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1、压缩机乙烯工业2 0 2 4,3 6(1)6 2 6 4ETHYLENE INDUSTRY加注五类基础油对丙烯制冷压缩机透平轴瓦温度的影响分析张立国,王子轩,代川,周里京,游志恒(中国石油天然气股份有限公司独石化分公司,新疆独山子8 3 3 6 9 9)摘要:独山子石化乙烯装置2 0 2 2 年4 月短停检修后,丙烯制冷压缩机在运行过程中透平侧径向轴瓦温度持续升高。在排查轴瓦温度上升原因后,根据之前裂解气压缩机加注五类基础油的经验,通过提前加注五类基础油,使丙烯制冷压缩机透平侧径向轴瓦温度得到改善,保证了机组长周期运行。关键词:透平轴瓦温度漆膜五类基础油中石油独山子石化分公司(以下简称独山子石

2、化)2 2 0 kt/a乙烯装置,自2 0 2 2 年4 月短停检修投用后,丙烯制冷压缩机透平侧径向轴瓦温度较检修前高。依据对裂解气压缩机加注五类基础油溶解度增强油的经验,提前加注溶解度增强油延缓轴瓦温度上升趋势。在加人2 次溶解度增强油后,轴瓦温度下降,保证了丙烯制冷压缩机稳定长周期运行。行了翻瓦检查,发现除压缩机推力轴瓦高温点漆膜严重外(见图1),其它轴瓦(运行时轴瓦温度为6070)也出现不同程度漆膜现象,判断K-501透平非联轴端轴瓦应该也存在轻微漆膜现象。1丙烯制冷压缩机简介独山子石化2 2 0 kt/a乙烯装置丙烯制冷压缩机(K-501)的主要作用是将压力0.0 3 3 MPa的丙烯

3、气压缩至1.5 2 8 MPa,压缩后的丙烯气经冷凝、节流,为工艺用户提供4 0、-2 7、-1 3、6 4 种温度级位的冷剂,以满足不同用户的需要。K-501透平型号为FRAME20,其中高压侧4级,低压侧6 级。透平由压力4.1 MPa、温度3 9 0的高压蒸汽驱动,额定进汽量4 3.5 t/h,中间级抽出压力1.1 MPa、温度2 6 0 的中压蒸汽,额定抽汽量2 4.2 t/h,通过低压缸做完功的剩余蒸汽排入真空冷凝器,排汽压力为-8 8 kPa,排汽温度为4 9.5 。2压缩机透平轴瓦情况2022年4 月短停检修前,K-501机组多点轴温相继发生波动,短停检修期间对K-501机组进图

4、1 短停检查轴瓦漆膜情况从裂解气压缩机(K-201)机组润滑油加注溶解度增强油后的实际效果验证看,4 月短停检修时,K-201机组轴瓦的漆膜情况明显好于K-501机组,漆膜清除设备+溶解度增强油能有效清除轴瓦表面已生成的软漆膜,并及时清除润滑油中的软性污染物,有效控制压缩机组高温点轴瓦的漆膜增长,防止轴瓦温度的上涨。K-501透平非联轴器端径向轴承温度T15810B自2 0 2 2 年4 月短停检修后初始温度为105106,与检修前该点最高温度1 0 3 相比收稿日期:2 0 2 2-1 2-1 6;修改稿收到日期:2 0 2 3-1 0-2 0。作者简介:张立国,男,2 0 0 5 年毕业于

5、内蒙古化工职业技术学院化工工艺专业,主要从事乙烯装置生产工作,技师。第3 6 卷偏高,同时温度存在上涨趋势,到5 月2 3 日最高点达到1 0 9。5 月2 3 日更换树脂滤芯,更换滤芯后T15810B温度有所稳定,并一度有下降趋势,最低降至1 0 6。但随着环境温度的上升,油冷器后温度也随之上升,丙烯制冷压缩机透平非联轴器端径向轴承温度T15810B运行至6 月1 0 日再次出现上涨趋势,到6 月1 1 日达到最高1 1 1(1 d之内上涨达到3)。3轴瓦温度变化原因排查3.1温度测点热电偶数值的真实性热电偶测温是依据金属导体的电阻值随温度上升而上升从而测量轴瓦温度。通过检查T15810B双

6、支热电偶回路,发现2 个回路毫伏值均为2.2 3 2.2 4 mV,处于正常范围,因此判断热电偶正常,DCS上的温度显示无异常。3.2轴承温度变化的真实性在对T15810B双支热电偶2 个回路的电阻检查后,为确定轴承温度的真实性,将T15810A/B2个回路对调。对调后DCS温度显示无异常,判定轴瓦温度变化是真实的。3.3润滑油压力、温度和油品分析现场润滑油进油压力表指示0.3 5 MPa,在标准范围内。轴承润滑油供油温度4 6.5,在正常操作范围4 3 4 7 内,回油管温度5 0。机组润滑油各项指标大多显示正常,但MPC值较高,在1 0.0 2 1.2,清洁度较差(最高可达9 级),更换树

