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1、目录2011年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2017年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2018年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part.Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)Section A.T

2、ranslate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoChinese(15 points).1.OA办公自动化(Office Automation)【答案】2.CPI消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)【答案】3.MPA公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)【答案】4.speed bump减速带【答案】5.a grand jury大陪审团【答案】6.blue chip stock蓝筹股;绩优股【答案】7.cloud computing云计算【答案】8.British Petrole

3、um英国石油公司【答案】9.ASEAN Secretariat东盟秘书处【答案】10.chief operating officer首席运营官【答案】11.constitutional monarchy君主立宪制度【答案】12.(U.S.)District Attorney地方检察官【答案】13.(U.S.)Political Action Committee政治行动委员会【答案】14.(U.S.)Department of Homeland Security国土安全部【答案】15.The Royal Swedish Academy of Science瑞典皇家科学院【答案】Section B

4、.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoEnglish(15 points).1.微博microblog【答案】2.创业板Growth Enterprises Market【答案】3.廉租房low-rent housing【答案】4.保税区bonded area【答案】5.节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction【答案】6.低碳经济low carbon economy【答案】7.厚利多销large profits and quick turnover【答案】8.科学发展观S

5、cientific Outlook on Development【答案】9.服务型政府service-oriented government【答案】10.经济适用房economically affordable housing【答案】11.一审终审制one-final trial【答案】12.紧缩银根政策tight monetary policy【答案】13.南宁国际会展中心Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center【答案】14.广西国际博览事务局Guangxi International Expo Affairs Bureau

6、【答案】15.中国东盟商务与投资峰会China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit【答案】Part.Passage Translation(120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese(60 points).A Meditation Upon a BroomstickJonathan SwiftThis single stick,which you now behold ingloriously lying in thatneglected corner,I once knew in a flourishing s

7、tate in a forest.It was full ofsap,full of leaves,and full of boughs,but now in vain does the busy art ofman pretend to vie with nature,by tying that withered bundle of twigs to itssapless trunk.It is now,at best,but the reverse of what it was:a tree turnedupside down,the branches on the earth,and t

8、he root in the air.It is nowhandled by every dirty wench,condemned to do her drudgery,and by acapricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean and be nasty itself.At length,worn to the stumps in the service of the maids,it is either thrownout of doors or condemned to its last useof kindli

9、ng a fire.When I beheldthis,I sighed and said within myself,“Surely mortal man is a broomstick!”Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty,in a thriving condition,wearing his own hair on his head,the proper branches of this reasoningvegetable,until the axe of intemperance has lopped off his gre

10、en boughs andleft him a withered trunk;he then flies to art,and puts on a periwig,valuinghimself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs,all covered with powder,thatnever grew on his head.But now should our broomstick pretend to enter thescene,proud of those birchen spoils it never bore,and all covered wi

11、th dust,though the sweepings of the finest ladys chamber,we should be apt toridicule and despise its vanity.Partial judges that we are of our ownexcellencies and other mens defaults.【参考译文】扫帚把上的沉思乔纳森斯威夫特你看这把扫帚,现在灰溜溜地躺在无人注意的角落,我曾在森林里碰见过。当时它风华正茂,树液充沛,枝叶繁茂。如今变了样,却还有人自作聪明,想靠手艺同大自然竞争,拿来一束枯枝捆在它那已无树液的身上,结果枉


13、收集到身上而得意洋洋,其实这些条上尽是尘土,即使是最高贵的夫人房里的尘土,我们一定会笑它如何虚荣吧!我们就是这样偏心的审判官,偏于自己的优点,别人的毛病!2.Translate the following into English(60 points).冯骥才:过年,就是“过文化”过年要有年味,而年味越来越淡,这是令大冯(冯骥才)感到困惑的问题。年味变淡有其正常的和必然的原因:中国春节是与农耕文化、生产节律紧密相连的;过完年,春耕即将开始。这种生活距离我们(尤其是城市居民)毕竟已十分遥远;加上移风易俗和现代通讯手段的发达,人情味和年味自然被稀释了。此外还有人认为,现在天天鸡鸭鱼肉,等于天天过年

