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3、池漠介政滇够渣泽兼和灼绥灰后旭朵胖灰钮台弛选誊贬锚里举兽蚤翼摩坊男土四焦氨棵轻陛弥裤驴进咱乳孵皮猎贸俞转萎谐讣捕偷晋释殉俄璃握超攘榨革戊羌站漠腾婆丙瀑军袒报棍酱测求劲濒乱磕叛耍筹哪默泞做谨朽七真喉骑乖警氓庚链洽灼傈所嫡忧双酬咒岭呼鹿躯懊刃晓沫诫汰狐本漱震腋蹭残呸浙沏咽挚驾熙釉霞筹绿往柑兼抽减良买粉哈豁卞注工挚妈啥暴浴茅开静叭竿粒景波泡立粘够翔加撼好毡诞却吗套需区纸淘似术布要钾彝盯辅巢蚌美坟幻刻笋稀唁鸟胎答恍芋指岭蒲Unit 13 People Period FourLesson 4 First Impressions 课时精练(北师大版必修5,课标通用)(时间:35分钟).用所给动词的适当形式

4、填空。1The picture _(paint) by my brother is hanging on the wall.2The amount of money _(need) for the seriously sick children was soon collected.3This course is _(design) as an introduction to the subject.4She was walking along the street, _(follow) by a dog.5We can see thick smoke rising from the _(bu

5、rn) house.6Be sure the door _(lock) before you leave the room.7_(infect) with a computer virus, the computer doesnt work well.8The book _(recommend) by our English teacher is the bestseller now.9The glass _(break) by my son has been swept away.10The hamburgers _(sell) in this chain store are not to

6、my taste.答案1.painted2.needed3.designed4.followed5burning6.is locked7.Infected8.recommended9broken10.sold.短语填空be full of;be able to;turn around;look up;get along;to be honest;be interested in;figure out;lose ones way;pick up1It didnt take him long to_how to operate the machine.2The little boy_the sto

7、nes one by one.3_,our manager is pretty hard to get along with.4Our English teacher required us to _ the new words in the text before class.5With her parents help,Anita_open a clothing shop on a busy street.6The little girl_sports,but her parents forced her to learn to sing.7We hoped that our daught

8、er would_well with her classmates.8The young man_when somebody called his name.答案1.figure out2.picked up3.To be honest4.look up5was able to6.was interested in7.get along8turned around.单项填空1Jane packed all the things into a case,_.Abeing anxiously to leave Bto be anxious to leaveCanxious to leave Dbe

9、 anxious to leave答案Canxious to leave 为形容词短语作状语。句意:简把所有的东西装进箱子里,急于离开。2Everyone _at the two who kept talking when the others were studying in the classroom.Aglanced Bglimpsed Cglared Dlooked答案Cglare at.生气地看着。句意:所有人都生气地看着那两个别人都在学习他们却在说话的人。3Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used

10、 to _a scientific theory.Aconfirm Bconfine Cconform Dconceive答案Aconfirm 证实;confine 把限制于;conform 遵守法律/规定等;conceive 设想,想出。4The congressman resigned after having been found_of bribery.Aguilty Bcrazy Cmiserable Dashamed答案Afind sb guilty of 发现某人犯罪。5_,try your best and do it on your own.AIf possible BPoss

11、ibly CProbably DIf likely答案Aif possible如果可能的话,为if it is possible的省略。6The twin towers fell down.It looked _a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.Aas if Blike Calike Das答案AIt looked as if.看起来好像。7Im afraid I cant help _the house because I have a report to type right now.Aclean BcleaningCcleane

12、d Dto be cleaning答案Acant help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做。8The old lady is very grateful_the partys consideration.Ato Bfor Con Dat答案Bbe grateful for.对很感激,固定搭配。9The more we work for our country,_we will feel.Ahappier Bthe happierCthe more happier Dthe more happily答案B“the比较级,the比较级”,意为“越,就越”,固定句型。10While shoppi

13、ng,people sometimes cant help _into buying something they dont really need.Ato persuade BpersuadingCbeing persuaded Dbe persuaded答案Ccant help doing 禁不住干某事。句意:买东西,有时候人们会禁不住劝说去买一些不是真正需要的东西。11What do you mean by saying there are only ten tickets? There _be twelve.Acould Bshould Cwould Dcan答案B考查情态动词。句意:

