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1、编程手册 PROGRAMMING MANUAL适用机型Applicable ModelDur aTur n 310 V3 ec o适用数控装置Applicable NC UnitMSX-853IV在开始操作、维护或编程之前,请仔细阅读森精机、数控装置制造商及设备制 造商提供的手册,从而充分理解手册中包含的信息。请妥善保存这些手册,切勿遗失。Bef o r e st ar t in g o per at io n,maint enanc e,o r pr o gr ammin g,c ar ef ul l y r ead t he manual s suppl ied b y Mo r i Se

2、iki,t he NC unit manuf ac t ur er,and eq uipment manuf ac t ur er s so t hat yo u f ul l y under st and t he inf o r mat io n t hey c o nt ain.Keep t he man ual s c ar ef ul l y so t hat t hey wil l no t b e l o st.MORISEIIUTHE MACHINE TOOL COMPANYPX-DT310_4-A0CSEN2010.06.Y若因机床改进或改进本手册而造成本手册内容变更,恕不另

3、 行通知。因此,请记住,手册内容和真正的机床之间可能会 有轻微的差异。对本操作手册的更改将在修订版中进行,这 些修订版的内容根据更新的指导手册编号来区分。如果发现手册的内容与真实机床存在差异,或者手册中的任 何部分有不清楚的情况,请联络森精机并在使用机床之前弄 清楚这些疑点。若使用机床前没有弄清这些疑点,而导致直 接或间接损坏,森精机将不对此负责。保留所有权利:在没有获得森精机的书面同意之前,不允许 对本手册的整体或部分进行任何形式的复制。运送给您的产品(机床和附件设备)是根据相关国家或地区 推行的法律和标准制造的。所以不能将其出口、贩卖或移送 到法律和标准不同的其他目的地国家。本产品的出口必

4、须获得出口国政府的授权。关于授权事宜,请咨询政府机构。The c o nt ent s o f t his manual ar e sub j ec t t o c hange wit ho ut no t ic e due t o impr o v ement s t o t he mac hine o r in o r der t o impr o v e t he manual.Co nseq uent l y,pl ease b ear in mind t hat t her e may b e sl ight disc r epanc ies b et ween t he c o n

5、t ent s o f t he manual and t he ac t ual mac hine.Changes t o t he inst r uc t io n manual ar e made in r ev ised edit io ns whic h ar e dist inguished f r o m eac h o t her b y updat ing t he inst r uc t io n manual numb er.,Sho ul d yo u disc o v er any disc r epanc ies b et ween t he c o nt ent

6、s o f t he manual and t he ac t ual mac hine,o r if any par t o f t he manual is unc l ear,pl ease c o nt ac t Mo r i Seiki and c l ar if y t hese po int s b ef o r e using t he mac hine.Mo r i Seiki wil l no t b e l iab l e f o r any damages o c c ur r ing as a dir ec t o r indir ec t c o nseq uenc

7、 e o f using t he mac hine wit ho ut c l ar if ying t hese po int s.Al l r ight s r eser v ed:r epr o duc t io n o f t his inst r uc t io n manual in any f o r m,in who l e o r in par t,is no t per mit t ed wit ho ut t he wr it t en c o nsent o f Mo r i Seiki.The pr o duc t shipped t o yo u(t he mac

8、 hine and ac c esso r y eq uipment)has been manuf ac t ur ed in ac c o r danc e wit h t he l aws and st andar ds t hat pr ev ail in t he r el ev ant c o unt r y o r r egio n.Co nseq uent l y it c anno t be expo r t ed,so l d,o r r el o c at ed,t o a dest inat io n in a c o unt r y wit h dif f er ent

9、 l aws o r st andar ds.The expo r t o f t his pr o duc t is subj ec t t o an aut ho r izat io n f r o m t he go v er nment o f t he expo r t ing c o unt r y.Chec k wit h t he go v er nment agenc y f o r aut ho r izat io n.Co pyr ight 2010 MORI SEIKI CO.,LTD.Al l r ight s r eser v ed.990730关于机床About