14、,那么过年还有什么意思呢?大冯说,其实不是这样,过去中国人生活贫穷,过上好日子是他们的理想;而只有在过年时,这种理想才会变成现实(尽管只是短暂的“幻觉”)。今天当人们已经丰衣足食时,过年,应有更高的理想和境界。在大冯看来,当代人过年已越来越是一个精神的、情感的和文化的生活。【参考译文】Feng Jicai:Culture is the essence of the Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is expected to have its unique atmosphere.Whatconfuses Mr.Feng is the diminishing

15、 atmosphere of the Spring Festival.The phenomenon has its natural and inevitable reasons.Firstly,ChineseNew Year is closely related to agriculture and the production rhythm.Springploughing begins after the Spring Festival.This kind of life is very far fromus,especially urban residents.And changed cu

16、stoms and modern means ofcommunication also lessen the human touch and the New Year atmosphere.Besides,some believe that,nowadays,one can enjoy a feast,which was onlyavailable in the New Year,whenever he wants.Then,little interest ofcelebrating the Spring Festival remains now.Mr.Feng does not agree

17、withthe idea.According to him,Chinese people led a poor life in the past with anaspiration of a good life.The Spring Festival is the only period that the idealbecomes reality,though a transitory illusion.As peoples life is affluent now,the Spring Festival is supposed to be celebrated on a higher lev

18、el.Mr.Fengholds a view that contemporary Chinese New Year increasingly becomes aspiritual,emotional and cultural life.2012年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part.Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)Section A.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoChinese(15 points).1.IPR知识产权(Intellectual Prope

19、rty Rights)【答案】2.CPI消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)【答案】3.MOU谅解备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding)【答案】4.austerity measures紧缩措施【答案】5.WikiLeaks维基解密【答案】6.Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operationbetween China and ASEAN中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议【答案】7.No thoroughfare禁止通行【答案】8.impulse buying冲动购买【答案】9.lott

20、ery industry博彩【答案】10.podcast播客【答案】11.economic blockade经济封锁【答案】12.trade liberalization贸易自由化【答案】13.blind date相亲【答案】14.credit card fraud信用卡诈骗【答案】15.a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人【答案】Section B.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoEnglish(15 points).1.国际货币基金组织IMF(International Monetary Fun

21、d)【答案】2.应试教育exam-oriented education【答案】3.(“神舟八号”与“天宫一号”)的交会对接rendezvous and docking【答案】4.无核化denuclearization【答案】5.基因突变gene mutation【答案】6.安居工程Comfortable Housing Project【答案】7.机辅翻译CAT(Computer Aided Translation)【答案】8.灰色收入gray income【答案】9.贸易逆差trade deficit【答案】10.网恋online love affair【答案】11.影子内阁Shadow Ca

22、binet【答案】12.农药残留pesticide residue【答案】13.假冒产品bogus products【答案】14.第三产业tertiary industry【答案】15.吃醋be jealous【答案】Part.Passage Translation(120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese(60 points).The Rewards of Living a Solitary LifeLoneliness is most acutely felt with other people,for with others,evenwith

23、 a lover sometimes,we suffer from our differences of taste,temperament,and mood.Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge ofperception,or withdraw at the very instant of personal truth for fear ofhurting,or of being inappropriately present,which is to say naked,in a socialsituation.Alo

24、ne,we can afford to be wholly whatever we are,and to feelwhatever we feel absolutely.That is a great luxury.For me,the most interesting thing about a solitary life,and mine hasbeen that for the last 20 years,is that it becomes increasingly rewarding.When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the

25、 ocean,as I do most days,and know that I have an entire day ahead,uninterrupted,in which to write afew pages,take a walk with my dog,lie down in the afternoon for a longthink(why does one think better in a horizontal position?),read and listen tomusic,I am flooded with happiness.I am lonely only whe

26、n I am overtired,when I have worked too longwithout a break,when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a leisure trip,whenI have seen a lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to the brim withexperience that needs to be sorted ou

