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1、2022年安徽省合肥市铜闸中学高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Can you _ this long sentence into several simpler ones? A. break out B. break off C. break away D. break up参考答案:D2. -Tom, you _ on the phone. -Im coming. A. want B. wanted C. are wanted D. were wanted参考答案:C3. Only in this way _to make improvement in the operating s

2、ystem.A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did hope you 参考答案:C4. I dont remember the exact date of the earthquake, but I know it was _ Sunday when most people were not at _ work.A. 不填; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填; a D. the; 不填参考答案:B5. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _, but why d

3、idnt you? A. should come B. may come C. ought to have come D. may have come参考答案:C6. The teacher doesnt permit _. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. to have a smoke参考答案:C7. We _ him to give up the plan, but he turned a deaf ear to us.A. tried to persuade B. persuaded C. suggested D. did persuade参考答案:

4、A略8. You _ to leave until you _ your work. A. wont be allowed; have finished B. wont allow; finish C. wont be allowed; will finish D. wont allow; will finish参考答案:A9. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, _ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.A. which B. that C. when D. where 参考答案:D10

5、. She _ the table and said the dinner was ready. A. lain B. lay C. lied D. laid参考答案:D略11. _nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption _has been put forward by the social scientists.A.What,thatB.That,whatC.What,what D.That,that参考答案:D考查从属连词和关系代词。句意:几乎所有的行为都是学来的行为,这是一个基本的被许多社会科学家提出来的

6、假设。第一个从句是主语从句,在从句中采用了完整的主系表结构, 在不需要补充句子成分的情况下用that,所以排除A、C两项,而后面的从句是定语从句,先行词是assumption,所以关系词选择that, B项中的what不能引导定语从句。12. The most effective _to work out the problem is still under discussion. A. way B. method C. approach D. diploma参考答案:A13. Why did they keep trying _ they must have known it was hop

7、eless?A. if B. because C. when D. whether参考答案:C略14. A car accident happened on the highway because of the heavy fog, but no one got seriously injured. A. sadly B. luckily C. hopefully D. unfortunately参考答案:B15. What are they talking about?Their topic is _ Wushu should be entered into the Olympics.A.

8、if B. that C. whether D. what 参考答案:C略16. What do you think of the Eight Rules of the central government? Effective and _.A. usualB. naturalC. normalD. practical参考答案:D17. _ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.A. Caught B. Having caught C. Being caught D. To catch参考答案:C18. It is w

9、idely accepted that animals learn to do things because their certain acts lead to _A rewards Bprize Cawards Dresults参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词

10、;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Jack,Im sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new school, because you find hard to make friends. Now, Id like to offer you any advice.Firstly, its normal for you to feel lonely because you were living in a new environment. Secondly, you should greet your classmates

11、 when met them on campus. Thirdly, it will be a good idea if you take an actively part in class activities, what can help them learn more about you. I believe you will be able to make new friends soon unless youre friendly to the others.I hope the suggestion above will be helpful to you and everythi

12、ng will be fine with you for the future.Yours,Li Hua参考答案:我想给你提供一些建议。所以any改成some。表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时。句意:当在校园见到你的同学的时候,你应该和你的同学打招呼。所以classmates前加your。“你”和“遇到”之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。用形容词修饰名词。这里含有一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,所以用which。如果你对别人很友好,我相信你不久就会交上好朋友。所以unless改为if。The others表示在一个范围内的其余的,不符合句意,所以去掉the。这些建议是一个复数概

13、念,所以用名词复数形式。In the future是固定用法,意思是将来。35. I like travel very much. I had been to most 1._of the interested places in Britain already and I just2._dont want other cold English summer. So Ill go3._abroad for change this year. Where Id like 4._to is France, Spain, or Italy. Though going abroad5._has the

14、 trouble of changing money abroad. But 6._when I just think of the sun Id enjoy for, the new7._places Id see, the people Id meet, I get excited.8._In fact, which Id really like to do is to practice my9._French and Spanish. It would do me a lot at work.10._参考答案:. 指到目前为止已经去过英国的大部分有趣的地方,用现在完成时。. 指有趣的地方

