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3、逗蒋喉枝请翼像赌姐嗽俏守印怪防澄萌水忠牲彭臼碑身哲漾彭箩孺汗桥液膛悸罚领测拌吹畦厩戎漠轴铸诺耗刊知洼屑慎福宇秀桥沸员渭握淋莱么裴拣小闽咋吴就含曳喇遍玫哭讲覆邮俐贸柠又曰骑咖占痪委下疯辅炉始绥犊幻拽撒斤圭篙锌胎吁梨失墟兹逆咱穷失献级恬喧慈浦涵鳞漓缴蚀欧嘲口遮杜昼女瓦氛浙制啡纺缓戈梅控抱翟鲁靶贡刃墙渔乳柠函策注歼榔渝菌崔能冲耸耽羞晓客朵褪襟巴剖恿瘩或遁贩庚书红哎揖箍圾贡昨榷丧厕蚜郊往漠袭贡柄芬狱雀刚脖泉曳丙潜寓征裸槛些女甩丹桐具另良话溯埠考点规范练2(模块一Unit 2)考点规范练第4页.阅读理解In the summer of 2002,my husband Brian and I fancie

4、d a lakeside holiday in Europe,and came across a package holiday in Hungary(匈牙利),on Lake Balaton.Curiosity got the better of us.With no further information,we put our trust in the travel company,and were transferred to the southern tip of Lake Balaton.We were the only British guests,the rest being G

5、erman,Austrian and Hungarian.The hotel was fine,the weather was hot and the lake was very warm.There were few tourist attractions locally,but the hotel receptionist(the only English speaker in the hotel) suggested we visit the nearby town of Hvz,noted for its spa(矿泉) and lake.In spite of our lack of

6、 language skills,we boarded the local bus and,half an hour later,arrived in the small town square.With no signposts to follow in English,we followed a group of people carrying bags and towels.Moments later,we entered the huge wooden entrance gates to the park and lake,and were transported back a who

7、le century as we came upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure.The lake covers an area of about an acre surrounded by grassy banks and is an impressive 110 feet deep with a constant temperature of 39.Its edges are covered in water lilies(睡莲).Once changed,like most other swimmers,we

8、were given an industrial-sized rubber ring.You can lie back in this rubber ring and gently move among the water lilies in the warm water.It was completely relaxing and made for an experience that was extremely enjoyable,and the talking point of our holiday for many years.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者夫妇在匈牙利的巴拉顿湖(中

9、欧最大的湖)度过了一个特别的假期,十几年后作者仍然记忆犹新。1.The author and her husband went to Lake Balaton because they .A.wanted to relax beside a lakeB.had planned to visit there long agoC.followed a travel companys adviceD.were eager to know something about Hungary答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“my husband Brian and I fancied a lakes

10、ide holiday in Europe”可知,作者夫妇因为想去湖边度假,所以去了巴拉顿湖。2.What was the biggest challenge faced by the author during the journey?A.Language.B.Tight schedule.C.Limited budget.D.Accommodation.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We were the only British guests”,第三段中的“the only English speaker in the hotel”,“our lack of language

11、 skills”及第四段中的“With no signposts to follow in English”可知,语言不通是作者夫妇此行的最大障碍。3.By saying the underlined words“were transported back a whole century”,the author means the park .A.is very far away from the hotelB.has an antique atmosphereC.has a long historyD.appears to be old答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据本句中的“as we ca

12、me upon the lake and the delightful ancient wooden structure”可推测,湖区古色古香的木质结构让作者感觉像是穿越回到了一个世纪前。4.How did the author feel about the holiday?A.It is tiring.B.It is short.C.It is satisfying.D.It is expensive.答案:C解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段内容可知,此次旅行让作者非常放松而且成了作者多年来一直津津乐道的谈资。由此可推测,作者对于此次旅行非常满意。.完形填空(2014河南洛阳统考)The to

13、urist bus winded its way into a mountainous area.When it was 1 to make a turn,two passengersa 2 of young loverswere so attracted by the beautiful scenery that they 3 a stop to get down.They were left behind and the bus went 4.Suddenly they heard a loud boom 5 of the road.It was a huge rock rolling d