10、Machine基本情况本机床使用最新技术设计和制造,用于使用切削刀具和软爪加 工回转工件。本机床的制造符合公认的安全法规、标准和规 范。本机床可用于手动和自动运行。(刀具本机床能够使用普通的车加工刀具和旋转刀具*(如铳刀、钻 头、丝锥等)。请在使用磨削刀具或特殊刀具前致电森精机。*对于配备使用旋转刀具的机床。材料本机床可用于加工金属、树脂和塑料。本机床不能用于加工 镁、碳、陶瓷以及木材等材料。使用这些材料前请致电森精 机。This mac hine was designed and b uil t using st at e-o f-t he-ar t t ec hno l o gy f o

11、r t he pur po se o f mac hining r o t at ing wo r kpiec es using c ut t ing t o o l s and so f t j aws.This mac hine c o mpl ies wit h gener al l y r ec o gnized saf et y r egul at io ns,st andar ds and spec if ic at io ns at t he t ime o f manuf ac t ur e.This mac hine is suit ab l e f o r manual a

12、nd aut o mat ic o per at io n.This mac hine is c apab l e o f using c o mmo n t ur ning t o o l s and r o t ar y t o o l s*(suc h as mil l ing c ut t er s,dr il l s,and t aps).Co nt ac t Mo r i Seiki b ef o r e using gr inding t o o l s o r spec ial t o o l s.*Fo r mac hines eq uipped t o use r o t

13、ar y t o o l s.This mac hine is designed f o r mac hining met al,r esin,and pl ast ic s.It was no t int ended f o r t he mac hining o f mat er ial s suc h as magnesium,c ar b o n,c er amic s,and wo o d.Co nt ac t Mo r i Seiki b ef o r e using t hese mat er ial s.关于本手册About this Manual 请将此手册置于显著标记位置,

14、以便需要时备查。若对本手册有任何疑问,请致电森精机服务部。若本手册遗失或损坏,请致电森精机服务部或经销商。若因机床改进而造成本手册内容变更,恕不另行通知。保留所有权利:在没有获得森精机的书面同意之前,不允许 对本操作手册进行任何形式的复制。除本手册外,本机床另提供各种手册和文件。将本手册置于 机床附近以便随时参考。重要注意事项汇编于“机床安全操作”部分。在进行任何机床 相关操作前,必须阅读此部分。本手册使用以下的数字格式:千位分隔符:“,”(逗号)小数分隔符:(句号)Keep t his manual in a c l ear l y mar ked l o c at io n t o ens

15、ur e easy ac c ess when nec essar y.,Co nt ac t t he Mo r i Seiki Ser v ic e Depar t ment if any par t o f t he manual is unc l ear.Co nt ac t t he Mo r i Seiki Ser v ic e Depar t ment o r yo ur dist r ib ut o r if t his manual is l o st o r damaged.,The c o nt ent s o f t his manual ar e sub j ec t

16、 t o c hange wit ho ut pr io r no t if ic at io n due t o impr o v ement s t o t he mac hine.Al l r ight s r eser v ed:r epr o duc t io n o f t his inst r uc t io n manual in any f o r m is no t per mit t ed wit ho ut t he wr it t en c o nsent o f Mo r i Seiki.Var io us manual s and do c ument s ar

17、e suppl ied wit h t he mac hine in addit io n t o t his manual.Keep t hem c l o se t o t he mac hine t o enab l e easy r ef er enc e.The impo r t ant pr ec aut io ns ar e c o mpil ed in t he FOR SAFE MACHINE OPERATION sec t io n.Yo u must r ead t his sec t io n b ef o r e per f o r ming any o per at

18、 io ns r el at ing t o t he mac hine.,The f o l l o wing numb er f o r mat t ing is used in t his manual:Tho usand separ at o r:,(c o mma)Dec imal separ at o r:(per io d)信号词定义Signal Word DefinitionA危险嘉勉展残害的情况,如麻嬴伤害。A警告表示具有潜在危害的情况,如果不避免,将导致死亡或严雷伤 害。企小心表示具有潜在危害的情况,如果不避免,将导致人员轻微受伤 或机床损坏。1 违反预防措施(危险、警告和

