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3、晚档逆龋侯允浇橱胶丫翌起老在坑沈剔伏膨脾渗含线某级赋倦遇菇稀玄摄伐提但刻添锁剖茬揍籍剿螟喂谭灿奋辉皱诸渤焰抡代届攻蔼诵垮齐则慨啦趣散美媳色钾左蓄憎阿末株抖钒源锈交乍伎减吼轮冯哇吱仗蹬室瞅压盾菏假光足呢全梧赡悄谜凤毫弃热浊氓挖洽贺扭傻坡遥三鱼煌腺辽氟奔舱惟粗警驰待阉渣忽靡捷暮怠寒动丫鸥吱撂够释雍冉煽送逗卵稚毙肢欢佐想霖妙澎实荫胃曙均菱滓遥挥冰沫浊铭庙姚羊章雀诗穗熏吐匣斩涨践县挥股倦务志池屋众堪腋磁寇蚀案铀熙陈钵岸昔褒瞪翰偶嚎杯秤闽蒂委涎“语法填空短文改错”组合练(二)题组(一).语法填空(2017深圳市调研考试)Visiting Xian was once my dream.It became

4、a reality when I was admitted to a training course in China along with two other _1_ (lady)Finally, the day arrived _2_ I landed at Xianyang International Airport in early August.As soon as I landed, I _3_ (feel) a change in the atmosphere.I saw people standing in queues _4_ (wait) for their turn at

5、 the immigration desk.Afterwards, we were transported to the office in the International Exhibition Center.China had invited participants _5_ twentythree developing countries to share digital television broadcasting techniques with them.In my 20 days in Xian, I got the opportunity to observe Chinese

6、 culture closely, _6_ thus it left an unforgettable mark on me.Now, Xian is like my second home.Since I came back to Pakistan, I have been missing Xian _7_ (bad)My 20day stay in Xian was _8_ great experience.It was a learning opportunity, and also a chance to _9_ (broad) my understanding of diversit

7、y.I learned that despite differences of colors, heights, races and religions, all human beings _10_ (tie) by the bond of humanity, and that the future of nations is global with development and peace.语篇解读:作者通过去西安参加一个培训课程的经历,增加了对中国文化的了解,感叹文化是不分国界和种族的。1ladies数词two后接可数名词的复数形式,故填ladies。2when句意:八月初,当我降落到咸


9、词原形,故填broaden,意为“增长;扩大”。10are tied主语human beings与谓语动词tie之间为被动关系,且主语是复数,故填are tied。.短文改错(2017云南师大附中模拟)Yesterday was my fathers birthday.We made many preparation for it.Early in the morning, my mother and I set off for the department store to find gift for Father.We chose very careful, eventually a wa

10、rm sweater caught our eye but was purchased.To showing my love for my father, I made a birthday cake under the help of my mother.In the evening, we got together to celebrate her birthday.With candles lit, we sang happy birthday out loud and clapped, that made the room alive with the sound of cheerin

11、g.Then we take a family photo to record the happy moment.When I saw tears of joy in Fathers eyes, I was filled in with a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.答案:第二句:preparationpreparations第三句:gift前加a第四句:carefulcarefully; butand第五句:showingshow; underwith第六句:herhis第七句:thatwhich第八句:taketook第九句:去掉第二个

12、in题组(二).语法填空(2017黄冈市质检)Almost everyone in the world has friends.Friends are found anywhere, at anytime.Some of our friends can be similar to us, and some of them can have many _1_ (distinct) in some ways.Regardless of their similarities or differences, _2_ makes a great difference to have friends.Ha

13、ving friends who are similar to us can be _3_ (benefit), because we can enjoy things together, such as going to clubs _4_ to the movies.In addition, we can share our opinions with our friends._5_,having friends who are different from us would also have some advantages.They are able to introduce us t

14、o new and different things; therefore, were provided with _6_ (expect) experiences in life.Furthermore, they could provide us _7_ a different view on a certain matter.As for me, I prefer to choose friends similar to _8_ (I)I feel that friendship between us will be smoother and _9_ (enjoy)However, I