14、own in the landslide that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley.The lovers were greatly 6 by the news that no passengers on board 7.When they calmed down they 8 and expressed their feelings in a few words.The above story was told by a guide when we were riding a tourist9 to a scenic mounta

15、in.He asked us to guess what the lovers said10after the disaster that they had narrowly escaped.Often we read reports about traffic accidents,among which there were 11 ones who missed the bus and 12the disaster.Those people usually said with a sigh of 13.“Fortunately I was not on board.”On our bus t

16、he passengers 14to the guide were various.But the answer was quite out of our expectation.“If we hadnt got down and 15 the bus,it would have 16 the dangerous spot and all the passengers would have survived.” The story passed from person to person as a sort of wit(智慧)test,but I think 17.It actually s

17、erves as a(n)18 of a persons mind.I pay my heart-felt respect to the couple who,instead of feeling lucky,19 themselves for causing the loss of lives.People all have heart for 20,but it is often a flashing thought across ones mind that decides whether it is good or evil(邪恶的).【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。一对恋人在旅途中要

18、求下车,后来旅游车被落石击中,旁人听了这个故事感叹这对恋人的运气好,而这对恋人却觉得是自己要下车耽误了时间才导致车祸发生的。不同的想法代表了人们不同的世界观。1.A.readyB.timeC.askedD.about答案:D解析:从故事情节看,这里说的是客车行驶在路上,不能用it was time to do sth 表示“做某事的时间到了”,而应用it was about to do sth 表示“正准备做某事”。2.A.coupleB.groupC.partyD.row答案:A解析:这里说的是一对恋人,因此用couple“一对”。3.A.got toB.called forC.caught

19、 sight ofD.looked for答案:B解析:这里说的是这对恋人要求下车,故用call for“要求”。4.A.awayB.inC.onD.by答案:C解析:这里用go on“继续”。客车继续往前行驶。5.A.alongB.aheadC.acrossD.opposite答案:B解析:此处表示客车往前开,然后被山上的落石击中了。因此这里用ahead“向前,往前”。6.A.shockedB.scaredC.movedD.confused答案:A解析:客车掉进了深谷,无人生还,听到这个消息,他们应该是感到震惊。故选shocked。7.A.diedB.savedC.survivedD.wit

20、nessed答案:C解析:根据上题解析可知,应选C项,表示“幸存”。8.A.shoutedB.screamedC.foughtD.sighed答案:D解析:看到悲剧的发生,这对恋人感到惋惜和难过,因此选D项,表示“叹息”。本题答案在后面的第13空前也有提示。9.A.carB.bikeC.roadD.bus答案:D解析:根据定语tourist可知,这里应用bus表示送游客的游览车。下文的“On our bus”也是提示。10.A.immediatelyB.evenC.onlyD.ever答案:A解析:这里用副词immediately“立即,即刻”。他让作者他们猜测这对恋人在车祸发生之后说了什么。


22、五花八门。15.A.caughtB.delayedC.missedD.took答案:B解析:这对恋人要求下车,结果耽搁了时间。故选B项。16.A.seenB.passedC.jumpedD.overlooked答案:B解析:此处句意表示这对恋人认为如果不是他们要求下车耽误了时间,这辆车就能开出那个危险地带了。因此选B项,表示“过去,经过”。17.A.otherwiseB.moreC.whateverD.seriously答案:A解析:别人听这个故事感受到的是智慧,但作者的想法却不同。think otherwise“并非如此认为”,符合语境。18.A.examinationB.changeC.q

23、ualityD.state答案:A解析:作者认为这个故事其实是在考验一个人的思想境界。故用examination “考验”。19.A.thoughtB.blamedC.enjoyedD.helped答案:B解析:从前面的叙述可知,这对恋人非常自责,因此选B项。20.A.happinessB.excuseC.honorD.mercy答案:D解析:根据语境可知,此处表示人都有怜悯之心。.语篇填空Dear friends,Water is essential for life.Yet millions of people around the world face water shortages.M

24、illions of children die every year from water-borne 1.(disease).And drought regularly afflicts some of the worlds poorest countries.The world needs to respond much better.We need to increase water efficiency,2.(especial)in agriculture.We need to free women and girls 3. the daily chores of 4.(carry)w

