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1、2022年浙江省宁波市城南中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. I like _in the early morning when the air is fresh and I can take a walk around the garden. A. that B. it C. which D. what参考答案:B2. When can I come for the computer? I need it next Tuesday. It _ be repaired by next Monday afternoon.A. can B. should C. might D. need参

2、考答案:B3. Jonathan received a promotion to the role of assistant manager and was the youngest person to _ that post in this international company.A. adopt B. seekC. occupy D. arrange参考答案:C4. News came that nine miners still _ in the mine. A. were laid trapped B. were laid trappingC. lay trappedD. lay

3、being trapped.参考答案:C5. the bad weather, most of the crops are rotted away.A. As the result of B. As a result ofC. As a matter of fact D. As a result参考答案:B6. The flowers will die soon unless often _.A. watering B. to waterC. water D. watered参考答案:D7. Its said that the lack of gravity on the moon makes

4、 _ to jump 30 feet or more.A. it possible B. possible C. impossible D. it possibility参考答案:A8. It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.A. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being built参考答案:D9. There is no need_and its no use_there too early.Ato

5、 rush;arriving Bto worry;to arriveCworrying;arriving Dto rush;to arrive参考答案:A24、-Whats your opinion to the plan?-I it. It is not practical.A. keep to B. turn to C. object to D. appeal to参考答案:C略11. Mr. Putin told CNN in an interview that the United States should not _ in Russias internal affairs.A. i

6、nterpret B. interrupt C. interfere D. interact参考答案:C12. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blameC. is to be blamed D. should blame参考答案:A13. You have no right to take away the umbrella. It belongs to the store that _it.A. takes possession of B. takes n

7、otes of C. take the place of D. take hold of参考答案:A14. Today, well discuss a number of cases _parents have much difficulty in communicating with their children.A. which B. that C. where D. why参考答案:C略15. I waved to Nancy, but she was _ in her thoughts, and made no response.A. involved B. stuck C. abso

8、rbed D. interested参考答案:C16. To be honest, we that there have been dreadful mistakes and inexcusable mistreatment in the past, but we have learned a lot from them. A. appreciate B. accumulate C. assess D. acknowledge 参考答案:D17. Do you mind if I smoke? _.A. Why not? B. Yes, help yourself. C. Go ahead!

9、D. No, but youd better not.参考答案:D18. It was only when I reread this novel recently I began to understand its real meaning AuntilBthenCthat Dso参考答案:C二、 短文改错19. 短文改错(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误。每句最多两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线

10、,并在该词下面写出修改正后的词。注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Yesterday my friends or I visited a model high school. We start our visit from the main building. First we went to the lab building there some students were doing experiments. Then we entered in the lecture hall behind the lab building and saw

11、many students listen to a lecture given a professor. Opposite to the lecture hall was the art center. There they watched groups of students playing musical instrument. At the playground some boys were playing the football. It was so exciting that we couldnt help cheering for them. It was really a im

12、pressive visit. 参考答案:Yesterday my friends or I visited a model high school. We start our visit from the and startedmain building. First we went to the lab building there some students were doing whereexperiments. Then we entered in the lecture hall behind the lab building and saw many students liste

13、n to a lecture given a professor. Opposite to the lecture hall was listening bythe art center. There they watched groups of students playing musical instrument. At we instrumentsthe playground some boys were playing the football. It was so exciting that we couldnt help cheering for them. It was real

14、ly a impressive visit. an20. 改错题(10分)Our class hold a class meeting to discuss whether it is good or not for middle school students to surf the Internet. As the development of society, computers are used widely nowadays. Surfing the Internet is only a good way we can get more informations, but also

15、it is convenient to communicate with others. Therefore, not all the students agree to this opinion. They think it is harmful to spend much time play computer games. It is really waste of time and money, that has a bad effect on us. In my opinion we should limit my time of surfing the Internet as mid

