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1、 点击职业英语教案教研室: 教师姓名:课程名称英语授课班级授课内容Unit 12 Im going to call her.授课学时6教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,反转翻转课堂教学法教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来谈论“未来计划及打算”及“情感”的基本词汇句型2 能力目标:谈论未来计划及打算;谈论情感;读懂各类私函;掌握私函的写作技巧3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异教学重点Be be going to用法以及谈论未来计划及打算和谈论情感的词汇句型;应用文的写作技巧教学难点谈论人和事的基本词汇句型掌握私函的写作技巧教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板教学过程1. 学习目标2. 热身活动 (1学时)

2、3. 主题对话4. 语法栏目 (1学时)5. 词汇练习 (1学时)6. 听力阅读 (1学时)7. 阅读 (1学时)811实用阅读及写作(1学时)教学内容Goals:.Tell students that in this unit they are going to learn to talk about feelings andfuture plans. Ask them what they think Jasons plans are.Warm UpA. Listen. Whos going to go on a date this weekend? Circle the correct n

3、ames. Have students look at the yellow note and check that they understand the expression “to go on a date” (to go out with someone romantically).Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation and should look at the pairs ofnames in A and circle the couple who are going on a date.Answer ke

4、y: Susan and KevinB. Match the picture to the explanation, and fill in the name in the second sentence.Organize students into groups of three. Have students look at the illustrations. Point topictures 1 and 2 and ask students “Where are they going?” Then direct them to picture 3 andask “Whats the ma

5、tter with her?”Answer key: 2, 3, 1ConversationHeres your chance. A. Look at the story and listen.Have students look at the photos and ask students “How does Jason look?” “What doyou think is happening?” “Why do you think Jason looks nervous?”nervous or anxiousJason and Brad are talking, perhaps abou

6、tmaking a phone call.Hes nervous about making a phone call.B. How does Jason feel? Why? What do you think Jason and Casey are going to sayto each other?GrammarTalking about future plans and intentionsTell students that they are going to learn how to talk about plans for the future.be going to + verb

7、be going to 句型的用法是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思。Theyre going to play volleyball next week.We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.1.肯定句的构成和用法主语+be going to+动词原形+I am going to play football next Sunday.He is going to teach in Beijing next year.It is go

8、ing to rain.2.否定句的构成和用法主语+be not going to +动词原形Its not going to rain this afternoon.Im not going to be a teacher.He isnt going to see his brother tomorrow.3.一般疑问句的构成和用法be+主语+going to +动词原形?Are you going to go out tonight? Yes, I am. or No, Im not.4.特殊疑问句的构成和用法特殊疑问词+一般疑问句What are you going to do? Wer

9、e going to see a movie.A. PAIR WORK Take turns. Ask and answer questions. Tell whats going to happen.Have students look at the illustrations and elicit the actions that correspond to each.B. PAIR WORK Take turns. Work with a different partner. Ask and answer yes/no questions about the pictures above

10、.Have students change partners and look at the example. Tell students to ask and answerquestions about whats going to happen in each illustration using yes/no questions, and theexample to help them.C. Going to (+ verb) often sounds like gonna. Listen.going to = gonnaTalking about people and things人称

11、代词指代人或物,在句中作主语或宾语,所以有主格和宾格。宾格代词用于替代处于宾语位置上的名词,可以用作直接宾语和间接宾语。人称代词人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格I we youhe she it宾格me us youhim her itI am a student. (I 主语)Please help me. (me 直接宾语) Give me a book. (me 间接宾语)A. PAIR WORK Complete the sentences. Write the correct pronoun.Answer key: 1. him 3. I 5. him2. her 4. ThemB.

12、 PAIR WORK Use object pronouns. Talk to your partner about your plansfor the weekend.Have students look at the example and ask them to write three plans they have forthe weekend, using going to + verb + object pronoun. You might want to suggest verbsthat require an object pronoun, such as take, give

13、, call, ask, or make and write themon the board. Monitor students as they work and help them find ways to include object pronouns in natural-sounding sentences.Vocabulary in ContextTalking about feelings Have students look back at page 154. Ask “How does Jason feel? What is Jason going to do?”Respon

14、ses:nervous. Hes going to ask Casey out on a date.A. Answer the questions.Have students read the situation and decide which adjective (feeling) is most appropriate ineach situation and circle it. Monitor students as they work and help with any vocabularyproblems.Answer key (Answers may vary.):1. exc

15、ited 3. tired 5. sad2. happy 4. sad 6. nervousB. PAIR WORK Compare your answers and discuss them.Organize students into pairs and tell them to compare their answersIf their answers are different they should try to convince their partner that they are right!Listening in Context A. Listen. Write John

16、or Vicky under the correct picture.Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation and need to decide whom theysee in each picture, John or Vicky, and write the name under the picture.B. Listen again. How does each caller feel? Write J (John) or V (Vicky) next to the correct feeling word.Ha

17、ve students read the words and ask them how they think John and Vicky feel. Have themwrite J for John or V for Vicky next to the words that tell how each feels.Reading Whats going to happen next year?Making changesBefore you read A. GROUP WORK Imagine its the New Year. You want to make some changes

18、in your life so this is a good time to make some changes. Talkabout changes people usually want to make.Have the groups tell the class their lists. Make a list of the changes mentioned on the board, noting the ones that are repeated.While you readA.Read the New Years resolutions people often make. U