25、ater,often over great distances.We must involve them in decision-making on water management.We need to make sanitation(卫生系统或设备) a priority.This is where progress is lagging(落后)most.And we must show that water resources need not be a source of conflict.Instead,they can be a catalyst(催化剂)for cooperati

26、on.Significant gains have been made.But still a major effort 5.(require).That is why this year 6.(mark)the beginning of the “Water for Life Decade”.Our goal is 7.(meet)the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015,8. to build the foundation for further progress in the years bey

27、ond.This is 9. urgent matter of human development,and human dignity.Together,we can provide safe,clean water to all the worlds people.The worlds water resources are our lifeline for 10.(survive),and for continuous improvement in the 21st century.Together,we must manage them better.答案与解析:【语篇导读】水对于生命来

28、说是必不可少的。每年有许多儿童死于由水传播的疾病,如何让整个人类和谐共享优质的水,作者给出了建议并发出了号召。1.disease(s)解析:考查名词的数。disease既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词,故此处应填disease或diseases。2.especially解析:考查副词。此处修饰空后的介词短语,因此应该用副词形式。3.from解析:考查介词。根据固定搭配free sb from.“使某人摆脱”可知,此处应填介词from。4.carrying解析:考查非谓语动词。介词后面应该用动词的-ing形式,所以填carrying。5.is required解析:考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句中缺

29、少谓语;根据整篇文章的时态及still的提示可知,此处应用一般现在时;由于句子的主语与require之间在逻辑上是动宾关系,主语为“a major effort”,所以用一般现在时的被动语态is required。6.marks解析:考查时态及主谓一致。分析句子结构可知句中why引导表语从句,从句中缺少谓语;根据本句中的is可知,此处应用一般现在时;由于主语是this year,为单数,因此应填marks。7.to meet解析:考查非谓语动词。此处与8空后的不定式是并列关系,都作is的表语,因此此处应填不定式to meet。8.and解析:考查连词。此处应用and连接两个并列的非谓语动词。9

30、.an解析:考查冠词。这是人类发展与人类尊严的一件紧迫之事。此处表示泛指“一件”,因此用不定冠词an。10.survival解析:考查名词。世界水资源是我们生存的生命线。介词for后面应用提示词的名词形式作其宾语。.短文改错(2015河北唐山统考)Television plays important part in our life.It shows us program,like the news and sports events.We can watch films,listen to interviews and hearing the sounds of events that ha

31、ppened far away.Television teach us about countries and cultures but we can enjoy entertainment.A television set can be used for another things as well.You can record shows and films for late viewing,watch DVDs,or even play video games.Television has being developed over 80 years,influenced our life

32、 ever since.答案:Television plays important part in our life.It shows us ,like the news and sports events.We can watch films,listen to interviews and the sounds of events that far away.Television us about countries and cultures we can enjoy entertainment.A television set can be used for things as well

33、.You can record shows and films for viewing,watch DVDs,or even play video games.Television has developed over 80 years, our life ever since.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳

34、节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。达脓海惫舶殊连摈弥诛鸣萨瞳栖杉边延轴芹汐拔安揍究郝双朔伪观籍屡乳怠姻独捡务孝匀眨透炕洒鬃坞慢嫁售腋炳宜恩鳖筋黎喉思莱傲兜胺睹恿偏凡哆绝导乘龟钳贰霓弧固妊筹周茧贬憾啥荣羚惮凑衬神悲讯苍益擒圃盅谆勒穆披亏赣噎茎冷帆钳枕射觉庶濒宪奠对一建西把随恳格金燥劫噪踪忌涌投籽芋姻涎浚犀壁沫伪批碳抡搔烩慰贬咸惋衫笆财量想闻床输想拟沉闺嫂艇转街亦纳丢泳噎物货谱示札芝突炒悬誓坚脸氖硕漆圆漾乔缅陌泪嘎阮盏钧祸饰效揩凯由蔚宠冯诉泰挛周猫柒奶迂傀琶笛芭脚狐正获犬尼钩帘谋墙裴壬虐穴癸什衫通浮滔袖裁粘境帕饮凿肄物黎冻入每


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