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1、40精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-第十一章商务合同与协议的翻译第一节商务合同与协议的词汇特点商务英语=Business English专门用途英语=English for Specific Purpose外贸英语=Foreign Trade English专业术语=terminology商务英语应包括语言知识,交际技能,专业知识,管理技能和文化背景。Business English includes Language Knowledge, Communication Skills, Professional Content, Mana

2、gement Skills and Cultural Awareness. They are all very important. For Language Knowledge, the most important step for translating Business English is to keep in mind the sequence of parts of a simple statement.A simple statement tells about one thing. Each statement contains one idea. Each simple s

3、tatement can be composed of 6 or less parts. The sequence of the 6 parts is very important, especially in translation. Good translation results from good understanding of original English or Chinese sentences. A good mastery of sequence of statement parts can help you greatly in understanding and wr

4、iting English sentences. The sequence is as follows:1 subject, 2 predicate (or linking verb or copula). 3 object (or predicative), 4 adverbial of manner, 5 adverbial of place, 6 adverbial of time. Adverbial of time can be put before subject.简单陈述句的语序:陈述句用来叙述一件事情。每个句子包含一个概论。陈述句的语序很重要。每个陈述句可以有6个成分组成,但并

5、不是每个句子都有这么多的成分。语序如下:1 主语,2 谓语(或系动词),3 宾语(或表语),4 方式状语,5 地点状语,6 时间状语;时间状语6可以放在主语之前。Arrange the words in each sentences in correct sequence and translate them into Chinese:1. Games, played, yesterday, in their room, the children, quietly.2. the little boy, an apple, this morning, ate, greedily, in the

6、kitchen.3. Before lunch, the letter, in his office, quickly, he, read4. A new school, built, they, in our village, last year.5. This morning, a book, I, from the library, borrowed.Contract is defined as “an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil right and obligations between sub

7、jects of equal footing平等地位, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”.合同定义为平等主体的自然人,法人,其它组织之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。协议和合同经常用作同义词。1. 选词正式准确合同中的选词要求极为严格,以显得郑重,严肃。Example 1. Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties shall be deemed an event of Force Majeure and

8、shall include, but not be restricted to, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, rebellion, insurrection, epidemic and quarantine restriction.双方无法控制的事件或情况应视为不可抗力事件,这包括但不限于火灾,风灾,水灾,地震,爆炸,战争,叛乱,暴动,传染病及瘟疫。双方遇有无法控制的事件或情况应视为不可抗力事件,但不限于火灾,风灾,水灾,地震,爆炸,战争,叛乱,暴动,传染病及瘟疫。Some words and phrases often us

9、ed in Contract:Beyond control instead of out of controlDeem instead of considerRebellion instead of fightEpidemic instead of diseaseIndemnities保证物, 赔偿物, 赔款, 补偿Lease .承租 ,出租,租,租赁Terminate停止, 结束, 终止Valid有效的, 有根据的, 正当的, 正确的Invoke授引, 恳求Peremptory终局的, 绝对的, 决定性的Breach违约; 违反; 破坏2 多用术语商务合同中兼有法律和商业用语。Legal r

10、epresentative法定代表 ,法人代表,合法代表Legal address法定地址Dispute 争议 ,纷争 ,纠纷,争端Arbitration仲裁, 公断Binding约束, 结合,连接material law实体法商业用语多于法律用语,多数由普通名称转化而来。Assign分配, 指派, 转让Bill帐单, 钞票, 票据, 清单, 议案, 法案,单据Consideration体谅, 考虑, 订约要因,约因Dishonor耻辱,使丢脸,使蒙辱, 拒付Equity公平, 公正, 股份权益,股票policy政策, 方针, 保单3 同义词连用合同行文的主要特点之一就是用“and”或“or”

11、把两个或以上短语连接起来。Example:The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall buy the following described property upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth within this contract.按照合同中所提之条款条件,卖方将出售而买方将购进以下商品。Party A acknowledges and agrees that the technology it will receive from Party B during the term o

12、f this Contract shall be kept secrete and confidential.甲方承认并同意在合同期内由乙方提供的技术应属保密。This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.该合同由甲方和乙方共同制定。The Buyer reserves the right to investigate or inspect at any time whether the products, qualifications, or facilities meet the Con

13、tract requirements,买方保留随时对产品,质量或设施是否符合合同要求进行检查的权利。(3)(1)4.多用名称为避免歧义,合同中尽量用名词代替代词。Example:If the Seller determines the performance has not been completed satisfactorily and in conformance with this Contract, the performance bond may be retained by the Seller until the Seller can determine damages cau