7、脂滤芯后MPC值降至2 3,清洁度也有缓慢下降趋势,可控制在7 级。3.4轴瓦安装检修及轴瓦表面问题透平前后端径向轴瓦在2 0 1 9 年检修时均进行检查。前轴颈直径为1 3 9.8 2 mm,顶隙设计值0.140.165mm,检修完成后顶隙为0.1 6 mm;后轴颈直径为1 2 4.8 4 mm,顶隙设计值在0.1 5 5 0.180mm,检修完成后顶隙为0.1 8 mm,因此安装间隙均在正常范围,可排除检修原因造成的问题。4加注五类基础油的影响润滑油在使用过程中形成“漆膜”,将严重影张立国等.加注五类基础油对丙烯制冷压缩机透平轴瓦温度的影响分析4.1溶解度增强油的特点溶解度增强油作为五类基

8、础油,可增强润滑油的沉积物控制力,改善MPC值而不会负面影响其它的油指标如:破乳化性、泡沫特性、防锈特性和密封相容性等。其物理性能见表1。表1 溶解度增强油主要物理性能项目性能颜色清澈透明密度/(kgm=3)34.7黏度/(mm s-)40C43.0闪点/202油相容性完全相容矿物基和PAO基的润滑油此次K-501 机组加注的溶解度增强油是特制调和的V类化学合成油,除具有优越的溶解特性外,还具有杰出的氧化稳定性和沉积物控制特性,对于在用润滑油的理化特性,无负面影响,能够完全与在用的某润滑油相溶。溶解度增强油利用相似相溶的溶解理论,具有与油液降解物相似的相溶的化学特性,加人溶解度增强油可提升润滑

9、油的溶解能力。漆膜清除设备能够清除溶解在润滑油中的软性污染物,从而恢复润滑油的溶解能力。溶解度增强油搭配漆膜清除设备使用可更快捷地让系统清洁净化。4.2溶解度增强油的实际使用根据之前K-201机组加注溶解度增强油的经验和实际效果,溶解度增强油加注应提前介人,避免轴瓦上的漆膜长期在高温下金属化并无法去除。在用的某润滑油最佳使用温度宜控制在:63响轴瓦表面散热。漆膜的形成比较复杂,目前有很多理论解释,软性污染物沉积理论得到较为广泛的认可 2 。润滑油在运行过程中会降解,产生出一定的氧化物并逐渐聚合。聚合后产生可溶性的软性污染物溶解在润滑油中。在特定的工况下,浓度过高的软性污染物会达到过饱和状态,从

10、而沉积,附着形成漆膜。漆膜附着在轴瓦上时,会形成散热不佳的隔热层,导致轴瓦温度上升。当漆膜溶解、脱落后,轴瓦散热会逐步改善,使得轴瓦温度下降。五类基础油能够帮助油系统提高溶解能力,减小漆膜对轴瓦的影响。.64100之下,且不应超过1 1 0,否则会造成润滑油氧化速率加快并生成热漆膜。依据以上两点,在6 月1 1 日T15810B上升至1 1 1 时立即加注溶解性增强油。按照专业公司推荐加人总量为在用油体积5%10%的标准,总计需要加注溶解度增强油溶解性增强油3 桶共6 2 4 L。根据机组运行情况进行综合评估后,每次加注0.5 桶,并观察7 d,确认无异常后继续加注第2 次,若出现异常则停止加

11、注。4.3润滑油油品分析从润滑油污染度和MPC分析来看,更换漆膜清除设备树脂滤芯及溶解度增强油加注后润滑油MPC 值显著下降,污染度在更换漆膜清除设备树脂滤芯后先上涨,在加注溶解度增强油后,下降趋势明显,见表2。T15A1126.00124.00122.00120:00118:00乙烯工业时间(2 0 2 2 年)04-0705-2606 076月1 1 日第一次加注溶解度增强油1 0 4 L(0.5桶)06-120.36月1 7 日第二次加注溶解度增强油1 0 4 L(0.5桶),油箱中该油比例达2%06-180.44.4加注溶解度增强油效果2022年6 月1 1 日第一次加注溶解度增强油,

