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2、天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2009年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2010年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2011年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2012年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2013年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2014年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解2015年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解1999年北京航空航天大学外国语学院721基础英语考研真题及详解I.Vocabulary and Struc

3、ture.(30 points)Part 1Directions:Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning tothe underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter.1Is it true that insulin can now be synthesized?A.produced artificiallyB.tested safelyC.injected frequentlyD.taken orally【答案】A【解析】synthes

4、ize人工合成。句意:胰岛素现在是可以合成的吗?produce artificially人工合成。test safely安全测试。inject frequently经常注射。taken orally口服。2We could get no information about what happened to the captives.A.piratesB.patientsC.prisonersD.passengers【答案】C【解析】captive俘虏。句意:我们无法获得关于俘虏的任何信息。prisoner囚犯。pirate海盗。patient病人。passenger乘客。3Judge Smit

5、hs decisions are generally regarded as equitable.A.fairB.cleverC.longD.popular【答案】A【解析】equitable公平的;公正的。句意:史密斯法官的判决通常被认为是公正的。fair公平的;公正的。clever聪明的。long长的。popular受欢迎的。4Let me reiterate my main point.A.reportB.repeatC.reviewD.revise【答案】B【解析】reiterate重申。句意:让我重申一下我的主要观点。repeat重复。report报告。review复习。revise

6、修正。5The present regime took over only last month.A.councilB.principalC.commanderD.government【答案】D【解析】regime政体,政权。句意:目前的政府仅在上个月才接管政权。government政府。council理事会,委员会。principal首长;校长。commander司令官,指挥官。6These ideas were denounced on yesterday evenings programme on TV.A.praisedB.ignoredC.attackedD.explained【答案

7、】C【解析】denounce公开指责,公然抨击,谴责。句意:这些想法在昨天晚上的电视节目上遭到了谴责。attack攻击;抨击。praise表扬;赞赏。ignore忽视。explain解释。7They say that the government is subsidizing the shipping industry.A.trying to destroyB.helping to supportC.starting to developD.continuing to operate【答案】B【解析】subsidize资助;补贴。句意:他们说,政府正在补贴航运业。help to support

8、支持;帮助。try to destroy设法毁掉。start to develop开始发展。continue to operate继续运营。8We still must decide on beverages for this evening.A.things to eatB.things to wearC.things to drinkD.things to do【答案】C【解析】beverage饮料。句意:我们必须决定好今天晚上喝什么。9Smith expects his children to be inquisitive.A.healthyB.naughtyC.curiousD.ser

9、ious【答案】C【解析】inquisitive好奇的。句意:史密斯希望他的孩子们能有好奇心。curious好奇的,求知的。healthy健康的。naughty淘气的。serious严肃的。10The main topic for discussion was Dr.Soames objectionable comments.A.relevantB.offensiveC.purposefulD.unprejudiced【答案】B【解析】objectionable引起反对的,令人不快的,讨厌的。句意:讨论的主要话题是Soames博士的令人讨厌的评论。offensive讨厌的,无礼的。releva

10、nt相关的。purposeful有目的的。unprejudiced无偏见的。Part 2Directions:Choose one from the four alternatives that best completes thesentence and mark the corresponding letter.11Living in central Australian desert has its problems _ obtainingwater is not the least.A.of whichB.forC.asD.in that【答案】A【解析】句意:在澳大利亚沙漠中部生活有

11、其问题存在,其中获得水的问题不是最小的问题。which引导的定语从句修饰先行词problems,of表示“在中”。12It isnt cold enough for there _ a frost tonight,so I can leave Jimscar out quite safely.A.would beB.beingC.wasD.to be【答案】D【解析】句意:今夜不会冷到霜冻的程度,所以我可以放心地把吉姆的车停在外面。“It isnt cold enough for there”是句子的主干。“to be a frosttonight”这是句子的补语部分。“It is adj.f

12、or sth./sb.to do sth”常用句子结构。there是个代词,作介词for的宾语,指代tonight;而to be a frost是there这个宾语的补语部分,来补充说明there的情况或状态。13Scientists generally agree that the Earths climate will warm up over thenext 50 to 100 years _ it has warmed in the 20000 years since the IceAge.A.as long asB.as much asC.as soon asD.as well as

13、【答案】B【解析】句意:科学家普遍认为在接下来的50到100年,地球的气温将会升高,其程度可以与从冰河世纪以来这两万年中气温上升的幅度不相上下。as much as(程度,幅度等)同样多。as long as只要。as soon as一就。as well as和;以及。14How many of us _,say,a meeting that is irrelevant to us would beinterested in the discussion?A.attendedB.attendingC.to attendD.have attended【答案】B【解析】句意:这么说吧,我们参加一个

