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1、目录2012年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2013年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2014年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2015年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2017年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2018年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2012年广西民族大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解.Vocabulary(20 points)Directions:There are 20 sentences in this part.Each sentence has a

2、 word orphrase underlined.Below each sentence are four other words or phrases.Youare to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning ofthe original sentence and write down the letter on your answer sheet.1.I didnt stop at Johns house because he had visitors,and I didnt want tobutt

3、 in.A.incurB.intrudeC.inferD.interceptB【答案】句意:我没有在约翰家停下,因为他家有客人,我不想贸然闯入。butt in闯进。incur招致,引发。intrude闯入,侵扰。两者意义最接近。infer推断。intercept拦截。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】2.The author dedicated the book to his son.A.inscribedB.submergedC.promotedD.reassuredA【答案】句意:作者把这本书献给他的儿子。dedicate致力于,题献。inscribe题写。两者意义最接近。submerge

4、潜入水中。promote推销。reassure消除疑虑。因此,本题的正确答案为A。【解析】3.When you are hungry,you will devour what is up before you.A.gulpB.enhanceC.defrayD.dozeA【答案】句意:当你饥肠辘辘的时候,你会狼吞虎咽面前的食物。devour吞咽。gulp狼吞虎咽。两者意义最接近。enhance提高。defray支付。doze打盹。因此,本题的正确答案为A。【解析】4.Wed better wait inside until the storm subsides.A.transmitsB.dist

5、ortsC.migratesD.diminishesD【答案】句意:暴风雨减弱之前我们最好在室内等着。subside减弱,平息。transmit传输。distort扭曲。migrate迁移。diminish变小。两者意义最接近。因此,本题的正确答案为D。【解析】5.The union and the company have come to terms on a new contract.A.brought to an endB.called onC.reached an agreement onD.terminatedC【答案】句意:这个协会与该公司达成了一项新的协议。come to ter

6、ms达【解析】成协议。bring sth to an end结束。reach an agreement达成协议。两者意义最接近。terminate终止。因此,本题的正确答案为C。6.Several dissenting statements were made.A.lengthyB.novelC.unanticipatedD.opposingD【答案】句意:人们发表了一些各不相同的意见。dissenting不同意的。lengthy冗长的。novel新奇的。unanticipated未预料到的。opposing反对的。两者意义最接近。因此,本题的正确答案为D。【解析】7.Speaking the

7、 truth,he is really stubborn.A.indignantB.obstinateC.ambitiousD.prodigalB【答案】句意:说实话,他真的太固执了。stubborn顽固的。indignant愤愤不平的。obstinate顽固的,倔强的。两者意义最接近。ambitious雄心勃勃的。prodigal挥霍的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】8.John is interested in and clever at many different things,so he is all-around.A.verticalB.versatileC.verdantD.

8、vernalB【答案】句意:约翰对许多事情都颇有兴致,头脑也很灵活。all-around全面的。vertical垂直的。versatile多才多艺的。两者意义最接近。verdant翠绿的。vernal春天的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】9.Because it was very contagious,everyone in the family came down withthe disease.A.superfluousB.paternalC.sanitaryD.infectiousD【答案】句意:因为这是传染性疾病,所以家里每个人都被感染了。contagious有传染性的。super

9、fluous过多的。paternal父亲般的。sanitary清洁的。infectious有传染性的。两者意义最接近。因此,本题的正确答案为D。【解析】10.If something can be easily seen,we say that it is conspicuous.A.picturesqueB.desolateC.vigorousD.eminentD【答案】句意:如果某事很容易被注意到,我们就称它十分显眼。conspicuous显眼的。picturesque风景如画的。desolate荒凉的。vigorous精力充沛的。eminent有名的。两者意义最接近。因此,本题的正确答案

