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1、河南省开封市兰考县第二高级中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ in charge of the shopping centre has upset him for quite some time.A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave参考答案:B2. A man passing by sent me to a nearby hospital, and _ his help, I received the medical treatment in time.A. according toB. regardless ofC. a

2、long withD. thanks to 参考答案:D3. Your work would be much better _ you are always in such a hurry.A. when B. becauseC. once D. unless参考答案:D试题分析:句意:你的工作会做的更好如果你不是那么地匆忙的话。when当时候;because因为;once一旦;unless如果不。根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考常考的语法项目,主要考查的是它们的用法及意义,还需正确理解句意及正确分析句子的成分才能做出正确的判断。即学即练:_ installed, this

3、 heater operates automatically.A. Why B. Because C. Once D. Unless解析:C。句意:一旦安装好以后,这加热器就会自动地运行。4. The doctors new scientific research has greatly _ to our understanding of this unknown but deadly disease. A. concluded B. contributed C. constructed D. accomplished参考答案:B5. The mobile phone text message

4、s are one of the key communication styles now regular letters. A. in place of B. in place C. in the place of D. in the place 参考答案:A6. How about taking _ short rest? I want to make _ call A a;a Ba;the Cthe;the D the;a 参考答案:A略7. -Can we get the computer before Wednesday?- _. If it is within 30 kilomet

5、ers, we can make it, but if further away, it will be on Thursday. A. I dont know for sure B. Well, that all dependsC. Its up to you, sir D. Theres no rush 参考答案:C8. “It is such a nice place.” Mother said as she sat at the table _ for customers.A. to be reserved B. having reserved C .reserving D. rese

6、rved参考答案:D9. In order to the audience rating, Hunan TV and Jiangsu TV turned their New Years Party into a star show.A. removeB. guaranteeC. recognizeD. ignore参考答案:B10. There is _ evidence that acupuncture began during _Stone Age.A.不填, the B. an, the C. the, 不填 D. 不填, 不填参考答案:A11. We were cut off from

7、 the outside world by the sudden earthquake; whats worse, our food_. A. was run out B. was running out C. has run out of D. has been run out 参考答案:B12. _to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. A. Having been askedB. Being askedC. Having askedD. To be asked参考答案:A13. Where are you liv

8、ing now? In Chicago. But I _ in New York for 3 years.A. have lived B. had lived C. had been living D. lived参考答案:D14. She just couldnt believe that her husband, to whom she had been loyal for so many years, _ desert her after he became rich. A. might B. should C. shall D. must 参考答案:B 15. Mo Yan, the

9、Nobel Prize winner for literature, _ the conventional writing style and advocates his unique way of writing. A. improves B. abandons C. drags D. conserves参考答案:B16. Where did you make your first appointment with Harry?It was in the Disneyland Park in Hong Kong he served as a department manager.Athat

10、BwhichCfrom whichDwhere参考答案:D考查强调句中的定语从句。这是一句省略了that部分的强调句,补充完整为:It was in the Disneyland Park in Hong Kong where he served as a department manager that I made my first appointment with Harry.句中where he served as a department manager作定语修饰Disneyland Park.17. You cant imagine that the mayor who led a

11、simple life _ be a person guilty of corruption(贪污犯).Amight Bneed Cshould Dwould参考答案:C18. Body language can be very useful when people dont share a _spoken language.Howerer,body language can sometimes be_.A.common;ambiguous B.same; ambiguous C.usual,explicit D.common;rigid参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏

12、字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I used to feel sleepy in class and I couldnt focus to my lessons. As a result, not only did I do badly in our studies, but also my health went from bad to worse, for that I was often scolded by m

13、y parents. I decide to change my situation. Half a year ago, followed my teachers advice, I began to join some sports activities. I now play the basketball for 45 minutes every day. My health has improved, but at the same time, Ive made lots of progresses in my studies. Physical exercise has changed

14、 me into an entire new person.参考答案:I used to feel sleepy in class and I couldnt focus to my lessons. As a result, not only did I do onbadly in our studies, but also my health went from bad to worse, for that I was often scolded my whichby my parents. I decide to change my situation. Half a year ago,

15、 followed my teachers decided followingadvice, I began to join some sports activities. I now play the basketball for 45 minutes in 去掉every day. My health has improved, but at the same time, Ive made lots of progresses and progressin my studies. Physical exercise has changed me into an entire new per

16、son. entirely试题分析:通过体育锻炼,上课不再困,集中精力在学习上。1. to改为on 固定词组:focus on集中精力在-,故把to改为on。2.our改为my 根据句意可知是:我的作业。故把our改为my。6.在join后加in join in sth.参加某项活动,故在join后加in。7.去掉play 后的the play basketball打篮球,故去掉play 后的the。8.but改为and 句意:我的健康已经提高,同时我的学习取得了很大的进步。此处表示递进的并列关系,故把but改为and。9.progresses改为progress progress是不可数名词

17、,故把progresses改为progress。10.entire改为entirely 副词修饰形容词,故把entire改为entirely。20. 下列各题均有一处错误,请将错误选项的字母标号在括号内,并将改正后的正确答案填在横线上。66. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as many as the nurses. A B C D ( )_67. The hot weather was lasted for the whole month of June. A B C D ( )_68. Have you ever been windsu

18、rfing? Its really a good fun. A B C D ( )_69. She celebrated me warmly on my exam results. A B C D ( )_70. His ideas are coming back into fashional. A B C D ( )_71. She is concerned in how little food I eat. A B C D ( )_72. My teeth are really sensitive with hot and cold. A B C D ( )_73. Thats the m

19、an whom house has burned down. A B C D ( )_74. To our great surprised , they reached the top of the mountain only in three days. A B C D ( )_75. The film made him frightening very much. A B C D ( )_参考答案:66. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as many as the nurses. A B C D ( C )_much_67. The h