12、加注1 0 4 L溶解度增强油后,观察发现T15810B上升的趋势得到抑制,轴温在1 1 0 1 1 1 。6 月17日继续第二次加注,加注量1 0 4 L(合计加注208L),占油箱总油量2%。此次加注后观察到轴温有下降趋势,稳定在1 0 8 1 0 9(见图2)。中国石山武山子石化公司之第第)公第二次加注溶解度增强油更换树脂滤芯第3 6 卷表2润滑油MPC及污染度趋势MPC分析油箱润滑油污染度分析12.817/15/122.818/17/142.220/18/1416/14/1018/16/13口报警口开始2022-04结果2022-06-158108特证值第一次加注溶解度增强油94.00

13、202-04-21加注溶解度增强油后,油箱中润滑油的溶解度得到了提高,改善了润滑油的MPC值和清洁度,减小了漆膜对轴瓦的影响,从而使得轴瓦温度得以下降。5结语轴瓦温度作为压缩机透平运行过程中的重要参数,温度过高会对压缩机透平的正常运行产生影响,压缩机透平也可能因为轴瓦温度过高出现非计划停机的现象,成为装置长周期生产中的隐患。通过向油箱加注一定比例的五类基础油,202-05-01图2 加注溶解度增强油前后轴瓦温度变化题,提高了乙烯装置关键机组长周期运行的可靠性。参考文献:1 张锡德,蒋振洋,胡建辉,等.润滑油品质劣化对大机组轴瓦的影响及处理 J.化工设备与管道,2 0 1 8,55(3):46

14、50.2钱艺华,孟维鑫,汪红梅.大型调峰机组透平油漆膜问题研究现状 J.润滑与密封,2 0 1 6,4 1(1 0):1 0 3-106.202-0-11202-08-21时间成功在线改善了压缩机透平轴瓦温度高的问202-06-202-0-102022-06-20ABSTRACTSaffecting the normal operation.The simulation calculation based onCFD technology can accurately predict the flow of decoking effluentin pipelines,providing tec

15、hnical reference for the piping layout forrecycling decoking effluent to firebox of large-scale cracking fur-nace.Key words:cracking furnace;CFD;recycling to firebox;piping;decoking effluentINFLUENCE OF OPERATING MODE OF FIVE OPERA-TING CRACKING FURNACES ON QUENCH SYSTEM ANDTHEOPTIMIZATIONMEASURES37

16、Zhang Lei,Luo Lingli,Li Zhonghua,Ren Chongxin,LyuXiaogang.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.833699Abstract:In order to reduce the energy consumption of the 220 kt/aethylene plant in Dushanzi,it was proposed to change the operatingmode of cracking furnace from 6 for oper

17、ation and 1 standby to 5 foroperation,1 stopped and 1 standby based on the energy consumptionanalysis of the ethylene plant and the current working conditions ofcracking furnace and cracking gas compressor.In order to select theoptimal operating mode of 5 for operation,1 stopped and 1 standby,the wo

18、rking conditions were tested in 5 stages.By comparing thedesign parameters of the No.2 gasoline fractionator(C-103),therelationship between the cracking gas load of the tower and themiddle pumparound and gasoline reflux was optimized and adjusted,ensuring the stable and controlled quench oil viscosi

19、ty and quenchwater quality.Through optimizing the operating mode of crackingfurnace,the goal of energy saving and consumption reduction of theethylene plant was quickly achieved.Key words:cracking furnace;operating mode;quench system;optimizationCAUSE ANALYSIS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES FORTUBEBUNDLELE

20、AKAGEINCONDENSER OF CRACKINGGASCOMPRESSOR42Shang Yongfu,Wang Chenyu,Li Wenting,Dai Chuan,GaoWanfeng,PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.833699Abstract:The condenser of cracking gas compressor in ethyleneplant is the accessory equipment of cracking gas compressor,and itsle

21、akage will affect the long-term operation of the ethylene plant.Thecauses of tube bundle leakage in the heat exchanger are analyzed,and some corresponding preventive measures are developed to extendthe operation cycle of heat exchanger and reduce the probability ofheat exchanger leakage during opera

22、tion,thus ensuring the long-term operation of critical equipment in the ethylene plant.Key words:condenser;leakage;control measureCAUSE ANALYSIS AND SOLUTIONS TO LIQUID EN-TRAINMENT IN SUCTION LINE OF CRACKED GAS COM-PRESSORINETHYLENEPLANT45Zhang Lixia,Chen Quan,Hong Kun,Zhu Bin,Hao Fei.PetroChina D

23、ushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xinjiang,P.C.833699Abstract:This paper introduces the abnormal phenomenon of liquidentrainment in the suction line of cracked gas compressor in the 1100kt/a ethylene plant at PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,analyzes the causes of the problem from vari

24、ous aspects,and putsforward some specific measures for alleviating the liquid entrainmentin the suction line of cracked gas compressor.The analysis resultsshow that the root cause of the liquid entrainment in suction line ofcracked gas compressor and the abnormal formation of grease incaustic wash t