10、为D。【解析】11.The judges decision was appealed.A.applaudedB.unexpectedC.appropriateD.challengedD【答案】句意:裁判的决议被群众上诉。appeal上诉,呼吁。applaud称赞。unexpected出乎意料的。appropriate合适的。challenged受到挑战的。两者意义最接近。因此,本题的正确答案为D。【解析】12.As an artist,Jim is certainly an amateur,for he has had no training.A.a seniorB.an alienC.a l

11、aymanD.a stewardC【答案】句意:作为一名艺术家,吉姆当然是一个业余爱好者,因为他没有接受过培训。amateur业余爱好者。an alien外星人。a layman门外汉。两者意义最接近。a steward一名管家。因此,本题的正确答案为C。【解析】13.That is a very interesting hypothesis.A.assumptionB.announcementC.conclusionD.commentA【答案】句意:那真是一个有趣的假设。hypothesis假设。assumption假定。两者意义最接近。announcement宣布。conclusion结论

12、。comment评论。因此,本题的正确答案为A。【解析】14.The agreement between them has been made.A.contentionB.concordC.conjunctionD.communeB【答案】句意:他们之间达成了协议。agreement协议。contention竞争。concord一致。两者意义最接近。conjunction结合。commune公社。因【解析】此,本题的正确答案为B。15.The warranty period is one year.A.initialB.trialC.guaranteeD.maximumC【答案】句意:保修期为

13、一年。warranty担保。initial最初的。trial试验的。guarantee保证。两者意义最接近。maximum最小的。因此,本题的正确答案为C。【解析】16.During the weekends,they wander idly without purpose in the street.A.rambleB.rumbleC.fumbleD.clampA【答案】句意:周末时,他们在街上毫无目的地闲逛。wander idlywithout purpose毫无目的地闲逛。ramble漫步。两者意义最接近。rumble发出隆隆声。fumble笨拙地做。clamp夹紧。因此,本题的正确答案

14、为A。【解析】17.Many sick persons stayed in hospital waiting for the doctor.A.scavengersB.invalidsC.croniesD.deaconsB【答案】句意:许多病人在医院等待医生的就诊。sick person病人。scavenger清扫工。invalid病人。两者意义最接近。crony密友。deacon执事。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】18.Mr.Harris has been in a coma for several days.A.very angryB.unconsciousC.distractedD.

15、very busyB【答案】句意:哈利先生已经昏迷几天了。in a coma昏迷不醒。veryangry非常生气的。unconscious无意识的。两者意义最接近。distracted分心的。very busy十分忙碌的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】19.They finally agreed unwillingly.A.consortedB.consoledC.consignedD.concededD【答案】句意:他们最终十分不情愿地同意了。agree unwillingly不情愿地同意。consort结交。console安慰。consign托付。concede让步。两者意义最接近。因

16、此,本题的正确答案为D。【解析】20.The returning of his illness surprised us.A.relayB.relapseC.refrainD.refundB【答案】句意:他的病情复发让我们十分惊讶。relay转播。returning ofillness旧病复发。relapse再度恶化。两者意义最接近。refrain克制。refund退款。因此,本题的正确答案为B。【解析】.Reading Comprehension:(80 points)Directions:The following two passages are followed by some que

17、stions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and write down the letter onyour answer sheet.Passage 1(10 points,2 points each)The standardized educational or psychological tests,that are widely used toaid in selecting,c

18、lassifying,assigning,or promoting students,employees,andmilitary personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books,magazines,the daily press,and even in Congress.The target is wrong,for in attackingthe tests,critics turn attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed orincompetent user

19、s.The tests themselves are merely tools,with characteristicsthat can be measured with reasonable precision under specified condition.Whether the results will be valuable,meaningless,or even misleadingdepends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user.All informed predictions of future per

20、formance are based upon someknowledge of relevant past performance.How well the predictions will besupported by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,andappropriateness of information used and on the skill and wisdom with whichit is interpreted.Anyone who keeps careful score knows th

21、at the informationavailable is always incomplete and that the predictions are always subject toerror.Standardized tests should be considered in this context.They provide a quick,objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a personhas learned,the skills he has developed,or the ki

