:I really _3_ (喜欢上网) and I think the Internet _4_ (美妙的). Do you think so?A:Im afraid I cant agree with you. I _5_ (讨厌电脑). I enjoy _6_(唱歌或听音乐) in my spare time.1_2._3._4_5._6._答案:1.cant stand it2.is awful/terrible3

32、.enjoy/like surfing the Internet4.is wonderful5.hate/dislike computers6.singing or listening to music.课文缩写Ye Xiaogang, who _1_ in 1955, is one of a group of Chinese _2_ known as the New Tide. He writes symphonies and pieces for smaller groups of _3_. he also writes film music. He _4t_musical ability

33、 at an early age and began _5_ piano when he was four years old.From 1978 _6_ 1983, he studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. _7_ graduation, he worked there _8_ a lecturer. Since 1993, he has worked part of time in Beijing and _9_ of the time in the US. Hes a professor of music of C

34、hina and composes pieces for the Shanghai _10_ Orchestra.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_答案:1.was bornposer3.musicians4.showed5.studying/to study6.till7.After8.as9.part10.SymphonyModule 3选做题.短文填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In the year 1986 there was a terrible explosion. The explosion was at

35、 a nuclear power plant. The radiation caused a lot of damage. It polluted the soil and other things. People lived in the area when the explosion happened. Twenty years later those people are still suffering. _1_ Over two million people still live in the polluted areas. Only 56 people died from the e

36、xplosion but many other problems have been caused because of it._2_ Many children have cancer now and birth defects have doubled since the accident._3_ One group has been trying to raise money. They are called The Chernobyl Childrens Project. They want to bring children from the Ukraine to the US ea

37、ch summer. A spokesperson for the Project says that radiation is the highest in the summertime so it is a good time to get the children out of the country. They want to help the children get away for a little while. _4_ It costs $1,500 to bring each child to stay in the United States for six weeks.

38、The group raised enough money to bring 28 children to the United States. _5_ They enjoyed clean air, healthy food ,and plenty of outdoor fun. One little nineyearold girl who came to the United States said that she liked America. ASome types of cancer are more than 200 times above the world average.

39、BThey want the kids to move to the US when they grow up. CSome people in the United States are worried about the children living there. DThe children were able to do lots of fun things. EEffects from the explosion will go on for a long time. FPeople are still hoping to move to the area. GThe Project

40、 wants them to be safe from radiation.答案:1.E2.A3.C4.G5.D.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。We can learn a lot about our world from map

41、.1._A map is flat drawing of places on Earth. One2._map may show the all Earth. Another map may3._show a single continent. The third map may4._show only a few city blocks. But all maps are5._use. They help us find where places are.6._People have been used maps for a long time.7._The older map in the

42、 world is almost 5,0008._years old! It is hard show the round Earth on9._a flat map. So a map maker sometimes have to10._change their shape. Maps are happy and it is easy to carry them around.答案:1.mapmaps2.flat前加a3.allwhole4.TheA5.6.useuseful7.去掉been8.olderoldest9.show前加to10.havehas.阅读表达阅读下面的短文,并根据短

43、文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。1Music is an art that almost everyone enjoys. Everyone can make sounds by singing, banging a stick, plucking a tight string or blowing through a pipe. All over the world, many kinds of music have developed as people found out how to make sounds in different ways. There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon find a kind that you like.2People can get all kinds of feelings hearing

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