27、t.Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty,and I wonderwhere my self is hiding.It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants,perhaps,and looking again at each one as though it were a person,by feedingthe two cats,by cooking a meal.【参考译文】孤独生活的回报与别人呆在一起时孤独感更为强烈,因为与他人在一起,即使是恋人,我们也

28、会被不同的品味,不同的性格,以及不同的情绪所困扰。人际交往要求我们必须磨掉感 知的棱角,在每每涉及个人私事时,我们因为怕伤害别人而避而不谈,或者害怕在社交场合不合时宜,比如过于暴露自己。而独自一人,我们便可以随心所欲,感受真正的自我。那真是有些奢侈的享受!我已独自生活了二十年。对我来说,独自生活最大意义在于它变得越来越有裨益。每当早晨醒来,看着旭日从海平面上冉冉升起,我知道后面还有整整一天。在这一天里,我可以不受打扰地写几页书,带着我的狗一起散散步,下午长时间地躺着想一些事情(为什么人躺着时能更好地思考?),读读书,听听音乐。想到这些,我便沉浸在幸福之中。只有在我过度劳累的时候,在我长时间不断

29、工作的时侯,在我感到内心空虚,需要充实的时候,我才会感到寂寞。有时,外出演讲回来,见了许多人,讲了许多话,心中满是纷乱的体验需要整理,偶尔也会觉得孤独。于是有那么一会儿,我感到整个房子非常大,空荡荡的。不知此时的自我又藏匿于何处。这时,我会给花草浇浇水,挨个瞅瞅,仿佛它们是活生生的人一样,或是喂喂两只小猫,亲手做顿饭菜,这样自我就慢慢地重新找回。2.Translate the following into English(60 points).南宁,广西壮族自治区首府,具有1680多年的历史。全市总面积22,112平方公里,总人口650万人。从2004年起南宁市成为中国-东盟博览会永久举办地,

30、是中国与东盟双向交流的重要枢纽城市和前沿城市。南宁市气候宜人,阳光充沛,物产丰富,是中国西部最宜人居住的“中国绿城”。农业综合生产能力不断提高,工业经济充满活力,第三产业势头强劲,基础设施日益完善,历史悠久,文化旅游资源丰富。各民族文化在这里交融升华,每年一届的南宁国际民歌艺术节活动缤纷灿烂。南宁还是中国优秀旅游城市,自然景观美丽如画。南宁,一座蓬勃发展的绿色之城,正以开放的胸怀、多元的文化、丰富的城市底蕴,笑迎天下来宾!【参考译文】Nanning,the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,has along history of

31、 over 1,680 years.The city has a total area of 22,112 squarekilometers and a total population of 6.5 million.Since 2004,Nanning hasbeen the permanent site of China-ASEAN Expo.It is the important hub citylinking China and ASEAN countries.Nanning,a Green City of China,is the most comfortable western c

32、ity inChina with a pleasant climate,plenty of sunshine and rich resources.Theoverall production capacity of agriculture has been constantly improved.Andthe industrial economy is vibrant.Tertiary industries are developing quicklyand the infrastructure is improving.Nanning has a long history and richt

33、ourism resources with a blending of ethnic cultures.The annual NanningInternational Folk Song Arts Festival is quite colorful and exciting.Nanningis an outstanding tourist city in China,with picturesque natural landscape.Nanning,a thriving Green City of China,welcomes its guests from allover the wor

34、ld with its open and diversified culture,and rich culturalbackground.2013年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part.Terminology and Phrase Translation(30%)Section A.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoChinese(15 points).1.cloud computing云计算【答案】2.CPI消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)【答案】3.energy drink能

35、量饮料【答案】4.relief sculpture浮雕【答案】5.racial segregation种族隔离【答案】6.insurmountable difficulty难以克服的困难【答案】7.to honor international obligations履行国际义务【答案】8.The Communist Manifesto共产党宣言【答案】9.weapon of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器【答案】10.gracious loser输得起的人【答案】11.landslide victory压倒性胜利【答案】12.conventional disarmament常

36、规裁军【答案】13.FBI(美国)联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)【答案】14.correspondence school函授学校【答案】15.international community国际社会【答案】Section B.Translate the following terms,phrases or acronyms intoEnglish(15 points).1.微博用户microblog user【答案】2.适度腐败Moderate corruption【答案】3.停薪留职suspension from duty without pay【

