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1、 点击职业英语教案教研室: 教师姓名:课程名称英语授课班级授课内容Unit 9 Dont eat it all.授课学时6教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,反转翻转课堂教学法教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来“询问数量”的基本词汇句型2 能力目标:询问数量;做出指示、说明;读懂说明类短文;掌握英文地址的写作技巧3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异教学重点掌握用来“询问数量”的基本词汇句型掌握英语食材名称和食谱掌握英文地址的写作技巧教学难点掌握询问数量的词汇和句型句子的重音英文地址的写作教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板教学过程1. 学习目标2. 热身活动(1学时)3. 主题对话4. 语法栏目 (1学时)

2、5. 词汇练习 (1学时)6. 听力阅读 (1学时)7. 阅读 (1学时)811实用阅读及写作(1学时)教学内容Goals:.Explain that in this unit they we are going to learn how to give instructions to prepare food.Ask students if they like cooking. What kind of things do they like to cook?Warm UpA. Read the names of these ingredients.Have students look at

3、 the illustration and point out the different foods.Model the words for students to listen and repeat.B. PAIR WORK You are making brownies. What ingredients do you need? Choose ingredients above and make a list. You are making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, too. What do you need? Make another list.An

4、swer key: brownies: flour, eggs, chocolate, saltscrambled eggs with tomatoes: garlic, eggs, spring onions, tomatoes, salt, pepper, peanut oilC. Listen. Circle the names of the ingredients you hear.Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation and circle the ingredients listedthat they hea

5、r. Tell them not to worry about understanding everything, but to focus on thekey words (ingredients).Answer key: chocolate, flour, butter, salt, sugar, eggsConversationA. There isnt any left. Look at the story and listen.Have students look at the photos and ask them“Who can you see?” and “What are t

6、hey doing?”Responses:Casey and Staceytheyre making browniesB. Discuss. What are the brownies for? What does Stacey want at the bakery?Ask students “Why are Casey and Stacey making brownies?” and “Why does Stacey ask if theres a bakery open?”Answer key: for Jasons partyshe wants to buy some browniesb

7、rownies = small individual chocolate cakesounces n. 金融 盎司,英两;安士(ounce的复数)four ounces of sugarA pound contains 16 ounces. 一磅等于16英两。GrammarGiving instructions Tell students they are going to learn to give instructions to prepare food.Imperative sentence祈使句表命令、警告、提醒、建议、请求、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用原形。主语you通常省略,句末用叹号

8、或句号。 Knock at the door before entering, please.进来时请敲门!(建议) Try some of this juice-perhaps youll take it.尝点这种果汁,也许你会要。(建议) Look out! There is a train coming.注意!火车来了!(提醒) Wear strong shoes as we shall do a lot of walking. 请穿结实的鞋子,因为我们要走许多的路。(叮嘱) Leave her where she is ! 让她留在原地!(命令) A. Read the convers

9、ation on page 118. Underline the imperatives.Have students work individually and underline all the affirmative and negativeimperative forms in the conversation. Answer key: melt some chocolate and buttermix the sugar and eggs; add the chocolatedont eat it alltaste itadd the flour and baking powderpu

10、t it in a panB. PAIR WORK Look at the pictures. Take turns.Give your partner cooking instructions.On the board put the verbs from Exercise B in one column and the following ingredients in another: sugar and eggs; water; vegetables;scrambled eggs with tomatoes; bread; chocolate and butter. Then elici

11、t which cooking verbs match each ingredient.Answer key:slice = vegetables, bread;melt = chocolate, butter;stir-fry = vegetables, meat, fish;pour = water;mix = sugar, eggs, chocolate, butter;boil = water, spaghettiAsking about quantity and numberWrite a list of countable and uncountable nouns on the

12、board and the categories countable and uncountable. For example: milk, eggs, potatoes, coffee, sugar, flour, hamburgers, apples. Ask students to decide which type of noun each word is and to write it under the appropriate category. WORD BANKa kilo of 200 grams of a bag ofa pint of a liter of a gallo

13、n ofVocabulary in Context Commenting on smell, taste, and lookReinforce the vocabulary by asking students what flowers or perfumes smell good to themand what foods taste good.homemade = something you make; you dont buy it.A. Complete the sentences. Use look, smell, or taste.Have students work indivi