25、ower is the serious blockage of demisters for theinterstage tank of cracked gas compressor and the knockout drum atinlet of caustic wash tower,which resulted in a decrease indemisting efficiency and then the liquid entrainment in suction lineof compressor.Therefore,the demister for the interstage ta

26、nk ofcracked gas compressor was replaced as a whole,fundamentallysolving such problems as the liquid entrainment in suction line ofcompressor and the abnormal phenomenon in caustic wash.Key words:ethylene plant;compressor;liquid entrainment insuction line;cause and solutionDISCUSSION ON OPERATION MO

27、DE OF NEW CONTROLSYSTEM FOR THREEKEY COMPRESSORS IN ETHYLENEPLANT AFTER REVAMPING51ETHYLENEINDUSTRYStarted Publication in 1989,Quarterly.Mar.2024 Vol.36 No.1 Total 137thKong Lingjiang.SINOPEC Tianjin Company,Tianjin,P.C.300271Abstract:This paper briefly describes the revamping content andpurposes of

28、 the control system for three key compressors in ethyleneplant,and introduces the operating conditions and steps of the newsystem after revamping.The new system focuses on unit protectionand anti-surge,and over-speed protection,unit status monitoringand unit interlock protection(e me r g e n c y s h

29、 u t d o w n s y s t e m)a r ecombined into one set of ITCC system,providing a safe and reliableoperation platform for production.The performance of the controlsystem for three key compressors has been improved,the functionshave been further improved,the operating load has been reduced,the comprehen

30、sive control and operation of the unit has been realizedon the integrated operation interface,and the operating efficiencyhas been improved.Key words:control system of compressor;ITCC;module;inter-lock;statusOPERATIONAL PROBLEMS OF EXPANDER-RECOM-PRESSOR IN ETHYLENE PLANT AND THE COUNTER-MEASURES55Z

31、hao Pan,Wang Zhengying,Duan Zhongxin,Long Xianhuang,Liang Duo.PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company,Korla,Xinjang,P.C.841000Abstract:As an important part of the cryogenic separation ofethylene plant,expander-recompressor is used to purify the exhaustgas in cryogenic zone and provide cooling capacity for

32、 the cold boxin process system.It is the core equipment of the cryogenicseparation system,and its long period and stable operation plays avital role in reducing the ethylene loss of ethylene plant.This paperintroduces the process flow and operational problems of expander-recompressor in ethylene pla

33、nt,and puts forward some optimizationand improvement measures based on the analysis of the operationalproblems,so as to ensure the stable operation of the expander-recompressor system.Key words:expander-recompressor;operational problem;optimiza-tion measureEQUIPMENT,FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGIES FORCR

34、ACKINGGASCOMIPRESSORIN1200kt/aETHYLENEPLANTIN TIANJIN58Hou Nan,Chen Deming,Lyu Jiasheng.SINOPEC Tianjin Com-pany,Tianjin,P.C.300271Abstract:In recent years,the capacity of ethylene plant has beencontinuously expanded,and cracking gas compressor unit isdeveloping towards large scale.At the same time,

35、the requirementsfor the design and performance of compressor unit are higher:Basedon the problems in the operation of cracking gas compressor unit of a200 kt/a ethylene plant,this paper introduces the equipment,facilities and related technologies for the cracking gas compressorand driving steam turb

36、ine of the 1 200 kt/a ethylene plant ofSINOPEC Tianjin Company.The innovative application of a numberof advanced technologies has solved some of the key problems in theethylene plant,providing a strong guarantee for the design andconstruction of subsequent larger-scale ethylene plants.Key words:crac

37、king gas compressor;steam turbine;lubricating oilsystemINFLUENCE OF INJECTING API GROUP V BASE OIL ONBEARING BUSH TEMPERATURE OF PROPYLENE RE-FRIGERATIONCOMPRESSOR TURBINE62Zhang Liguo,Wang Zixuan,Dai Chuan,Zhou Lijing,You Zhi-heng.PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company,Dushanzi,Xin-jiang,P.C.833

38、699Abstract:After the shutdown of the ethylene plant at PetroChinaDushanzi Petrochemical Company for maintenance,the radialbearing bush temperature at the turbine side of propylenerefrigeration compressor kept rising during operation.The causes ofthe rise of bearing bush temperature were investigate

39、d,and APIGroup V base oil was injected into the propylene refrigerationcompressor in advance to solve the problem of radial bearing bushtemperature rise at the turbine side according to the previousexperience,thus ensuring the long-term operation of compressorunit.Key words:turbine;bearing bush temperature;varmnish;APIGroup V base oil

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