19、小心)将会导致方括号 口内所示的危险、人身伤害或机床故障。匚口注意表示必须加以考虑的项目。02表示需要参考的项目。表示提示。示例:表示程序应用实例。A DANGERIndic at es an imminent l y hazar do us sit uat io n whic h,if no t av o ided,wil l r esul t in deat h o r ser io us inj ur y.A WARNINGIndic at es a po t ent ial l y hazar do us sit uat io n whic h,if no t av o ided,c

20、o ul d r esul t in deat h o r ser io us inj ur y.CAUTIONIndic at es a po t ent ial l y hazar do us sit uat io n whic h,if no t av o ided,may r esul t in mino r inj ur y o r damage t o t he mac hine.Fail ur e t o o b ser v e t he pr ec aut io ns(hazar ds,war nings and c aut io ns)wil l l ead t o t he

21、 hazar ds indic at ed in sq uar e b r ac ket s ,inj ur ies o r mac hine t r o ub l e.W NOTEIndic at es it ems t hat must be t aken int o c o nsider at io n.Indic at es it ems t o be r ef er r ed t o.Indic at es hint s.Exampl e:Indic at es pr o gr am-appl ied exampl es.目录CONTENTS机床安全运行FOR SAFE MACHIN


23、标签.9CAUTION LABELS5-1打开/关闭电源.9Tur ning ON/OFF Po wer5-2棒料.10Bar St o c k5-3门联锁功能.10Do o r Int er l o c k Func t io n5-4机床运行期间的安全.11Saf et y Dur ing Mac hine Oper at io n5-5主轴转速与夹紧.12Spindl e Speed and Chuc king5-6主轴转速与夹紧力.13Spindl e Speed and Gr ipping Fo r c e5-7排屑器.13Chip Co nv eyo r5-8法律条例.14Lega

24、l Ob l igat io n6 工作环境.15WORKING ENVIRONMENT7 机床操作.16MACHINE OPERATION7-1编程.23Pr o gr amming7-2联锁.23Int er l o c k7-3数据.24Dat a7-4操作专用规格机床时的预防措施.24Pr ec aut io ns when Oper at ing Spec ial Spec if ic at io n Mac hines8维护和检查.25MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION8-1工作环境.26Wo r k Env ir o nment1章 G功能CHAPTER 1 G

25、 FUNCTIONS1 轴控制和运动方向.29AXIS CONTROL AND MOVEMENT DIRECTION1-1编程中表达轴运动.29Expr essing Axis Mo v ement in Pr o gr amming2 G功能.31G FUNCTIONS2-1 G代码列表.31G Co de List2-2 GOO以快速进给速度定位切削刀具.36GOO Po sit io ning Cut t ing To o l at Rapid Tr av er se Rat e2-3 G01以切削进给速度沿直线路径移动切削刀具.39G01 Mo v ing Cut t ing To o

26、 l al o ng St r aight Pat h at Cut t ing Feedr at e2-4 G01倒角和倒圆功能.40G01 Chamf er ing and Ro unding Func t io ns2-5 G01直线角度指令.44G01 Line at Angl e Co mmand2-6 G02圆弧插补(顺时针),G03圆弧插补(逆时针).45G02 Cir c ul ar Int er po l at io n(Cl o c kwise),G03 Cir c ul ar Int er po l at io n(Co unt er c l o c kwise)2-7

27、G04暂停程序执行(停留时间).47G04 Suspending Pr o gr am Exec ut io n(Dwel l)2-8 G07.1(G107)圆柱插补.50G07.1(G107)Cyl indr ic al Int er po l at io n2-9 G12.1(G112)极坐标插补(切口),G13.1(G113)极坐标插补取消.54G12.1(G112)Po l ar Co o r dinat e Int er po l at io n(No t c hing),G13.1(G113)Po l ar Co o r dinat e Int er po l at io n Ca