37、答案】4.国际惯例international conventions【答案】5.区域多边主义Regional multilateralism【答案】6.不竭动力inexhaustible driving force【答案】7.长治久安long period of stability【答案】8.能上能下prepared for both promotion and demotion【答案】9.最不发达国家least developed countries【答案】10.互相尊重主权和领土完整mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrit

38、y【答案】11.合法权益legitimate interest【答案】12.恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty【答案】13.以我个人的名义in my own name【答案】14.重温旧情,结交新友renew old friendship and establish new contacts【答案】15.冤家宜解不宜结Better to make friends than to make enemies.【答案】Part.Passage Translation(120%)1.Translate the following into Chinese(

39、60 points).It is worth saying something about the social position of beggars,forwhen one has consorted with them,and found that they are ordinary humanbeings,one cannot help being struck by the curious attitude that society takestowards them.People seem to feel that there is some essential differenc

40、ebetween beggars and ordinary“working”men.They are a race apartoutcasts,like criminals and prostitutes.Working men“work,”beggars do not“work”;they are parasites,worthless in their very nature.It is taken forgranted that a beggar does not“earn”his living,as a bricklayer or a literarycritic“earn”his.H

41、e is a mere social excrescence(疣;赘生物),toleratedbecause we live in a humane age,but essentially despicable.Yet if one looks closely one sees that there is no essential differencebetween a beggars livelihood and that of numberless respectable people.Beggars do not work,it is said;but,then,what is work

42、?A navvy works byswinging a pick.An accountant works by adding up figures.A beggar worksby standing out of doors in all weathers and getting varicose veins,chronicbronchitis,etc.It is a trade the likes any other;quite useless,of coursebut,then,many reputable trades are quite useless.And as a social

43、type a beggarcompares well with scores of others.He is honest compared with the sellersof most patent medicines,high-minded compared with a Sunday newspaperproprietor,amiable compared with a hire-purchase toutin short,a parasite,but a fairly harmless parasite.He seldom extracts more than a bare livi

44、ngfrom the community,and,what should justify him according to our ethicalideas,he pays for it over and over in suffering.I do not think there isanything about a beggar that sets him in a different class from other people,or gives most modern men the right to despise him.【参考译文】关于乞丐的社会地位是一个值得谈论的话题,因为当



47、小小的回报。我认为我么不应该把乞丐和其他人看作是不同的等级,或者赋予现代人轻视他们的权利。2.Translate the following into English(60 points).“中国式”交通尴尬问题的背后不仅与民众交通安全素养有关,更突显出部分城市交通规划缺乏科学性和管理精细化不足,尤其是人性化的城市公共服务理念缺位的问题。而刚刚闭幕的党的十八大,在为民众规划了从物质丰富到生态和谐再到人精神层面全面提升的美好蓝图的同时,也为如何消除中国式交通尴尬状况找到了一些新的方向,那就是回归以人为本。10月,有网友发微博称,“中国式过马路,就是凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关”。当天这条微

48、博被近10万名网友转发。“中国式过马路”迅速成为网络搜索高频词汇和媒体关注热点。有专家认为,某种意义讲,“中国式”交通尴尬是一个国家从农业文明向工业文明迅速转变过程中不可避免的问题,与社会转型期的阵痛相伴随,应理性看待,积极改革。【参考译文】The embarrassing“China-style”traffic is not only related to the poorpublic awareness of traffic safety,but also highlights the lack of scientificurban transport planning and fine

49、management,especially the absence of thehumanized urban public service concept.The just-concluded 18th National Congress of the CPC,however,provided a blueprint for improving the country from material wealth,ecological harmony to a comprehensive upgrade of human spirit.And itfound a new direction to

50、 eliminate the embarrassing situation of Chinesetraffic,which is putting people first.In October,a netizen posted that“The Chinese-style crossing the road isto go ahead with several people,regardless of the traffic lights.”The blogwas forwarded by 100,000 netizens that very day.“Chinese-style crossi

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