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1、WEEKLY REPORT周报PERIOD OF ACTIVITY日期:04/04/2014-10/04/2014REPORT NO.报告号: WPR 14-15 1. SITE ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK本周工作1) There are 19 persons of BV safety team on site for this week. 本周现场有19名BV安全管理人员。2) Provide safety induction and safety training for contractors 93 workers this week, and sum up to 1882

2、 people for induction. 本周培训了93名入场人员,累计已培训入场人员1882人.3) Jobsite inspection for potential hazards is 218 with an decrease of 50 hazards than 268 last week, workers number has 2.3% increase more than last week, total work hours increases 5.25% to the previous week. Number of potentials gets to 142 cases

3、, with an decrease 17 than last week that indicates some improvements. 现场检查发现了218个隐患,比上周的268减少50个。本周总工时数比上周增加了5.25%,隐患数量减少了18.6%, 整体情况有所改善。隐患数量主要分布在涂装车间达到142个,占总数的60.55%。但涂装本周比上周159个减少17个,也有所改善。4) Take part in the safety walk which organized by client and make the inspection record which was follow

4、up by BV. 参加了业主组织的综合大检查,并形成了检查记录,进行了隐患跟踪。5) One near miss this week. 本周发生险肇事件1个。 6) Have performed checks at all workshops temporary electricals and corrected non-conformity of electrical boxes and connection. To conduct re-permit of all 1-2 levels temporary electrical boxes with new checklists and

5、labels signed for approval as per local codes. 在全部车间开展了临时电气和线路的安全检查并进行纠正。对1-2级电箱安全规范重新签字批准贴许可证和标志。Confiscated 9 extinguishers of non-conformity from several contractors. 收缴了各承包商使用的不合格灭火器9个。7) Have organized all workshop civil contractors safety meeting and will have weekly civil contractors meeting

6、every Tuesday afternoon. 本周组织了车间内施工的土建单位安全会议,并将在每周2下午开安全周会。8) Body & welding shop did evacuation drill. 焊装车间进行了疏散演习。9) 本周抽查了265承包商员工的出入证,发现有5个人员存在无证、出入证过期、人证不符等问题。2. MAIN ACTIVITIES NEXT WEEK 下周工作重点1) There are 19 engineers on site work for next week.下周有19个工程师在现场工作. 2) To raise safety level of all w

7、orkshop civil contractors temporary electrical and construction activities, further improve all contractors electrical safety. 加强车间土建单位的临时用电和作业的安全管理,完善车间内全部单位的临时用电的安全管理规定。3) Continue to apply all commissioning contractors Lockout Tagout rules. 继续推动设备调试作业挂牌、上锁制度。4) 继续对在车间内施工的土建单位进行安全培训,特别是在车间内的临时用电进行

8、安全管理,以及高空作业等其它现场作业活动的严格控制管理。Continue safety training on the civil activities inside the workshops, including temporary electrical power, work at height ect. 5) To be well prepared for coming rainy season electrical safety compaign. 对车间内各个施工单位在即将到来的梅雨季节的安全用电进行预备控制措施.6) To check all entry cards of con

9、tractors and disposals to non-compliance of security management. 对承包商员工的出入证进行抽查,并对发现的问题进行处理。7) 其它业主要求的重点工作 Others key points required by the client. 3. SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS 现场安全状态; 10)11)12)1) Safety Man-hours Record 安全工时记录Work Days施工天数 Safety Work Record安全施工记录Safety Work Days安全施工

10、天数Total Safety Man-hours总工时Weekly Safety Man-hours本周工时Accident Loss Rate of 200000 Safety Man-hours 20万工时事故损失率Press workshop冲压车间8080804436440820Body workshop焊装车间808080114510110000Paint workshop涂装车间808080339044566200T&F总装车间8080806165068880Quality & Trial-produce质量和试制车间80808073792920Total 808080573294

11、7888202) Accident Records事故记录:Safety Statistics安全统计Near miss未遂事故First Aid现场急救Medical医疗处理Lost Time工时损失Injuries轻伤 Fatal 重伤及以上Safety Days安全施工周期This Week1000To Date180003) Accident Reports事故报告: One case of near miss: 一起未遂事件:Date日期Accident and Loss Description 事故过程和损失描述Root Cause and Preventive measures事

12、故原因和预防措施10/4While setting up vent ducts Sinoconstruct site a standing tubing fell down to the ground without personnel injury or loss. 中建安装在焊装车间安装风管时,一根立管倾倒,未造成人员伤害和其它损失。Incident causes: operation method is not a correct one. 事件原因:操作方法不合理。Preventive measures: To conduct training to the relevant work

13、ers. 预防措施:对员工进行教育。4) The line chart about the amount of weekly man-hours and the Accident Loss Rate of 200000 Safety Man-hours 每周工时数量与20万工时事故损失率的拆线图4. SITE MANPOWER 现场人员投入DATEFri.(21/3)Sat(22/3)Sun(23/3)Mon.(24/3)Tue. (25/3)Wed.(26/3)Thu.(27/3)Average平均数Trend增减趋势Press workshop冲压车间7257414669756461Bod

14、y workshop焊装车间235224235229241248266240Paint workshop涂装 车间951961888996931925994949T&F总装车间140137141149153148148145Quality & Trial-produce质量中心和试制车间32100052Total总人数140113811306142013941396148313975. Site HSE training statistic 现场安全培训统计Training time Statistic培训课时Trainee Statistic受训人员统计Training Hours培训学时W