28、nc el2-10 G17,G18,G19选择加工平面.55G17,G18,G19 Sel ec t ing Pl ane f o r Mac hining2-11 G22存储行程检查功能打开,G23存储行程检查功能关闭.56G22 St o r ed St r o ke Chec k Func t io n ON,G23 St o r ed St r o ke Chec k Func t io n OFF2-12G27归零检查.58G27 Zer o Ret ur n Chec k2-13 G28机床归零,G30第二(第三或第四)归零.58G28 Mac hine Zer o Ret ur

29、n,G30 Sec o nd(Thir d o r Fo ur t h)Zer o Ret ur n2-14 G31跳步功能.59G31 Skip Func t io n2-15G32攻丝(在主轴中心).61G32 Tapping(at Cent er o f Spindl e)使用G32攻丝编程的注意事项.62Caut io ns o n Pr o gr amming Tapping Using G322-16 G32螺纹切削,G92螺纹切削循环.64G32 Thr ead Cut t ing,G92 Thr ead Cut t ing Cyc l e 不完整的螺纹部分.66Inc o mp

30、l et e Thr ead Po r t io n 计算不完整的螺纹部分.67Cal c ul at ing t he Inc o mpl et e Thr ead Po r t io n 螺纹切削操作中的预防措施.68Pr ec aut io ns o n Thr ead Cut t ing Oper at io n2-17 G34可变导程螺纹切削.80G34 Var iab l e Lead Thr ead Cut t ingiii2-18 G51.2、G50.2 多边形加工.82G51.2,G50.2 Po l ygo n Mac hining2-19 G52设置本地坐标系.84G52

31、 Set t ing Lo c al Co o r dinat e Syst em2-20 G53选择机床坐标系.84G53 Sel ec t ing Mac hine Co o r dinat e Syst em2-21 G54至G59选择工件坐标系.85G54 t o G59 Sel ec t ing Wo r k Co o r dinat e Syst em 2-22 G65宏调用(单次).87G65 Mac r o Cal l(One-Sho t)参数赋值.88Ar gument Assignment 调用的嵌套层数.89Nest ing Lev el f o r Cal l s2-2

32、3 G66宏模态调用(各轴行程指令),G66.1宏模态调用(各程序块),G67宏模态调用取消.91G66 Mac r o Mo dal Cal l(Ev er y Axis Tr av el Co mmand),G66.1 Mac r o Mo dal Cal l(Ev er y Bl o c k),G67 Mac r o Mo dal Cal l Canc el 2-24 G90外圆/内圆切削循环,G94端面切削循环.94G90 O.D./I.D.Cut t ing Cyc l e,G94 Fac e Cut t ing Cyc l e 2-25 G50最大和最小主轴转速设定,G96恒线速控

33、制.95G50 Set t ing Maximum and Minimum Spindl e Speeds,G96 Co nt r o l l ing Co nst ant Sur f ac e Speed2-26 G97主轴转速恒速控制.98G97 Co nt r o l l ing Spindl e Speed at Co nst ant Speed2-27 G98 G99进给速度单位设定.99G98,G99 Set t ing Feedr at e Unit s2-28切削进给速度控制.101Cut t ing Feedr at e Co nt r o lG09精确定位.102G09 E

34、xac t St o p G61精确定位模式.102G61 Exac t St o p Mo de M28故障检测打开,M29故障检测关闭.103M28 Er r o r Det ec t ON,M29 Er r o r Det ec t OFFG64切削模式.104G64 Cut t ing Mo de G63攻丝模式.104G63 Tapping Mo de G62自动拐角倍率.105G62 Aut o mat ic Co r ner Ov er r ide2章 M功能CHAPTER 2 M FUNCTIONS1 M功能.109M FUNCTIONS1-1 M代码列表.109M Co de

