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1、国际贸易英文名词解释 International Trade(国际贸易)International trade is the international exchange of goods and services between countries.This type of trade gives rise to a world economy,in which prices,or supply and demand,affect and are affected by global events.Free Trade(自由贸易)The main idea of free trade is

2、that supply and demand factors,operating on a global scale,will ensure that production happens efficiently.Therefore,nothing needs to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically.Protectionism(贸易保护主义)In contrast,protectionism holds that regulation of internation

3、al trade is important to ensure that markets function properly.Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly.Production Possibilities Curve/Frontier(生产可能性曲线/边界)A Production Possibilities Frontie

4、r is a graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce,given the available factors of production and the existing technology.Opportunity Cost(机会成本)Opportunity Cost means whatever must be given up to obtain some item.Supply Curve(供给曲线)A Supply Curve is a grap

5、h that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied.Demand Curve(需求曲线)A Demand Curve is a graph that describes the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded.Excess Supply Curve(出口供给曲线)Because Excess Supply is a situation in which quantity supp

6、lied is greater than quantity demanded,Excess Supply Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the available quantity for export of a product.Excess Supply Curve can be derived from subtracting a supply curve with a corresponding demand curve.Excess Demand C

7、urve(进口需求曲线)Because Excess Demand is a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied,Excess Demand Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the desirable quantity for import of a product.Excess Demand Curve can be derived from subtr

8、acting a demand curve with a corresponding supply curve.Consumer Surplus(消费者剩余)Consumer Surplus means a buyers willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually pays.Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market.Producer Surplus(生产者剩余)Producer Surplus is the amoun

9、t a seller is paid for a good minus the sellers cost.Producer surplus measures the benefit to sellers of participating in a market.Economies of Scale(规模经济)Economies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost falls as the quantity of output increases.Diseconomies of Scale(规模不经济)Dis

10、economies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost rises as the quantity of output increases.Constant Returns to Scale(规模报酬不变)Constant Returns to Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost stays the same as the quantity of output changes.Indifference Curve(无差异曲线)

11、Indifference Curve is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction.The Gravity Model(引力模型)In its basic form,the gravity model assumes that only size and distance(经济规模和距离)are important for trade in the following way:Tij=A x Yi x Yj/Dij 两国之间的贸易规模与经济规模成正比

12、,与两国之间的距离成反比。Service Outsourcing(服务外包)Service outsourcing occurs when a firm that provides services moves its operations to a foreign location.(服务外包是指一个企业将原本由自己提供的服务转移给国外供应商。)Mercantilism(重商主义)Belief that nation could become rich and powerful only by exporting more than it imported.Mercantilists mea

13、sured wealth of a nation by stock of precious metals it possessed Absolute Advantage(绝对优势)A nation has absolute advantage over another nation if it can produce a commodity more efficiently.When one nation has absolute advantage in production of a commodity,but an absolute disadvantage with respect t

14、o the other nation in a second commodity,both nations can gain by specializing in their absolute advantage good and exchanging part of the output for the commodity of its absolute disadvantage.Comparative Advantage(比较优势)Even if one nation is less efficient than(has absolute disadvantage with respect

15、 to)the other nation in production of both commodities,there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.Production Possibilities(生产可能性)The production possibility frontier(PPF)of an economy shows the maximum amount of a goods that can be produced for a fixed amount of resources.Factor Endowment(要

16、素禀赋)the overall amount of productive factors,such as capital,labor,and land,available to one nation.Factor Abundance(要素丰裕度)There are two ways to define factor abundance.One way is in terms of physical units(i.e.,in terms of the overall amount of capital and labor available to each nation).Another wa

17、y is in terms of relative factor price(i.e.,in terms of the rental price of capital and the price of labor time in each nation).Factor Intensity(要素密集度)In a world of two commodities(X and Y)and two factors(labor and capital),at any given wage-interest,we say that commodity Y is capital intensive if t

18、he capital-labor ratio(K/L)used in the production of Y is greater than K/L used in the production of X.Heckscher-OhlinTheorem(H-O 定理)An economy is predicted to export goods that are intensive in its abundant factors of production and import goods that are intensive in its scarce factors of productio