22、nd of person he is theinformation so obtained has,qualitatively,the same advantages andshortcomings as other kinds of information.Whether to use tests,other kindsof information,or both in a particular situation depends,therefore,upon theevidence from experience,and upon such factors as cost and avai

23、lability.1.What is the authors attitude towards standardized tests?A.NegativeB.PositiveC.Slightly criticalD.Both A and B2.Why is the target of attacks considered to be wrong?A.Because the standardized tests are criticized by too many magazines.B.Because the problems of the tests should not be referr

24、ed to Congress.C.Because one fails to notice test users lack of knowledge.D.Because attacks shouldnt be made by incompetent users.3.“All informed predictions”in Paragraph 2 means all predictions that_.A.are based on sound knowledge of the testsB.are based on information from the mass mediaC.are made

25、 by government agenciesD.are made by testes4.Ones predictions are never 100%accurate because _.A.the predictor may not be wise enoughB.the predictor may not have sufficient experienceC.the predictor never receives complete informationD.the information received is subject to errors5.According to the

26、author,what is the context in which standardized testsshould be considered?A.They provide a quick objective method.B.They get information about a particular person.C.They provide good quality information.D.They may be partly incorrect.【答案与解析】1.B 文章第一段第二句提到“The target is wrong”,表明作者对社会上抨击标准化考试这一行为不赞同

27、。第一段最后一句“Whether the results willbe valuable,meaningless,or even misleading depends partly upon the toolitself but largely upon the user”表明作者认为考试结果大部分取决于做题者。由此可知作者对标准化考试持肯定态度。故选B。2.C 文章第一段作者提到“The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics turn attention from the fault that lies with ill-inf

28、ormed or incompetentusers”。由此可知,人们批评标准化考试是错误的,原因就在于他们把注意力从消息不灵通,自身实力欠佳的人转移开了。也就是忽视了做题者的知识储备不足这一事实。故选C。3.A 文章第二段开头提到“All informed predictions of future performanceare based upon some knowledge of relevant past performance”。由此可知,所有的知情的预测是根据过去相关表现得出的。也就是过去学习中知识的积累,即对测试题的扎实知识储备。故选A。4.C 文章第二段最后一句提到“Anyon

29、e who keeps careful score knows thatthe information available is always incomplete and that the predictions arealways subject to error”。意思为“任何保持谨慎评分的人都知道,可用的信息总是不完整的,而且预测总是容易出错。”由此可知,我们接受的信息总是不完整的。故选C。5.C 文章最后一段开头就提到标准化考试应考虑的背景。第二句提到“he is the information so obtained has,qualitatively,the sameadvant

30、ages and shortcomings as other kinds of information”。由此可知,标准化测试应该提供关于测试者有质量的信息。故选C。Passage 2(10 points,2 points for each)When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August,hisexplanation was surprisingly straight up.Rather than cloaking his exit in theusual vague excuses,he came righ

31、t out and said he was leaving“to pursuemy goal of running a company.”Broadcasting his ambition was“very muchmy decision,”McGee says.Within two weeks,he was talking for the firsttime with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group,which named himCEO and chairman on September 29.McGee says leaving

32、 without a position lined up gave him time to reflect onwhat kind of company he wanted to run.It also sent a clear message to theoutside world about his aspirations.And McGee isnt alone.In recent weeksthe No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanationthat they were looking fo

33、r a CEO post.As boards scrutinize succession plansin response to shareholder pressure,executives who dont get the nod alsomay wish to move on.A turbulent business environment also has seniormanagers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.As the first signs of recovery begin

34、 to take hold,deputy chiefs may be morewilling to make the jump without a net.In the third quarter,CEO turnoverwas down 23%from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders theyhad,according to Liberum Research.As the economy picks up,opportunitieswill abound for aspiring leaders.The decision

35、 to quit a senior position to look for a better one isunconventional.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to therule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must bepoached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:“I cant think of asingle search Ive done where a board

36、 has not instructed me to look at sittingCEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job havent always landed in top positionsquickly.Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age,saying shewanted to be a CEO.It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.Robert