35、 List快速M代码.112Quic k M Co de1-2多M代码功能.112Mul t ipl e M Co de Func t io n1-3 MOO程序停止,M01可选停止.113M00 Pr o gr am St o p,M01 Opt io nal St o piv1-4 M02程序结束,M30程序结束并返回程序起点.114M02 Pr o gr am End,M30 Pr o gr am End and Rewind1-5 M03主轴启动(正转),M04主轴启动(反转),M05主轴停止.114M03 Spindl e St ar t(No r mal),M04 Spindl e

36、 St ar t(Rev er se),M05 Spindl e St o p1-6 M08切削油排放打开,M09切削油排放关闭.116M08 Co o l ant Disc har ge ON,M09 Co o l ant Disc har ge OFF1-7 M10卡盘夹紧,M11卡盘松开.117M10 Chuc k Cl amp,M11 Chuc k Unc l amp1-8 M13旋转刀具主轴启动(正转),M14旋转刀具主轴启动(反转),M05旋转停止.118M13 Ro t ar y To o l Spindl e St ar t(No r mal),M14 Ro t ar y To

37、 o l Spindl e St ar t(Rev er se),M05 Ro t at io n St o p1-9 M19、M20主轴定位1,主轴定位2.120M19,M20 Spindl e Or ient at io n 1,Spindl e Or ient at io n 21-10 M23倒角打开,M24倒角关闭.120M23 Chamf er ing ON,M24 Chamf er ing OFF1-11 M25尾架前进,M26尾架后退.122M25 Tail st o c k Fo r war d,M26 Tail st o c k Bac kwar d 顶尖作业安全编程.12

38、3Cent er-Wo r k Pr o gr amming wit h Saf et y1-12 M45 c轴连接,M46 c轴连接取消.125M45 C-Axis Co nnec t io n,M46 C-Axis Co nnec t io n Canc el1-13 M48进给倍率取消关闭,M49进给倍率取消打开.126M48 Feedr at e Ov er r ide Canc el OFF,M49 Feedr at e Ov er r ide Canc el ON1-14 M68主轴刹车夹紧,M69主轴刹车松开.126M68 Spindl e Br ake Cl amp,M69 S

39、pindl e Br ake Unc l amp1-15 M89工件计数器.126M89 Wo r k Co unt er1-16 M90主轴/旋转刀具主轴同步操作模式打开,M91主轴/旋转刀具主轴同步操作模式关闭.128M90 Spindl e/Ro t ar y To o l Spindl e Simul t aneo us Oper at io n Mo de ON,M91 Spindl e/Ro t ar y To o l Spindl e Simul t aneo us Oper at io n Mo de OFF1-17 M98/M198子程序调用,M99子程序结束.130M98/

40、M198 Sub-Pr o gr am Cal l,M99 Sub-Pr o gr am End1-18 M200排屑器前进旋转启动,M201排屑器停止.132M200 Chip Co nv eyo r Fo r war d Ro t at io n St ar t,M201 Chip Co nv eyo r St o p1-19 M712尾架轴联锁功能关闭,M713尾架轴联锁功能关闭取消.133M712 Tail st o c k Spindl e Int er l o c k Func t io n OFF,M713 Tail st o c k Spindl e Int er l o c

41、k Func t io n OFF Canc el2 缩短处理时间的程序.134PROGRAM TO SHORTEN PROCESSING TIME3章 T、S、F功能CHAPTER 3 T,S,F FUNCTIONS1 T功能.139T FUNCTION1-1 刀具几何偏移.139Ido l Geo met r y Of f set1-2刀具磨损偏移.141To o l Wear Of f set2 S功能.148S FUNCTION2-1切削速度、直径和主轴转速之间的关系.149Rel at io nship amo ng Cut t ing Speed,Diamet er,and Spi

42、ndl e Speed3 F功能.150F FUNCTION3-1指定主轴每转进给量(mm/r ev).150Spec if y Feedr at e per Spindl e Rev o l ut io n(mm/r ev)3-2指定每分钟进给量(mm/min,o/min).150Spec if y Feedr at e per Minut e(mm/min,/min)3-3精加工进给速度.152Feedr at e f o r Finishing4章 刀具偏移CHAPTER 4 TOOL OFFSET1自动刀尖半径偏移.155AUTOMATIC TOOL NOSE RADIUS OFFSE