15、,而不是指人感到有趣,所以要用interesting。. 因为summer是单数,句意是:我不想再在英国度过一个寒冷的夏天。. for a change是习语,意为“为了改变常规、为了变化一下”。. where Id like to go意为“我想去的地方”。. 表示“某事或做某事让人伤脑筋”用trouble with sth or doing sth。. Id enjoy是定语从句,前面省略了代替先行词the sun的that;enjoy是及物动词,直接说enjoy the sun,所以for是多余的。.此行无错。. 因为用which(哪一)句意不通;what=the thing that意

16、为“(所)的”。. 因为用do,意思不通;help me a lot意为“对我帮助很大”。三、 阅读理解21. In 1929, a peasant in Sichuan Province uncovered jade (玉器) and stone artifacts(手工艺品) while repairing a ditch(沟渠) located about 24 miles from Chengdu. But their significance wasnt understood until 1986, when archaeologists unearthed two pits(大坑)

17、 of Bronze Age treasures. The discovery suggests an impressive technicality(手工技艺), said Peter Keller, a geologist and president of the Bowers Museum in California, which is currently hosting an exhibit of some of these treasures.The treasures came from a lost civilization, now known as the Sanxingdu

18、i, a city on the banks of the Minjiang River.“Its a big mystery,” said Keller, who is not involved in the current study.“Archaeologists now believe that the culture disappeared sometime between 3,000 and 2,800 years ago,” Niannian fan, a river science researcher at Tsinghua University in Chengdu, Ch

19、ina, said.“The current explanations for why it disappeared are war and flood, but both are not very convincing,” Fan told Live Science.But about 14 years ago, archaeologists found the remains of another ancient city called Jinsha near Chengdu. The Jinsha site, though it contained none of the bronzes

20、 of Sanxingdui, did have a gold crown covered with fish, arrows and birds similar to golden objects found at Sanxingdui. That has led some scholars to believe that the people from Sanxingdui may have relocated to Jinsha.Fan wondered whether an earthquake may have caused landslides that dammed the ri

21、ver high up in the mountains and rerouted it to Jinsha. That catastrophe may have reduced Sanxingduis water supply, spurring its people to move.And some historical records support their assumptions. In 1099 B.C., ancient writers recorded an earthquake in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, in Shanxi Pr

22、ovince, Fan said. Though that spot is roughly 250 miles from the historic site of Sanxingdui, the latter culture didnt have writing at the time. So its possible the earthquake epicenter(震中) was actually close to Sanxingduibut it just wasnt recorded there.Around the same time, geological sediment(沉积物

23、) suggest massive flooding occurred, and the later-han Dynasty document The Chronicles of the Kings of Shu records ancient floods pouring from a mountain in a spot that suggests the flow being rerouted, Fan said.Together, the findings hint that major earthquake triggered a landslide that dammed the

24、river, rerouting its flow and reducing water flow to Sanxingdui, Fan said.36. In the first paragraph, the author wants to _.A. introduce the topic of a lost civilizationB. tel us how beautiful the jade and stone artifacts lookC. remind us to pay attention to the earthquakeD. inform us we can easily

25、find treasures in a ditch37. According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT that _.A. Bowers Museum is exhibiting some of Bronze Age treasuresB. Peter Keller is the lead researcher on the study of SanxingduiC. some scholars think that the people from Sanxingdui may have moved to

26、JinshaD. some findings support the idea that an earthquake caused a landslide, which dammed the river, rerouting its flow and reducing water flow to Sanxingdui38. Which of the following is the most probable explanation of mystery of the disappearance of Sanxingduis civilization?A. War. B. Flood.C. E

27、arthquake. D. Hurricane.39. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “spurring” in the seventh paragraph?.A. Forcing. B. Allowing.C. Supporting. D. Favoring.40. What type of writing is this passage?A. Science fiction. B. An official document.C. A newspaper report. D. A res

