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1、 点击职业英语教案教研室: 教师姓名:课程名称英语授课班级授课内容Unit 7 A Sandwiches and some coffee?授课学时6教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,反转翻转课堂教学法教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来“谈论食物”的基本词汇句型2 能力目标:谈论食物;读懂问候信;掌握问候信写作技巧3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异教学重点可数名词的单复数形式变化和不可数名词借助单位量词表达法以及谈论食物的词汇、句型;应用文的写作技巧教学难点可数名词的单复数形式变化问候信写作技巧教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板教学过程1. 学习目标2. 热身活动(1学时)3. 主题对话4. 语法栏目

2、(1学时)5. 词汇练习 (1学时)6. 听力阅读 (1学时)7. 阅读 (1学时)811实用阅读及写作(1学时)教学内容Goals:.Direct students attention to the unit title “A sandwich and some coffee?” Explainthat in this unit they are going to learn how to talk about shopping for food and todescribe what people are wearingWarm UpA. You can buy a lot of thin

3、gs at these stores. What cant you pick up at these stores? Check the items.Direct students attention to the photos and present department store and supermarket.Elicit names of well-known department stores and supermarkets in the communitywhere you live.Answer key: 1. eggs, sandwiches (unless departm

4、ent store has a lunch counter)2. MP3 playerB. Listen. Stacey and Casey are shopping. Where are they? Circle the correct store.Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation between Stacey and Casey,and decide where they are shopping.Answer key: supermarketWORD BANKfurniture sheets and towe

5、ls (linens)electrical items sports equipmentcleaning products fruitsvegetables canned foodfrozen foodConversationIts only a few things.A. Look at the story and listen. Have students look at the photos and ask them who they can see.Ask them “What does Karen/ Nathan do?” “How does Karen/Nathan look?”“

6、What time is it?” “What time does work usually end do you think?”Responses:Nathan and KarenShes a nurse.Hes an engineer.She looks happy, glad, amused.He looks busy, possibly tired.Tell students to listen and read the conversation to find out why Karen is callingNathan.Responses:to tell Nathan about

7、Jason and Brads party and to ask him to buy some foodso she can prepare something for the partysweetheart sweetheart is it is a term used between people who love each other. “Sweety” is the short form of“sweetheart” and is commonly used between adultfemale friends or from by parents to when they cal

8、l their children.B. Circle the correct answers.Its the beginning middle end of the work day.Nathan is: happy sad very busy.Answer key: end; very busyGrammarTalking about food Have students look at the countable nouns in the chart and model the pronunciation,emphasizing the plurality of the countable

9、 nouns. Explain the rule for using a and an.(An is used before words beginning with a vowel sound. We say a university becausethe initial sound is /j/ not /u/).Do the same with the uncountable nouns and ask student if its possible to make thesewords plural.Countable and uncountable nounsYou cannot u

10、se a or an with uncountable nouns.Use some with uncountable and plural countable nouns. some bread some applesYou can use the with countable and uncountable nouns.Talking about locationHave students look at the floor plan as you read out the labels of the different products.Have them model the pronu

11、nciation.Ask students to circle the milk, the frozen food, the green peppers, and the tomatoes.On the board, write the models “Wheres the.?” and “Where are the.?” Ask students when we use each form.A. PAIR WORK Look at the Hollywood Harvest Supermarket above. Look at the food. Take turns. Ask and an

12、swer questions about location.B. Listen to these shoppers ask questions about location. Write the names of the missingobjects on the supermarket floor plan.Tell the students that they are going to listen to different shoppers asking about the location ofproducts. Have them write down the names of th

13、ese products alongside the floor plan. Vocabulary in Context Talking about clothes and colorsDirect students attention to the illustration and model the pronunciation of the differentarticles of clothing.A. PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.Organize students into pairs and have them discuss the questi

14、ons.1. Whats your favorite color? Why?2. What kind of clothes are your classmates wearing? Make a list.B. GROUP WORK Look around the classroom. What colors are in the room?Make a list of colors. Try to use the color words in sentences.Organize students into groups of three or four and ask them to ma