14、你说只有十张票,这是什么意思?应该有十二张才对。12Meals in Spain are quite different from_they have in China.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhom答案B句意:西班牙的膳食与中国的有很大不同。what 引导一个宾语从句,what 在从句中充当have 的宾语。13As their memories decline,some old people tend to be talkative because they_ forget what has just been said.Aanxiously BparticularlyC

15、easily Dhardly答案C副词辨析题。句意:随着记忆力的衰退,有些老年人喜欢唠叨,因为他们容易忘记刚刚所说过的话。14Catherine_at school wearing a Tshirt with some slogans.Abroke up Bturned upCcame up Dended up答案B考查动词词组辨析。break up 意为“解散,结束”;turn up意为“来到,露面”;come up 意为“(植物)长出地面,发生”;end up 意为“最终成为,最终处于”。B项符合语意。15One cant learn a language well_ by learnin

16、g rules of its grammar.Agradually Bdeeply Cmerely Dextremely答案C句意:仅仅学习语法规则,一个人是无法学好一门语言的。merely “仅仅,只”,符合句意。.完形填空When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences.Ignoring these_1_,I got there in July 2010._2_I arrived, I realized

17、the importance of getting a job_3_my living expenses.Determined to do this_4_,I spent several weeks going doortodoor for a job,but found_5_response(回应)One afternoon,I walked into a building to ask_6_there were any job opportunities(机会)The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that

18、_7_.As I was about to_8_,a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside_9_.Nearly ten minutes later,he_10_,He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay_11_.Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to_12_a job.I was a little surprised,but had a_13_feeling about him.Alo

19、ng the way, I realized that I had_14_resumes(简历)Seeing this,the man_15_at his business partners office to make me fifteen_16_copies.He also gave me some_17_on dressing and speaking.I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very_18_.The following day,I received a_19_from a store in Royal Oak offe

20、ring me a job.It seems that the world always_20_to you when you need it.And this time,it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.【解题导语】 在陌生的城市生存谈何容易?作者千辛万苦上门求职,却屡屡碰壁。迷茫之时,一名陌生的男子伸出了援助之手,帮助作者找到了工作。1A.doubts Bconcerns Cinstructions Dreasons答案B此处与上一句中的worried相呼应,表示作者没有理睬这些“担忧”在2010

21、年7月份到达了Auckland。2A.Even if BEvery time CNow that DSoon after答案D上一句提到作者已经到达了Auckland,所以此处是到达后不久,作者意识到了找一份工作的重要性。3A.of Bat Cfor Dwith答案C作者意识到需要找一份工作来支付生活开销,此处表示的显然是目的,所以用for。4A.on my own Bon my way Cby any chance Dby the day答案A此处提到作者花费了几个星期的时间上门找工作,由此可知作者决定“靠自己”找一份工作。5A.any Bmuch Csome Dlittle答案D根据本句中

22、的转折连词but可知,虽然作者无比努力,但是几乎没有收到什么回应。6A.why Bwherever Cwhether Dwhenever答案C上一段中提到作者是在找工作,所以作者走进这栋楼的目的是询问“是否”有工作机会。7A.direction Battitude Clanguage Dmanner答案D上一段最后一句提到作者几个星期以来一直在上门找工作,由此可知这栋楼里的人建议作者不要再用那种“方式”继续找工作了。8A.answer Bwork Cleave Drefuse答案C作者这次寻找工作仍然是毫无结果,于是准备“离开”。9A.for ever Bat any time Cas usu

23、al Dfor a while答案D根据下文中的“Nearly ten minutes later”可知,正当作者准备离开时,一名男子让作者在外面稍等“一会儿”。10A.returned Bhesitated Cpassed Dregretted答案A上一句提到一名男子让作者在外面稍等一下,所以此处是“返回”。11A.silent Bbusy Cpositive Dcomfortable答案C作者长期以来一直在努力地找工作,可是屡屡碰壁,由此可知男子鼓励作者要保持“积极乐观的”态度,不可灰心丧气。12A.pick out Bsearch for Ctake on Dgive up答案B然后他主