37、 Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 withambitions to be a CEO.He finally took that post at a major financialinstitution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.Thefinancial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave abad one.“The trad

38、itional rule was its safer to stay where you are,but thatsbeen fundamentally inverted,”says one headhunter.“The people whovebeen hurt the worst are those whove stayed too long.”6.When McGee announced his departure,his manner can best be describedas being _A.arrogant.B.frank.C.self-centered.D.impulsi

39、ve.7.According to Paragraph 2,senior executives quitting may be spurred by_A.their expectation of better financial status.B.their need to reflect on their private life.C.their strained relations with the boards.D.their pursuit of new career goals.8.The word“poached”(Line 2,Paragraph 4)most probably

40、means _A.approved of.B.attended to.C.hunted for.D.guarded against.9.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _A.top performers used to cling to their posts.B.loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated.C.top performers care more about reputations.D.its safer to stick to the traditional rul

41、es.10.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.CEOs:Where to Go?B.CEOs:All the Way Up?C.Top Managers Jump without a NetD.The Only Way Out for Top Performers【答案与解析】6.B 文章第一段第二句提到“Rather than cloaking his exit in the usualvague excuses,he came right out and said he was leaving“to pursue

42、 my goalof running a company”表明McGee在说明辞职理由时是十分坦率的,并没有含糊其辞。故选B。7.D 文章第二段提到McGee辞职是因为想要开自己的公司。雅芳和美国运通的第二位高管辞职是因为他们想要担任CEO职位。根据题干中的关键词“senior executives quitting”寻找原因:文章中很明确的提出“with theexplanation that they were looking for a CEO post”。故选D。8.C 文章第四段提到“I cant think of a single search Ive done where abo

43、ard has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first”意思为“我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选”。这表明那些人都是要去挖的,那么对应的单词就是“hunt for”了。故选C。9.A 文章最后一段的这句话“The traditional rule was its safer to staywhere you are,but thats been fundamentally inverted”表明过去高管们不轻易离职。故选A。10.C 该题的强烈的干扰项是A和B选项,原因在于CEO在文中出现了很多次CEO很

44、容易被误认为主体词。文章的主体词其实是“top manager”。CEO只是他们想去成为,而不是现在就是。去掉A和B以后,C和D 相比答案就比较容易了。只是要理解“net”就是替换了“new job”。故选C。Passage 3Read the following passages carefully and then explain in your own Englishthe exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts.(30 points,3 pointsfor each)(1)Being angry increases the

45、risk of injury,especially among men,newresearch says.The researchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accidentvictims at three Missouri hospitals.They interviewed each subject todetermine the patients emotional state just before the injury and 24 hoursearlier,gathering data on whether the patients f

46、elt irritable,angry or hostile,and to what degree.Then they compared the results with a control group ofuninjured people.(2)Despite widespread belief in“road rage,”anger did not correlate withinjuries from traffic accidents.(3)Not surprisingly,anger was stronglyassociated with injuries inflicted del

47、iberately.But other injuriesthoseneither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidentsalso showedstrong associations with anger.(4)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men,butthere were no differences by race.The authors acknowledge that their datadepend on sel

48、f-reports,which are not always reliable.(5)Why anger correlates with injury is not known.“I can speculate that theanger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury,or may havesimply distracted the person,leading indirectly to the injury,”said the studyslead author.(6)It is useful to remem

49、ber that history is to the nation as memory is to theindividual.As persons deprived of memory become disoriented and lost,notknowing where they have been and where they are going,so a nation denieda conception of the past will be disabled in dealing with its present and itsfuture.【答案与解析】1.According

50、to a new research,getting angry increases the chances of gettingphysically hurt,particularly for male.(该句意思是“新的研究表示,生气会增加受伤的风险,特别是在男性中”。injury在文中指的是身体上受的伤。)2.Even if people generally believe that people easily get angry when drivingon the road,anger didnt have much to do with injuries with traffic a

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