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1、2023学年度广州市高中二年级学生学业水平测试II 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分) 完形填空 (共15小题,每题2分,满分30分) Some say online learning will replace university education, but degrees still have a value. Perhaps there is _16_ for both. “University wasnt for me,” says Rachel Stiles. “I wasnt _17_ for it at the time, I wasnt mature enough.” S

2、tiles _18_ her course and found a job instead. But she realized that a university degree would be _19_ for her dream career in medicine. With her _20_ in mind, she kept her job and began a distance learning degree in medical science. She says: “I really enjoyed being able to _21_ a living, while als

3、o studying to further my future job. I enjoyed being able to come home in the evenings and having something else to focus on that I was really _22_in.” It also seems like employers are putting more emphasis on _23_ and personal characteristics that they are on your actual degree, “If you can show to

4、 employer that youve worked and also studied for a _24_ at he same time, it proves you are hardworking,” says Julie. “If anybody of any age wants to further themselves, or to learn something, its such a(n) _25_ way of doing it.” Judy Wivell, a science lecturer in social science in New Zealand, was i

5、n her early 60s when she became a _26_ again, talking a postgraduate course at Derby University. She says: “I wanted a supervision qualification to support my work, where I _27_ supervise (监督) students,” she says. Today, online degree courses can offer _28_ experiences to traditional universities, b

6、ut they cannot _29_ the role of universities. They can serve another purpose though: they can help you take your career to the next _30_. 16. A space B. problem C. time D. class 17. A. good B. ready C. sorry D. lucky 18. A. took B. won C. quit D. studied 19. A. difficult B. useless C. important D. s

7、uccessful 20. A. rules B. stories C. goals D. changes 21. A. find B. make C. get D. follow 22. A. kept B. locked C. caught D. interested 23. A. education B. money C. appearance D. experience 24. A. surprise B. degree C. chance D. prize 25. A. challenging B. expensive C. easy D. long 26. A. scientist

8、 B. worker C. teacher D. student 27. A nearly B. regularly C. hardly D. rarely 28. A. similar B. cheaper C. larger D. formal 29. A. take off B. take over C. take out D. take on 30. A. level B. place C. employer D. rear 语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子构造旳语法性和上下文连贯旳规定,在空格处填入一种合适旳词或使用括号中词语旳对旳形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为3l40旳对应位置

9、上。 My name is Anastasiya my native language is Russian. 31_ the age of six, I started learning French, 32_ became my second language. With great effort, I became very fluent and passed all the important language tests. 33_ my French and Russian were of little use when I visited the UK for the first

10、time at ten. I couldnt say anything, except for “hello”, which made me nervous, but at the same time I 34_ _ (impress)by the British culture and people here. 35_ I returned home, I started learning English, which wasnt easy as there was no 36_ (possible) of studying it at my school. I started teachi

11、ng myself by 37_ (watch) the Harry Potter movies and trying 38_ (repeat) the dialogue. Also, I kept asking my mom to buy me 39_ English dictionary so I couldnt check any new words. In the ten years since, I have become fluent in English and now studying in London. Because I have no accent at all, my

12、 friends and classmates dont believe it when I tell 40_ Im not really a Brit at all. They all think I sound like Harry Potter! III 阅读理解 (共一节,20小题,每题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AToday, everywhere you look people walk around with earphones coming out of their ears. Ask them “W

13、hos on your playlist?” and they instantly reel off a long list of musicians, some of whom you may have never heard of. MP3 players and iPods have really become required technology for adults and children everywhere. But while many teachers try to limit the use of MP3 players in school, more and more

14、 school are also recognizing the usefulness of these little gadgets for education. One such school, Jamestown Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia, has received a great deal of publicity in recent years for their creative use of the technology. Teacher and children at Jamestown Elementary are ta

15、king online education to the next level by producing podcasts of their experience. Podcasters are brief radio shows that are simply audio files that can be downloaded from the web and listened t on a PM3 player or computer. At Jamestown Elementary, and a growing number of schools across the country,