14、dually to complete the dialogs using forms of look, smell, or taste, and then have them check their work with a partner. Remind them to use singular or plural forms.Ask students if they think Casey and Stacey are being honest with Jason. Have them saywhy or why not. Elicit that they dont say the bro

15、wnies are homemade, but when Jasonindicates that he thinks they are, they dont correct him. Ask students to debate whether ornot that is being truthful, or to give their opinions about this situation.Answer key: 1. Look, looks, smells, tastes2. smell, taste, tastesB. GROUP WORK Practice the conversa

16、tions above.Organize students into groups of three and have them take turns reading the different parts inthe dialog aloud.The descriptive words in the box.Listening in ContextA. Ken is at Jasons party. He is talking to Ben and Annie. He is planning a trip. Listen.Circle the cities on the map below

17、as you hear them.Have students look at the map. Ask students if they know which of the foods in the photos(cheesecake, an apple, pizza, sourdough bread, lobster, coffee) are associated with which city(ies) on the map.Answer key: San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, New York City, BostonB. Listen again.

18、Look at the map. Match the food with the cities.Have students match the foods with the cities they think they go with by writing the letter ofthe photo next to the appropriate city.Answer key:pizzaChicago, New YorkapplesSeattlecheesecakeNew York CitybreadSan FranciscolobsterBostoncoffeeSeattleReadin

19、g Recipes for great cooksBefore you read A. GROUP WORK Discuss. Can you cook? Do you like to cook? What do you cook?Ask each group who in their group likes to cook and what kind of dishes they like to prepare.While you readB. Read the recipe. Then put the ingredients in order.Tell students they are

20、going to read Phils recipe for homemade fried rice and they need tonumber the ingredients in the order Phil uses them. As an example, have them read thefirst sentence and ask them which ingredient from the list comes first.After you readC. GROUP WORK Discuss. How much time does it take to make the f

21、ried rice? Write the answer on the recipe card. How many people does the recipe serve? Does this recipe look good? Is it an easy recipe? Answer key: 56 minutes once everything is all chopped upand ready to cook; 46 people.WritingBefore you writeA. PAIR WORK Think of a dish you love. Tell your partne

22、r about your dish. Where do you eat it? Can you make it? What foods are in it? (If you dont know, guess.)Is it difficult to make? How much time does it take to make?Organize students into pairs and tell them to think of a dish that they know how to prepare.WriteB. Write about your favorite dish. Tel

23、l about the main ingredients. Also tell about where you have this dish (at home? at a relatives house?at a restaurant?). Say why you like this dish.Have students work individually to write about their favorite dish.Tell them to use the prompts in the box as a guideline.Have students bring ingredient

24、s for simple recipes to class and to give a demonstration,as on a TV cooking show. The rest of the class should take notes as they watch thedemonstration. Enjoy!Practical Reading: AddressesA. Study the letter below.Draw students attention to the layout of the letter, especially the position of the s

25、enders address and the date.Emphasize that it is important that letters have a neat and tidy appearance. Writing shouldbe in straight lines and paragraphs clearly delineated. Texts should be aligned to the leftonly.B. Layout of letters1. Where is the senders address?2. Where is the date?3. Who is th

26、e letter to?4. Who is the letter from?5. How does the writer start the letter?6. How does the writer end the letter?7. What two reasons does the writer give for not having seen his friend?8. What suggestion does the writer make?Answer Key:1. Top right corner2. Under the address3. Tom4. Ben5. Dear6.

27、Best wishes7. Busy at work + visit from parents8. Meet at 3 pm on Saturday at Starbucks and visitnew bookshopPractical Writing: AddressesA. Complete the following table with the words from the box. Having studied section 9, students should be able to make an attempt at this exercise.B. Pair WorkAsk

28、students to think of different scenarios. Writing to a friend or member of their familycould be one. What if they were applying for a job and were asked to handwrite a letter?What if they were working for a company and had to reply to a complaint or ask forinformation? What other scenarios could the

29、y think of?The purpose here is to start let students thinking about what would be appropriate language indifferent circumstances.Putting It TogetherGROUP WORK List food under each category.Have students look at the chart and make sure they understand the food categories byasking them for examples of

30、 each.Organize students into groups of three or four and tell them to list different examples undereach food group.Write the categories on the board and invite volunteers from each group to add examples toeach category.SummaryGiving instructionsAsking about quantity and numberHomeworkTo do exercise Role playPreview unit 10Write about your favorite dishReflection after After classClass

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