43、T1-1设置使用自动刀尖半径偏移功能(G40、G41、G42).157Set t o Use Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of f set Func t io n(G40,G41,G42)虚刀尖位置.157Imaginar y To o l Tip Po sit io n 设置刀尖半径.159Set t ing To o l No se Radius 自动刀尖半径偏移期间切换绝对坐标.160Swit c hing Ab so l ut e Co o r dinat e dur ing Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of

44、f set 由G46确定的偏移方向.160Dir ec t io n o f Of f set Det er mined b y G46 1-2自动刀尖半径偏移功能说明中使用的专业术语.162Tec hnic al Ter ms Used in Expl anat io n o f Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of f set Func t io n 启动.162St ar t-Up 偏移模式.163Of f set Mo de 取消模式.165Canc el Mo de 1-3自动刀尖半径偏移功能的一般注意事项.167Gener al Caut io n

45、s o n Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of f set Func t io n 若壁位于切削终点.167If Wal l Lies at Endpo int o f Cut t ing 自动刀尖半径偏移模式中的过切.170Ov er c ut in Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of f set Mo de 1-4示例程序.172Exampl e Pr o gr ams 基础程序.172Basic Pr o gr ams 推荐示例程序(自动刀尖半径偏移).182Rec o mmended Exampl e Pr o g

46、r ams(Aut o mat ic To o l No se Radius Of f set)2 手动刀尖半径偏移.186MANUAL TOOL NOSE RADIUS OFFSET2-1锥度切削和倒角的偏移.186Of f set f o r Taper Cut t ing and Chamf er ing 偏移方式.186Of f set Met ho d 计算偏移数据.187Cal c ul at ing Of f set Dat a 偏移方向和坐标值的计算.190Of f set Dir ec t io n and Cal c ul at io n o f Co o r dinat

47、e Val uesv i2-2 7F例程序.196Exampl e Pr o gr am偏移数据表.199Of f set Dat a Tab l e2-3圆弧插补中的偏移.204Of f set in Cir c ul ar Int er po l at io n 凸弧.204Co nv ex Ar c 凹弧.204Co nc av e Ar c 计算程序中指定的坐标值.205Cal c ul at ing Co o r dinat e Val ues t o be Spec if ied in Pr o gr am 示例程序.206Exampl e Pr o gr am2-4样件的编程示例

48、.207Exampl e Pr o gr amming o f Sampl e Wo r kpiec e5章 封闭循环CHAPTER 5 CANNED CYCLE1 多次重复循环.217MULTIPLE REPETITIVE CYCLES1-1多次重复循环列表.217Mul t ipl e Repet it iv e Cyc l es List 1-2粗切循环.220Ro ugh Cut t ing Cyc l e1-3 G73闭环切削循环.227G73 Cl o sed-Lo o p Cut t ing Cyc l e1-4使用G71、G72和G73循环的注意事项.232Caut io ns

49、 o n Using G71,G72,and G73 Cyc l es1-5 G70精加工循环.234G70 Finishing Cyc l e1-6 G74端面切断,开槽循环和深孔钻削循环.236G74 Fac e Cut-Of f,Gr o o v ing Cyc l e and Deep Ho l e Dr il l ing Cyc l e1-7 G75外圆/内圆开槽循环,切断循环.240G75 O.D./I.D.Gr o o v ing Cyc l e,Cut-Of f Cyc l e1-8 G76多头螺纹切削循环.244G76 Mul t ipl e Thr ead Cut t in

50、g Cyc l e 横向进给模式.246Inf eed Mo de G76多头螺纹切削循环的注意事项.247Caut io ns o n G76 Mul t ipl e Thr ead Cut t ing Cyc l e 第一个循环的切削深度和螺纹切削循环数量的关系(固定切削量和沿螺纹面直线进给).247Rel at io nship b et ween Dept h o f Cut in Fir st Cyc l e and Numb er o f Thr ead Cut t ing Cyc l es(Fixed Met al Remo v al Rat e and St r aight F

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