16、 teachers work with the students to create podcasts of their poetry, reports, interviews, discussions on classroom topics, and more. The podcasts can be used to store information for later review, as an alternative platform for a classroom presentation, or as a way to share students learning experie

17、nces with parents. Because podcasts involve various skills as writing, editing, oral presentation, and technical work, they address different learning styles of students. One of the greatest benefits of podcasts in schools is the level of excitement it creates among students. The trendy technology a

18、nd the chance of communicating with thousands of people encourage many students to take part. As stated by Tim Tyson, principal at Jamestown Elementary, “If kids dont learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”. 41. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to improve students l

19、earning ability. B. How to make a podcast in school. C. The ways technology is being used in education. D. Why schools oppose the use of MP3 players in class. 42. The underlined word “gadgets” (paragraph 1) most probably mean _. A. useful equipment B. musical instruments C. creative ides D. computer

20、s 43. AS mentioned in the passage, in Jamestown Elementary School, podcates are used _. A. record students works B. comment on students works C. get parents responses D. raise money for the school 44. What is a benefit of podcasts in schools, according to the passage? A. The allow students to study

21、more materials in the classroom. B. help to save a lot of money in learning. C. They give learners interesting and exciting experience. D. They can get everyone to do the same thing together. BKoalas could suffer a “huge reduction” in numbers unless Australia changes its land management practices to

22、 help reduce the impact of climate change, a study has found. But the research also showed that koalas are at greater risk of heat stress, loss of body water and eventual death if the bigger trees koalas used for shelter disappear. The research, led by the University of Sydney, involved the followin

23、g of 40 koalas using GPS over three years on farmland in north-west New South Wales. The study found that the koalas moved between various trees to feed on leaves during the night. Then in the daytime they moved to bigger to get shade and protection from the rising temperature. But these bigger tree

24、s and therefore the koalas themselves are in danger because of the predicated increase in heat-waves (long, unbroken periods of very high temperatures) duo to climate change. In 2023, a heat-wave in the Australian state of New Wales led to the loss of hundreds of these trees and as a result a quarte

25、r of the koalas in that state died. Koalas rest for 20 hours a day and most of their feeding at night, moving between a number of trees to meet their needs. They need that mixture of tree to survive. If enough big trees are not available, koalas will die in large numbers if heat-waves increase. “Koa

26、las cant dig underground or fly away to escape from the heat. We could see a huge reduction in their numbers if the environment is not kept properly,” warned John Crowther, the research leader. In the short term, the biggest problem faced by koalas is the loss of trees due to them being cut down by

27、humans. But in the long term, the biggest risk to the trees and the koalas themselves may come from the changing climate. 45. In which section of the newspaper would you most likely read this passage? A. National news. B. Environment. C. Opinion page. D. Weather. 46. How does the increase in tempera

28、ture affect Australias koala population according to the passage? A. It makes it more difficult for koalas to find water. B. It reduces the number of trees from which koalas can find food. C. it reduces the number of shady trees kolas need for protection from the heat. D. It increased the number of

29、babies koalas produce each year. 47. Which of the following statements about koalas is true, according to the passage? A. They rest for about four hours each day. B. More than half have died in the past five years. C. They spend most of their time feeding. D. They spend most of their time in shady t

30、rees. 48. The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to _. A. koalas B. humans C. trees D. problems CA stream of art lovers has poured into an art gallery in Milton Keynes in the UK, spending hours studying the new exhibits carefully. The Swiss artists Silvia Bachli and Eric Hattan must

31、 be surprised at the success of their latest exhibition. But most visitors werent looking at the artwork. “No, nobody has found it yet,” Katharine Sorensen, the gallerys communications director, said. She has the appearance of a woman who is slightly annoyed at having to spend so many days doing int

32、erviews with journalists from all over the world. This is all since the news spread that local artists Tomas Georgeson had hidden a signed cheque (支票) for $12,000 somewhere in the gallery. “Weve had thousands of people looking everywhere, and obviously weve all had a look, but nobody has seen it. If

