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1、英语写作中高级句式应用将乐一中 巫瑶环第1页How to write a good composition 第2页高考作文评分细则第五档(21-25分)1.覆盖全部内容关键点2.利用较多语法结构和词汇3.有效地使用英语句子之间连接成份,全文结构紧凑第3页 Studentshomework 假如你是李华。最近,你外国笔友戴维发来一封邮件,说他饮食不规律,缺乏锻炼,造成过分肥胖,经常被同学们嘲笑。为此他感到非常苦恼,特向你求援。请依据下面写作提醒给他写一封提议信。内容包含:1.对他表示同情;2.提出你提议;3.希望情况好转。第4页Student ADear David,-I can underst

2、and your mood.Dont be too nervous,take it easy.Here are some my advice:First,you should be more confident.Dont think about too much.Second,you can do some exercise.Such as,running,swimming and so on.Finally,you ought to have a balanced diet,eat more vegetables and fruits,and eat less meat.You will l

3、ose weight.I hope everything will be ok.Im looking forward to your reply.第5页Student BDear David,-because youre laughed at by your classmates for being overweight.Therefore,I will give you some suggestions.I think it is vital for you to live a healthy life.First,you should have a balanced diet.Second

4、,it would be a good idea to have three meals on time.Last but not least,youd better do some exercise in the morning,because its helpful to lose weight.You can run around your house,which is a good way to lose weight.I do hope my advice is useful to you.第6页Who writes betterWho writes better?第7页Studen

5、t A:语法基本正确,句式单一,多为简单句,三档或四档;Student B:句式变换丰富,语法利用正确并得体,如:It形式主语,强调句,非限制性定语从句 上下文衔接词,如:therefore,because,last but not least 五档 Comparison第8页Sample Dear David,-Now Id like to offer you some advice.I think its necessary for you to lead a healthy lifestyle now.First,you should have three meals on time i

6、nstead of eating snacks now and then.Second,it is a good idea to have a balanced diet that includes grain,meat,milk,fruit and vegetables to get enough energy.Third,I suggest you should get up early and take physical exercise every morning,which will help you lose weight and regain your confidence.I

7、hope my advice will be helpful to you.第9页Dear David,-Now Id like to offer you some advice I think its necessary for you to lead a healthy lifestyle now.First,you should have three meals on time instead of eating snacks now and then.Second,it is a good idea to have a balanced diet that includes grain

8、,meat,milk,fruit and vegetables to get enough energy.Third,I suggest you should get up early and take physical exercise every morning,which will help you lose weight and regain your confidence.I hope my advice will be helpful to you.第10页What we have learned?Some useful sentence patterns:1.Its+adj.+t

9、hat(vital,important,necessary,etc)Its+adj.+for sb.to do.2.Its+a pityshame pleasure+that3.Its done+that 4.Noun clauses(objective clauses,subjective clauses,predicative clauses,etc)5.find it adj.to do.(difficult,possible,interesting)6.Its+被强调+that第11页7.倒装句式:Not only-but also,Only+状语+部分倒装,So+adjadv tha

10、t 8.There is no doubt that,there is no need to do9.Which 引导非限制性定语从句。10.when,while,if,although,because 引导复合句。11.Its not until-that 12.With sb.sth doing doneto do.第12页Warming up training 第13页Translation1.我们有必要在学习中探寻有效方法。(Its necessary)2.杭州如此迷人,以至于我决定明年再去参观它一次。(so,that)3.有些人提议说父母应多陪同孩子。(Its done that)4

11、.它不但能够锻炼身体,而且还能减压。(not only,but also)5.作为老师,极难平衡工作和家庭生活。(Its hard)6.你必须恪守规则并举止得体,即使你以为他们不公平。(even if)7.我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意处处闲逛。(Would rather)8.只有用这么方法,我们才能提前完成任务。(Only+adv.)9.我每七天运动三次,这对我健康有好处。(which)10.有这么多家务活要干,你周末最好呆在家里。(with)第14页1.Hang Zhou is so attractive that I decide to visit it again.2.Its suggeste

12、d that parents should accompany children.3.It can not only build up our body but also release the stress.4.Its hard for teachers to balance work and family life.5.Its necessary for us to explore efficient ways in our study.6.You should obey the rules and behave yourself even if they 7.are unfair.8.7

13、.I would rather stay at home than hang around.9.8.Only in this way can we complete our task ahead of time.10.9.I do exercise three times a week,which is beneficial to our health.11.10.With so much housework to do,youd better stay at home.第15页假如你是李华,是某国际学校学生会主席。做家务有利于培养同学们独立生活能力、构建融洽家庭关系。现请用英语写一封倡议信。

14、内容包含:1.青少年学会做家务意义;2向同学们发出倡议。注意:词数100.Writing第16页Discussion in groups Making an outline 第17页StructurePara 1 express topic&opinionPara2 the reasons of doing housework(three or four points)Para3 calling on第18页Reasonsgood exercise,relaxcommunicate with parents train our skills,independent第19页Enjoy the s

15、ampleDear schoolmates,Many teenagers are not allowed to do housework at home so that they can spend more time on their lessons.However,I think we should share housework with our parents.Its known that sharing housework benefits us greatly.First,it strenghtens our family bonds.we can not only enjoy t

16、he pleasure of doing housework,but also communicate with our family members.Second,doing housework is a kind of physical exercise which builds up our body.More importantly,we can learn some basic living skills,which enables us to live independently when we grow up.Only in this way will we adapt our life.So lets set aside some time for housework everyday.Lets make doing housework part of our life.第20页Conclusion:If you want to get 25 points in composition,you need to use advanced sentence patterns properly.要想写出一篇有文采英语作文,就需要巧妙利用高级句型。第21页Good luck to you!Thank you第22页

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