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1、四川省南充市江南中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. he lives in a large flat and owns much money, he doesnt seem as happy as before.A. While B. Whether C. Unless D. Before 参考答案:A2. Believe it or not, the video The Little Apple_in China, and the past few months _its popularity.A. was caught on; have seen B. caught on;

2、has seenC. was caught on; saw D. has caught on; saw参考答案:B【考查方向】考查时态的用法。句意:信不信由你,小苹果的视频在中国开始很流行,并且过去的几个月见证了它的流行。根据题干关键词the past few months判断第二空应用现在完成时,第一空catch on开始流行,应是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时。故选B。3. You can make a complaint to the local government _ you are happy with the way they deal with the matter.A. un

3、less B. if C. once D. as参考答案:A4. “To meet peoples desire for _ happy life is our mission,” Xi Jingping said to the press after he was elected _general secretary and chairman.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; D. ; the参考答案:C5. When I said that someone didnt work hard in our class, I was not _ you.A. picking o

4、utB. referring toC. taking outD. sticking to参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意: 当我说我们班里有人不努力学习时,我指的不是你。A. picking out挑选;B. referring to指的是;C. taking out取出,得到;D. sticking to坚持,根据句意,B项符合题意。故选B项。6. If you ask Chinese which city has the heaviest traffic in China, the answer is sure to be Shanghai.A. some B. every C.

5、 any D. each参考答案:C7. -How can I make progress in my study, Sir?-_ an effective leaner, you should find some good approaches. A. Being B. Having been C. To have been D. To be. 参考答案:D8. The hikers made marks on the way _ they wouldnt get lost in the mountain. A. as if B. so thatC. even though D. in ca

6、se参考答案:B试题解析:考查连词。Aas if好象;Bso that因此;Ceven though即使;Din case 以防;句意:远足者在沿路做好标记为的是不在山里迷路。根据句意可知选B项。9. One of our rules is that every student_wear the school uniform while at schoolAmight Bcould Cshall Dwill参考答案:C10. 75% of the students _that the number of private cars _ increasing rapidly. A. agree;

7、are B. agrees; is C. agrees; are D. agree; is参考答案:D11. The Belt and Road run through Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the East Asia economic circle at one end and European economic circle at _.A. another B. the other C. others D. the others参考答案:B句意:“一带一路”穿越亚洲、欧洲和非洲,一端连接东亚经济带,另一端连接欧洲经济圈。题干中的road只有

8、两个end,表示两个中的另一个用the other,故选B。【举一反三】other/others/the other/the others/another的区别: (1)如果不特定指出哪一个,是泛指,“另一个”要用another, 后加可数名词单数。If you are still thirsty, you may have another cup of tea. (没特定指出哪一杯茶,是泛指。cup是单数。) (2)如果只有两个或只有两部分,就给出了范围,其中另一个或另一部分是特指 (other前有the.),有如下用法: 第一种,所说内容只有两个: Mrs. Green has two s

9、ons, one is interested in math, the other (one / son) is good at science. 【只有两个,用the other, 不加s, 后面名词可省略。】 又如:This pair of shoes is strange. One is blue, yet the other is green. 这双鞋子很怪,一只蓝色,而另一只绿色。 第二种,只有两部分:此种情况下the other后接可数名词复数,或不接名词而只在the other后加s. Two fifths of the students in our class are boy

10、s, the other students are girls / the others are girls. Two children went, but the others stayed. (其他孩子都留下了。) (3)如果没有显示出只有两部分,未给出范围,则是泛指,不加the. Lei Feng liked helping other people / others. Have you any other questions? Alice didnt like that dress, so she asked to see some others. 4other的另一用法:用比较级的形

11、式,体现最高级的含义。 He is taller than any other boy in his class. (划线中boy用单数) = He is taller than all the other boys in his class. (划线中boy用复数) 他比班里任何男孩都高(他是班里男孩中最高的)。 another也可+数字+可数复数:The meeting will last another two hours. / We need another six desks12. We ought to keep from all bad habits and try to for

12、m such habits _will prove good for ourselves and othersAas Bthat Cwhich Dwhat参考答案:A13. _ a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!A. Entering B. Enter C. To enter D. Entered参考答案:C14. _ difficulty, you can reach me at this number. Im always at your service. A. In favor of B. In