33、,” she added darkly, “it is actually there to find.” The gallery insists that it knew nothing about the cheque until it heard about it from the BBC last month. Georgson is best know as an artist whose painting of his father was included in a 2023 National Portrait Gallery exhibition in London. He kn

34、ows the 300-meter-square Milton Keynes Gallery well because he has previously worked there as a volunteer. He said that he had hidden the cheque “as something positive in a town eager to establish itself as a cultural destination”. Assuming the cheque does exist and nobody finds it, the artist has s

35、aid he will reveal it on 1st March. Meanwhile the gallery has had to bring in extra staff to guard the displays, although Georgeson said it was not hidden “on or around” any of the works of art, and asked visitors to take great care not to cause any damage. 49. Why are many people visiting the art g

36、allery in Milton Keynes? A. It is holding an important exhibition of French artist. B. They are looking for some hidden money. C. Milton Keynes has become a cultural centre in the UK. D. Several artists will be giving a talk there. 50. Which of the following best describes Katharine Sorenson? A. She

37、 is angry with the man who has hidden the cheque. B. She is satisfied with the success of the art gallery promotion. C. She is a little annoyed by the extra work the cheque is causing her. D. She is puzzled that so many new visitors are coming to the gallery. 51. Who has hidden the cheque in the gal

38、lery? A. Katharine Sorenson. B. Silvia Bachl. C. Eric Hattan. D. Tomas Georgeson. 52. How does Tomas Georgason know the Milton Keynes Gallery so well? A. He is the gallerys communications director. B. He has previously shown his artwork there. C. He has worked as a volunteer at the gallery. D. He ha

39、s been visiting the gallery for many years. DFamed fashion designer Coco Chanel was born on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France. With her stylish suits and little black dress, Coco Chanel created timeless designs that are still popular today. She herself became a much-loved symbol of style, known doe

40、 her simple yet high-class outfits. Her early years, however, were anything but high-class. After her mothers death, Chanel was put in a church-run childrens home by her father who worked as a street-seller. She was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew-a skill that would lead to her lifes work.

41、With the help of her friends, Chanel started designing hats at her 20s, and by 1910 had opened her first store in Paris. Her first success came from a dress she made out of an old sweater on a chilly day. Many people loved it and she offered to make one fro them too. From that time forward, demand f

42、or her clothes kept growing and she opened several more stores. Throughout the 1920s Chanel went from success. In 1925 she introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. It revolutionized womens fashion ideas, emphasizing simple colours, comfort and style. The

43、n in 1928, she launched (公布) her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, the first perfume to ever feature a designers name. The international economic depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on her company, but it was the outbreak of World War II that led Chanel to close her business. After the war, how

44、ever, at the age of 70, Chanel made a successful return to fashion. Despite criticism from so-called fashion experts, her easy-fitting designs soon won over shoppers around the world. In the years since her death in 1917, her company has continued to grow, generating hundreds of millions of dollars

45、in sales and keeping the legend of Coco alive. 53. Which of the following is true about Chanels childhood? A. She had a happy family. B. She was raised by her father. C. She had a difficult childhood. D. She was fond of designing clothes. 54. What finally caused Chanel to close her business? A. Her

46、poor management of the business. B. The unpopularity of her originals with the public. C. The economic depression of the 1930s. D. The outbreak of World War II. 55. Why was Chanels suit revolutionary for the time? A. Her suits were comfortable and stylish. B. Her suits looked like mens suits. C. She

47、 used colours that people liked very much. D. She used lots of jewellery on her suit. 56. In what order did the following events happen in the story? a. Chanel was taken to live in a childrens home. b. Chanel started designing hats. c. Chanel was taught sewing skills by nuns. d. Chanel returned to the fashion word. e. Chanel No. 5 perfume was launched. f. Chanel closed her business. A. a,c,d,e,b,f B. a,c,b,e,f,d C. b,a,d,c,f,e D. a,b,c,d,f,e EBaseball is a popular sport around the world. But while the sports rules are similar from pl

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