19、n.(一个国家将出口密集使用其相对丰富要素的商品,进口密集使用其相对稀缺要素的商品。)Stolper-Samuelson theorem(S-S定理):长期内,出口产品生产部门密集使用的生产要素(本国的充裕要素)的报酬提高;进口产品生产中密集使用的生产要素(本国的稀缺要素)的报酬下降。The factor price equalization theorem(要素价格均等化定理)Because relative output prices are equalized and because of the direct relationship between output prices and

20、 factor prices,factor prices are also equalized.(由于产品价格和要素价格的一一对应关系,贸易后,产品相对价格的趋同会导致土地和劳动的相对价格的趋同)Economies of scale(规模经济)Economies of scale could mean either that larger firms or a larger industry is more efficient:the cost per unit of output falls as a firm or industry increases output.Internal ec

21、onomies of scale(内部规模经济)Internal economies of scale occur when the cost per unit of output depends on the size of a firm.(随着工厂或企业规模的扩大,单位产品成本下降。)External economies of scale(外部规模经济)External economies of scale occur when cost per unit of output depends on the size of the industry.(是指行业规模经济,由于行业内企业数量的增

22、加和产业集聚所引起的产业规模的扩大,使行业中的单个企业获得单位成本下降的好处。)Monopolistic competition(垄断竞争)Monopolistic competition is a model of an imperfectly competitive industry(垄断竞争是一个不完全竞争产业模式)Inter-industry Trade(产业间贸易)Trade occurs only between industries(贸易只在产业之间发生)Intra-industry Trade(产业内贸易)Trade occurs within the industry(由于产

23、品的多样化或经济规模的扩大等原因,贸易在产业内发生)Index of intra-industrial trade,IIT(产业内贸易指数)表示产业内贸易在国际贸易中所占比重,用来衡量产业内贸易的发展程度。Dumping(倾销)Dumping is the practice of charging a lower price for exported goods than for goods sold domestically.Dumping is an example of price discrimination(价格歧视):the practice of charging differe

24、nt customers different prices.倾销的前提条件:imperfect competition exists:firms are able to influence market prices.(不完全竞争的存在:企业能够影响价格)markets are segmented so that goods are not easily bought in one market and resold in another.and Anti-Dumping。(市场是分割的,以至于商品)Anti-Dumping(反倾销)Dumping(as well as price discr

25、imination in domestic markets)is widely regarded as unfair.(倾销被认为是一种不公平的贸易行为)The Commerce Department may impose an“anti-dumping duty(反倾销税),”or tax,as a precaution against possible injury.External Economies(外部经济)External economies:a country that has a large industry will have low average costs of pro

26、ducing that industrys good or service.(当规模经济存在于一个行业内部而不是单个厂商内部时,就被称作外部经济)Dynamic Increasing Returns(动态收益递增)Dynamic increasing returns to scale exist if average costs fall as cumulative output over time rises.(当平均成本随着累积产量而非当前产量的增加而下降的情形就是动态规模报酬递增)learning curve(学习曲线)A graphical representation of dyna

27、mic increasing returns to scale is called a learning curve(学习曲线).The efficiency case for free trade(自由贸易的效率).The first case for free trade is the argument that producers and consumers allocate resources most efficiently when governments do not distort market prices through trade policy.Political arg

28、ument for free trade(主张自由贸易的政治依据)Political argument for free trade,says that free trade is the best feasible political policy,even though there may be better policies in principle.The Terms of Trade Argument for a Tariff(赞成关税的贸易条件改善论)For a“large”country,a tariff or quota lowers the price of imports

29、in world markets and generates a terms of trade gain.In fact,a small tariff will lead to an increase in national welfare for a large country.The Optimum Tariff(最优关税)For a large country,there is an optimum tariff t0 at which the marginal gain from improved terms of trade just equals the marginal effi

30、ciency loss from production and consumption distortion.A tariff rate tp that completely prohibits imports leaves a country worse off,but tariff rate t0 may exist that maximizes national welfare:an optimum tariff.The Domestic Market Failure Argument Against Free Trade(反对自由贸易的国内市场失灵论)A second argument

31、 against free trade is that domestic market failures(国内市场失灵)may exist that cause free trade to be a suboptimal policy(次优政策).theory of the second best(次优理论)The domestic market failure argument against free trade is an example of a more general argument called the theory of the second best(次优理论).次优理论认