13、terms of C. In case of D. In spite of 参考答案:C15. Hello!May I speak to Jack, please? Yes, speaking. Oh, I _ your voice at first. A. dont recognize. B. didnt recognize. C. hadnt recognized. D. havent recognized.参考答案:B略16. _ is known to us all, _ water and air are harmful to peoples health. A. That; pol

14、luting B. Which; being polluted C. As; polluted D. It; to pollute参考答案:C17. All is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A. what is needed B. for our needsC. the thing needed D. that is needed参考答案:D11. David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature_ he chose the co

15、urse.A. that B. what C. why D. how参考答案:A略二、 短文改错19. 请找出下列短文中的错误。改错格式(要求)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。 When left college, Daisy got a good work in a company. But after shehad been worked there for some years, she

16、decided to change. So she put notice in several newspapers and said what experience she had and the kind of job she would like to have. One of the answer she accepted was from a man was looking for a job, too. This man wroteto her:“ madam, when you get a new job, be kind enough to give your nameand

17、address to your present boss as I have been trying to find a position as yours for a long time.” After she read the letter, she suddenly realized that which she had done was real foolish.参考答案:1. left改为leaving 2. had been worked 中去掉been 3. put notice改为put a notice 4. answer改为answers 5. accepted改为rece

18、ived 6. man后加who 7. give your的your改为my 8. as yours中的as改为like 9. which改为what 10. real改为really20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Chaparral Midd

19、le School is a public school in California, that was opened in 1976. We serve approximate 1350 students in grades 6-8 now. Regular school hours are from 7:45 am to 1:55 pm. Chaparral offers different learned programs all centered around student success and achievement, as evidenced by the honors fro

20、m that we have received throughout the years. Our school was honoring as a California Distinguished School in 1994. Many another programs make Chaparral Middle School an unique place of learning. One example was our outdoor education program. These experience give students the opportunity have memor

21、able learning practice.参考答案:Chaparral Middle School is a public school in California, that was opened in 1976. We serve which approximate 1350 students in grades 6-8 now. Regular school hours are from 7:45 am to 1:55 pm. approximatelyChaparral offers different learned programs all centered around st

22、udent success and achievement, learningas evidenced by the honors from that we have received throughout the years. Our school was 去掉honoring as a California Distinguished School in 1994. Many another programs make Chaparral honored otherMiddle School an unique place of learning. One example was our

23、outdoor education program. a isThese experience give students the opportunity have memorable learning practice. experiences to 三、 阅读理解21. Dear Mr. Rupp,The day I met you was the first day of high school. We liked each other immediately. You gave me a lot of advice over the next four years, like how

24、I should get my ass to Berkeley where I belonged. Im still there, by the way. I wish you were still around, too.I remember your laugh, which would start with a rough guffaw(狂笑) and end with a hacking smokers cough that would make even the most rebellious (叛逆的) teenager decide to lay off the cigarett

25、es. I remember the way you didnt lower your standards, yet still refused to give up on us. You were tough on us, and we were tough on you. Love is tough sometimes.The last time I wrote you a letter, it was 2005-four years after I graduated. I had just become a teacher, like you, and it had given me

26、a new appreciation for the work you did with countless high school students over the years.Its hard to say what Ill miss the most about you. There are simply too many memories to sort through those four years, and it hurts to think youll never read this letter. I want to believe that you knew how mu

27、ch you meant to your family , your students, your community, and your colleagues, but that would be a lot of realization to handle, even for you.You changed the lives of everyone around you. Even now, you are reminding me to cherish life and its brevity and beauty, and to tell the people I love how

28、much they mean to me before it is too late.Dear teacher, dear mentor, and dear friend-I miss you and all that is about you. God bless you in Heaven. To infinity and beyond,Teresea25.What does the underlined phrase “lay off” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?A. likeB. get intoC. give outD. throw away

29、26.When did the author meet her teacher-Mr. Rupp? A. In 1997 B. In 2001 C. In 2005 D. In 200927. Why did the author write a letter to her teacher in 2005? A. She wanted to tell her teacher that she had become a teacher. B. She had some difficulties in study and needed her teachers help. C. She wante