14、与自己毫不相关的会议时会有多少人对会上的讨论感兴趣呢?动词attend与被修饰词us之间存在主谓关系,根据句意可知是还没有参加会议,所以用现在分词表示主动意义。how many of us attending相当于how many of us will attend。15_ is generally accepted,economic growth is determined by thesmooth development of production.A.WhatB.ThatC.ItD.As【答案】D【解析】句意:一个被普遍接受的观点是:经济增长由生产的平稳发展决定。as作关系代词,引导非限

15、制性定语从句,作“正如”解。16It is believed that todays pop music can serve as creative force _stimulating the thinking of its listeners.A.byB.withC.atD.on【答案】A【解析】句意:人们认为流行音乐可以通过刺激听众的思维而成为一种创造性的力量。do sth.by doing sth.通过某种手段达到某种目的;常见表达。17Observations were made _ the children at the beginning and at theend of pre

16、school and first grade.A.towardsB.ofC.onD.with【答案】C【解析】句意:在学前班和一年级开始和结束时对孩子们进行了观察。make observation on sth./sb.观察某事物/某人。18The number of registered participants in this years marathon was half_.A.of last yearsB.those of last yearsC.of those of last yearD.that of last years【答案】D【解析】句意:今年马拉松的报名参赛选手人数是去年

17、的一半。that指代the number of registered participants。19For there _ successful communication,there must be attentivenessand involvement in the discussion itself by all present.A.isB.to beC.will beD.being【答案】B【解析】句意:为达到交流的成功,所有在场的人员都应该在讨论中表现出关注和投入。to be表示目的。20There was a very interesting remark in the book

18、 by an Englishman that Iread recently _ what he thought was a reason for this Americancharacteristic.A.givingB.gaveC.to giveD.given【答案】A【解析】句意:我最近读到的一个英国人的书中有一个非常有趣的评论,他认为这是美国特色的一个原因。分析句子结构可知,空格处应该修饰remark,填入现在分词giving做后置定语,表示主动意义。that引导定语从句,修饰a book。what引导的是名词从句,作giving的宾语,其中的he thought是插入语。21No on

19、e would have time to read or listen to an account of everything_ going on in the world.A.it isB.this isC.there isD.what is【答案】C【解析】句意:没有人会有时间去阅读或聆听关于世界上正在发生的一切事情的解释。空格处是一个定语从句,省略了that。完整形式为“Noone wouldeverything there that is going on in the world”。22Andraw,my fathers younger brother,will not be at

20、the picnic,_to the familys disappointment.A.muchB.moreC.too muchD.much more【答案】A【解析】句意:我爸爸的弟弟Andraw不能参加野餐了,令家人很失望。much修饰介词短语to the familys disappointment,表程度。23I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible.But I _ fully occupied the whole of last week.A.wereB.had beenC.h

21、ave beenD.was【答案】D【解析】句意:只要有可能我就去医院看望他了,但我上周的时间都被占满了。虚拟语气,前半部分为假设,后半部分是事实。24Help will come from the UN,but the aid will be _ near whatsneeded.A.everywhereB.somewhereC.nowhereD.anywhere【答案】C【解析】句意:联合国会给予帮助,但这些援助不可能到达那些需要帮助的地方。句子中的but表明两句话是转折的关系,nowhere无处;任何地方都不;表示否定概念,符合句子逻辑表达。25The chief reason for

22、the population growth isnt so much a rise in birthrates _ a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.A.andB.asC.butD.or【答案】B【解析】句意:人口增长的主要原因,与其说是出生率的增长,不如说是死亡率的降低,而死亡率的降低是医疗条件的改善引起的。not somuch as sth.不如多,与其说不如说,固定搭配。26He claims to be an expert in astronomy,but in actual fact h

23、e is quiteignorant on the subject._ he knows about it is out of date andinaccurate.A.What littleB.So muchC.How muchD.So little【答案】A【解析】句意:他声称自己是天文学专家,但事实上他对此很无知。他所知道的一点点已经过时而且毫不准确。what little he knows about it是主语从句,what在从句中还作定语,修饰little,意思是“所的一点点”。27Although we feel dissatisfied with the election re

24、sults,we have tobecome reconciled _ the decision made by our fellow countrymen.A.forB.onC.toD.in【答案】C【解析】句意:虽然我们对选举结果感到不满意,但我们必须听从我们国民的选择。reconcile to sth.顺从于。28The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each_ one major point in contrast with the other.A.makesB.madeC.to makeD