32、为,在任何一个市场上,只有所有其他市场都能正常发挥作用时,自由放任才是最理想的政策;如果不是这样,政府干预虽会扭曲市场激励,但有可能通过抵消市场失灵的影响而增加国家福利。Median Voter Theorem(中点选民理论)The median voter theorem predicts that democratic political parties may change their policies to court(争取)the voter in the middle of the ideological spectrum(意识形态范围)(i.e.,the median voter

33、).越接近中点选民意见的政策越能得到大多数选民的支持。Collective Action(集体行动)While consumers as a group have an incentive to advocate free trade,each individual consumer has no incentive because his benefit is not large compared to the cost and time required to advocate free trade.Policies that impose large losses for society

34、 as a whole but small losses on each individual may therefore not face strong opposition.国际贸易简答题 1.贸易引力模型的主要内容及运用。在其他条件不变的情况下,两个国家间的贸易与两国的国内生产总值成正比,与两国间的距离成反比。引力模型的重要用途之一就是有助于明确国际贸易中的异常现象。运用:贸易引力模型不是万能的,对于服务贸易和资本贸易领域验证效果不显著,对于商品贸易领域的验证效果显著。实例比较:中国与日本&中国与越南的商品贸易量对比(比较生产总值),中国与东盟&中国与美国的商品贸易量对比(比较距离)2.

35、重商主义、绝对优势理论、比较优势理论的贸易思想及贸易政策主张。重商主义认为,一个国家的财富由其拥有的贵金属代表,拥有的贵金属越多,这个国家就越富有。由于世界资源是有限的,因此,国与国之间的经济交往是一种零和博弈,即一方所得为另一方所失。对于国际贸易,贸易盈余是贸易所得,而贸易赤字为贸易所失,因此重商主义主张贸易要实现盈余。在当时的金属本位币制度下,贸易盈余意味着贵金属的流入,这将有助于缓解货币缺口。绝对优势理论:当两个国家生产两种商品,使用一种生产要素劳动时,如果刚好 A 国家在一种商品上劳动生产率高,B 国家在这种商品上劳动生产率低,则 A 国该商品生产上具有绝对优势。两国按各自的绝对优势进


37、生产同一产品的价格差来自于产品的成本差别,这种成本差别来自于生产过程中所使用的生产要素的价格差别,这种生产要素的价格差别则决定于该国各种生产要素的相对丰裕程度。一个国家供给相对多的生产要素,称为这个国家的充裕要素;供给相对少的要素,称为这个国家的稀缺要素。国际贸易收入分配效应的一般结论如下:一个国家充裕要素的所有者可以从贸易中获利,稀缺要素的所有者会因贸易而受损。5.H-O理论和 S-S定理的主要内容及其运用。H-O理论:一个国家将出口密集使用其相对丰富要素的商品,进口密集使用其相对稀缺要素的商品。S-S定理:长期内,出口产品生产部门密集使用的生产要素(本国的充裕要素)的报酬提高;进口产品生产

38、中密集使用的生产要素(本国的稀缺要素)的报酬下降。6.要素价格均等化定理的主要内容及要素价格均等化实现的前提条件。要素价格均等化定理:由于产品价格和要素价格的一一对应关系,贸易后,产品相对价格的趋同会导致土地和劳动的相对价格的趋同 前提条件:1 两个国家同时生产两种相同的产品;2 两国的技术水平相同;3 贸易会使得两个国家的产品价格相等。7.产业内贸易的基础。产业内贸易是产业内国际贸易的简称,是指一个国家或地区,在一段时间内,同一产业部门产品既进口又出口的现象。产业内贸易还包括中间产品的贸易,即是某项产品的半制成品、零部件在两国间的贸易。产业内贸易是建立在不完全竞争的基础上的。8.产业内贸易发

39、生需要具备的条件。造成产业内贸易现象的主要原因(基础):1、产品差异 2、规模经济 3、消费者需求偏好差别 4、国家之间产品层次结构和消费层次结构的重叠 10.倾销以及反倾销需要满足的前提条件。倾销:指一国(或地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其正常价格或低于成本将其商品销售到另一国(或地区)市场的行为。确定某出口产品是否存在倾销,主要看这一产品是否以低于它的正常价格在国外市场销售。倾销实际是一种国际间的价格歧视,出口企业实施倾销必须具备三个条件:(1)企业在国内市场上有一定的垄断力量,有能力决定其销售价格。(2)本国和外国市场是分割的,本国出口产品不能回流。(3)出口商在国外市场面临较高的需求弹性



