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1、 Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit 1 You must keep to the path. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1. At school there are _(规章) that everyone needs to follow. 2. There were lots of fish living in these _(小溪) before. 3. Rock climbers often use _(绳子) to protect themselves. 4. At the end of the book, the writer offers a

2、few helpful _(建议). 5. He spoke in a _(明白清楚的) voice so that everyone could understand him. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mike has always wanted to go rock (climb). 2. Children should be taught about (person) safety on the street. 3. Unluckily, they got (lose) on the way there. 4. Did you have a good time

3、yesterday? Yes. We enjoyed (we) very much. 5. Mum, Im (starve)! Is dinner ready yet? Sorry, my son. Its nearly ready. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. 注意听!我有重要的事情要告诉大家。 _ _! I have something important to tell everyone. 2. 你最好沿着这条小道走,否则你可能会迷路。 Youd better _ _ the path, or you might lose your way. 3. 你不可以一个人离开

4、,因为琳达会生气的。 You mustnt _ _ on your own because Linda will be angry. 4. 这不好说,我必须考虑一下。 Its difficult to say and I have to _ _ it. 5. 好了,请带路。 Come on. _ _ _, please.Key: Unit 1 . 1. rules 2. streams 3. ropes 4. suggestions 5. clear . 1. climbing 2. personal 3. lost 4. ourselves 5. starving . 1. Listen up 2. keep to 3. go off 4. think about 5. Lead the way20 20

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