30、d to be a teacher and needed her teachers instruction. D. She wanted to borrow some books from her teacher.28.When the author wrote this letter, her teacherMr. Rupp was_. A. about to die B. seriously ill C. dead D. in good shape参考答案:25.D26.A27.A28.C【名师点睛】推理判断题的解题方法 :推理判断题不仅要求考生读懂文章中的每个句子的意思还要推理它们之间的

31、关系,结合自己的生活常识和经验,再通过逻辑推理和判断,理解文章的言外之意,从而揭示文章的深层涵义。比如文章第26小题根据文中提到的时间You gave me a lot of advice over the next four years, 和The last time I wrote you a letter, it was 2005-four years after I graduated.可知作者1997年遇到了老师-Mr. Rupp,在一起相处4年2001年毕业。故选A. 第28小题根据文章最后Dear teacher, dear mentor, and dear friend-I m

32、iss you and all that is about you. God bless you in Heaven.可知老师已经去世,作者希望在天堂上帝保佑老师。故选C.任何一篇文章都有其特定的写作目的,读者应当知道如何去做或按照某种方式传递思考问题。推理判断题的答案不可能在文章中直接找到,因此推理时我们务必要忠于原文,在文章中寻找并确定可推论的依据,即:已知部分推论的前提,从中推测出未知部分推理的结论,切忌妄加评论,把自己的观点当成作者的观点。22. A lady and her husband stepped off the train in BostonThey walked with

33、out an appointment into the outer office of Harvards presidentBut they were stopped by his secretary and kept waitingFor hours,the secretary took no notice of them,hoping that the couple would finally become disappointed and go awayBut they didntThe secretary finally decided to disturb the president

34、,though unwillinglyA few minutes later,the president walked towards the couple with a cold faceThe lady told him,We had a son that attended Harvard for one yearHe loved HarvardHe was happy hereBut about a year ago,he was accidentally killedMy husband and I would like to set up a memorial (纪念物) to hi

35、m,somewhere on campusThe president wasnt movedInstead,he was shockedMadam,he said,we cant put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and diedIf we did,this people would look like a cemetery(墓地)Oh,no,the lady explained quickly,We dont want to put up a statueWe would like to give a buildi

36、ng to HarvardThe president rolled his eyes and glanced at the couple and then exclaimed,A building!Do you have any idea how much a building costs?We have spent over7,500,000 on the campus building at HarvardFor a moment the lady was silentThe president was p leased,because he could get rid of them n

37、owThen the lady turned to her husband and said quietlyIs that all it costs to start a university?Why dont we just start our own?Her husband noddedSince their offer was turned downMr,and Mrs Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their name,a memorial to a son th

38、at Harvard no longer cared about1According to the first paragraph,we know thatAThe headmaster knew the couple would come to his officeBThe couple saw the president very smoothlyCThe secretary was willing to help the coupleDThe couple didnt become disappointed2What was the purpose of the couple when

39、they came to see the president?AThey wanted to tell their sons story BThey loved the schoolCThey wanted to do something to honor his son DThey were invited three3After the couple were refused,what did they do?AThey were very angry BThey said nothingCThey built a university DThey donated over7,500,00

40、0 to the school参考答案:1D2C3C本文叙述了Stanford夫妇两人想在自己儿子曾经就读的学校建一个纪念碑,并同时搞建设支援学校,但是遭到了拒绝,于是两人就去了加利福尼亚在那里建了自己的学校,实现了他们的愿望1D细节理解题根据第一段For hours,the secretary took no notice of them,hoping that the couple would finally become disappointed and go away可知Stanford夫妇并没有因为长时间的等待而失望;故选D2C细节理解题根据第二段中Stanford夫人的话But a

41、bout a year ago,he was accidentally killedMy husband and I would like to set up a memorial (纪念物) to him,somewhere on campus可知,他们来找校长是想在学校里为孩子留点纪念物故选C3C细节理解题根据最后一段中的Since their offer was turned downMr,and Mrs Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their name,a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about可知,当Stanford夫妇的请求被拒绝后,他们自己在加利福尼亚建立了一所大学故选C

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