25、.making【答案】D【解析】句意:这篇文章的开头和结尾都是关于两个新闻报道的,每一个的主要观点与另一个的不同。本题考查独立主格结构。后半部分each用做逻辑主语,与动词make之间存在主谓关系,所以用现在分词修饰。29Just as the soil is part of the earth._ the atmosphere.A.as it isB.the same isC.so isD.and so is【答案】C【解析】句意:正如土壤是地球的一部分一样,大气也是地球的一部分。just as.,so.就像一样,也,表示比较。在so引导的分句中往往省略一些句子成分,完整结构为so the

26、atmosphere is a part ofthe earth。30_ can help but be fascinated by the would into which he is takenby the science fiction.A.EverybodyB.anybodyC.SomebodyD.Nobody【答案】A【解析】句意:所有人都情不自禁被科幻小说带入另一个世界。canhelp but“可以忍住但没有,情不自禁”。根据句意可知应选everybody(每一个人)。II.Mistake spotting(10 points)Directions:Decide which und

27、erlined part is incorrect and mark thecorresponding letter.1Allen has stated that he has always had a great interest and admiration forthe work of the British economist Keynes.A.has statedB.has always hadC.a great interest and admirationD.for【答案】C【解析】a great interest and admiration改为a great interest

28、 in andadmiration。interest从通常与介词in搭配,表示“对感兴趣”。2The Bunsen burner is so named because it is thought to be invented byRobert Bunsen,who was German by birth.A.soB.it is thoughtC.to be inventedD.by【答案】C【解析】to be invented改为to have been invented。“发明”这个动作发生在过去,并对现在有影响,所以用现在完成时。3Much although I have travell

29、ed,I have never seen anyone to equal her inthoroughness,whatever the job.A.Much althoughB.to equalC.whateverD.the job【答案】A【解析】much although改为much as或much though。much只有放在as和though的前面才能构成倒装结构。4The conveniences that Americans desire reflecting not so much aleisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in whi

30、ch even minutes of time are toovaluable to be wasted.A.reflectingB.leisurelyC.areD.to be wasted【答案】C【解析】are改为is。minutes of time表示单数概念,谓语动词应该用单数形式。5In debating,one must correct the opponents facts,deny the relevance ofhis proof or deny that what he presents as proof,unless relevant,is sufficient.A.op

31、ponentsB.thatC.whatD.unless【答案】D【解析】unless改为if。句意:在辩论中,要对对方所述事实进行反驳,否定其论据的相关性或者直接否定论据本身,因为一旦论据有相关性就足以使其论述成立。if表假设,符合句子逻辑表达。6The speaker claimed that no other modern nation devotes so small aportion of its wealth to public assistance and health than the United Statesdoes.A.no otherB.so smallC.thanD.d

32、oes【答案】C【解析】than改为as。so as表示比较概念,固定搭配。句意:该发言人称,没有一个现代国家像美国一样,只把如此少部分的社会总财富用于社会援助和医疗。7If individuals are awakened each time as they begin a dream phase ofsleep,they are likely to become irritable even though their total amount ofsleep has been sufficient.A.are awakenedB.each time asC.even thoughD.has

33、 been sufficient【答案】B【解析】each time as去掉as。each time可以直接用做时间状语连词,意为“每次;每当”。8On the whole,ambitious students are much likely to succeed in theirstudies than are those with little ambition.A.On the wholeB.are much likelyC.are thoseD.with【答案】B【解析】are much likely改为are more likely。根据后面出现的than一词可知这里表示比较,所以

34、应该用more。9In this way these insects show an efficient use of their sound-producedability,organizing two sounds delivered at a high rate as one call.A.sound-producedB.organizingC.deliveredD.call【答案】A【解析】sound-produced改为sound-producing。sound-producing做形容词修饰ability,表示“发声能力”。10For him to be reelected,wha

35、t is essential is not that his policy works,butthat the public believe that it is.A.to be reelectedB.worksC.but thatD.is【答案】D【解析】is改为does。does用做代动词,代指works。III.Cloze test(10 points)Directions:Fill in each underlined space with one word that best suits thecontext of the following passage.The first an

36、d smallest unit that can be discussed in language is the word.Inspeaking,the choice of words is(1)the utmost importance.Properselection will eliminate one source of(2)breakdown in thecommunication cycle.Too often,careless use of words(3)a meeting ofthe minds of the speaker and listener.The words use

37、d by the speaker may(4)unfavorable reactions in the listener(5)interfere with hiscomprehension;hence,the transmission-reception system breaks down.(6),inaccurate or indefinite words may make(7)difficult for thelistener to understand the(8)which is being transmitted to him.Thespeaker who does not hav