42、税结构(关税升级):对初级产品进口免税或只征很低的关税,对半成品征收较高的关税,但对制成品,特别是劳动密集型制成品征收更高的关税。关税升级的结果是:国内加工程度越深,有效保护率超出名义保护率的比率就越大。12.从量关税与从价关税的比较。从价关税(ad valorem tariff)是以进口商品的价格为标准计征的关税,其税率表现为货物价格的一定百分率。从价税随商品价格的变动而变动,商品价格上涨,从价税额也随之增加,因此其保护作用受价格变动的影响较大。在通货膨胀时,从价税有较强的保护作用。从价税不具有累进性和累退性,按照商品价格的一定比例征收。一些特殊商品(如绘画等艺术品)的价格相差悬殊,适合从价

43、税。从量关税(specific tariff)是根据商品的的实物单位(重量、数量、长度、容积和面积等)征收的关税。从量税操作简单,海关人员只需要将商品按照重量、体积等进行分类即可。在征收从量税的情况下,商品价格下跌时,实际上等于增加了关税,因而从量关税对外国出口商的低价倾销有着较高的保护作用。从量税具有累退性,对发展中国家的出口不利。因为发展中国家出口的制成品和半制成品大多属于低档货,如果进口国仍按一定数量征收一定的关税,这与同一种商品中的高档货相比,等于提高了关税税率。13.进口配额与关税的比较。进口配额(import quota)又称进口限额,是一国政府在个一定时期(如一个季度、半年或一年

44、)内,对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的数量控制。在规定的期限内,配额以内的货品可以进口,超过配额的不能进口,或者征收较高的关税或罚款。它是众多国家实行进口数量限制的重要手段之一。关税是对通过一国关境(海关)的贸易商品课征的税收,是历史上最重要的一类贸易壁垒。在竞争条件下,进口配额对本国生产、消费、价格的影响与征收同样数量的进口关税相似,只不过关税是通过提高进口商品的价格来减少进口和增加国内生产,而配额则从相反的途径,即先减少进口造成价格上涨从而增加国内生产。对政府收入的影响:配额对国内经济福利的影响与关税不同之处主要反映在政府税收上。关税给政府带来收益,而配额带来的“经济租”c 则不一定归



47、税收,是历史上最重要的一类贸易壁垒。配额是指对进出口商品的数量或金额加以限制,分为进口配额和出口配额两种。进口配额(import quota)指一国政府在一定时期内,对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的限制,在规定的配额内,商品可以进口,超过的则不准进口,或征收较高的关税,甚至罚款。它分为绝对配额和关税配额两种形式。关税、配额与补贴是一个国家用来保护国内市场、帮助国内厂商抵御国外对手竞争的常用措施。由于保护机制不同,关税、配额与补贴对不同利益主体的利益再分配会产生不同的影响:1.关税措施有利于生产者和政府,不利于消费者;2.配额措施有利于生产者,不利于消费者,政府利益影响则视乎配额的分配方式而

48、定;3.补贴措施有利于生产者和消费者,不利于政府。一个国家可以根据其要保护的利益主体不同采取相应的保护措施。进口配额与关税的比较 对需求变化的反应不同。进口配额将进口限定到一个确定的水平,而进口关税的贸易效果则不确定。进口配额涉及进口配额的发放,而关税则没有 内在作用机制不同。对生产者的保护程度不同 对消费者福利的损失程度不同 16.小国和大国征收进口关税的经济效应。所谓小国指不是某种商品的重要的进口国;大国,指某种商品的重要进口国。大小国征收关税上消费效应,生产效应和贸易效应等等。1.消费效应。小国征收关税后,国内市场价格上升造成需求下降,人们消费水平收缩或减少;大国征收关税后,因国内市场价


50、费减少,总体效果会使进口需求下降。该大国进口的下降又使得该商品的国际市场供应量增加,直接导致该商品的世界市场价格下降。大国的贸易条件改善,即会产生贸易条件效应,这是在小国情形下所没有的效应。(2)大国征收关税所得财政税收效应比小国情形时大。18.小国实施进口配额的经济效应。进口配额是指一国政府在一定时期内,对于某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接限制的措施,它对于进口的阻碍作用是十分明晰的。一、进口配额的含义 指一国政府在一定时期内,对于某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接限制的措施。在实践中存在着超过配额不得进口(绝对配额)与对超额进口部分实行惩罚性关税(关税配额),以及针对国别与全球发放进口配额的

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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