19、nderline the changes you think you would like for your future.Tell students to read the list of resolutions, underlining the ones they thinkwould be good for them.Common New Years Resolutions1. Im going to lose weight this year. Im going to go on a diet and lose at least fivekilograms. Im going to e

20、at more fruits and vegetables.2. Im going to get fit this year. Im going to start exercising at least three times a weekfor one hour.3. Im going to find a great job this year. Im going to take some classes and look for ajob.4. Im going to stop spending all my time on my computer. Im going to spend t

21、ime doingother things.5. Im going to make more friends. Im going to date more guys/girls so I can find theperson Im going to marry.6. Im going to study more next year. Im going to pass all my exams and get good grades.7. Im going to be nice to my students. Im going to stop getting angry and impatien

22、t withthem.8. Im going to read more books this year and watch less television. I always feel goodwhen I read books.9. Im going to spend more time with my kid this year. Im going to try to play moresports with him.10. Im going to save money for a new bicycle. Im not going to spend so much money oncan

23、dy and drinks.11. Im going to spend more time writing. Im going to finish my book this year.12. Im going to get more sleep this year. Im going to go to sleep at 10:00 every night.After you read C. Choose good New Years resolutions for the following people.Have students choose New Years resolutions i

24、ndividually. Suggest that they refer back to thepictures of each person at the front of the book when they do this exercise.WritingBefore you write A. GROUP WORK What are you going to do next month? Next year?Talk about your plans.Tell students to write three or four plans they have for the future (

25、next week, next month,next year) using “Im going to.”B. Write about your plans.Tell students to use the notes they made in Exercise A to write about their future plans.Monitor students as they work and help with structure and vocabulary.WriteC. Read your plans to your classmates.Have some students t

26、ake turns reading their plans for the class. At the same time, have otherstudents write their plans on the board for the class to read.Practical Reading: Informal Letters about About Future PlansA. Read the letter below.Before reading students should refer back to the previous unit and re-read the l

27、etter insection 9.Explain the language points in the Language Zoom In box.Pick up = collect.Eg. Ill pick you up at the station. Ill pick up some vegetables on my way home.A drive in the country = driving out of the town or city into the countryside.B. Make a plan of the 6 paragraphs.C. Often the fut

28、ure tense is indicated by adding shall or will.一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态 助动词shall/will + 动词原形(当主语第一人称时,一般用shall,shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。)肯定式: 主语+shall/will+动词原形+其他否定式: 主语+shall/will+not+动词原形+其他.疑问式: Shall/Will+主语+动词原形+其他简略回答: (肯) Yes,主语+shall/will . (否) No,主语+shall/will+not -What are you going to do this

29、evening?-Im going to see a film. You will be forty years old next year. Tomorrow will be Sunday again.We will sing. We will not (wont) sing. Will you sing? We wont singI shall remember. I wont remember. Will you remember? Wont you remember?D. The phrase “going to” is commonly used. However, these st

30、atements seem incompleteuntil the time of the action is added.Im going on holiday. Im going on holiday next month.Im not going on holiday. Im not going on holiday until August.When are you going on holiday? Arent you going on holiday?Im going to go on holiday (emphasizes intention)We are going to th

31、e zoo. We are going to the zoo on Saturday.Were not going to the zoo. When are you going to the zoo? Arent you going to the zoo?E. We can use present progressive with time/place when talking about future plans.My sister is having a baby next month. We are going to Harbin in June. Im flying toLondon

32、this afternoon.Hes meeting Mr Wang at the London office. Shes playing tennis this afternoon. Maryis coming to visit me.What are you doing tonight? Im washing my hair.Where are you going? To the supermarket. (There is no need to repeat “I am going”because this is understood.)F. Answer T(true) or F(fa

33、lse) to the following questions about the letter.Answer Key:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T6.T 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.TPractical Writing: Informal Letters about Future PlansA. Underline all the verb groups in the letter that refer to future tense. Answer Key:Many thanks for your letter and congratulations on your new a

34、partment. It sounds wonderful and I can tell from your letter that you are very excited about it.I would love to visit you. How about the weekend of the 15/16th? There is a train thatarrives at11am on Saturday. Id leave on the 5pm train on Sunday as I dont want to be too late home. Work next day!Im

35、sorry to hear Mrs Proctor isnt looking well. I think she is very busy looking after herMother and she works part time. I heard that she is going on holiday to Devon soon so hopefully she will get some rest.Bill is going to pick me up in his car on Sunday. Were going for a drive in the country.As you

36、 can imagine, Im really looking forward to it! Im going to the cinema tonight to see The Iron Lady. It will be interesting to see anAmerican actress play a British Prime Minister. Ill tell you about it when I see you.Do let me know if the 15/16th will work for you. Ill bring the noodle recipe with m

37、e.B. Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from the box.Putting It TogetherA. PAIR WORK Discuss some feelings with your partner and fill out the chart below.Use the pictures for ideas.Have students look at the chart and elicit different words to express feelings (happy,worried, tire

38、d, excited, etc.). Ask students at random when they feel happy.B. PAIR WORK Take turns. Use some of the ideas from the chart to complete this sentence.Have students look back at the information they wrote in Exercise A and make predictions about when they are going to feel this way again. What events are coming up in theirlives that will make them feel happy, excited, nervous, etc.?SummaryTalking about future plans and intentionsTalking about people and thingsTalking about feelingsHomeworkTo do exercise Role playReflection after After classClass

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