14、sed by the lack of performance.performance bond=履约保证书, 保证金卖方如果确定履行情况不令人满意或与合同不符,在他能够确定履行不善所造成的损失之前可以扣留履约保证金。卖方如果确定履行情况不尽如人意或与合同不符,可以扣留履约保证金,直到其能够确定履行不善所造成的损失费用。(2)5.多用副词合同中常用的副词:hereafter今后, 从此以后Thereon在其上/thereupon关于:关于那件事;关于那/whereupon 在哪上面,因此Thereunder .在其下Hereto到此为止Whereto向那里, 到那个地方; 对那个Hereinab

15、ove在上文/hereinbefore在上文中Hereinafter在下文中/hereinbelow在下文Whereby凭什么, 由此wherein在哪一点上;在什么地方6.“Shall”在合同中,shall为情态动词,表示强烈的义务关系。Examples:The date of registration of the cooperative venture company shall be the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the cooperative venture company.合资公司登记注册之日,

16、为董事会正式成立之日。The amendment of the contract or other appendices shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by Party A and Part B and approved by the original examination and approval authority.只有在甲方和乙方共同签署书面协议,并且经原审批机构批准,合同及其它附件的修订才能生效。This Contract shall be written in English

17、 in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.本合同应以英文写成,一式四份,双方各持两份。7.合同专项词汇合同中常用的专项词汇:Whereas鉴于, 但是;相反In witness whereof特此作证 ,以资证明Prior to在之前In accordance with与.一致, 依照In compliance with .遵照,和.一致,按照Provided that如果,只要,倘若Subject to以为条件,以依据, 易受.的第二节商务合同与协议的句法特点1. 多用陈述句2. 多用条件句Examples:In case a thi

18、rd party brings a charge of infringement, licensor shall be responsible for dealing with the third party and bear full legal and financial responsibilities which may arise.charge =控告, Infringement=侵犯权利,侵害,违犯licensor=出让方 ,供方若第三方起诉侵权,出让方应负责处理第三方事务,并承担全部相应的法律和财政责任。3多用现在式Example:Licensor guarantees that

19、 licensor is legitimate owner of the know-how supplied by licensor to licensee in accordance with the stipulations of the contract, and that licensor is lawfully in a position to transfer the know-how to licensee.Licensee被许可方 ,被许可人出让人担保自己合法拥有按合同规定由他转让给受让人的该项技术,把该项技术转让给受让人是合法的。出让人保证受让人合法拥有按合同规定转让的该项技

20、术,且出让人是该项技术的合法拥有者。(1)(2)(3)4 主动语态表责任Example:Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity.Publicity=宣传;推广, 推销甲方应承担所有广告和推销费用。甲方应承担所有广告和发布支出。The employer may ask bidders individually for clarification of their tenders, including breakdowns of unit prices.Clarification= .澄清,说明bidder=出价人

21、, 投标人Tender=投标:以某一特定价格或比率来吸引货物或服务的书面提议breakdown=分解, 分析, 分类, 分成细目, 故障业主可分别要求各投标者就其标书和单位价格细目表做出解释。业主可要求投标者就其标书作出解释,包括单位价格细目表。The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer four copies of all Drawings, Specification and other documents.承包商应向工程师提供所有的图纸,规格和其它文件,一式四份。承包商应向工程师提供所有的图纸,规格和其它文件一式四份。5 多用长句(1)特长句子

22、Example:In the event of a Subcontractor having undertaken towards the Contractor in respect of the work executed; or the goods, materials, Plant or services supplied by such Subcontractor, any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the Defects Liability Period under the Contr

23、act, the Contractor shall at any time, after the expiration of such period, assign to the Employer, at the Employers request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof. 如果分包商在所进行的工作,或他提供的货物,材料,工程设备或服务等方面,在合同规定的缺陷责任期结束后继续为承包商承担义务,承包商在缺陷责任期后的任何时间须按雇主的要求并由雇主承担费用,把未满延长期限

24、的此类义务的利益转让给雇主。当分包商在所进行的工作,或其提供的货物,材料,工程设备或服务等方面,为承包商承担了合同规定的缺陷责任期限结束后的任何延长期间须继续承担的任何继续义务时,承包商在根据雇主的要求和由雇主承担费用的情况下,在缺陷责任期满之后的任何时间,将上述未终止的此类义务的权益转让给雇主。(1) (2)(3)During the validity of this Agreement, Party A refrains from offering the above-mentioned goods to other merchants with ports in Country X as

25、 ports of destination, while Party B undertakes to refrain from purchasing, pushing sales off or acting as agents for the commodity of other suppliers the same as or similar to that stated in Article 2 and guarantees not to transship in any way the said goods supplied by Party A to any area, where e