16、dle school student.参考答案:略三、 阅读理解21. With an increasing number of people going outside on holidays, leading global travel search site T has selected three family friendly destinations for you to explore.QueenslandYou can dive at the Great Barrier Reef and appreciate the creatures in the sea, or take

17、a ship from Brisbane to discover Moreton Island with wild dolphins providing an escort (护送).A hot air balloon ride will provide a birds eye view of Queensland and allow you to enjoy an amazing sunrise. A road trip around Fraser Island is well worth it with rainforests, freshwater lakes, and a divers

18、e range of bats and birds guaranteeing an unforgettable scene.Los AngelesThe children, and young at heart, will love it! After exploring Disneyland Park, with its many attractions, an exciting adventure awaits at the Universal Studios Hollywood. The theme park allows you to experience world-class ri

19、des, such as King Kong 360 3-D and Transformers: The Ride-3D. As you catch your breath afterwards you can take photos with film characters Minions from the Hollywood blockbuster, like Despicable Me.Jeju IslandHalla Mountain is the highest in South Korea and the area around it is a national park. You

20、 can have a bite in a restaurant or teahouse halfway up the mountain to give you more energy.Another place worth visiting is Jeju Mini Mini Land, which hosts more than 100 miniature versions of the worlds most iconic (标志性的) structures, including Beijings Forbidden City and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

21、The Teddy Bear Museum exhibits lovely bears from all over the world, which are shown in different scenes and themes such as Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa.21. If your kids want to get close to nature, he probably will visit _.A. the Universal Studios Hollywood B. the Great Barrier Reef C. Teddy Bear M

22、useum D. Jeju Mini Mini Land22. What can you do in the Universal Studios Hollywood?A. Enjoy an amazing sunrise. B. Go to the Teddy Bear Museum.C. Climb the Halla Mountain. D. Experience world-class rides.23. Where does the passage most probable come from?A. A tourist map. B. A library guide. C. A ne

23、ws report. D. A science textbook.参考答案:BDA22. Scotland has long been characterized as a land of romance.It contains ruins of many ancient castles and abbeys,and there is an attractive beauty in its mountains,long deep valleys,and ribbon lakes.Each year those things attract a great number of tourists.

24、Numerous islands line the coast.In the north are two large groups,the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands.Close to the west coast are the Inner and Outer Hebrides groups,and the islands of Arran and Bute.The land may be divided into three regions: the Highlands in the north,the Central Lowlands

25、and the Southern Uplands.The Highlands are wild and picturesque(如画的)A long valley called Glenmore crosses the Highlands from southwest to northeast.In the south of the Highlands are the Grampian Mountains,highest in the British Isles.Ben Nevis,the highest peak,rises to 1,243 meters.Ben Lomond rises

26、from the shore of Loch Lomond,Scotlands largest freshwater lake.The Central Lowlands run from southwest to northeast and the greatest length is nearly 145 kilometers.The soil here is fertile,and there are four coalfields underlying the area.In the east is Edinburgh,Scotlands historic capital city,an

27、d in the west is Glasgow.Almost 90 percent of Scotlands population live in the Lowlands.In the Southern Uplands,the hills are generally less than 600 meters high.Their rounded or flat tops are often capped with dark peat(泥炭)Along the slopes are plants like grass and heather(石南花)32. According to the

28、text,all the following things attract many tourists to Scotland EXCEPT _.Aruins of ancient castles and abbeysBmountains and valleysCvarious animals and plantsDribbon lakes33From the passage we know that _.AScotlands islands mainly lie in the northBthe Highlands have rich soilCBen Lomond is near Scot

29、lands largest freshwater lakeDthe Shetland Islands lie on the west coast of Scotland34Most Scottish people live in _.Athe Highlands Bthe Central lowlandsKS5UKS5UKS5UCthe Southern Uplands Dthe Orkney Islands35The authors aim of writing this passage is _.Ato attract people to visit ScotlandBto describe the beautiful scenery of ScotlandCto show people the history of ScotlandDto introduce Scotland generally参考答案:32.C33.C34.B35.D

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