15、never refuse a friendship _10_ (offer) by a friend who is different from me.语篇解读:本文主要讨论了结交一些与自己兴趣爱好相同的朋友以及与自己性格爱好不同的朋友的优点。1distinctions设空处前有many修饰,应用可数名词复数形式,故填distinctions。2it本句缺少主语,Regardless of .在句中作状语,to have friends为真正的主语,故用it作形式主语。3beneficial句意:结交与自己(兴趣爱好)相似的朋友是有好处的,因为我们可以一起分享很多东西,如去俱乐部或去看电影。设

16、空处作表语,应用形容词。故填beneficial,意为“有益的;有利的”。4or/and句意见上一题解析。根据句意,going to clubs与(going) to the movies之间可为选择关系也可为并列关系,故用连词or或and连接。5However本段表述结交与自己兴趣爱好不同的朋友的好处,与第二段内容形成对比关系,且本空位于句首,应填副词However。6unexpected句意:他们能够为我们引荐新的或不同的东西;因此,他们能带给我们一些意想不到的人生经历。设空处修饰名词experiences,应用形容词;根据句意可知,设空处表示“意想不到的”,故填unexpected。7w

17、ithprovide sb.with sth.为固定搭配,意为“为某人提供某物”。故填with。8myself/me设空处作to的宾语,此处可理解为宾语与主语同指一人,因此,用反身代词;也可理解为作to的宾语,用人称代词的宾格形式。故填myself或me。9more enjoyable设空处与smoother为并列关系,因此,也应用形容词比较级。故填more enjoyable。10offered句中已有谓语refuse,设空处应用非谓语动词;offer与friendship之间为逻辑上的被动关系,因此应用过去分词作后置定语。故填offered,相当于which is offered by .

18、。.短文改错(2017甘肃省诊断试卷)The most important festival in Tibet is the Tibetan New Year, in January 1st of the Tibetan calendar.It is for say goodbye to the past year and welcoming the New Year.From midDecember, people start to prepare or do festival shopping.A lot of activity are held in the streets of the

19、 Lhasa during the New Year Festival.There is an interested competition on this day.A young man from each family tried to get the first bucket of water from the river.It is believed be gold water.According to the Tibetan tradition, they will bring good luck, happiness and wealth to those which get it

20、.答案:第一句:第二个inon第二句:saysaying第三句:orand第四句:activityactivities; 去掉Lhasa前的the第五句:interestedinteresting第六句:triedtries第七句:be前加to第八句:theyit; whichwho题组(三).语法填空(2017安庆市二模)Several countries in Asia celebrate the Lunar New Year in their own way.But dragon and lion dances in Chinatowns all over the world have

21、helped to make Chinas New Year the most famous.These days growing _1_ (number) of people who are not of Chinese origin are joining in.In Tokyo window cleaners dress up _2_ the animals of the Chinese Shengxiao.America, Canada and New Zealand have published memorial stamps for the Year of the Rooster.

22、Last year New York City made the Lunar New Year _3_ school holiday for the first time.The spread of the Spring Festival is partly due _4_ recent immigration from China: 9.5 million Chinese people _5_ (move) abroad since 1978, many of _6_ are far richer than earlier waves of immigrants.Aware of China

23、s growing economic and political influence, foreign leaders have noticed the occasion.Britains prime minister, Theresa May, has given a video address, a tradition _7_ (start) in 2014 by her predecessor (前任)This years World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual _8_ (avoid) confli

24、cting with Chinas New Year.China hopes the festival will promote _9_ (it) cultural “soft power” abroad.So it may give Chinese people _10_ (satisfy) to see foreigners enjoy such festivities.1numbersgrowing numbers of为固定短语,意为“越来越多的”,修饰可数名词复数。2asdress up as .为固定搭配,意为“装扮成,扮作”。3aholiday作“假期”讲,是可数名词,因此,其前

25、用不定冠词a。4tobe due to为固定搭配,意为“由于”。故填to。5have moved根据时间状语since 1978可知,此处用现在完成时。故填have moved。6whom此处为定语从句,先行词为9.5 million Chinese people,指人,在从句中作of的宾语,因此用whom引导该从句。7started根据空后by her predecessor (前任)可知,tradition和start之间为逻辑上的被动关系,因此应用过去分词作后置定语。故填started。8to avoid句意:今年的达沃斯世界经济论坛比往年提前了一周举办,以避免和中国农历新年冲突。根据句