26、xclusivity or sale agency has been granted by Party A.Refrain=忍住; 戒绝; 不让自己做某事exclusivity=排他性,专营权sale agency=经销商 ,经销处在本协议有效期内,甲方不得将上述商品提供给以X国为目的港的其它商人,而乙方不得购买,促销,或代理与第二条规定的产品相同或相似的其它供应商的产品,并且保证不将甲方提供的上述商品转运到甲方指派独家代理人或销售代理人的任何地方。协议有效期内,甲方不得将上述商品提供给以X国为目的港的商人,而乙方不能购买,促销,或代理与第二条所描述的产品相同或相似的其它供应商产品,并且保证不

27、将甲方提供的上述商品转运到甲方指派独家代理人或销售代理人的任何地方。(2) 复杂状语的使用Example:If any loss or damage happens to the Works, or any part thereof, or materials or Plant for incorporation therein, during the period for which the Contractor is responsible for the care thereof, from any cause whatever, other than the risks defined

28、 in Clause 53.1.1, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify such loss or damage so that the permanent Works conform in every aspect with the provisions of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer.Incorporationn.公司;n.结合,合并,混合therein.其中,在那里,在那地方在承包商负责照管期间,如果工程或其任何部分,或所用材料或设备对公司造成任何损失或损坏,

29、除第53.1.1条规定的风险外,不论出于何种原因,承包商须出资对这些损失或损坏进行弥补,以使永久工程在各方面都符合合同的规定,达到工程师满意的程度。在承包商负责照管期间,若工程或其任何部分,或待用的材料或设备出现任何损失或损坏,除第53.1.1条限定的风险外,不论出于何种原因,承包商均应出资弥补此类损失或损坏,以使永久工程在各方面符合合同的规定,达到工程师满意的程度。(1),(2),(3)2011,3,21If, before the Time for completion of the whole of the Works or, if applicable, any Section, a

30、Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for any part of the Works or of a Section, the liquidated damages for delay in completion of the remainder of the Works or of that Section shall, for any period of delay after the date stated in such Taking-Over Certificate, and in the absence of alternative p

31、rovisions in the Contract, be reduced in the Proportion which the value of the Part so certified bears to the value for the whole of the Works or Section, as applicable.Applicable= .可适用的,可应用的,有利的the liquidated = 已付清liquidated damages=规定的违约偿金, 清偿损失额Proportion=比例,部分bear =负责:负担;承担责任 在整个工程或区段的竣工期限之前,如果已

32、对工程或区段的任何部分签发了移交证书,在合同中无替代条款的情况下,该工程或区段剩余部分拖到该移交证书注明的日期之后尚未完工,由此产生的违约偿金应该按已签发部分的价值在整个工程或区段的价值中占的比例减少。在整个工程或任何区段的竣工期限之前,如果工程任何部分或任何区段已签发移交证书,则在合同中无替代条款的情况下,对于在该移交证书注明的日期之后的任何拖延期间该工程或区段剩余部分的延期损害赔偿费,应按已签发部分的价值对整个工程或区段的价值比例相应地减少。第三节商务合同与协议的翻译1 选词2 转换(1)词性转换Example:Prior to commencement of any work under

33、 this Contract and during the period of the Contract, the Purchaser shall provide proof of insurance coverage required by this Contract.insurance coverage=保险范围 ,承保的范围在本合同各项目开工之前以及在合同期间,买方应按合同要求出具保险范围证明。 在合同任务开始之前,或者在合同期间,买方应按合同要求出具保险证明。(2)语态转换Example:The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the

34、 cautions such as “Do not stack up and down”, “Keep away from moisture”, “Handle with care” shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.Stencile钢印在每件包装上必须用不褪色颜料印上尺寸,毛重,净重以及“请勿倒置”,“保持干燥”, “小心轻放”等警示语。应用不褪色颜料在每件包装表面印上尺寸,毛重,净重以及“请勿倒置”,“保持干燥”, “小心轻放”等警示语。(1,2,3)2011,3,28 Trans

35、late the following sentences into Chinese:1) He had returned the previous evening from a tour of the countryside and wanted to go through the papers that had accumulated in his absence before visiting hours.头一天晚上他刚从乡下检查回来就打算在会客时间前处理在他外出时积下的公文。他去乡间旅行,头一天晚上刚回来。这期间积下了许多公文,他打算在会客时间开始之前处理一下。2) He had flo