15、eekly HSE training statistic 每周安全培训统计79393Total 累计106188218826. Hidden Peril Follow up Record隐患整改记录Area区域Cumulated Hidden Peril Statistic累计发现的隐患数量Cumulated closed Hidden Peril Statistic累计已整改隐患的数量Weekly new Hidden Peril Statistic本周发现的隐患的数量Trend增减趋势Weekly closed Hidden Peril Statistic本周完成整改的隐患的数量Press

16、 workshop冲压车间2872282523Body workshop焊装车间2231581713Paint workshop涂装 车间1143746142 116T&F总装车间3612603126Quality & Trial-produce质量中心和试制车间1239433Total合计21591467218164 The percent of paint workshop work permit in all work permits is 59.45%, The percent of paint workshop manpower in all manpower is 70%, The

17、 percent of paint workshop hidden peril in all hidden perils is 60.55%, which illustrate paint workshop is the safety control focus point. 涂装车间作业许可证数量的占比是59.45%,人数的占比是70%,隐患所占的比例是60.55%,说明涂装车间是整个现场风险管理的重点. From above chart, we could find comparing with last week, the number of hidden peril decreases

18、 evidently and the decreasing rate is about 18.6%, which illustrates that overall safety situation of the week is getting obvious improvement.从图中可以看到,本周隐患的数量比上周有可观的下降,下降的比率是18.6%,说明现场整体安全状况有明显改善.Hidden Peril Type Analyze 隐患类型分析From above chart, we can see: the percentage of defect equipment and beha

19、vior violation / protective measures is are majors, defect equipment gets lower from 37% to 31% with quite improving. Housekeeping issues get rise from 13% to 20% with an obvious rise to be improved. 从图中可以看出,设备隐患和不安全行为/并列防护措施是主要的隐患类型,分别占比达到31%和20%+20%,设备隐患比上周37%有所下降, 说明设备隐患安全状况有改善. 5S隐患从上周13%上升到20%需

20、要改进。Risk level Analyze 危险等级分析From above chart, we found the high level risk remains 41% unchanged, middle level gets slight rise from 36% to 38%, low level 23% to 21% with less change, still strengthen the control for high level risk work.从上图可以知道,高危险等级的比例由上周的41%上周41%维持不变,中危从36%微弱上升到38%,低危23%到21%,整体比

21、例变化不大。高危占比多,仍然是主要控制范围。Risk source type Analyze 隐患源类型分析From above chart, we could found fall protection and housekeeping are important risk sources , the percentage of fall protection decreases from 33% to 21%. Other and Housekeeping are also majors with fall protection to be attended to.从上图可以看出高空作业和

22、现场5S是隐患的两个主要来源,高空作业占21%,但比上周的33%有显著下降,其它文明施工占比叫高,需要给予关注。Hidden peril rectified state Analyze 隐患整改状态分析From above chart, we find Quality and Trial Production sites closing rate keeps 100%; the closed rate of stamping workshop is 92%, ahead of others. The closed rate of Paint is 81.7% in which 10.6% ar

23、e overtime finished, T&F 83.9%, Body shop 76.5% which needs continual attention. Body shop closed rate is falling from last week 94.8% to 76.5%, 17.6% are ongoing, will follow up this week. The average closed rate increase from 81% to 83% with a rising improvements which needs to push ongoing contin

24、ual improvements. By analyzing the cause, can find the number of Hidden peril in paint workshop is 142, include 10.6% overtime closed items ( 15 items) and 1.19% ( about 1 or 2 cases) unclosed items.从上面可以看到:质量中心和试制车间的隐患整改率是100%;冲压车间的隐患整改率也比较高,达到了92.0%.涂装车间的隐患整改率81.7%,总装83.9%, 车身76.5% 需要持续跟踪. 车身从上周的9

25、4.8%到76.5%, 17.6% 在整改当中,本周要持续跟踪。.本周平均整改率从上周的81%提高到83%, 有所进步但仍然需要持续推动改进。 To take follow-up actions for low closing rate workshops and contractors. Those not finished in time will be reported separately. 继续采取措施对低整改率的车间和单位进行进一步推动和单独进行报告尚未及时完成整改项。7. Work Permit Statistics作业许可统计Area区域Hot Work动火Fall Prote

26、ction高空Lifting吊装Electrical work临时用电confined spaces受限空间Ray work射线作业Total合计Press workshop冲压车间0000000Body workshop焊装车间3230500067Paint workshop涂装 车间11710032000249T&F总装车间46530200101Quality & Trial-produce质量中心和试制车间1100002Cummulated累计19618437200419From above chart, we find the number of work permits is 419

27、, which 141 less than last week. And the work permits of paint workshop decrease from 273 to 249 less quantity but challenge remains the same. 本周共开作业许可证419个,比上月减少141个,涂装车间由上周的273个减少到了本周的249个,数量有所减少但挑战不减。From above chart, we could find the rate of Hot work and high work is 91%, small rise to 89% of t

28、he last week. 从上图我们可以看到热工作业和高空作业的比例达到了91%,比上周的89%有所上升.8. Weather Report天气记录TemperatureFri.(04/4)Sun.(05/4)Sat.(06/4)Mon.(07/4)Tue. (08/4)Wed.(09/4)Thu.(10)highest ()最高19191917171919Lowest ()最低15111199117wind speed scale风级24-53-43-4222wind direction风向East东Northeast东北North 北East东East东South南Northeast东北Weather 天气9. ATTACHMENT 附件ANNEX 01 Digital Photo Reference (DPR 14-15) 附件一 数字照片附录(DPR 14-15)Project Management:BV-Bosun (Tianjin) Safety Technology Co., Ltd 项目管理:必维(天津)安全技术有限公司 Prepared by: Zhou Yong编制: 周 勇Approved by: Houshi Dong批准人: 董厚师 Date: April 11, 2014日期: 2014年4月11日

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