28、earch report.参考答案:36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了1929年,四川一个农民在距离成都40公里处发现了一些玉石工艺品,它们是来自一个迷失的文明,即现在所谓的三星堆文明。36. A段落大意题。根据第一段In 1929, a peasant in Sichuan Province uncovered jade (玉器) and stone artifacts(手工艺品) while repairing a ditch(沟渠) located about 24 miles from Chengdu.可知,作者在第一段中想向我们介

29、绍那一个迷失的文明,即现在所谓的三星堆文明。故选A.37. B细节理解题。根据第三段“Its a big mystery,” said Keller, who is not involved in the current study.可知,Peter Keller并没有参加当时的研究,所以B项是错误的,故选B.38. C推理判断题。根据第八段And some historical records support their assumptions. In 1099 B.C, ancient writers recorded an earthquake in the capital of the

30、 Zhou Dynasty, in Shanxi Province,可知,三星堆文明的消失最有可能是来自于地震。故选C.39. A词意猜测题。根据上文Fan wondered whether an earthquake may have caused landslides that dammed the river high up in the mountains and rerouted it to Jinsha. That catastrophe may have reduced Sanxingduis water supply,(范和他的同事怀疑是否曾今发生过一次地震,导致滑坡,从而将高

31、山上的河流堵塞,迫使河流改道到金沙。那将导致三星堆的水供给减少),所以可以猜出:这迫使其居民搬迁。划线词spurring是A. Forcing(迫使)的意思,故选A.40. C推理判断题。本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了1929年,四川一个农民在距离成都40公里处发现了一些玉石工艺品,它们是来自一个迷失的文明,即现在所谓的三星堆文明。故选C.【名师点睛】猜测词义题是考试必考题,也是难点之所在。但是如果我们掌握方法,难点也会变易。猜测词义题的常见解题方法有:1、根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测;2、根据同位关系进行猜测;3、根据构词法(合成、派生、转化等)进行猜测;4、根据因果关系进行猜测;5、根据上

32、下文的指代关系进行猜测;6、根据同义关系进行猜测;7、根据转折或对比关系进行猜测;8、通过上下文理解猜测词义。 其中第8条通过上下文理解猜测词义用得最多。第4题词意猜测题。根据对上文Fan wondered whether an earthquake may have caused landslides that dammed the river high up in the mountains and rerouted it to Jinsha. That catastrophe may have reduced Sanxingduis water supply,(范和他的同事怀疑是否曾今发

33、生过一次地震,导致滑坡,从而将高山上的河流堵塞,迫使河流改道到金沙。那将导致三星堆的水供给减少)的理解,所以可以猜出:这迫使其居民搬迁。划线词spurring是A. Forcing(迫使)的意思,故选A.22. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some students wish that they could always see the smiles on their teachers faces. 71_ why do teachers seldom smile, especially in class?I believe all the

34、 people, including teachers, want to smile in their daily life. Teachers teach us from morning till evening every day, which is difficult. It is because of teachers hard work that we students can know a lot about different fields. Nevertheless, some students do not study hard, which makes teachers u

35、nhappy. 72_What is more, other students do not listen carefully in class. Instead, they sometimes talk, make faces, look outside or do some other things not related to their study. They do not work hard, and often make teachers angry. Can teachers smile in these cases? Of course not. 73_The first an

36、d most important thing is that you must put your heart and mind in your study. That means you should listen to your teachers carefully in class. Try your best to grasp what is taught in class.74_If you have any difficulty, you can turn to your teachers or classmates for help.Last but not the least,

37、try to talk with your teachers in your free time. Also, when your teachers are ill, they need your care. Some of your words may make them smile.75_ A. As a result, teachers cant wear smiles on their faces.B. If you can do as I tell you to, your teachers will then often smile.C. In my opinion, if you

38、 want to make teachers smile, you must do the following things.D. However, instead of the smiling faces, they usually see the cold, even freezing faces of teachers.E. Smile are of great importance to not only us but also our teachersF. Second, go over what you have learned after class and finish your homework on time. G . Remember to smile at life however hard it is.参考答案:DACFB略

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