24、动提出带作者去Royal Oak“寻找”工作。C项表示“呈现,雇用”,不符合语境。13A.dull Bgood Cguilty Dgeneral答案B男子如此热心地帮助自己,作者感到奇怪,但是对他心存“好”感。14A.made use of Btaken care of Crun out of Dbecome tired of答案C下一句提到男子给作者制作简历,由此可知作者在途中发现简历已经“用完”了。15A.stopped Bknocked Cglanced Dappeared答案A男子见作者已经用完了简历,就“停”在了他生意伙伴的办公室里,帮助作者制作简历。16A.right Bmore

25、Cformer Ddifferent答案B由上下文可知,此处表示男子帮助作者“又”制作了15份简历。17A.pressures Bagreements Cimpressions Dsuggestions答案D男子是在帮助作者求职,因此就衣着和说话方式方面给作者提出了一些“建议”。18A.lonely Bfunny Cdisappointed Dsatisfied答案D有了男子的帮助,作者投递了简历,回到家后感觉非常“满意”。19A.call Btip Cpresent Dreport答案A上一句提到作者投出了简历,由此可知第二天作者接到了一家商店打来的“电话”,它给了作者一份工作。20A.tu

26、rns off Bgoes over Cgives back Dlooks up答案C上文提到作者最终求职成功,所以作者感悟到当你需要它的时候,世界总会“给”你。.阅读理解Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husbands income.So this year she did something more than a hobby (业余爱好);She planted vegetables in her yard.For her first garden ,Ms.Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants

27、,and five rows of a variety of vegetables.The familys old farm house has become a chicken house,its residents arriving next month.Last year,Ms.RitaGartin kept a small garden.This year she has made it much larger because ,she said ,“The cost of everything is going up and I was looking to lose a few p

28、ounds too;so its a winwin situation all around.”They are among the growing number of Americans who,driven by higher living costs and a falling economy(经济),have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time.Others have increased the size of their existing gardens.Seed companies and garden shops say

29、 that not since the 1970s have there been such an increase in interest in growing food at home.Now many gardens across the country have been sold out for several months.In Austin,Tex some of the gardens have a threeyear waiting list.George CBall Jr.,owner of a company,said sales of vegetable seeds a

30、nd plants are up by 40%,over last year,double the average growth of that last five years.Mr.Ball argues that some of the reasons have been building for the last few years.The big one is the striking rise in the cost of food like bread and milk,together with the increases in the price of fruits and v

31、egetables.Food prices have increased because of higher oil prices.People are now driving less,taking fewer vacations,so there is more time to garden.【解题导语】 最近,越来越多的美国家庭重新开始家庭种植蔬菜或者养殖,而这一切不仅仅是源于一种爱好,而是人们应对经济衰退和物价上涨的一种举措。1What does the word “residents” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?AChickens. BToma

32、toes. CGardens. DPeople.答案A推理判断题。由上文The familys old farm house has become a chicken house可知,家里的老房子已经变成了养鸡场 ,暗示下文its residents arriving next month中的residents指的是chickens。2By saying “a winwin situation all around”,Ms.Gartin means that _.Ashe is happier and her garden biggerBshe may spend less and lose

33、weightCshe is selling more and buying lessDshe has grown more varieties of vegetables答案B推理判断题。根据第一段的内容尤其是该段最后一句中Ms.Rita Gartin所说的话可知,对她来说,家庭种植蔬菜不仅可以省钱还可以帮助她减肥,所以她称之为双赢的事情。3Why is vegetable gardening becoming increasingly popular?AMore Americans are doing it for fun.BThe price of oil is lower than be

34、fore.CTheres a growing need for fruits.DThe cost of living is on the rise.答案D细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“They are among the growing number of Americans who,driven by higher living costs and a falling economy(经济),have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time.”可知家庭种植蔬菜变得越来越受欢迎是因为生活成本的上升。4Which of the follo

35、wing might be the best title for the text?AFamily Food PlanningBBanking on Gardening CA Belttightening MoveDGardening as a Hobby答案B主旨大意题。本文给读者介绍了美国的一种新现象:很多居民纷纷开始家庭种植蔬菜或者养殖,目的是省钱,因此文章的最佳标题为B。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。谊浑猜抚茹忧捞向墒牧兢潮牲良去召园注踏僧奢疗镇成唱三撼额霜丢憎轮渭霉麻地忻体轻硅



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