15、ke a list of all the differentcolors they can see around them.英语中常用的颜色单词beige 米色 black 黑色 brown 咖啡色 cream 雪白 khaki 卡其色 grey 灰色 pansy 紫罗兰色 peachpuff 桃色 pink 粉红 purple 紫色 red 红色 powderblue 粉蓝色yellow 黄色 snow 雪白色 silver 银白色 white 白色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色 lawngreen 草绿色lightblue 浅蓝色lightgreen 浅绿色 Listening in

16、Context Sally is at a modeling job with other models. Listen. Write the names Rachel, Linda, Sally, or Marcy next to the correct person.Have students look at the picture and point to the girls in turn asking “What is she wearing?”and “What color are her pants/shoes, etc.?” to review clothing and col

17、ors.Answer key: from far right to left: Marcy, Rachel, Linda, and SallyReading Warm and cool colorsBefore you read What colors do you think of when you are happy? How about when you are sad? Model the activity for the students by telling them what colors you think of when you arehappy or sad. Say wh

18、y.While you readB. Circle the names of warm colors and underline the names of cool colors.Have students look at the illustrations and ask“What colors is she wearing? Do you think they are warm colors or cool colors? Do they look good on her?”Tell students to read the text about warm and cool colors

19、and to circle all the warm colorsand underline the cool ones.Have students look at the photos of the four seasons and present winter, summer, autumn(or fall), and spring.After you readGROUP WORK What do you think? Are these colors warm (W) or cool (C)?Write W or C next to each color. Compare your an

20、swers.Present the difference between light blue and dark blue using the note.Reinforce the concept of light and dark colors using other examples from the classroom. Answer key: whitecoollight bluecooldark redwarmbrownwarmgraycooldark bluecoolpurplewarmWritingBefore you writeA. PAIR WORK List the clo

21、thes your partner is wearing.Organize students into pairs and have them work together to make a list of clothing each iswearing. Then ask them to write the colors next to each piece of clothing. Encourage them touse light and dark to describe colors.WriteB. Your partner is meeting one of your friend

22、s for the first time. You are very busy. You cannot be there and introduce your partner. Write a note to your friend.Describe your partner. What is your partner wearing?Jason is wearing a dark green suit and light blue tie.His shirt is white. Hes looking forward to meeting you.Practical Reading: Gre

23、etingsA. Read the text. Ask students to read the messages and highlight difficulties. They could write themon the board. Help by asking students to guess the meanings and explaining any difficulties.B. Match the greetings with the appropriate card.Answer Key:1. a 2. c 3. d 4. B 5. e 6. g 7. f 8. hPr

24、actical Writing: GreetingsA. Messages in greeting cards Explain that informal writing is normal when writing short messages in a card, especially tofamily and friends but that it would not be acceptable in a business email, for example.B. Useful expressions for writing greeting cards.Thank you so mu

25、ch for all your kindness. Im really looking forward to hearing all your news.I had a wonderful time.I look forward to seeing you again when you come back.Im missing you already. I hope you have a wonderful day.Im home safe and sound.I look forward to catching up.I do hope you are feeling better. Ill

26、 be thinking of you.I hope you will feel better soon. Very best wishes for success this time.I am thinking of you. Good luck!C. Write greeting cards for the following occasions.Students should first decide what type of card they will write their message in.1. You have just come back from visiting fr

27、iends in England.2. A friend is going to take his driving test next week. This is his fifth time!3. Next week is your friends birthday. She is living in America.4. A colleague is in the hospital.1. Thank you card 2. Good luck card3. Birthday card 4. Get well cardPutting It TogetherGROUP WORK Take tu

28、rns. Practice new vocabulary.Organize students into small groups. Write this model on the board.Tell students they are going to take turns choosing a letter of the alphabet for anothermember of the group to use as the initial letter for something you can buy in a grocery or department store.SummaryTalk about foodTalk about location Shop in a supermarketTalk about clothes and colors HomeworkTo do exercise Role playPreview unit 8Write a greeting card Reflection after After classClass

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