38、e specific words in his working vocabulary may be(9)to explain or describe in a(10)that can be understood by hislisteners.【答案与解析】1of(be of utmost importance相当于be very important,意为“十分重要的”。)2likely(根据上下文可知句意是:适当的选词可以消除交际过程中可能出现的障碍。likely意为“很有可能的”,修饰breakdown。)3prevents(此句描写的是“随意选词”的不利之处,所以空格处可以填preven


40、不正确的或者不明确的词可能会使听话者难于理解传送给他的消息。)9unable(be unable to do sth.不能做某事。这里表达的意思是:那些在他的词语库里没有具体的词语的表达者将不可能以他的聆听者能听懂的方式解释或表达。)10way(way表示“方式;方法”,在这里做定语从句的先行词。)IV.Translation from English into Chinese.(15 points)The ideas and concepts most important to our everyday lives are largelyunscientific;their correctn

41、ess or incorrectness cannot be determined in thelaboratory.Interestingly enough,it seems that everybody honestly believesthat his own ideas about the rightness or wrongness of things are correct,andthat almost everybody is acquainted with people who hold completelyopposite views-so the ideas of some

42、(or all)must be incorrect.How do youknow whether or not you are one of those holding erroneous beliefs?There isa test.Before you can be reasonably convinced that you are right about aparticular idea,you should be sure that you understand the objections and thepositions of you most articulate antagon

43、ists.You must find out whether yourviews are supported by a sound knowledge of opposing ideas or by yourmisconceptions of opposing ideas.You made this distinction by seeingwhether or not you can state the objections and positions of your oppositionto their satisfaction.Even if you can successfully d

44、o this,you cannot beabsolutely certain of being right about your own ideas,but the possibility ofbeing right is considerably higher than if you cannot pass this test.Theperson who can state his antagonists point of view to the satisfaction of hisantagonist is more likely to be correct in his own bel

45、iefs than the person whocannot.【参考译文】对我们日常生活最重要的思想和概念在很大程度上是不科学的;他们的正确性与否在实验室里是无法确定的。有趣的是,似乎每个人都诚实地相信自己对事物的正误的看法是正确的,而且几乎每个人都认识持完全相反观点的人所以有些人(或所有人)的想法都是不正确的。你怎么知道你是不是一个持有错误信念的人?有一个测试。在你能合理地确信你的某个特定的想法是正确的之前,你应该确保你理解了你最善于表达的对手的反对意见和立场。你必须弄清楚你的观点是否得到了反对意见的声音的支持,或者你对对立观点的误解。你可以通过看你是否能表达自己对他们的观点的反对立场来做出

46、区分。即使你能成功做到这一点,你也不能完全肯定自己的想法是正确的,但是如果你不能通过这个测试,那么正确的可能性就更低。能够说出让对手满意的观点的人,他们持有的观点比那些做不到这样的人的观点更有可能是正确的。V.Translation from Chinese into English.(20 points)三百多年以前,少数拓荒者横渡大洋来到詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯,寻求他们的自己国内无法获得的一些自由,也是我们今天仍然珍视的一些自由:免于匮乏的自由,免于恐惧的自由,言论自由及信仰自由。今天,这些早期移民的后裔以及后来加入其行列的人们正在美国国内和全世界为捍卫这些自由而战斗。然而还有一个第五自由:达

47、到自己最佳境界的自由,我们却正面临着丧失的危险,而这一自由正是上述四大自由的基础。也许你生下来就具有成为诗人、音乐家或天文学家的才能,但在时间还不太晚的时候,没人位你一把,等时机一过,就再也无法唤醒在你身上沉睡的这些才能了,达到自己最佳境界的自由就是人人有把自己的能力发挥到最高水平的机会。【参考译文】More than three centuries ago a handful of pioneers crossed the ocean toJamestown and Plymouth in search of freedoms they were unable to find intheir

48、 own countries,the freedoms we still cherish today:freedom from want,freedom from fear,freedom of speech,freedom of religion.Today thedescendants of the early settlers,and those who have joined them since,arefighting to protect these freedoms at home and throughout the world.And yet there is a fifth

49、 freedom-basic to those four-that we are in danger oflosing:the freedom to be ones best.No one grasped you by the shoulderwhile there was still time;and nought will awaken in you the sleeping poet ormusician or astronomer that possibly inhabited you from the beginning.Thefreedom to be ones best is t

50、he chance for the development of each person tohis highest power.VI.Writing.(15 points)Directions:Write a composition of about 200 words on the topic“Thequalifications of a young scholar.”【参考范文】When it comes to the question what makes a qualified young scholar,thereare three main qualities can accou

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