36、wn in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vocation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had been engaged on in the south. basking晒太阳他在南方完成了他从事的一项施工任务后去了格鲁吉亚,在那里度假享受高加索的阳光,直到前一天才乘机归来。他本来在南方从事一项建筑工程;任务完成后,他就去了格鲁吉亚度假,享受高加索的阳光,昨天才坐飞机回来。3) I sha

37、ll remember always the mysterious, beautiful sensation of well-being I felt, when I was small, to hear my grandmother talk of the suppers she used to eat at boarding school.改:I shall always remember mysterious不可思议的, 神秘的引起惊奇和好奇而同时又难以理解或解释的well-being幸福;舒适;安宁小时候我经常听婆婆讲她在寄读学校吃的晚餐,我那时内心产生的好奇美妙的幸福感令我永远不能忘

38、怀。幼年时,我常听到祖母讲她在寄读学校吃的是什么晚餐,我永远不会忘记听到她的回忆时我内心油然而生的那种莫名其妙的幸福感。4) It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me. crib= (有围栏的)儿童床eventful =发生许多事情的live over again重新生活, 再度经历, 重温 这一天发生了许多事情之后我躺

39、在小床上回顾着这一天给我带来的欢乐,肯定很难找到比我更幸福的孩子了。在这个发生了许多事情的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上回顾一天的欢乐,恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了。3 省略(1)省略同义词在翻译中,英文中的重复用词可以省略。For example:The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing.Attributable把.归因于(to).由于包装不当造成的货物缺损由卖方负责。Licensee agrees

40、that licensee shall keep the know-how supplied by licensor under secret and confidential conditions within the validity period of the Contract.受让人同意在合同有效期内对出让人提供的技术保密。(2) 省略名词英文中重复的名词可以省略。For example:In the course of arbitration, the contract shall be continuously executed by both Parties except the

41、 part of the contract which is under arbitration.在仲裁过程中,除仲裁中的那部分合同外,其它部分应由双方继续执行。(3,2,1)2011,4,1/25) In two visits to the United States, Jamaicas Prime Minister, in response to the World Banks repeated urges, suggested the message to the US policy makers for the good of both countries, particular in

42、 the matter of bilateral monetary affairs.在世界银行的反复催促下,为了牙买加和美国的利益,特别是双边金融事务方面的利益,牙买加总理两次访美时都向美国决策者提出了这些建议。在世界银行的多次督促下,为了牙买加和美国的共同利益,特别是双边金融事务方面的共同利益,牙买加总理在最近两次访美时向美国决策者表示(了上述)意见。6) James Brindley of Stafford shire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of seventee

43、n, having been born poor in a village. self-made=自造的, 自力更生的, 独力奋斗的James Brindley of Stafford shire,having been born poor in a village, started his self-made career by working at mill wheels in 1733 , at the age of seventeen.斯塔福德郡的詹姆斯.布林德出身于一个贫苦的农村家庭,1733年他才17岁就着手钻研水轮,开始了他独立奋斗的生涯。斯塔福德郡的詹姆斯.布林德出身于一个贫苦

44、的农村家庭,1733年,他17岁,就着手改良磨房的轮子,从而开始了自我奋斗的生涯。Connectives连接词;time sequence时序,时间顺序;logical sequence .逻辑序列(逻辑次序)In Chinese translation, the word order has been re-arranged and the connectives are dropped and the new word order usually follows a time sequence and logical sequence.In Chinese, condition, caus

45、e and concession are usually put at the beginning of the sentence, and the result or effect comes after that. But in English it is usually the other way round. See the word order of the translation of the following sentence. concession让步The feeling of shame at what might be called “running after him

46、” was smothered by the dread that he might not be there, that she might not see him after all, and by that dogged resolve-somehow, she did not know-to win him back.Smother使窒息, 使透不过气来, 覆盖;掩盖dread恐惧;担忧dogged顽强的; 固执的resolve决心,决定somehow设法; 不知道怎样, 莫名其妙地feeling of shame羞愧感她担心他不在那里深怕还是见不到他,又决心一定要把他夺回来,尽管她还

47、不知道用什么方法去夺;所以即使可能有人说她“追求他”,她也不会有害羞之感。她深怕他也许不在场,深怕见不到他,同时下了决心要把他夺过来,想法子夺回来,至于怎么夺法,她也不知道;有这些缘故,所以纵使有人说她“追他”,她也不觉得难为情。(3)省略副词Thereof 和hereof 一类的副词在翻译中可以省略。Example:All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto.由此合同履行而导致的所有争议都应由双方友好协商解决。4 重复英文中,很多结构,尤其是在并列句中,是可以省略的。但在汉语中,为了对称,很多时候要将已知事务予以重现。For example:The Seller may terminate this Contract by oral or written notice to

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