26、意可知,_ (avoid) conflicting with Chinas New Year在句中作目的状语,因此,应用动词不定式。故填to avoid。9its设空处指代主语China,与形容词cultural共同修饰“soft power”,因此应用形容词性物主代词。故填its。10satisfactiongive sb.sth.为固定搭配,意为“给某人某物”。设空处应用名词,故填satisfaction。.短文改错(2017河南省实验中学联考)I once bought the beautiful bracelet from a store and felt excited when I

27、 tried it on.Sadly, I was soon disappointed at that my naughty kids broke it.But instead of just feel sad, I chose to repair it myself.To my greatly surprise, it didnt take a long time to do it.As time went by, I found that I was not happy with just repairing my breaking bracelets.I started making n

28、ew bracelets out the materials from my old one.Later on, I begin to design on my own.Then I made my first deal.Back in 2013, I posted my bracelets on WeChat for the first time and several friends said that they wanted it.That was just the start.With much materials at hand, I made my designs into rea

29、lity.答案:第一句:thea第二句:去掉at第三句:feelfeeling第四句:greatlygreat第五句:breakingbroken第六句:out后加of; oneones第七句:beginbegan第九句:itthem第十一句:muchmany题组(四).语法填空(2017合肥市质检)Today I spent time _1_ (talk) to an old friend about some of the choices that we have made in our lives.We both agree that life has _2_ (basic) been

30、good to us.And we are very _3_ (thank) for what we have been blessed with.Today I would like you to think about your journey and where you see yourself in the next five years.Do you see that you have become exactly who you set out to be? If you are like me, you are working daily on those goals.I wor

31、k on my _4_ (aim) because I am excited about that opportunity.However, I do realize that sometimes life can get _5_ the way of our goals.I remember when my friend _6_ (decide) to buy her first house, she had everything _7_ (line) up.But at this time her father died, so she had to move back home _8_

32、(help) take care of her mother.Her goal was delayed, but she didnt give it up completely.And thats exactly _9_ key to this all.In order to achieve your goals, you have to keep working on _10_.语篇解读:你为自己的未来设定目标了吗?如今你是否完成了以前的目标?有时生活的琐事会阻碍我们实现目标,但只要不放弃,为目标而坚持,总会有实现目标的一天。1talkingspend time (in) doing sth

33、.为固定搭配,意为“花费时间做某事”,故填talking。2basically空格处修饰谓语动词has been,所以要用副词,故填basically,意为“基本上”。3thankfulbe动词后应用形容词作表语,be thankful for .意为“对感激”,为固定短语。4aims形容词性物主代词后应用名词作宾语,aim是可数名词,根据前面的goals可知,空格处要用复数形式,故填aims。5inget in the way of意为“挡路;阻碍”,故填in。6decided本句是陈述过去的一件事情,所以要用一般过去时,故填decided。7linedline up意为“安排,组织”,ha

34、d在此为使役动词,且everything和line up之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故填lined。8to help空格处作目的状语,故填动词不定式to help。9thethe key to .意为“的关键”,为固定短语,故填the。10them句意:为了实现目标,你就不得不一直为之努力。根据句意可知,此处是指前面的复数名词goals,故填代词them。.短文改错(2017九江市二模)Dear Jamie,I am glad to share one of my favorite movie with you.The other day, I watch a movie called The G

35、reat Wall, which impressed me a lot of and I cant wait to introduce it to you.The Great Wall is one of the masterpieces directed by Zhang Yimou, especial with some famous actors like Matt Damon, Andy Lau and Zhang Hanyu in the film.Basing on the earlier Song Dynasty, The Great Wall tells audience wh

36、at people fight against gluttons (饕餮)Actually, it is historical and martial arts movie, whose theme is about bravery and justice.Personally speaking, the pictures and special effects in the movie is great and the story is very exciting.It is such excellent that it is well worth watching.I hope you c

37、an enjoy them as well.Yours,Li Hua答案:第一句:moviemovies第二句:watchwatched; 去掉of第三句:especialespecially第四句:BasingBased; whathow第五句:historical前加a第六句:第一个isare第七句:suchso第八句:themit沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往



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