20、ot weather was lasted for the whole month of June. A B C D ( B )_was_68. Have you ever been windsurfing? Its really a good fun. A B C D ( C )_a_69. She celebrated me warmly on my exam results. A B C D ( A )_congratulated_70. His ideas are coming back into fashional. A B C D ( D )_fashion_71. She is

21、concerned in how little food I eat. A B C D ( B )_about_72. My teeth are really sensitive with hot and cold. A B C D ( D )_to_73. Thats the man whom house has burned down. A B C D ( A )_whose_74. To our great surprised , they reached the top of the mountain only in three days. A B C D ( B )_surprise

22、_75. The film made him frightening very much. A B C D ( C )_frightened_三、 阅读理解21. Whats going on under Liverpool?A Rainy Day in LiverpoolDark clouds appear over the River Mersey and a cold wind is blowing. A few rain drops are beginning to fall. Were in the famous city of Liverpool and were going to

23、 spend this rainy day in the Williamson Tunnels.An Interesting Life StoryJoseph Williamson was born into a poor family in 1769,but left home and went to work for a tobacco company aged 11. He began at the bottom, and finally became head of the business.An Unsolved MysteryNobody knows why Williamson

24、dug tunnels under most of Liverpool, but many think it was to create jobs. Perhaps half of Liverpools population worked for him. The industry of war had made enormous amounts of money, but now Liverpool was in a terrible financial situation.The King of Edge HillI went on a guided tour starting close

25、 to where his empire began in Edge Hill. In the tunnels, the steps leading from rooms below ground to those buildings, which no longer exist, seem particularly ghostly.Incredible EngineeringWe go into the Double Tunnel. Its just been discovered that its actually a triple tunnel - but nobody knows wh

26、y the three tunnels were built on top of each other.We finish the tour and decide well have a coffee in the Williamson Tunnels Cafe Bar. There, I notice lots of flyers for bands and theater groups that are coming to play there.Why Liverpool?Apart from the obvious attractions like the football clubs,

27、 or anything to do with the Beatles, Liverpool has a lot to offer. Princes Park and Croxteth Park were royal hunting grounds and the trees are 200 years old. Renshaw Street displays are an unusual mix of architecture styles. The nightlife is exciting. If you want to experience a part of the British

28、Isles with a character entirely different from London, you should definitely come to Liverpool.1. Which of the following is TRUE about Joseph Williamson?A. He was born in the early 1700s.B. He left home when he turned 18.C. He worked for a tobacco company when he was young.D. He started his business

29、 by himself but ended up broke.2. Where did Williamson start his business?A. Princes Park. B. Edge Hill.C. Croxteth Park. D. Renshaw Street.3. What can you do in Liverpool?a. Join football clubs.b. Enjoy Beatles music.c. Visit famous tourist spots.d. Enjoy the beautiful beach.A. abd B. bcdC. acd D.

30、abc参考答案:1. C 2. B 3. D本文介绍里利物浦的现状,作者以导游的视角讲述了利物浦的天气,以及生意人Joseph Williamson在利物浦发生的故事,他在利物浦建设的“帝国”,以及挖隧道的不解之谜,最后还介绍了利物浦吸引人的地方。如足球队、皇家狩猎区、与甲壳虫乐队有关的东西等等,并邀请人们来利物浦游玩。2. 细节理解题。根据文中“I went on a guided tour starting close to where his empire began in Edge Hill.”可知,他是在Edge Hill开始他的生意的。故选B。3. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可以

31、得知,作者提到了“ the football clubs”、“the Beatles”、以及“ Princes Park ”和“Croxteth Park ”这些著名景点,但却没有介绍海滩,故选D。22. My father had returned from his business visit to London when I came in, rather late, to supper. I could tell at once that he and my mother had been discussing something. In that half- playful, hal

32、f-serious way I knew so well, he said, How would you like to go to Eton? You bet, I cried quickly catching the joke. Everyone knew it was the most expensive, the most famous of schools. You had to be entered at birth, if not before. Besides, even at 12 or 13, I. understood my father. He disliked any

33、 form of showing off. He always knew his proper station in life, which was in the middle of the middle class; our house was medium-sized; he had avoided joining Royal Liverpool Golf Club and went to a smaller one instead; though once he had got a second-hand Rolls-Royce at a remarkably low price, he

34、 felt embarrassed driving it, and quickly changed it for an Austin 1100. This could only be his delightful way of telling me that the whole boarding school idea was to be dropped. Alas ! I should also have remembered that he had a liking for being different from everyone else, if it did not conflict

35、 with his fear of drawing attention to himself. It seemed that he had happened to be talking to Graham Brown of the London office, a very nice fellow, and Craham had a friend who had just entered his boy at the school, and while he was in that part of the world he thought he might just as well phone

36、 them. I remember my eyes stinging(剌痛) and my hands shaking with the puzzlement of my feelings. There was excitement, at the heart of great sadness. Oh, he doesnt want to go away , said my mother, You shouldnt go on like this. Its up to him, said my father. He can make up his own mind. 21. How did t

37、he author react to the idea of going to Eton? A. He didnt believe it. B. He was very unhappy. C. He was delighted. D. He had mixed feelings.22. From the text, we can know that Eden is _. A. a famous school B. an expensive car C. one of the authors friends D. one of the fathers colleagues23. Paragrap

38、h 2 mainly tells us_ . A. about their living conditions B. about the authors grades C. what the authors father is like D. how hard the authors father works24. From the text we can know that the authors father enjoyed being different as long as _ A. it drew attention to him B. there was no danger of showing off C. he was not involved in any arguments D. it was understood as a joke参考答案:DACB

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